Is there anyway to connect external credit card reader and use it in my flutter app? - flutter

I want to develop an app that will take the credit card data from the external credit card reader and will use it to talk with the credit company,
but I can't find any info about connecting a credit card reader to a flutter app.

You can't access external devices using flutter but it can be done using native plugins and method channels. you need to search for how to do it in android or ios and then implement it in each platform's project and then connect it to your dart code using a method channel.


How to use flutter_stripe_web to make stripe payments in Flutter Web?

I'm looking for how i can use flutter_stripe_web to make payments or a another best method to implement a stripe payments with flutter web.
You can just run the example project as a web app in Chrome browser.
Please note that flutter_stripe_web is in very early stage and I won't recommend you to use it in production, instead you should use the standard web integration.

How to integrate Urovo SDK in flutter?

The UrovoPaySDK (EMV) SDK provides functionality for applications to
implement payment transactions with a bank card on a POS device and
Printing on Device itself.
This document covers setting up and using the library in an Android
an application is written in Java, using the Gradle build system.

Implement credit card payment using NFC (Flutter)

I'm trying to implement a credit card payment using a flutter app (like Apple/Goggle pay).
The main goal is to store the relevant information about the credit card from a scan or from given details (whatever is possible) and later use it to make a payment with a payment terminal device.
An example is shown in this video:, but unfortunately the source code of the mobile application has been removed.
You are definitely able to read NFC-Tags (Credit-Cards) using Flutter. I have tested the nfc_manager package ( successfully, with the provided example. Emulating does not seem to be supported by this package.
If you want to emulate NFC maybe checkout this package:

Clone an NFC Mifare Card (ISO 14443-3A) into my Flutter app

I have an NFC card from my city public transport, and I want to integrate in my Flutter app a feature that clones the data from the card and use the app instead of the card.
Here is a link to my open source app (it is still WIP). It is for the students in my faculty and I want to integrate this freature in this application.
I don't know how to get the data from the card in Flutter and send it when the phone is next to a NFC receiver (like those from buses).
By clone, I assume that you'd like to use your mobile device as the NFC card. What you can do here is copy the NFC tag's metadata using flutter_nfc_kit plugin then implement a NFC emulator using nfc_emulator to have your device act as a NFC tag. Note that NFC emulator only supports Android at present.

Auto-detection application using Ionic

I’ve got a question about use case of Ionic app.
Now I’m trying to create an application like this:
① Suppose you are a customer to go to a shop
② You have an auto-detect application installed on your mobile phone
③ Right after you enter the shop, the system in the shop detects you or the app in your phone automatically
④ You take some goods there and leave
⑤ The system in the shop detects you left the shop with the goods, and executes credit card payment automatically
I’m wondering if I can use ionic-native bluetooth library (BLE, BluetoothSerial) to implement auto-detection (③) while you have bluetooth on.
Is there any good way to realize such auto-detection using Ionic?