Crystal Reports page numbering - crystal-reports

I am using CR to create a catalogue from multiple sales quotes. I will print these multiple quotes into a binder as a sales catalogue.
My issue is that the page numbering needs to start at a different value based upon the quote's final place in the catalogue. I have the following formula referencing a UDF on the sales order header
{OQUT.U_CatPageNo} as the starting page number: -
IF PageNumber = 1 Then
This works fine on both the left and right side of the page footer. My issue comes when trying to suppress the number based upon whether it is a left or right facing page. I am using the following formula: -
IF {OQUT.U_GLKREF} = 'L' Then PageNumber MOD 2 = 1
{OQUT.U_GLKREF} indicates whether it is a 'L' for left or 'R' for right-facing page however, the syntax seems to be ignoring the {OQUT.U_GLKREF} = 'L' segment.

Ok, after some rest time and clearer thing I think I have solved it this way: -
For the left page i'm using: -
IF{OQUT.U_GLKREF} = 'R' Then PageNumber MOD 2 = 1
PageNumber MOD 2 = 0
For the right page i'm using: -
IF {OQUT.U_GLKREF} = 'L' Then PageNumber MOD 2 = 1
It seems to be solid so far.


Manipulating last two rows if there's data based on a Cut date

This question is a slightly varied version of this one...
Now I'm using Measures instead of Calculated columns and the date is static instead of having it based on a dropdown list.
Here's the Power BI test .pbix file:
This printscreen describes what I'm trying to accomplish:
Basically the date in P6 Update table is used as a cut date and will be fixed\static. It's imported from an Excel sheet where the user can customize it however they want.
Here's what should happen when a matching row in Test data table is found for P6 Update date:
column Earned Daily - must have its value summed with the next row if there's one;
column Earned Cum - must grab the next row's value;
all the previous rows should remain intact, that is, their values won't change;
all subsequent rows must have their values assigned 0.
So for example:
If P6 Update is 1-May-2018, this is the expected result:
1-May 7,498 52,106
2-May 0 0
If P6 Update is 30-Apr-2018, this is the expected result:
30-Apr 13,173 50,699
1-May 0 0
2-May 0 0
If P6 Update is 29-Apr-2018, this is the expected result:
29-Apr 11,906 44,608
30-Apr 0 0
1-May 0 0
2-May 0 0
and so on...
Hope this makes sense.
This is easier in Excel, but trying to do this in Power BI is making me go nuts.
I will ignore previously asked related questions and start from scratch.
First, create a measure:
Current Earn =
SUM( 'Test data'[Value]),
'Test data'[Act Rem] = "Actual Units",
'Test data'[Type] = "Current"
This measure will be used in other measures, to save you from typing all these conditions ("Actual Units" and "Current") again and again. It's a great practice to re-use measures in other measures - saves work, makes code cleaner and easier to refactor.
Create another measure:
Cut Date = SELECTEDVALUE('P6 Update'[Date])
We will use this measure whenever we need a cut off date. Please note that it does not have to be hard-coded - if P6 table contains a list of dates, you can create a pull-down slicer from the dates, and can choose the cut-off date dynamically. The formula will work properly.
Create third measure:
Next Earn =
VAR Cut_Date = [Cut Date]
VAR Current_Date = MAX ( 'Test data'[Date] )
VAR Next_Date = Current_Date + 1
VAR Current_Earn = [Current Earn]
VAR Next_Earn = CALCULATE ( [Current Earn], 'Test data'[Date] = Next_Date )
Current_Date < Cut_Date, Current_Earn,
Current_Date = Cut_Date, Current_Earn + Next_Earn,
I am not sure if "Next Earn" is a good name for it, hopefully you will find a more intuitive name. The way it works: we save all necessary inputs into variables, and then use SWITCH function to define the results. Hopefully it's self-explanatory. (Note: if you need 0 above Cut Date, replace BLANK() with 0).
Finally, we define a measure for cumulative earn. It does not require any special logic, because previous measure takes care of it properly:
Cum Earn =
VAR Current_Date = MAX('Test data'[Date])
[Next Earn],
FILTER(ALL('Test data'[Date]), 'Test data'[Date] <= Current_Date))

Display number of rows on printout

If an Order contains 2 lines or more, my report sums it up and prints the whole quantity of items. It should print whichever line I have chosen:
NumberVar ItemCount := ItemCount + 1;
ToText(ItemCount, "0") & "/"
& ToText(Count({rpt_PackingSlip.LabelQTY}, {rpt_PackingSlip.WorkOrderNo}),0,"")
For example, the order below contains a chair called Buzz, but the order contains 3 lines since each has different fabric. The total order quantity is 5:
If I print, the label count shows 1 out of 4 - which automatically sums the chair. If I select the first line, expected output is Buzz 1/2.. and 2/2. Currently output displays Buzz 1/4.. 2/4.. 3/4.. 4/4.. even if I just clicked 1st line. How can I achieve this result?
You'll want to reset the counter on each group. Just create a second formula and drop it in the group header:
global numbervar ItemCount := 0;

Crystal Report sum by column

The Problem
This is the problem with my crystal report, I need to sum values from different columns with the same name.
Create a formula for each material that, depending on what position it is, returns the value for it.
For example, 1210P_Kg could follow the logic of:
IF {Material 1} = "1210P" Then {Material 1_Kg}
Else IF {Material 2} = "1210P" Then {Material 2_Kg}
Else IF {Material 3] = "1210P" Then {Material 3_Kg}
Then, show the sum of each of these formulas in a footer section.
A more powerful solution would be to use a UNION view, command, or SP to turn each record into 3 records with Material, Kg, etc.

Getting the total number of records in PagedList

The datagrid that I use on the client is based on SQL row number; it also requires a total number of pages for its paging. I also use the PagedList on the server.
SQL Profiler shows that the PagedList makes 2 db calls - the first to get the total number of records and the second to get the current page. The thing is that I can't find a way to extract that total number of records from the PagedList. Therefore, currently I have to make an extra call to get that total which creates 3 calls in total for each request, 2 of which are absolutely identical. I understand that I probably won't be able to rid of the call to get the totals but I hate to call it twice. Here is an extract from my code, I'd really appreciate any help in this:
var t = from c in myDb.MyTypes.Filter<MyType>(filterXml) select c;
response.Total = t.Count(); // my first call to get the total
double d = uiRowNumber / uiRecordsPerPage;
int page = (int)Math.Ceiling(d) + 1;
var q = from c in myDb.MyTypes.Filter<MyType>(filterXml).OrderBy(someOrderString)
select new ReturnType
Something = c.Something
response.Items = q.ToPagedList(page, uiRecordsPerPage);
PagedList has a .TotalItemCount property which reflects the total number of records in the set (not the number in a particular page). Thus response.Items.TotalItemCount should do the trick.

sum two values from different datasets using lookups in report builder

I have a report that should read values from 2 dataset by Currency:
Dataset1: Production Total
Dataset2: Net Total
Ive tried to use:
This returns only the first amount from dataset 2.
I've tried Lookupset function as well but it didn't SUM the retrieved values.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Jamie for the reply.
THis is what i have done and it worked perfect:
From Report Properties--> Code , write the below function:
Function SumLookup(ByVal items As Object()) As Decimal
If items Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim suma As Decimal = New Decimal()
Dim ct as Integer = New Integer()
suma = 0
ct = 0
For Each item As Object In items
suma += Convert.ToDecimal(item)
If (ct = 0) Then return 0 else return suma
End Function
Then you can call the function:
code.SumLookup(LookupSet(Fields!Currency_Type.Value, Fields!Currency_Type1.Value,Fields!Gross_Premium_Amount.Value, "DataSet2"))
Yes, Lookup will only return the first matching value. Three options come to mind:
Change your query, so that you only need to get one value: use a GROUP BY and SUM(...) to combine your two rows in the query. If you are using this query other places, then make a copy and change that.
Is there some difference in the rows? Such as one is for last year and one is for this year? If so, create an artificial lookup key and lookup the two values separately:
=Lookup(Fields!Currency_Type.Value & ","
& YEAR(DATEADD(DateInterval.Year,-1,today())),
Fields!Currency_Type1.Value & ","
& Fields!Year.Value,
Lookup(Fields!Currency_Type.Value & ","
& YEAR(today()),
Fields!Currency_Type1.Value & ","
& Fields!Year.Value,
Use the LookupSet function as mentioned. With this you'll get a collection of the values back, and then need to add those together. The easiest way to do this is with embedded code in the report. Add this function to the report's code:
Function AddList(ByVal items As Object()) As Double
If items Is Nothing Then
Return 0
End If
Dim Total as Double
Total = 0
For Each item As Object In items
Total = Total + CDbl(item)
Return Total
End Function
Now call that with:
(Note: this code was not tested. I just composed it in the Stack Overflow edit window & I'm no fan of VB. But it should give you a good idea of what to do.)