How to integrate Urovo SDK in flutter? - flutter

The UrovoPaySDK (EMV) SDK provides functionality for applications to
implement payment transactions with a bank card on a POS device and
Printing on Device itself.
This document covers setting up and using the library in an Android
an application is written in Java, using the Gradle build system.


Build SDK in Flutter/Dart and use it from Java / Web

We are building an application in Flutter, which is composed of an SDK (no UI Code) and a Flutter UI, using the SDK.We have now the requirement to provide the SDK for other, native target platforms (iOS, Android, Web, JVM) and use it in existing applications. As far as we have understood this is possible for iOS and Android. But is this also possible (or planned) for Web and JVM? We simply want to minimise the effort to build the similar SDK in various platform specific technologies.
Thank you!
You can build your Flutter app targeting web
If you want to target the Desktop then check to see if it meets your requirements.

Third-party apps allowed in Android Automotive

The official documentation describes two kind of applications that can be implemented for Android Automotive, Media applications and Messaging applications. Also when creating a new project in Android Studio, the IDE prompts to select a template from those options.
My question is specific to third-party apps. Is Android Automotive limited to build one of these flavors? That is, interact with the user only through the native media UI of the vehicle or the messaging/notifications mechanism. Or as a third-party application developer I can build any other kind of applications (like generic phone/tablet android apps) with custom activities/screens? In case that any kind of applications are allowed, are they limited to run when the vehicle is parked?
Android Automotive is Android so you could build whatever android app you like and run it on Automotive. The catch is that Google is, as per now, only allowing Media/Messaging apps into Play Store and has quite specific design guidelines that developers need to follow.
When your app follows Googles Driver Distraction Guidelines then it can run when a vehicle is moving.

flutter plugin for running onnx model

My team are developing an app that will involve some on device ML model that are in onnx format. Currently we considering Flutter & React Native. I prefer Flutter but couldn't find any plugin that support running on device onnx model. in RN we could use onnx.js from Microsoft.
I think there is no Flutter Plugin to do this but you only need to create one in your project (link) and take implement Android version and iOS version. The plugin will make the wrapper and you can use it in your Flutter code. Depending of the phone OS, flutter will execute Android or iOS code.

Is there anyway to connect external credit card reader and use it in my flutter app?

I want to develop an app that will take the credit card data from the external credit card reader and will use it to talk with the credit company,
but I can't find any info about connecting a credit card reader to a flutter app.
You can't access external devices using flutter but it can be done using native plugins and method channels. you need to search for how to do it in android or ios and then implement it in each platform's project and then connect it to your dart code using a method channel.

Flutter - Android Native Platform Integration

When an external component such as a Camera or File picker is needed, the Flutter for Android Developers documentation (currently in the works) states that we would have to build a native platform integration.
I currently have a device that has a built-in barcode reader with a manufacturer-provided Android API. So, for that I would need to pursue this native platform integration method - or even for playing videos or using the camera for that matter I would think.
Is there an example repo that demonstrates how a well-integrated app should be? ..a project that integrated ExoPlayer for example?
You can use platform channels to call native APIs that aren't exposed by the Flutter platform.
There is an example in the Writing custom platform-specific code docs:
The full, runnable source-code for this example is available in /examples/platform_channel/ for Android with Java and iOS with Objective-C.
If you want to make your code reusable by others, you can publish it as a package, but this is optional. There is a repo of plugins maintained by the Flutter team that you can use for inspiration.