Why web.<environment>.config is present after File Transform in release pipeline - azure-devops

In my release pipeline I am using File Transform option for my web.config.
I have web.config and web.staging.config
File transform is working and changes are applied in web.config but why web.staging.config is still present in the final deployed package.
Am I missing any configuration or this a normal behaviour?

For this issue , with XML file transformation, the web.xxx.config file is required. The transform will be applied when publish web app to web deploy package or publish to server directly per to the configuration.
As stated in the documentation: You need to create a Web Application package with the necessary configuration and transform files.
So if you want to removing all config transforms, as a workaround , you could add a Delete-files task in the end to remove all configuration files. For example:
Source Folder:
Here is a case with similar issue , you can refer to it for details.


Blazer Server App - Add web.config settings

I have a Blazor Server app that is running under IIS. I see that it generates a web.config file upon publish with some settings in it.
I need to add some more settings to the web.config as they are used by another component (asp.net 4 app). Does anyone know which file I need to create/modify in order to be able to add these values.
At this stage I do not need to use transforms on the web.config, but it would be nice to know this as well.
What I found is that the web.config works as per Asp.Net Core documentation. In brief for a Blazor server app hosted under IIS (this is my understanding)
If there is no web.config existing in the root of the project directory, one is created during the build and copied to the bin directory. It will contain default information.
If a web.config exists in the root of the project directory, it is copied to the bin folder unmodified (note: it requires some default settings inside).
If transforms exist, they will be applied.
I didn't realise that the web.config is created if it did not exist hence my original question.
Also, I have not been able to get transforms to work yet.
I found that if you publish the project the web.config in the root gets ignored and uses the auto-generated one.
Adding this to my blazor project file solved it and can see the web.config getting published to Azure now:

TDS File Replacement

I want to deploy some front end assets to the local web root of a site using file replacement. I can't seem to get it to work with a relative path in the target location field though. Is it possible to do this though tds or should I use a post build event instead?
The reason these assets aren't included in a project is that they are part of a third party solution but we still want this tracked in source control to try to make the project setup easier.
Most developer machines will be set up the same way for this project with the same file structure but I think it's a little more flexible if I can make the target a relative path so I don't need to worry about differences like drive letters and such.
The folder structure is as follows:
I have tried the following using ..'s based on what tds changed my source location to be while using the "Make selected Source Location relative" option (changed it from an absolute path to ..\folderToCopy\):
From my understanding, TDS does the file replacement based on the files published from the associated Website project.
You can then have relative replacements such as the following:
<Replacement Include=".\assets\folderToCopy\myFile.txt">
I have not been able to successfully get TDS to use the file replacement with files that are in source control but not in the project.
My suggestion would be to set up a build event that will copy these files to the correct location, or to create a nuget feed for them and pull them in as nuget references.

Generating Web.Config Transform File from existing spearate Web Config

Is there a method/process that can take a web config file, i.e. WebConfigDev, and a second web config file, i.e. WebConfigQA, and generate a web config transform file for WebConfigDev to WebConfigQA?
I'm looking to have the files generated automatically because I currently have separate config files for each environment that I manually rename when deploying to a new environment. Each config file is fairly extensive and would require a fair amount of time to rework by hand and I'm hoping there is a more efficient way to do this.
Unfortunately there is not an existing utility within Visual Studio 2010 to do this.

Applying web.config transformations locally

I have a transform for my web.config that currently works if I publish to Azure, but it's not working locally when I build/run. How can I go about "Publishing" locally so the Local transformations are applied to my web.config on my dev box?
Currently I right-click > publish to Azure, do I need to create a new publish profile for my local box? Is there any way to get the transforms to work on Build instead?
It depends on which dev server you are using. As #Citronas said on this answer:
It depends on how you debug. If you are using Cassini, afaik your
web.config contents will be read regardless of the selected solution
configuration (e.g. Debug or Release).
If you are debugging with your
local IIS, it depends on what you have set the path in the IIS to. If
you have set it to your source code directory, you need to write your
local settings into your web.config. If you publish your code into a
local directory and set the IIS path accordingly, you can use
web.config transforms. (You said, that your web.config transforms are
You do not need to publish locally (even though you can do that, publish to local IIS then attach the debugger to the worker process of the application pool) since it is annoying. The easiest way is to simple have your debug settings in the web.config file and then apply transforms for your "publishable" environments.
In short: do not use transforms for debug, only for publishing. Use the regular web.config to debug.

TFS Build Website deployment package web.config transformation not working

So I am trying to use TFS Build for generating deployment packages for my 3 environments (ST, UAT, Prod).
This what I followed to successfully genrate the package locally.
So my local machine will generate the package for the acyive configuration and everything is good. Here is my Build definition :
I run my solution file and the web deployment project in the Projects To Build.
It creates the respective folders with ST, UAT and PROD. In each of these there is a _PublishedWebsites folder. This folder have 2 folders.
1) MydeploymentProject - It contains the transformed web.config
2) MyDeploymentProject_Package - Contains the Package folder contents along with the zip file and setparameters files. Here the everything is not transformed. But if I check the TempBuildDir on the TFS server it does contain the transformed config.
When compared the logs local and on server, I found that the on my local After transformation files are updated and package is created whereas on TFS the AfterBuild target is called transformation done and it ends there.
this is my local log
Target "WPPCopyWebApplicaitonPipelineCircularDependencyError" skipped, due to false condition; ($(WPPCopyWebApplicaitonPipelineCircularDependencyError)) was evaluated as (False).
Target "ProcessItemToExcludeFromDeployment" in file "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets" from project "C:\TAX-IT\Main\Source\TDDB\TDDB_deploy2\TDDB_deploy2.wdproj" (target "PipelineCollectFilesPhase" depends on it):
Done building target "ProcessItemToExcludeFromDeployment" in project "TDDB_deploy2.wdproj".
Target "GetProjectWebProperties" in file "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets" from project "C:\TAX-IT\Main\Source\TDDB\TDDB_deploy2\TDDB_deploy2.wdproj" (target "PipelineCollectFilesPhase" depends on it):
Using "GetProjectProperties" task from assembly "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WebDeployment\v10.0\....\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll".
Task "GetProjectProperties"
I am not sure what is wrong.
Also I installed VS2010, web deploy 2.0 and 3.0 and web deployment tools on my Build servers.
Anyone have faced this and resolved.
Please help.
From what I've gathered from your description, you have everything set up correctly. It seems like you are just missing the "Configuration" parameter. When you do run the Build Definition, it uses the configuration specified in your "Configurations to Build" argument. If you want to have multiple configurations built (like you are suggesting), you'll need to have multiple configurations defined. One question I have is: When you look at the logs of the TFS Build Process, do you see multiple configurations built, or do you only see one? If you only see one, then you don't have all of the configurations defined in order to transform the config file. According to your description, you'll need to see something like this in your build definition configuration:
If you don't want to deploy to a webserver, you can stop reading here, and don't have to continue on.
If you choose to use a TFS Build Definition to deploy to a web server, you'll need to have a target web server somewhere and you'll need to install and configure the Web Deploy v2/v3 on that server as well.
When you are using TFS Build Definitions to deploy, the transformation happens upon deployment, not during packaging (prior to deployment). It may package up a transformed config somewhere, but it won't actually transform the config bundled with the website. The only way I've been able to get the deployment to actually work with a transformed config is when I had a website specified in the MSBUILD args. Here is an example of my MSBUILD args:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MSDeployPublish /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=RemoteAgent /p:MsDeployServiceUrl=MyWebServer/MsDeployAgentService /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyWebsite as named in IIS" /p:UserName=MyDomain\MyWebDeployUser /p:Password=MyWebDeployPassword
If you don't want MSBUILD to do the actual deployment (I prefer not to because then your deployment process is tied to TFS), you can do the deployment after the build process and use the CTT Project, found on codeplex. This tool performs the exact same transformations as MSBUILD, but it also includes the ability to parameterize settings so you can define classes of environments (for example, 3 QA environments, 2 Staging Environments, etc.) and still use the respective transforms for that class of environment.