Suggestions on sendbird chat with angular 8 - chat

I am having difficulty finding a solution for adding one to one for either pubnub chat or sendbird chat with angular 8. Ideally, it would be in a messages component and have a left side with all the members the user is chatting with and then a chat area. Can anyone share a resource ( not just sendbird/pubnub chat javascript SDK ). Anyone have a mock component.html and component.ts? Something that I can see how it works.

You might be looking for something like - but this is built in React.
It has a live sample app with UI that shows you the channels you belong to on the left and you can click the 'people' icon on the top right to see who all is online in a particular channel. There is full source code available on Github as well for you to deploy as-is or customize as per your needs.
This (somewhat older, but still pertinent) series of blog posts specific to building a Chat app with AngularJS should help you - - it contains a fully working Angular app demo as well.
Beyond this, let me know what functionality are you looking for and I am happy to point you to a place that describes how to accomplish that.

For angular 8, use node js to handle all pubnub configurations and route angular request to pubnub through node js. That's what I did with my angular 8 project


Is there any ways to create a Carousel in Watson Assistant

I have a project which needs to show a Carousel. I tried many ways but no other things work for me. Tried many Javascript and HTML Carousel but none of them works in Watson. It has been for several days. It is really mandatory anyone who knows anyways please help me.
thank you.
You can create carousels and other rich UI elements with Botonic (a React Framework for building conversational apps) and integrate it with Watson using the official #botonic/plugin-watson
For one of our projects we also needed a picture carousel, which currently Watson Assistant via the rich formats does not support (i.e. multiple images within an array). We therefore created our own json rich response output that then triggered a carousel output within the Watson Web chat "client". You can extend the default Watson Web chat, to handle your own responses. See custom content for the Watson Web Chat ( ) & custom response types. The original developer notes for the Watson Web Chat did have a carousel example, but don't see that there anymore.

Advanced features with Flutter Driver (or Silenium/Ghost Inspector)

Looking for a UI integration test strategy for Flutter. We'd love to use Silenium/Ghost Inspector but seems that is not practical due to lack of html id's or CSS classes in Flutter (Add id or name property or other means of identification for Flutter Web applications?). Or has anyone found a way round that?
In the meantime Flutter Driver has only very basic documentation for simple tests like finding a button and pressing the button. Anyone know if I can do other operations like navigate to a specific page (e.g. using a # url fragment), test a link which leads to an external site, check visual setup of the page against an image, and other such tests which would be standard in Silenium and the like.
Well seems Flutter Driver is still very limited so I have instead found a strategy for using Selenium, posted full details here:
Strategy to use Selenium browser testing with Flutter Web apps

Flutter App Introduction with User Interaction

I would like to create an Animated App Walkthrough however I don't want something like Onboarding Screen.Let me give you an example to make it clear what I wanted :
For Example assume user login the app for the first time then the user needs to follow some instructions in order to learn the basics and unknown things of the app. So rather than a simple image or animation at Onboarding Screen, I want user to interact(touch) the shown places on the app.
Also , I look at flare where I could create animation but I couldnt find how to add interaction which I exactly want.
The Material Design solution to this problem is Feature Discovery.
There is a package for this on Pub called feature_discovery.
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There are not any standalone implementations in the form of plugins for Flutter that I am aware of available at the moment. However, there is an open source implementation created by Matthew Carrol, which was published on GitHub.
Alongside the code, he created an in-depth video tutorial showing and explaining the creation process:

How to implement typeahead using ionic without bootstrap

I'm new to Ionic and would like to implement a typeahead for displaying the users list without using Bootstrap and would love if provided with an example .
I was looking for something similar for an ionic app I was building. I can provide a few links that you can look at and choose the most appropriate for your case.
The last link is written is great tutorial written in pure angular. The first two links are projects you need to include in your app and then use them as directives to achieve your goal. Cheers!

Google web toolkits - multiple pages

On the google website there an example of a simple GWT appliatoin, following is a link:
The above application has a host page:StockWatcher.html
and is the entry point.
If I wanted to add more html pages to this application, we keep one single host page and the entry point will add different panels depending on which link the user clicked on? In this case, how to know which link the user clicked on? If I create a navigation panel and each link has a request parameter, then after the user clicks on the link, How to get the request parameter?
Are there any tutorials available online on how to create a fully functional application? The one example google provides is too simple.
Thanks so much in advance
You have two options to have multiple page web application using gwt.
1) Use gwt history feature and listen for the history change. In this approach at the initial page load itself browser downloads all the javascripts(Including the widgets which are not useful in current link). Still this can be avoided by using gwt code splitting.
2) Create multiple modules. In this case you have to create multiple html pages and GWT entry points. For each major functionality create a gwt module and link that with [modulename].html file. In this approach browser downloads only particular feature's javascript. Not all the javascripts.
Based on your application requirement you can pick one of the option. IMHO I would suggesst second option.