Emacs prefix justifications? - emacs

Do any old-school emacs-ers know the justification for the prefix key's C-c and C-x? I'm binding my own keys for some custom functions, and I'm wondering if there's any sort of "standard" that defines consistency for these prefixes.
So far the only thing I've noticed is that C-x is used for manipulating buffers (C-x C-f, C-x C-s, etc), but I haven't found a general theme for C-c yet. Thoughts?

If you look at the manual, C-c followed by a single key is conventionally reserved for user-defined bindings, along with some other prefixes, which see.
I think people have a lot of strategies for managing their personal bindings, for example, I remap CapsLock to F2 and root most of my personal keymaps from there.


describe binding filtering in emacs

Is there a way to filter the list of available bindings (C-h b), so it will not show all the possible bindings but just the relevant ones for the used mode?
For example on org-mode, I get all the general C-x list plus all the bindings of the modes that have general key bindings plus all the major mode bindings, followed by all the org mode ones, followed by global bindings... 1369 lines in total... I'm using this view for learning my way around, perhaps there is a way to filter so as to find my way around.
I think you are looking for C-h m which runs the command describe-mode.
You will find more goodies in C-h C-h which runs the command help-for-help.
C-h m shows the doc for the current major mode, as well as currently enabled minor modes.
Often C-h m lists some of the more important local key bindings, that is, some of the bindings made for the current major mode. But not always, and typically it does not list all of the local bindings.
If you use library help-fns+.el then you can use command describe-keymap to list all of the local key bindings:
M-: (describe-keymap (current-local-map))
If you know the name of the local keymap variable (e.g. emacs-lisp-mode) then you can invoke describe-keymap interactively using C-h M-k, providing the map name at the prompt.
If you use Icicles then you can see all of the currently available key bindings using S-TAB (key completion). By default, the local bindings (i.e, those for the current major mode) are shown first, and are highlighted specially. (You can use C-, to sort the candidate bindings in other ways (by key name, prefix keys first; by command name).
After C-h b switch into Help-buffer and call M-xoccurRETorgRET which will display all lines containing "org".

Finding all the functions in various modes assigned to a specific shortcut

I'd like to find all the modes which do assign a function to some specific shortcut.
For example if I'm not mistaken a stock Emacs simply assigns (or defaults to) newline for S-return but while in org-mode S-return does invoke org-table-copy-down.
Is there an easy way to figure out which modes (both major and minor) do map a function to a specific shortcut? I can find all the shortcuts of one major mode using describe-mode but I'd like to find those for all the various modes. I don't mind if it were to only work for all the currently loaded modes.
Basically I'd like to find "free" or "relatively rarely re-mapped" key shortcuts, which are also easy to type (i.e. I'm not after doing "C-c a" because for a start C-c is a very convoluted key to reach and then having to then hit another key is one key too many for me. I'm more after re-mapping C-o, S-return, M-/ and other combo trivial and fast to reach).
You can find the current-mode bindings using C-h b.
You can get all of the keymaps currently available, using accessible-keymaps. You can find all the features loaded via variable features. But you would have to work to find all possible bindings for all possible modes from all files that you have loaded so far.
I recommend that you do it for a particular mode, one mode at a time. It's easy to check a given mode's key bindings.
You can even check the bindings of keymaps (such as minibuffer maps or the Isearch map) that are hard to see otherwise, if you use command C-h M-k (describe-keymap) from library `help-fns+.el. I use that when I want to see what keys are still available in a given keymap etc.
You can use
M-x describe-unbound-keys
to find out the free keys.
This is from third party library as said in comments.
I don't know the answer to your specific question, but I can give you my solution to getting easy-to-type keybindings that don't conflict with other modes.
In my set up, I've remappped CAPS-LOCK to Alt. Most people map it to CTRL, but I can hit CTRL relatively easily, while ALT is difficult. With this set-up, one of the easiest key combos to hit is M-space. So I use this as my own private keymap:
(define-prefix-command 'ty-keymap)
(global-set-key "\M- " ty-keymap)
(define-key ty-keymap " " 'just-one-space)
(define-key ty-keymap "j" 'join-next-line)
(define-key ty-keymap "s" 'mark-sexp)
(define-key ty-keymap "c" 'org-capture)
Note: by default, M-space is bound to just-one-space, which is useful. I've moved that to M-space-space. Bouncing my thumb twice on the spacebar is only a fraction slower than hitting it once, so it's not a big loss.
Since M-space isn't a keymap by default, this setup allows me to use all the keys on the keyboard, without further modification. That's a lot of real-estate, guaranteed to be free of any conflict with other packages - since well-behaved packages won't clobber a basic Emacs keybinding.
You might prefer another key combo, but the idea is the same. You could even use a function key as your prefix-command, so you could do <f5> followed by a letter for your commands.

Avoiding overlapped keybindings in emacs?

I have done some searching around and can not quite find what I am looking for so I figured I would ask. This could be due to not using the right terms however.
I am new to emacs, having used vim for eight years or so, but I really need an editor I can morph to my will so I am switching. Now in vim there is a leader key you can define to avoid overlapping bindings with various extensions. In emacs there are supposed to be chords set aside for the user only but various modes do not adhere to this. Is there a way in emacs I can ensure my custom bindings do not overlap similar to the vim leader key? The reason I ask is I want to keep my bindings sane.
The manual details the conventions:
C-hig (elisp) Key Binding Conventions RET
Sequences reserved for the end-user are:
C-c<letter> for any (un-modified) upper or lower case letter: [A-Za-z]
Function keys F5, F6, F7, F8, F9 (again, without modifier keys)
I recommend using the easiest of these sequences as prefix bindings, as you can then follow them with any key at all, giving you a large number of options.
Someone else's recommendation that I liked was to unbind C-z if you don't commonly use suspend-frame, as that opens up another convenient prefix.
Of course, if you set up Super and Hyper modifier keys for your OS & keyboard, you would likely gain more convenient sequences than you could find uses for. This is a very reasonable option for many people with the additional modifier keys found on many modern keyboards.
Finally, the key-chord library is quite a popular way of creating new convenient and non-conflicting bindings by using pairs of (un-modified) keys typed together or in quick succession (or a single key tapped twice). This works very well in my experience, although you obviously have to be very careful to avoid binding sequences which might occur naturally.
I personally use C-' as my 'leader key' for my personal keybinding map. You can create the prefix and bind keys to it like so:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-'") ctl-quote-map)
(define-key ctl-quote-map (kbd "C-p") 'stumpwm-move-window-up)
(define-key ctl-quote-map (kbd "C-n") 'stumpwm-move-window-down)
(define-key ctl-quote-map (kbd "C-f") 'stumpwm-move-window-right)
(define-key ctl-quote-map (kbd "C-b") 'stumpwm-move-window-left)
(define-key ctl-quote-map (kbd "r") 'stumpwm-interactive-resize-window)
Nobbody steps over something that obscure, and if you use the left control it's a balanced double pinky motion. C-; is also good, which is what I use for the stumpwm escape key.
There are Emacs keybinding conventions, some of which honestly surprised me.
The relevant pieces are that C-c [a-zA-Z] and <F[5-9]> are reserved for end users.
Good answers so far:
I'd throw in free-keys as a good way to check your binding is free before creating it - to avoid overlapping with yourself. helm-descbinds is good for finding your existing bindings to help you remember them as well incidentally.

ajax-like command helper for EMACS?

I am new to Emacs. I find it is powerful and very convenient IF one can master its set of commands. I also believe anyone can do this with patience, and the eagerness to learn and USE the software. However it will be much nicer for beginners, and seasonal users to have some command helper plugin that do following thing:
When the user start typing any CONTROL or META, COMMAND, or any special keys, a "ajax-like" or "smart search" window appear below or in the minibuffer showing help text like, for example: If I hold "CONTROL", command helper windows shows:
C-p Up one line
C-n Down one line
C-f Forward one character
C-b Backward one character
C-a Beginning of line
C-e End of line
C-x ...
Then if I continue to type "x" while holding "CONTROL", the window will update and show something like:
C-x C-a add-mode-abbrev
C-x C-b list-buffers
C-x C-c save-buffers-kill-emacs
C-x C-d list-directory
C-x C-e eval-last-sexp
C-x C-f find-file
C-x C-h inverse-add-mode-abbrev
C-x TAB indent-rigidly
C-x C-l downcase-region
C-x C-n set-goal-column
C-x C-o delete-blank-lines
I have tried googling it, but it doesn't seem exist yet. So I guess this is more a feature request for EMACS rather then a question. But it is great if somebody can write a plugin/module to do this.
I do not believe this is out there, but I also believe that it is not really needed. It would just clutter the screen, though, maybe for a rookie it might be indeed useful.
For now, you might consider printing a cheatsheet.
Do not lose hope, I learned it without any sort of help, the key is indeed to just use it often.
Also, there is quite a good logic behind it all, so if you read up the structure in a cheatsheet or anywhere else, then it might help you "guess" what is the right key combo sooner than later.
EDIT: I actually myself asked a similar question, at least the same functionality was required. I accepted an answer which apparently mentions that Icicles offers this functionality.
Also, one advise is that after you type the prefix key, e.g. C-c, typing C-h afterwards will show you the possible completions.
This leads me to the following:
I believe we could use code like:
"If last key is a prefix key, run C-h*, switch back to previous buffer and rehit the last prefix key"
*this is a general method, working even for my own poorly designed minor mode
I also don't know an existing package that would do that, but here's a couple of tips.
To get an overview of all available bindings, press C-h b. The displayed buffer looks fairly raw, because it includes all ways used to enter special characters (and they are usually at the top), but you can search it with C-s if you remember at least a part of the command name.
If you know the prefix (e.g. C-x) but don't remember what comes next, you can follow it with C-h instead (type C-x C-h). That will bring up a similar buffer that only contains bindings that start with the same prefix. It's one of the more obscure features, I think.
Speaking of "if I hold Ctrl", though, showing hints when you've just pressed Ctrl and nothing else if currently impossible to implement at the Lisp level. That would require some lower-level changes.
There are too many keybindings in emacs for this to be practically useful.
I agree with the other responses and just wanted to add that I found the built-in tutorial very useful for getting past the basics. You can reach the tutorial with C-h t.
You'll probably end up changing several of the default bindings, but learning them will help you find your way around new modes (assuming that they work in an "emacsy" way).
I come back to this be cause I found a perfect solution and can't live without it: The emacs-helm and which-key

emacs get rid of C-x

Is there a way I can stop needing C-X before any shortcut and, for example, just use C-c to leave?
Also, if possible, what disadvantages could this have?
I'm looking for a simpler way of using GNU Emacs, but not sure if I can find one.
(this is too long for a comment)
Not really an answer but I know that some people hate the "C-x anything" in Emacs not just because you have to "type a lot of keys" but also because from a touch-typing point of view C-x doesn't make that much sense.
But of course in Emacs everything is configurable. I'm using "C-," instead of C-x and I honestly find it much easier this way.
I use my left pinky to hit CTRL, which is the key physically located at the left of 'a' on a QWERTY keyboard: i.e. the key that used to be CTRL but that now often is labelled CAPS-Lock [and you can remap it to CTRL].
I then touch-type ',' with my right hand.
To this end I added this to my config:
(define-key global-map [(control ,)] ctl-x-map)
You won't have less keys to type to do, say, a C-x C-c (which you can now do both by doing C-x C-c or by doing C-, C-c), but at least you won't be distorting your fingers as much ; )
Also note that as explained here (see user "scottfrazer"'s +40+ upvoted and accepted answer) it may be better to create a minor mode for all your key mappings instead of directly define a global mapping:
Globally override key binding in Emacs
My recommendation is to first learn the standard Emacs key bindings, then, after a while change whichever ones you think will do you the most good to change.
See also CUA mode, in the Emacs docs -- I don't use or recommend CUA mode, but a lot of people (esp. newbies?) use it to keep their cut, copy, paste key habits.
After looking at the source code of boon.el, I found out about ctl-x-map. C-x is a prefix key, prefix keys often have their own maps.
To use M-m for C-x shortcuts and unbind C-x, use this
(global-set-key (kbd "M-m") 'ctl-x-map)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x") nil)
I think it is a very bad idea, because the C-x prefix can handle such situations like C-x s vs C-x C-s. And: you are really f*cked when you read emacs tutorials and have your own keybindings
If you want some other keybindings read ErgoEmacs Keybinding or How to Set Emacs's User Interface to Modern Conventions