Ich wrote a wsdl for a Webservice, which is in a folder named xml. Now I want to generate the JAVA-classes with the following command:
wsimport -Xnocompile -s src xml/GuestBook.wsdl
As my eclipse doesn't ship wsimport, I downloaded jaxws-ri and set its path (C:\Users...\jaxws-ri\bin under system variables), and I also restarted the computer.
Haplessly, I cannot generate the Java classes because wsimport semms not to work. What could be the cause of this error?
...wsimport semms not to work...
You didn't say what is the error. But you can try an updated version of the jaxws-ri executables, see this comment.
I am trying to find a way to build Ruleapp.jar from command line and going through this link, and found a command.
java -jar Build_Command_Line_executable_archive -config configuration_file
Trying to figure out what "Build_Command_Line_executable_archive" is and from where I can get this jar to execute the above command
The "Build_Command_Line_executable_archive" is a jar file that comes with ODM. You should be able to find it with the other ODM installation files. On my computer, this file is at:
Note: In v8.9.1, there is a defect in the build command tool that causes the RuleApp archive that is generated to include the file "META-INF/archive.xml" that contains 'resuri' instead of 'reslib'. You have to manually edit this file in the RuleApp archive to fix it or write a script to do it for you.
When I click generate and copy WSDL it returns error like this:
ant -f H:\\Projects\\NetBeansProjects\\wsCiscoCallBack\\nbproject\\build-
impl.xml wsgen-CiscoCallBack
Compiling 3 source files to H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
JAX-WS RI 2.2.11-b150120.1832
command line: **wsgen"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\jre\bin\java.exe" -d H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\generated-sources\jax-ws -Xendorsed -keep -s H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\generated-sources\jax-ws -verbose -classpath "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\lib\tools.jar;H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\web\WEB-INF\classes;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\webservices-osgi.jar;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\endorsed\webservices-api-osgi.jar;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\jaxb-osgi.jar;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\endorsed\jaxb-api.jar" -wsdl -r H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\generated-sources\jax-ws\resources ws.CiscoCallBack**
H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\nbproject\jaxws-build.xml:26: Error starting wsgen: class com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTool
I've read NetBeans forums and they said something like this:
For Netbeans 8.2 and Windows 7, the default ant settings for Netbeans
are incorrect; if you check the error, you will find that wsgen"C....
are not seperated. A space should be between those two i.e. wsgen
"C..... So either fix the ant settings or copy the command and correct
it before running it again.
I understood that i should add space between them. But how can i add this space in NetBeans 8.2? Please anyone can help me. I'm struggling with it almost four hours.
You got to open your operative system prompt and change directory to your JDK/bin folder, unless you added the JDK/bin path to system path.
Then on Netbeans copy all the row with wsgen wrong path.
Back on the prompt and paste the wrong row, add the space between wsgen and "C:... , then go to the end of the code you pasted and press ENTER.
If all is OK wsdl and xsd files will be added at your project inside Netbeans.
I am Trying to deploy Jboss esb over Jboss AS using Ant. but i am getting the following error and it is giving me a build fail. I certainly have changed the .Properties file with the correct Server home and server config paths.
Below is the error i am getting
Also I have Jboss 5.1.0 AS and Jbossesb 4.1.0
I am not sure what changes do i need to make with my build.xml file.
C:\jbossesb-4.10\install>ant deploy
Buildfile: C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\build.xml
C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\build.xml:480: Directory does not exist: C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\all\lib
You've probably set bad server path in property file. Did you unpack server to "C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\jboss-5.1.0.GA\" directory?
You need to set the path to jboss-as directory. Correct may be something like this.
In order to deploy jboss-esb on to jboss-as you need to have deployment.properties file in
your install folder of jboss-esb (for ex: \jbossesb-4.6\jbossesb-4.6\install)
in that deployment properties file you need to set your jboss-as home
ex: org.jboss.esb.server.home=D:/J Boss Book Installs/jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6/jboss-5.1.0.GA
NOTE: the direction of slash is very important it should be forward slash(/) (as specified in example above) for it get indexed in to the given server.home location .
Otherwise you will get directory doesn't exist errors just like the one you specified above in your question .
Check your deployment.properties file and correct server.home it would probably resolve your error !!!
I use netbeans 7.2.1 and newest phpunit. When I want to generate a unit test in netbeans by right-clicking on the php class then Tools-> Create phpUnit test the Skeleton generator throws an error: No such file or directory.
require_once(/sharedResources/connection.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
The issue is that the path displayed in require_once is wrong. It is generatedliek this:
$sharedResources = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/sharedResources";
and should resolve to the absolute file path. This works fine when application is running in apache. However it seems that getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") is just wrong when running from netbeans. My question is how I can set it correctly? My application is under
getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/MyApp";
and the file I'm creating a test for is in
Under Project properties there is an option web root but it is greyed out and it is impossible to set it to a folder one level higher than your application.
How can I solve this?
Further clarification:
I initially had a relative filepath to sharedResources which did not work also. the I changed to this one and of coruse ti makes sense it is not working as DOCUMENT_ROOT is set by apache and hence not set when running in netbeans. So a temprary fix is to add
$docRoot = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT");
to the head of every class. of course that is not a very practical or good solution. I would need to tell netbeans to set this environment variable or to use correct relative path.
Well here is my solution. It's not ideal but simple and works. The issue is that DOCUMENT_ROOT is obviously empty when script is not called by Apache but by netbeans. Hence it must somehow be set. To do that I edited the php file phpunit-skelgen(it does not have a file ending but it's a php file).
Below the license text as first php line I added
That did the trick.
How do I build Borland C++ project files (bpr) and package files (bpk) from the command line? Project groups (bpg) are apparently make files and can be compile with make. But bpks and bprs are xml based and the Export to Makefile won't compile with make.
If I put a project in a bpg, make can't seem to find any of the files specified in the bpg since they all appear to be relative references. I changed the references to absolutes and make reports:
Fatal: Unable to open makefile
You don't need to directly compile a bpr. Just create a bpk which just includes that single bpr, and you can use make to compile it.
"c:\program files\borland\cbuilder5\bin\make" -B -s -fabc.bpg
If you also have other borland compilers installed, do not call the make.exe from the other compiler.
EDIT: execute the make command in the directory where the bpg and bpr is located.
Using bpr2mak and make works for me just fine, so as Roger said, you need to give details on what errors you're getting. BPK files can also be processed with bpr2mak. I'm using this method to compile a large project with many components, without difficulties.
Perhaps you could give some more information on 'won't compile'.
I.e. What error messages are you getting.
One frequent problem the come up with make is addressed at the following