Creating an in-memory table in PostgreSQL? - postgresql

My understanding of an in-memory table is a table that will be created in memory and would resort to disk as little as possible, if at all. I am assuming that I have enough RAM to fit the table there, or at least most of it. I do not want to use an explicit function to load tables (like pg_prewarm) in memory, I just want the table to be there by default as soon as I issue a CREATE TABLE or CREATE TABLE AS select statement, unless memory is full or unless I indicate otherwise. I do not particularly care about logging to disk.
7 years ago, a similar question was asked here PostgreSQL equivalent of MySQL memory tables?. It has received 2 answers and one of them was a bit late (4 years later).
One answer says to create a RAM disk and to add a tablespace for it. Or to use an UNLOGGED table. Or to wait for global temporary tables. However, I do not have special hardware, I only have regular RAM - so I am not sure how to go about that. I can use UNLOGGED feature, but as I understand, there is still quite a bit of disk interaction involved (this is what I am trying to reduce) and I am not sure if tables will be loaded in memory by default. Furthermore, I do not see how global temporary spaces are related. My understanding of them is that they are just tables in spaces that can be shared.
Another answer recommends an in-memory column store engine. And to then use a function to load everything in memory. The issue I have with this approach is that the engine being referred to looks old and unmaintained and I cannot find any other. Also, I was hoping I wouldn't have to explicitly resort to using a 'load into memory' function, but instead that everything will happen by default.
I was just wondering how to get in-memory tables now in Postgres 12, 7 years later.

Postgres does not have in-memory tables, and I do not have any information about any serious work on this topic now. If you need this capability then you can use one of the special in-memory databases like REDIS, MEMCACHED or MonetDB. There are FDW drivers for these databases. So you can create in-memory tables in a specialized database and you can work with these tables from Postgres via foreign tables.
MySQL in-memory tables were necessary when there was only the MyISAM engine, because this engine had very primitive capabilities with regard to IO and MySQL did not have its own buffers. Now MySQL has the InnoDB engine (with modern form of joins like other databases) and a lot of the arguments for using MySQL in-memory tables are obsolete. In comparison to the old MySQL Postgres has its own buffers and does not bypass file system caches, so all of the RAM is available for your data and you have to do nothing. Ten years ago we had to use MySQL in-memory engine to have good enough performance. But after migrating to Postgres we have had better performance without in-memory tables.
If you have a lot of memory then Postgres can use it by default - via file system cache.

As This question is specific to Postgres
There is no in-memory table but in-memory view, Materialize view which can also be refreshed. See if your requirements fits in


(How) Is it possible to convert tables into foreign tables in Postgres?

We have a large table in our Postgres production database which we want to start "sharding" using foreign tables and inheritance.
The desired architecture will be to have 1 (empty) table that defines the schema and several foreign tables inheriting from the empty "parent" table. (possible with Postgres 9.5)
I found this well written article that explains everything on how to do it from scratch.
My question is how to reduce the needed migration of data to a minimum.
We have this 100+ GB table now, that should become our first "shard". And in the future we will regulary add new "shards". At some point, the older shards will be moved to another tablespace (on cheaper hardware since they become less important).
My question now:
Is there a way to "ALTER" an existing table to be a foreign table instead?
No way to use alter table to do this.
You really have to basically do it manually. This is no different (really) than doing table partitioning. You create your partitions, you load the data. You direct reads and writes to the partitions.
Now in your case, in terms of doing sharding there are a number of tools I would look at to make this less painful. First, if you make sure your tables are split the way you like them first, you can use a logical replication solution like Bucardo to replicate the writes while you are moving everything over.
There are some other approaches (parallelized readers and writers) that may save you some time at the expense of db load, but those are niche tools.
There is no native solution for shard management of standard PostgreSQL (and I don't know enough about Postgres-XL in this regard to know how well it can manage changing shard criteria). However pretty much anything is possible with a little work and knowledge.

Postgres - Is it necessary to create tablespace in my case?

I have a mobile/web project, using pg9.3 as database, and linux as server.
The data won't be huge, but as time goes on, the data increase.
For long term considering, I want to know about:
1. Is it necessary for me to create tablespace for my database, or just use the default one?
2. If I create new tablespace, what is the proper location on linux to create the folder, and why?
3. If I don't create it now, and wait until I have to, till then, will it be easy for me to migrate db with data to new tablespace?
Just use the default tablespace, do not create new tablespaces. Tablespaces are only useful if you have multiple physical disks, so you can define which data is stored on which physical disk. The directory where your data is located is not that important for the workings of postgres, so if you only have one disk it is useless to use tablespaces
Should your data grow beyond the capacity of 1 disk, you will have to perform a full data migration anyway to move it to another physical disk, so you can configure tablespaces at that time
The idea behind defining which data is located on which disk (with tablespaces) is that you can do things like putting a big table which is hardly used on a slow disk, and putting this very intensively used table on a separated faster disk. But I assume you're not there yet, so don't over complicate things

No merge tables in MariaDB - options for very large tables?

I've been happily using MySQl for years, and have followed the MariahDB fork with interest.
The server for one of my projects is reaching end of life and needs to be rehosted - likely to CentOS 7, which includes MariahDB
One of my concerns is the lack of the merge table feature, which I use extensively. We have a very large (at least by my standards) data set with on the order of 100M records/20 GB (with most data compressed) and growing. I've split this into read only compressed myisam "archive" tables organized by data epoch, and a regular myisam table for current data and inserts. I then span all of these with a merge table.
The software working against this database is then written such that it figures out which table to retrieve data from for the timespan in question, and if the timespan spans multiple tables, it queries the overlying merge table.
This does a few things for me:
Queries are much faster against the smaller tables - unfortunately, the index needed for the most typical query, and preventing duplicate records is relatively complicated
Frees the user from having to query multiple tables and assemble the results when a query spans multiple tables
Allowing > 90% of the data to reside in the compressed tables saves alot of disk space
I can back up the archive tables once - this saves tremendous time, bandwidth and storage on the nightly backups
An suggestions for how to handle this without merge tables? Does any other table type offer the compressed, read-only option that myisam does?
I'm thinking we may have to go with separate tables, and live with the additional complication and changing all the code in the multiple projects which use this database.
MariaDB 10 introduced the CONNECT storage engine that does a lot of different things. One of the table types it provides is TBL, which is basically an expansion of the MERGE table type. The TBL CONNECT type is currently read only, but you should be able to just insert into the base tables as needed. This is probably your best option but I'm not very familiar with the CONNECT engine in general and you will need to do a bit of experimentation to decide if it will work.

postgres copy database to another server reduces database size

Installed postgres 9.1 in both the machine.
Initially the DB size is 7052 MB then i used the following command for copy to another server.
pg_dump -C dbname | bzip2 | ssh remoteuser#remotehost "bunzip2 | psql dbname"
After successfully copies, In destination machine i check size it shows 6653 MB.
then i checked for table count its same.
Has there been data loss? Is there missing data?
Two machines have same hardware and software configuration.
i used:
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('dbname'));
One of the PostgreSQL's most sophisticated features is so called Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), a standard technique for avoiding conflicts between reads and writes of the same object in database. MVCC guarantees that each transaction sees a consistent view of the database by reading non-current data for objects modified by concurrent transactions. Thanks to MVCC, PostgreSQL has great scalability, a robust hot backup tool and many other nice features comparable to the most advanced commercial databases.
Unfortunately, there is one downside to MVCC, the databases tend to grow over time and sometimes it can be a problem. In recent versions of PostgreSQL there is a separate server process called the autovacuum daemon (pg_autovacuum), whose purpose is to keep the database size reasonable. It does that by trying to recover reusable chunks of the database files. Still, there are many scenarios that will force the database to grow, even if the amount of the useful data in it doesn't really change. That happens typically if you have lots of UPDATE and/or DELETE statements in the applications that are using the database.
When you do a COPY, you recover extraneous space and so your copied DB appears smaller.
That looks normal. Databases are often smaller after restore, because a newly created b-tree index is more compact than one that's been progressively built by inserts. Additionally, UPDATEs and DELETEs leave empty space in the tables.
So you have nothing to worry about. You'll find that if you diff an SQL dump from the old DB and a dump taken from the just-restored DB, they'll be the same except for comments.

Postgresql for OLAP

Does anyone have experience of using PostgreSQL for an OLAP setup, using cubes against the database etc. Having come across a number of idiosyncracies when using MySQL for OLAP, are there reasons in favour of using PostgreSQL instead (assuming that I want to go the open source route)?
There are a number of data warehousing software vendors that are based on Postgresql (and contribute OLAP related changes back to core fairly regularly). Check out You'll find that PG works a lot better (for nearly any workload, OLAP especially) than MySQL. Greenplum and other similar solutions should work a bit better than PG depending on your data sets and use cases.
PGSQL is much better suited for Data Warehousing compared to MySQL. We had thought initially to go with MySQL, but it performs poorly in aggregations if data grows to a few million rows. PGSQL performs almost 20 times faster in caparison with MySQL for 20 million records for a single fact table on same hardware setup. If for some reason you choose to go with MySQL, then you should use MyISAM storage engine for fact tables rather then InnoDB; you will see slightly better performance.