Manipulating last two rows if there's data based on a Cut date - date

This question is a slightly varied version of this one...
Now I'm using Measures instead of Calculated columns and the date is static instead of having it based on a dropdown list.
Here's the Power BI test .pbix file:
This printscreen describes what I'm trying to accomplish:
Basically the date in P6 Update table is used as a cut date and will be fixed\static. It's imported from an Excel sheet where the user can customize it however they want.
Here's what should happen when a matching row in Test data table is found for P6 Update date:
column Earned Daily - must have its value summed with the next row if there's one;
column Earned Cum - must grab the next row's value;
all the previous rows should remain intact, that is, their values won't change;
all subsequent rows must have their values assigned 0.
So for example:
If P6 Update is 1-May-2018, this is the expected result:
1-May 7,498 52,106
2-May 0 0
If P6 Update is 30-Apr-2018, this is the expected result:
30-Apr 13,173 50,699
1-May 0 0
2-May 0 0
If P6 Update is 29-Apr-2018, this is the expected result:
29-Apr 11,906 44,608
30-Apr 0 0
1-May 0 0
2-May 0 0
and so on...
Hope this makes sense.
This is easier in Excel, but trying to do this in Power BI is making me go nuts.

I will ignore previously asked related questions and start from scratch.
First, create a measure:
Current Earn =
SUM( 'Test data'[Value]),
'Test data'[Act Rem] = "Actual Units",
'Test data'[Type] = "Current"
This measure will be used in other measures, to save you from typing all these conditions ("Actual Units" and "Current") again and again. It's a great practice to re-use measures in other measures - saves work, makes code cleaner and easier to refactor.
Create another measure:
Cut Date = SELECTEDVALUE('P6 Update'[Date])
We will use this measure whenever we need a cut off date. Please note that it does not have to be hard-coded - if P6 table contains a list of dates, you can create a pull-down slicer from the dates, and can choose the cut-off date dynamically. The formula will work properly.
Create third measure:
Next Earn =
VAR Cut_Date = [Cut Date]
VAR Current_Date = MAX ( 'Test data'[Date] )
VAR Next_Date = Current_Date + 1
VAR Current_Earn = [Current Earn]
VAR Next_Earn = CALCULATE ( [Current Earn], 'Test data'[Date] = Next_Date )
Current_Date < Cut_Date, Current_Earn,
Current_Date = Cut_Date, Current_Earn + Next_Earn,
I am not sure if "Next Earn" is a good name for it, hopefully you will find a more intuitive name. The way it works: we save all necessary inputs into variables, and then use SWITCH function to define the results. Hopefully it's self-explanatory. (Note: if you need 0 above Cut Date, replace BLANK() with 0).
Finally, we define a measure for cumulative earn. It does not require any special logic, because previous measure takes care of it properly:
Cum Earn =
VAR Current_Date = MAX('Test data'[Date])
[Next Earn],
FILTER(ALL('Test data'[Date]), 'Test data'[Date] <= Current_Date))


How to get corresponding price of the smallest date chosen in date slicer in Power BI

I am quite new to working with DAX and Power BI so please don't judge. My problem seems (and might be) simple. Anyways, here we go:
I have a dataset that contains 3 colulmns: Date (date), Price (float), Performance (%)
Attribute descriptions:
Date and Price are constants that are pulled from an external data source. Performance is a variable of the price change over time in percent. It is the percentage change of the price of the current date to the first date in the time-series selection (Selected "from date" of date slicer visual).
I want to create a dynamic line chart that shows performance over time. Difficulty here is when I change the "from date" I want the performance to be variable. Meaning, the price of the chosen "from date" is the new base price and should be calculated accordingly.
Date = t, price at date t = pt, performance at date t = pert
Date range:
1.1.2000 to 31.12.2010
Initial situation when "date from" in the date slicer visual = 1.1.2000:
t0 = 1.1.2000
pt0 = 5,00
pert0 = 0%
t5 = 6.1.2000
pt5 = 5,054
pert5 = (pt5-pt0)/pt0 = 1.08%
After changing date slicer so that "from date" is now 10.10.2009:
t0new = 10.10.2009
pt0new = 9,938
pert0new = 0%
t5new = 15.10.2009
pt5new = 9,832
pert5new = (pt5-pt0)/pt0 = -1,05%
As described, I want whatever is selected as starting point from the date slicer as the new base value for the performance calculation and the line chart should adjust accordingly.
I know how to do the dynamic line chart but I cannot figure out the measures and calculated columns I need to do so.
Any help is very much appreciated!
Calculate the benchmark as the price associated to the first date in
the period. SELECTEDVALUE assumes you have one price per Date,
otherwise use an aggregator (e.g. MIN, MAX, AVERAGE). I use ALLSELECTED so the Benchmark is affected only by Filter Context (slicers) and you can easily use it in visualizations that change the context.
Save our benchmark in a variable for later use
Divide each price by the benchmark. Here we need to apply an aggregator to the Price,
I used AVERAGE assuming you have only one Price per day, therefore, the result is the
price itself.
Here is the measure:
Price vs Dynamic Benchmark :=
VAR vbenchmark = CALCULATE(SELECTEDVALUE(Dataset[Price]),FILTER(ALL( Dataset[Date]), Dataset[Date] = CALCULATE(min(Dataset[Date])), ALLSELECTED(Dataset))
AVERAGE(Price) / vbenchmark

If-Else-Then with today()

i am currently trying to write some code that goes through my data and marks a number 0-12 based off the date in the "Week" column. this number appears in a new column called group which is created by the code you see below. The problem is that this column is periods all the way down and not numbers. There are no errors messages in the log so i dont know where i went wrong (im fairly new to sas). PS. the dates range from 6/17 to 9/9
data have;
set have;
if today()+84 = Week > today()+79 then group=12;
else if today()+77 = Week > today()+72 then group=11;
else if today()+70 = Week > today()+65 then group=10;
else if today()+63 = Week > today()+58 then group=9;
else if today()+56 = Week > today()+51 then group=8;
else if today()+49 = Week > today()+45 then group=7;
else if today()+42 = Week > today()+37 then group=6;
else if today()+35 = Week > today()+30 then group=5;
else if today()+28 = Week > today()+23 then group=4;
else if today()+21 = Week > today()+16 then group=3;
else if today()+14 = Week > today()+11 then group=2;
else if today()+7 = Week > today()+2 then group=1;
else if today() = Week > today()-5 then group=0;
the first column is called week and is a monday date that goes 12 weeks into the future. the rest of the columns are variables that i will end up summing based on the group that row is in.
week ID var2 ... var18
17jun2019 1 x x
24jun2019 1 x x
and it continues until 09sept2019.. it does this for each ID (roughly 10,000 of them) but not every id goes 12 weeks out thats why i am using the else if
i would like it to look like
week ID var2 ... var18 group
17jun2019 1 x x 0
24jun2019 1 x x 1
01july2019 1 x x 2
A full reference to SAS operators can be found in SAS help by searching SAS Operators in Expression. SAS expressions can use some operators that are relatively unique across the spectrum of coding languages. Here are some that are not typically found in newly coded SAS (at time of this post)
<> MAX operator
>< MIN operator
implied AND operator
Two comparisons with a common variable linked by AND can be condensed with an implied AND.
So the uninitiated readers of the question may misunderstand
if today()+35 = Week > today()+30 then group=5;
as incorrect, instead of recognizing it as an implied AND
if today()+35 = Week AND Week > today()+30 then group=5;
When syntactically correct, the = in the implied AND causes the expression to be true only on equality. The week value in open interval ( today()+35, today()+34 ) will never evaluate as true in the above expression. This is the likely cause of the missing values (.) you are seeing.
Why does the code exhibit non-static delta of 7 in the sequence 30,23,16,11,2,-5 ?
Should it be 30,23,16,9,2,-5.
In other words why is group 1 apparently shooting for a 5 day range [+7, +2) when all the others are 3, such as [+14, +11) ?
Why are there 2-days domains, presumed weekends, in which group is not assigned, and would thus be missing (.) ?
This type of wallpaper code is often better represented by a an arithmetic expression.
For example, presuming integer SAS date values:
group = ifn ( MOD (week-today(), 7) in (1,2)
, .
, CEIL (week-today() / 7 )
if not ( 0 <= group <= 12 ) then group = .; * probably dont want this but makes it compliant with OP;
Tomorrow the group value could 'wrong' because it is today() based. Consider coding a view instead of creating a permanent data set -- OR -- place meta information in the variable name group_on_20190622 = …
If you insist on wallpaper, consider using a select statement which is less prone to typing errors that can happen with errant semi-colons or missing elses.
It is not at all clear what you are trying to do. It sounds a little like you want to group observations based on how many weeks the date variable (called WEEK) is away from today's date. It might be easiest to just use the INTCK() function. That will count how many week boundary's are crossed between the two dates.
data have ;
input id week date9.;
format week date9.;
1 17jun2019
1 24jun2019
1 01jul2019
2 24jun2019
2 01jul2019
2 08jul2019
data want ;
set have;
group = intck('week',today(),week);
You can then summarize the number of ID's per group.
proc freq data=want;
tables group;
The FREQ Procedure
Cumulative Cumulative
group Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
-1 1 16.67 1 16.67
0 2 33.33 3 50.00
1 2 33.33 5 83.33
2 1 16.67 6 100.00
Assuming week is date and not datetime.
data test;
do i = 1 to 30;
dt = intnx('day',today(),1*i);
format dt date9.;
data test2;
set test;
if dt ge today() and dt le today()+7 then dt2 = 1;
else if dt ge today()+8 and dt le today()+14 then dt2 = 2;
else if dt ge today()+15 and dt le today()+21 then dt2 = 3;
else if dt ge today()+22 and dt le today()+28 then dt2 = 4;
else if dt ge today()+29 and dt le today()+35 then dt2 = 5;
/* another way */
dt3 = ceil(intck('day',today(),dt)/7);
removed wrong answer.

Date logic in DAX

I am trying to compute a percentage difference between two values - market index levels separated by a period of time (the period will be determined by user input in a Power BI Slicer tool). I don't understand how I can cross reference values DAX uses by the associated date.
Value % difference from Value =
VAR __BASELINE_VALUE = SUM('Equity Markets (2)'[Value])
VAR __VALUE_TO_COMPARE = SUM('Equity Markets (2)'[Value])
"Value" is a column in a table "Equity Markets (2)" the table also includes a "Date" column.
What is the syntax for selecting a value from Value based on an associated date?
Apologies for asking such a basic question - feels like 30 sec of googling should have done it for me.
The slicer is engaging with the bar graph correctly - I know becouse I'm measuring the levels. I think all the % changes are zero because I'm evaluating x/x -1
percentage change =
__EarliestValue = CALCULATE(SUM('Equity Markets (2)'[Value]),
FIRSTDATE('Equity Markets (2)'[Date]))
VAR __LastDateValue = CALCULATE(SUM('Equity Markets (2)'[Value]),
LASTDATE('Equity Markets (2)'[Date]))

Create Cumulative Change Chart in Tableau

I have a bunch of daily change % data. I would like to calculate cumulative change, which should just be (1+change)*previous day in a chart in Tableau.
Seems simple enough right? I can do it in a few seconds in Excel, but I've tried for hours to get it to work in Tableau and cannot do it.
My thought was that I can create a column that is (1+daily change%), then try to do a compound product. However, I can't seem to get it to work.
I can't attach any files here so I pasted the data, along with a column that is "cum change", which is what I would like the calculation to be.
Thank you much in advance!
Date Daily Change Cum Change
4/1/2015 0.47% 1
4/2/2015 0.56% 1.0056
4/3/2015 -0.72% 0.99835968
4/6/2015 -0.56% 0.992768866
4/7/2015 -0.80% 0.984826715
4/8/2015 0.44% 0.989159952
4/9/2015 -0.66% 0.982631497
4/10/2015 0.99% 0.992359549
4/13/2015 0.92% 1.001489256
4/14/2015 0.73% 1.008800128
4/15/2015 0.95% 1.018383729
4/16/2015 0.42% 1.022660941
4/17/2015 0.52% 1.027978778
4/20/2015 0.02% 1.028184373
4/21/2015 0.56% 1.033942206
4/22/2015 0.35% 1.037561004
4/23/2015 -0.34% 1.034033296
4/24/2015 0.18% 1.035894556
4/27/2015 0.61% 1.042213513
4/28/2015 0.46% 1.047007695
4/29/2015 0.94% 1.056849568
Create a calculated field:
IF INDEX() = 1
(1 + AVG([Daily Change])) * PREVIOUS_VALUE(1)
The condition checking to see if it's the first row of the partition (INDEX() = 1) is necessary to ensure that the first value of the field is a 1. After that, you can just use the self-referential PREVIOUS_VALUE() to get the previous value of this same calculation.

Calculation of Previous field

New to CR and use CR v10 and SQL Server 2000.
For the first record i.e Beginning Balance , the calculation is sum(field) from the input date, which I have calculated in SP as BegDateSum
But for the rest of the records under a group, the calculation should be previous(balance)+IN+OUT
Sample has been given:
Date Doc Descrip IN OUT Balance
Group Header-------- Beginning Balance-------------- 50 <---- sum(field) from my inputdate
3/2/2012 A -1 0 49 <-- (50+(-1)+0)
4/2/2012 B -2 0 47 <-- (49+(-2)+0)
5/2/2012 C 0 3 50
6/2/2012 D -2 3 51
How do I achieve this?
I am not sure whether to use running total, in case I have to how to do it.
A running total field won't work in this case, they are designed to add up (or count, or average, etc) one field and give you the sub-totals automatically. But, we can do some custom functions that will give the results you need. Assuming that your initial 50 is a static value, you would set a variable to that amount, and then add the IN and OUT values as you go along (printing that result of that).
First, initialize the value in the report header with a formula like:
Global NumberVar Balance;
Balance := 50;
""; //print nothing on the screen
Then, the formula to calculate and show the new balance, in the bar where the data is:
Global NumberVar Balance;
Balance := Balance + {tableName.IN} + {tableName.OUT};
The last line both calculates the new value, and tells what the result of the formula should be.
If the "50" is calculated somehow, then that will have to be done before the formula that calculates the new balance. If it is based off of the first record read in, you'll want to use a formula that includes If PreviousIsNull({tableName.Balance}) Then ..., that is usually a good indicator of the first record in the data set (unless that field can be null).