No merge tables in MariaDB - options for very large tables? - merge

I've been happily using MySQl for years, and have followed the MariahDB fork with interest.
The server for one of my projects is reaching end of life and needs to be rehosted - likely to CentOS 7, which includes MariahDB
One of my concerns is the lack of the merge table feature, which I use extensively. We have a very large (at least by my standards) data set with on the order of 100M records/20 GB (with most data compressed) and growing. I've split this into read only compressed myisam "archive" tables organized by data epoch, and a regular myisam table for current data and inserts. I then span all of these with a merge table.
The software working against this database is then written such that it figures out which table to retrieve data from for the timespan in question, and if the timespan spans multiple tables, it queries the overlying merge table.
This does a few things for me:
Queries are much faster against the smaller tables - unfortunately, the index needed for the most typical query, and preventing duplicate records is relatively complicated
Frees the user from having to query multiple tables and assemble the results when a query spans multiple tables
Allowing > 90% of the data to reside in the compressed tables saves alot of disk space
I can back up the archive tables once - this saves tremendous time, bandwidth and storage on the nightly backups
An suggestions for how to handle this without merge tables? Does any other table type offer the compressed, read-only option that myisam does?
I'm thinking we may have to go with separate tables, and live with the additional complication and changing all the code in the multiple projects which use this database.

MariaDB 10 introduced the CONNECT storage engine that does a lot of different things. One of the table types it provides is TBL, which is basically an expansion of the MERGE table type. The TBL CONNECT type is currently read only, but you should be able to just insert into the base tables as needed. This is probably your best option but I'm not very familiar with the CONNECT engine in general and you will need to do a bit of experimentation to decide if it will work.


Creating denormalized tables with triggers too slow

Assume I'm doing everything in one postgresql database. I have 10 source tables I'm using to create one huge denormalized table. These source tables change frequently and have triggers firing after insert/update/delete to modify denormalized table in near-real-time. The problem is, some of these source tables I'm joining are huge (one table has 120M and other 25M rows) and statements for inserting new rows into denormalized table execute for a long time (20+ minutes for 50-100k rows).
So, I was thinking on what would be the best solution for updating(IUD)changes on this denormalized table, based on changes coming to source tables? Should I run these operations on a schedule, should I dedicate a specific database replica just for this, or should I continue trying to use triggers?
I'm open to using a totally different approach, as long as it's doable on the same database.
That sounds like there is no good and simple solution.
Perhaps you don't need that one huge denormalized table, and denormalizing a few attributes would be good enough for your query speed.
If not, you will probably need a kind of data warehouse for the denormalized data, and refresh that daily with increments. Ideally, tables there are already pre-aggregated.

Are schemas in PostgreSQL physical objects?

I use schemas in PostgreSQL for organizing my huge accounting database. At the end of every year I make a reconcile process by creating a new schema for the next year.
Are the files of the new schema physically separated from the old schema? Or all schemas stored on the hard disk together?
This is a vital thing for me because at the end of every year I've huge tables with millions of records which means I'll call heavy queries soon (I didn't plan for it when I decided to choose PostgreSQL).
Schemas are namespaces so they are a "logical" thing, not a physical thing.
As documented in the manual each table is represented as one (or more files) inside the directory corresponding to the database the table is created in. The namespaces (schemas) are not reflected in the physical database layout.
In general you shouldn't care about the storage of the database to begin with and your SQL queries will not know where the actual data is stored.
"millions" of rows is not considered "huge" these days. If you do run in performance problems, you will tune your query using e.g. indexes or by rewriting it to a more efficient solution. In rare cases partitioning a table can help with really huge tables - but we are talking hundreds of millions or even billions of rows. With medium to small sized tables, partitioning usually doesn't help with performance.

How do I use Redshift Database for Transformation and Reporting?

I have 3 tables in my redshift database and data is coming from 3 different csv files from S3 every few seconds. One table has ~3 billion records and other 2 has ~100 million record. For the near realtime reporting purpose, I have to merge this table into 1 table. How do I achieve this in redshift ?
Near Real Time Data Loads in Amazon Redshift
I would say that the first step is to consider whether Redshift is the best platform for the workload you are considering. Redshift is not an optimal platform for streaming data.
Redshift's architecture is better suited for batch inserts than streaming inserts. "COMMIT"s are "costly" in Redshift.
You need to consider the performance impact of VACUUM and ANALYZE if those operations are going to compete for resources with streaming data.
It might still make sense to use Redshift on your project depending on the entire set of requirements and workload, but bear in mind that in order to use Redshift you are going to engineer around it, and probably change your workload from a "near-real-time" to a micro batch architecture.
This blog posts details all the recommendations for micro batch loads in Redshift. Read the Micro-batch article here.
In order to summarize it:
Break input files --- Break your load files in several smaller files
that are a multiple of the number of slices
Column encoding --- Have column encoding pre-defined in your DDL.
COPY Settings --- Ensure COPY does not attempt to evaluate the best
encoding for each load
Load in SORT key order --- If possible your input files should have
the same "natural order" as your sort key
Staging Tables --- Use multiple staging tables and load them in
Multiple Time Series Tables --- This documented approach for dealing
with time-series in Redshift
ELT --- Do transformations in-database using SQL to load into the
main fact table.
Of course all the recommendations for data loading in Redshift still apply. Look at this article here.
Last but not least, enable Workload Management to ensure the online queries can access the proper amount of resources. Here is an article on how to do it.

(How) Is it possible to convert tables into foreign tables in Postgres?

We have a large table in our Postgres production database which we want to start "sharding" using foreign tables and inheritance.
The desired architecture will be to have 1 (empty) table that defines the schema and several foreign tables inheriting from the empty "parent" table. (possible with Postgres 9.5)
I found this well written article that explains everything on how to do it from scratch.
My question is how to reduce the needed migration of data to a minimum.
We have this 100+ GB table now, that should become our first "shard". And in the future we will regulary add new "shards". At some point, the older shards will be moved to another tablespace (on cheaper hardware since they become less important).
My question now:
Is there a way to "ALTER" an existing table to be a foreign table instead?
No way to use alter table to do this.
You really have to basically do it manually. This is no different (really) than doing table partitioning. You create your partitions, you load the data. You direct reads and writes to the partitions.
Now in your case, in terms of doing sharding there are a number of tools I would look at to make this less painful. First, if you make sure your tables are split the way you like them first, you can use a logical replication solution like Bucardo to replicate the writes while you are moving everything over.
There are some other approaches (parallelized readers and writers) that may save you some time at the expense of db load, but those are niche tools.
There is no native solution for shard management of standard PostgreSQL (and I don't know enough about Postgres-XL in this regard to know how well it can manage changing shard criteria). However pretty much anything is possible with a little work and knowledge.

Postgres Multi-tenant administration/maintenance

We have a SaaS application where each tenant has its own database in Postgres. How would I apply a patch to all the databses? For example if I want to add a table or add a column to a table, I have to either write a program that loops through all databases and execute a SQL against them or using pgadmin, go through them one by one.
Is there smarter and/or faster way?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Yes, there's a smarter way.
Don't create a new database for each tenant. If everything is in one database then you only need to alter one database.
Pick one database, alter each table to have the column TENANT and add this to the primary key. Then insert into this database every record for all tenants and drop the other databases (obviously considerably more work than this as your application will need to be changed).
The differences with your approach are extensively discussed elsewhere:
What problems will I get creating a database per customer?
What are the advantages of using a single database for EACH client?
Multiple schemas versus enormous tables
Practicality of multiple databases per client vs one database
Multi-tenancy - single database vs multiple database
If you don't put everything in one database then I'm afraid you have to alter them all individually, and doing it programatically would be simplest.
At a higher level, all multi-tenant applications follow one of three approaches:
One tenant's data lives in one database,
One tenant's data lives in one schema, or
Add a tenant_id / account_id column to your tables (shared schema).
I usually find that developers use the following criteria when they evaluate these different approaches.
Isolation: Since you can put each tenant into its own database in one hand, and have tenants share the same table on the other, this becomes the most apparent dimension. If you provide your users raw SQL access or you're in a regulated industry such as healthcare, you may need strict guarantees from your database. That said, PostgreSQL 9.5 comes with row level security policies that makes this less of a concern for most applications.
Extensibility: If your tenants are sharing the same schema (approach #3), and your tenants have fields that varies between them, then you need to think about how to merge these fields.
This article on multi-tenant databases has a great summary of different approaches. For example, you can add a dozen columns, call them C1, C2, and so forth, and have your application infer the actual data in this column based on the tenant_id. PostgresQL 9.4 comes with JSONB support and natively allows you to use semi-structured fields to express variations between different tenants' data.
Scaling: Another criteria is how easily your database would scale-out. If you create a tenant per database or schema (#1 or #2 above), your application can make use of existing Ruby Gems or [Django packages][1] to simplify app integration. That said, you'll need to manually manage your tenants' data and the machines they live on. Similarly, you'll need to build your own sharding logic to propagate foreign key constraints and ALTER TABLE commands.
With approach #3, you can use existing open source scaling solutions, such as Citus. For example, this blog post describes how to easily shard a multi-tenant app with Postgres.
it's time for me to give back to the community :) So after 4 years, our multi-tenant platform is in production and I would like to share the following observations/experiences with all of you.
We used a database per each tenant. This has given us extreme flexibility as the size of the databases in the backups are not huge and hence we can easily import them into our staging environment for customers issues.
We use Liquibase for database development and upgrades. This has been a tremendous help to us, allowing us to package the entire build into a simple war file. All changes are easily versioned and managed very efficiently. There is a bit of learning curve here an there but nothing substantial. 2-5 days can significantly save you time.
Given that we use Spring/JPA/Hibernate, we use a technique called Dynamic Data Source Routing. So when a user logs-in, we find the related datasource with a lookup and connect them to the session to the right database. That's also when the Liquibase scripts get applied for updates.
This is, for now, I will come back with more later on.
Well, there are problems with one database for all tenants in our case for sure.
The backup file gets huge and becomes almost not practical hard to manage
For troubleshooting, we need to restore customer's data in our dev env, we just use that customer's backup file and usually the file is not as big as if we were to use one database for all customers.
Again, Liquibase has been key in allowing to manage updates across all the tenants seamlessly and without any issues. Without Liquibase, I can see lots of complications with this approach. So Liquibase, Liquibase and more Liquibase.
I also suspect that we would need a more powerful hardware to manage a huge database with large joins across millions of records vs much lighter database with much smaller queries.
In case of problems, the service doesn't go down for everyone and there will be limited to one or few tenants.
In general, for our purposes, this has been a great architectural decision and we are benefiting from it every day. One time we had one customer that didn't have their archiving active and their database size grew to over 3 GB. With offshore teams and slower internet as well as storage/bandwidth prices, one can see how things may become complicated very quickly.
Hope this helps someone.