How are unused returned values handled in typed languages with type inference? - type-safety

How do strongly typed languages that have type inference, handle the unused returned values (where it's not obvious what the intended type is)?
Here's an example where this happens in the untyped Python, where it's of course not caught:
list(map(lambda item: item.some_method, some_collection))
Here item.some_method was intended to be called, for its side effects, so the correct line is:
list(map(lambda item: item.some_method(), some_collection))

Without additional constraints, a strongly-typed language with type inference will typically not prevent the first example, as it is technically valid, as you point out. There are a few ways this could be avoided.
You could explicitly annotate the type of the map (or use it somewhere that forces the type to be equal to something). This would result in a type checking error if the wrong variant is used.
Some languages (e.g. Rust) distinguish between map and for_each, where the latter is expected to be impure/effectful. If you use for_each in the first example, this would fail to compile, as the type of lambda item: item.some_method is A -> () -> (), rather than A -> (). However, nothing prevents you from unidiomatically using map here.
Some languages (e.g. Haskell) distinguish between impure/effectful values and pure/effectless values. In this setting, map would be expected to take a lambda that is pure (making lambda item: item.some_method() invalid) and for_each would be expected to take a lambda that is impure (making lambda item: item.some_method invalid). This is enforced using monads, which act as a marker that tell the type system a value is impure (e.g. the type IO(A) represents an effectful A type).
Some languages (e.g. Rust) allow the use of values to be tracked and functions to be annotated to enforce their return values to be "used" in some way. If map is annotated #[must_use] in this way, then its return value must be used, which would alert you to an incorrect use of lambda item: item.some_method (as the return value of map would not be used). In Rust, the unit type () is automatically "used", and in theory this could be extended to include [()], in which case the correct code lambda item: item.some_method() would work without issues.


Why is the return type Unit used to describe operations that have no return value in Q#; as opposed to void or none?

Why did Microsoft, when creating Q#, decide to use the keyword Unit instead of void or none, to describe methods that have no return value? Is there a reason for this, or did Microsoft just want to do something different?
Functions and operations in Q# are always tuple-in tuple-out.
Together with singleton–tuple equivalence (the principle that 'T and ('T) are the exact same type), this lets Q# represent things uniformly, with every function and operation taking exactly one input and returning exactly one output, each of which are tuples.
One consequence of this approach that we can write a function like Composed<'T, 'U, 'V>(inner : ('T -> 'U), outer : ('U -> 'V)) : ('T -> 'V), confident that we can pass any function as inner, without thinking about how many arguments it takes.
For this design to be consistent, we need that a function or operation that "returns nothing" returns an empty tuple rather than no value at all. In many functional languages (including F#), the type of the empty tuple is called unit or Unit, following traditional notation in type theory. In Q#, we decided to follow that tradition to clarify the distinction between the value () and the type Unit.

Does Scala have a value restriction like ML, if not then why?

Here’s my thoughts on the question. Can anyone confirm, deny, or elaborate?
I wrote:
Scala doesn’t unify covariant List[A] with a GLB ⊤ assigned to List[Int], bcz afaics in subtyping “biunification” the direction of assignment matters. Thus None must have type Option[⊥] (i.e. Option[Nothing]), ditto Nil type List[Nothing] which can’t accept assignment from an Option[Int] or List[Int] respectively. So the value restriction problem originates from directionless unification and global biunification was thought to be undecidable until the recent research linked above.
You may wish to view the context of the above comment.
ML’s value restriction will disallow parametric polymorphism in (formerly thought to be rare but maybe more prevalent) cases where it would otherwise be sound (i.e. type safe) to do so such as especially for partial application of curried functions (which is important in functional programming), because the alternative typing solutions create a stratification between functional and imperative programming as well as break encapsulation of modular abstract types. Haskell has an analogous dual monomorphisation restriction. OCaml has a relaxation of the restriction in some cases. I elaborated about some of these details.
EDIT: my original intuition as expressed in the above quote (that the value restriction may be obviated by subtyping) is incorrect. The answers IMO elucidate the issue(s) well and I’m unable to decide which in the set containing Alexey’s, Andreas’, or mine, should be the selected best answer. IMO they’re all worthy.
As I explained before, the need for the value restriction -- or something similar -- arises when you combine parametric polymorphism with mutable references (or certain other effects). That is completely independent from whether the language has type inference or not or whether the language also allows subtyping or not. A canonical counter example like
let r : ∀A.Ref(List(A)) = ref [] in
r := ["boo"];
head(!r) + 1
is not affected by the ability to elide the type annotation nor by the ability to add a bound to the quantified type.
Consequently, when you add references to F<: then you need to impose a value restriction to not lose soundness. Similarly, MLsub cannot get rid of the value restriction. Scala enforces a value restriction through its syntax already, since there is no way to even write the definition of a value that would have polymorphic type.
It's much simpler than that. In Scala values can't have polymorphic types, only methods can. E.g. if you write
val id = x => x
its type isn't [A] A => A.
And if you take a polymorphic method e.g.
def id[A](x: A): A = x
and try to assign it to a value
val id1 = id
again the compiler will try (and in this case fail) to infer a specific A instead of creating a polymorphic value.
So the issue doesn't arise.
If you try to reproduce the example in Scala, the problem you run into isn't the lack of let: val corresponds to it perfectly well. But you'd need something like
val f[A]: A => A = {
var r: Option[A] = None
{ x => ... }
which is illegal. If you write def f[A]: A => A = ... it's legal but creates a new r on each call. In ML terms it would be like
val f: unit -> ('a -> 'a) =
fn () =>
val r: 'a option ref = ref NONE
fn x =>
val y = !r
val () = r := SOME x
case y of
NONE => x
| SOME y => y
val _ = f () 13
val _ = f () "foo"
which is allowed by the value restriction.
That is, Scala's rules are equivalent to only allowing lambdas as polymorphic values in ML instead of everything value restriction allows.
EDIT: this answer was incorrect before. I have completely rewritten the explanation below to gather my new understanding from the comments under the answers by Andreas and Alexey.
The edit history and the history of archives of this page at provides a recording of my prior misunderstanding and discussion. Another reason I chose to edit rather than delete and write a new answer, is to retain the comments on this answer. IMO, this answer is still needed because although Alexey answers the thread title correctly and most succinctly—also Andreas’ elaboration was the most helpful for me to gain understanding—yet I think the layman reader may require a different, more holistic (yet hopefully still generative essence) explanation in order to quickly gain some depth of understanding of the issue. Also I think the other answers obscure how convoluted a holistic explanation is, and I want naive readers to have the option to taste it. The prior elucidations I’ve found don’t state all the details in English language and instead (as mathematicians tend to do for efficiency) rely on the reader to discern the details from the nuances of the symbolic programming language examples and prerequisite domain knowledge (e.g. background facts about programming language design).
The value restriction arises where we have mutation of referenced1 type parametrised objects2. The type unsafety that would result without the value restriction is demonstrated in the following MLton code example:
val r: 'a option ref = ref NONE
val r1: string option ref = r
val r2: int option ref = r
val () = r1 := SOME "foo"
val v: int = valOf (!r2)
The NONE value (which is akin to null) contained in the object referenced by r can be assigned to a reference with any concrete type for the type parameter 'a because r has a polymorphic type a'. That would allow type unsafety because as shown in the example above, the same object referenced by r which has been assigned to both string option ref and int option ref can be written (i.e. mutated) with a string value via the r1 reference and then read as an int value via the r2 reference. The value restriction generates a compiler error for the above example.
A typing complication arises to prevent3 the (re-)quantification (i.e. binding or determination) of the type parameter (aka type variable) of a said reference (and the object it points to) to a type which differs when reusing an instance of said reference that was previously quantified with a different type.
Such (arguably bewildering and convoluted) cases arise for example where successive function applications (aka calls) reuse the same instance of such a reference. IOW, cases where the type parameters (pertaining to the object) for a reference are (re-)quantified each time the function is applied, yet the same instance of the reference (and the object it points to) being reused for each subsequent application (and quantification) of the function.
Tangentially, the occurrence of these is sometimes non-intuitive due to lack of explicit universal quantifier ∀ (since the implicit rank-1 prenex lexical scope quantification can be dislodged from lexical evaluation order by constructions such as let or coroutines) and the arguably greater irregularity (as compared to Scala) of when unsafe cases may arise in ML’s value restriction:
Andreas wrote:
Unfortunately, ML does not usually make the quantifiers explicit in its syntax, only in its typing rules.
Reusing a referenced object is for example desired for let expressions which analogous to math notation, should only create and evaluate the instantiation of the substitutions once even though they may be lexically substituted more than once within the in clause. So for example, if the function application is evaluated as (regardless of whether also lexically or not) within the in clause whilst the type parameters of substitutions are re-quantified for each application (because the instantiation of the substitutions are only lexically within the function application), then type safety can be lost if the applications aren’t all forced to quantify the offending type parameters only once (i.e. disallow the offending type parameter to be polymorphic).
The value restriction is ML’s compromise to prevent all unsafe cases while also preventing some (formerly thought to be rare) safe cases, so as to simplify the type system. The value restriction is considered a better compromise, because the early (antiquated?) experience with more complicated typing approaches that didn’t restrict any or as many safe cases, caused a bifurcation between imperative and pure functional (aka applicative) programming and leaked some of the encapsulation of abstract types in ML functor modules. I cited some sources and elaborated here. Tangentially though, I’m pondering whether the early argument against bifurcation really stands up against the fact that value restriction isn’t required at all for call-by-name (e.g. Haskell-esque lazy evaluation when also memoized by need) because conceptually partial applications don’t form closures on already evaluated state; and call-by-name is required for modular compositional reasoning and when combined with purity then modular (category theory and equational reasoning) control and composition of effects. The monomorphisation restriction argument against call-by-name is really about forcing type annotations, yet being explicit when optimal memoization (aka sharing) is required is arguably less onerous given said annotation is needed for modularity and readability any way. Call-by-value is a fine tooth comb level of control, so where we need that low-level control then perhaps we should accept the value restriction, because the rare cases that more complex typing would allow would be less useful in the imperative versus applicative setting. However, I don’t know if the two can be stratified/segregated in the same programming language in smooth/elegant manner. Algebraic effects can be implemented in a CBV language such as ML and they may obviate the value restriction. IOW, if the value restriction is impinging on your code, possibly it’s because your programming language and libraries lack a suitable metamodel for handling effects.
Scala makes a syntactical restriction against all such references, which is a compromise that restricts for example the same and even more cases (that would be safe if not restricted) than ML’s value restriction, but is more regular in the sense that we’ll not be scratching our head about an error message pertaining to the value restriction. In Scala, we’re never allowed to create such a reference. Thus in Scala, we can only express cases where a new instance of a reference is created when it’s type parameters are quantified. Note OCaml relaxes the value restriction in some cases.
Note afaik both Scala and ML don’t enable declaring that a reference is immutable1, although the object they point to can be declared immutable with val. Note there’s no need for the restriction for references that can’t be mutated.
The reason that mutability of the reference type1 is required in order to make the complicated typing cases arise, is because if we instantiate the reference (e.g. in for example the substitutions clause of let) with a non-parametrised object (i.e. not None or Nil4 but instead for example a Option[String] or List[Int]), then the reference won’t have a polymorphic type (pertaining to the object it points to) and thus the re-quantification issue never arises. So the problematic cases are due to instantiation with a polymorphic object then subsequently assigning a newly quantified object (i.e. mutating the reference type) in a re-quantified context followed by dereferencing (reading) from the (object pointed to by) reference in a subsequent re-quantified context. As aforementioned, when the re-quantified type parameters conflict, the typing complication arises and unsafe cases must be prevented/restricted.
Phew! If you understood that without reviewing linked examples, I’m impressed.
1 IMO to instead employ the phrase “mutable references” instead of “mutability of the referenced object” and “mutability of the reference type” would be more potentially confusing, because our intention is to mutate the object’s value (and its type) which is referenced by the pointer— not referring to mutability of the pointer of what the reference points to. Some programming languages don’t even explicitly distinguish when they’re disallowing in the case of primitive types a choice of mutating the reference or the object they point to.
2 Wherein an object may even be a function, in a programming language that allows first-class functions.
3 To prevent a segmentation fault at runtime due to accessing (read or write of) the referenced object with a presumption about its statically (i.e. at compile-time) determined type which is not the type that the object actually has.
4 Which are NONE and [] respectively in ML.

Understanding call by name with currying in Scala

I am trying to understand database connections in Scala using the default Anorm library in play framework. Play has a sample example "Computer Database" where one of the functions tries to retrieve a computer from the DB:
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
SQL("select * from computer where id = {id}").on('id -> id).as(Computer.simple.singleOpt)
If I look at the function signature of withConnection it is this:
def withConnection [A] (block: (Connection) ⇒ A)(implicit app: Application): A
Execute a block of code, providing a JDBC connection. The connection and all created statements are automatically released.
**block** Code block to execute.
My question is how to map each value of function call to function definition? For example what is A (is it the whole SQL query, but what does the return type mean then?). What the implicit app in this case? Where is it defined?
admittedly this example is confusing, since it combines several language features
type parameters (generics)
currying (=two argument lists)
anonymous inline function (function block)
implicit arguments (which are picked up from the context)
As always, when matters start to become complicated, lets' sort it out one by one
(1) A is a type parameter. This is replaced by a suitable type on each invocation of the function. Since A is mentioned at two locations in the argument list and in the return type, this means that whatever type you use, the result type of the passed-in function block will be the same than the overall return type. You could explicitly define A when using the function, but typically you can leave it out, since the compiler can infer the actual type used.
(2) currying is easy to understand. This function here just has two parameter lists. Which means you can apply this function in several steps. First apply the left parameter list:
def myBlock(connection:Connection):SQL =
SQL("select ......" .....
val pf = DB.withConnection(myBlock)
Question: what kind of Object is pf ? what is ists type?
Answer: it is a function, taking one argument, an Application object
Thus the type of pf would be Application => SQL since in the first, partial application of the function, we just passed in another function with return type SQL, thus type parameter A is inferred to be SQL
(3) but in the code above, we've defined the function myBlock in a conventional fashion, and we gave it explicitly the name "myBlock". This isn't necessary. We can define the same function just inline, using the block syntax.
(4) and now the confusing, "magic" part, the implicits. This is a very special feature of Scala, where the compiler allows you to omit some values, or arguments (in our case). You may not omit arbitrary arguments, but only arguments marked as implicit. When you do so, the compiler doesn't immediately generate an error; rather it looks in the current scope, if he can find some suitable other object with the same name.
Effectively this means, that in your example, there must somehow be an value "connection" of type Connection, and there must be a value "application" of type Application. Both values must be visible somehow in the current scope -- that is, either as parameter, as value in an enclosing scope, or as value in the companion object, or you might have brought them into scope explicitly with an import statement. The purpose of this language feature is just to save you typing those obvious arguments (application and connection9 again and again

Closures in Scala vs Closures in Java

Some time ago Oracle decided that adding Closures to Java 8 would be an good idea. I wonder how design problems are solved there in comparison to Scala, which had closures since day one.
Citing the Open Issues from
Can Method Handles be used for Function Types?
It isn't obvious how to make that work. One problem is that Method Handles reify type parameters, but in a way that interferes with function subtyping.
Can we get rid of the explicit declaration of "throws" type parameters?
The idea would be to use disjuntive type inference whenever the declared bound is a checked exception type. This is not strictly backward compatible, but it's unlikely to break real existing code. We probably can't get rid of "throws" in the type argument, however, due to syntactic ambiguity.
Disallow #Shared on old-style loop index variables
Handle interfaces like Comparator that define more than one method, all but one of which will be implemented by a method inherited from Object.
The definition of "interface with a single method" should count only methods that would not be implemented by a method in Object and should count multiple methods as one if implementing one of them would implement them all. Mainly, this requires a more precise specification of what it means for an interface to have only a single abstract method.
Specify mapping from function types to interfaces: names, parameters, etc.
We should fully specify the mapping from function types to system-generated interfaces precisely.
Type inference. The rules for type inference need to be augmented to accomodate the inference of exception type parameters. Similarly, the subtype relationships used by the closure conversion should be reflected as well.
Elided exception type parameters to help retrofit exception transparency.
Perhaps make elided exception type parameters mean the bound. This enables retrofitting existing generic interfaces that don't have a type parameter for the exception, such as java.util.concurrent.Callable, by adding a new generic exception parameter.
How are class literals for function types formed?
Is it #void().class ? If so, how does it work if object types are erased? Is it #?(?).class ?
The system class loader should dynamically generate function type interfaces.
The interfaces corresponding to function types should be generated on demand by the bootstrap class loader, so they can be shared among all user code. For the prototype, we may have javac generate these interfaces so prototype-generated code can run on stock (JDK5-6) VMs.
Must the evaluation of a lambda expression produce a fresh object each time?
Hopefully not. If a lambda captures no variables from an enclosing scope, for example, it can be allocated statically. Similarly, in other situations a lambda could be moved out of an inner loop if it doesn't capture any variables declared inside the loop. It would therefore be best if the specification promises nothing about the reference identity of the result of a lambda expression, so such optimizations can be done by the compiler.
As far as I understand 2., 6. and 7. aren't a problem in Scala, because Scala doesn't use Checked Exceptions as some sort of "Shadow type-system" like Java.
What about the rest?
1) Can Method Handles be used for Function Types?
Scala targets JDK 5 and 6 which don't have method handles, so it hasn't tried to deal with that issue yet.
2) Can we get rid of the explicit declaration of "throws" type parameters?
Scala doesn't have checked exceptions.
3) Disallow #Shared on old-style loop index variables.
Scala doesn't have loop index variables. Still, the same idea can be expressed with a certain kind of while loop . Scala's semantics are pretty standard here. Symbols bindings are captured and if the symbol happens to map to a mutable reference cell then on your own head be it.
4) Handle interfaces like Comparator that define more than one method all but one of which come from Object
Scala users tend to use functions (or implicit functions) to coerce functions of the right type to an interface. e.g.
[implicit] def toComparator[A](f : (A, A) => Int) = new Comparator[A] {
def compare(x : A, y : A) = f(x, y)
5) Specify mapping from function types to interfaces:
Scala's standard library includes FuncitonN traits for 0 <= N <= 22 and the spec says that function literals create instances of those traits
6) Type inference. The rules for type inference need to be augmented to accomodate the inference of exception type parameters.
Since Scala doesn't have checked exceptions it can punt on this whole issue
7) Elided exception type parameters to help retrofit exception transparency.
Same deal, no checked exceptions.
8) How are class literals for function types formed? Is it #void().class ? If so, how does it work if object types are erased? Is it #?(?).class ?
classOf[A => B] //or, equivalently,
Type erasure is type erasure. The above literals produce scala.lang.Function1 regardless of the choice for A and B. If you prefer, you can write
classOf[ _ => _ ] // or
classOf[Function1[ _,_ ]]
9) The system class loader should dynamically generate function type interfaces.
Scala arbitrarily limits the number of arguments to be at most 22 so that it doesn't have to generate the FunctionN classes dynamically.
10) Must the evaluation of a lambda expression produce a fresh object each time?
The Scala specification does not say that it must. But as of 2.8.1 the the compiler does not optimizes the case where a lambda does not capture anything from its environment. I haven't tested with 2.9.0 yet.
I'll address only number 4 here.
One of the things that distinguishes Java "closures" from closures found in other languages is that they can be used in place of interface that does not describe a function -- for example, Runnable. This is what is meant by SAM, Single Abstract Method.
Java does this because these interfaces abound in Java library, and they abound in Java library because Java was created without function types or closures. In their absence, every code that needed inversion of control had to resort to using a SAM interface.
For example, Arrays.sort takes a Comparator object that will perform comparison between members of the array to be sorted. By contrast, Scala can sort a List[A] by receiving a function (A, A) => Int, which is easily passed through a closure. See note 1 at the end, however.
So, because Scala's library was created for a language with function types and closures, there isn't need to support such a thing as SAM closures in Scala.
Of course, there's a question of Scala/Java interoperability -- while Scala's library might not need something like SAM, Java library does. There are two ways that can be solved. First, because Scala supports closures and function types, it is very easy to create helper methods. For example:
def runnable(f: () => Unit) = new Runnable {
def run() = f()
runnable { () => println("Hello") } // creates a Runnable
Actually, this particular example can be made even shorter by use of Scala's by-name parameters, but that's beside the point. Anyway, this is something that, arguably, Java could have done instead of what it is going to do. Given the prevalence of SAM interfaces, it is not all that surprising.
The other way Scala handles this is through implicit conversions. By just prepending implicit to the runnable method above, one creates a method that gets automatically (note 2) applied whenever a Runnable is required but a function () => Unit is provided.
Implicits are very unique, however, and still controversial to some extent.
Note 1: Actually, this particular example was choose with some malice... Comparator has two abstract methods instead of one, which is the whole problem with it. Since one of its methods can be implemented in terms of the other, I think they'll just "subtract" defender methods from the abstract list.
And, on the Scala side, even though there's a sort method that uses (A, A) => Boolean, not (A, A) => Int, the standard sorting method calls for a Ordering object, which is quite similar to Java's Comparator! In Scala's case, though, Ordering performs the role of a type class.
Note 2: Implicits are automatically applied, once they have been imported into scope.

What is the difference between a strongly typed language and a statically typed language?

Also, does one imply the other?
What is the difference between a strongly typed language and a statically typed language?
A statically typed language has a type system that is checked at compile time by the implementation (a compiler or interpreter). The type check rejects some programs, and programs that pass the check usually come with some guarantees; for example, the compiler guarantees not to use integer arithmetic instructions on floating-point numbers.
There is no real agreement on what "strongly typed" means, although the most widely used definition in the professional literature is that in a "strongly typed" language, it is not possible for the programmer to work around the restrictions imposed by the type system. This term is almost always used to describe statically typed languages.
Static vs dynamic
The opposite of statically typed is "dynamically typed", which means that
Values used at run time are classified into types.
There are restrictions on how such values can be used.
When those restrictions are violated, the violation is reported as a (dynamic) type error.
For example, Lua, a dynamically typed language, has a string type, a number type, and a Boolean type, among others. In Lua every value belongs to exactly one type, but this is not a requirement for all dynamically typed languages. In Lua, it is permissible to concatenate two strings, but it is not permissible to concatenate a string and a Boolean.
Strong vs weak
The opposite of "strongly typed" is "weakly typed", which means you can work around the type system. C is notoriously weakly typed because any pointer type is convertible to any other pointer type simply by casting. Pascal was intended to be strongly typed, but an oversight in the design (untagged variant records) introduced a loophole into the type system, so technically it is weakly typed.
Examples of truly strongly typed languages include CLU, Standard ML, and Haskell. Standard ML has in fact undergone several revisions to remove loopholes in the type system that were discovered after the language was widely deployed.
What's really going on here?
Overall, it turns out to be not that useful to talk about "strong" and "weak". Whether a type system has a loophole is less important than the exact number and nature of the loopholes, how likely they are to come up in practice, and what are the consequences of exploiting a loophole. In practice, it's best to avoid the terms "strong" and "weak" altogether, because
Amateurs often conflate them with "static" and "dynamic".
Apparently "weak typing" is used by some persons to talk about the relative prevalance or absence of implicit conversions.
Professionals can't agree on exactly what the terms mean.
Overall you are unlikely to inform or enlighten your audience.
The sad truth is that when it comes to type systems, "strong" and "weak" don't have a universally agreed on technical meaning. If you want to discuss the relative strength of type systems, it is better to discuss exactly what guarantees are and are not provided.
For example, a good question to ask is this: "is every value of a given type (or class) guaranteed to have been created by calling one of that type's constructors?" In C the answer is no. In CLU, F#, and Haskell it is yes. For C++ I am not sure—I would like to know.
By contrast, static typing means that programs are checked before being executed, and a program might be rejected before it starts. Dynamic typing means that the types of values are checked during execution, and a poorly typed operation might cause the program to halt or otherwise signal an error at run time. A primary reason for static typing is to rule out programs that might have such "dynamic type errors".
Does one imply the other?
On a pedantic level, no, because the word "strong" doesn't really mean anything. But in practice, people almost always do one of two things:
They (incorrectly) use "strong" and "weak" to mean "static" and "dynamic", in which case they (incorrectly) are using "strongly typed" and "statically typed" interchangeably.
They use "strong" and "weak" to compare properties of static type systems. It is very rare to hear someone talk about a "strong" or "weak" dynamic type system. Except for FORTH, which doesn't really have any sort of a type system, I can't think of a dynamically typed language where the type system can be subverted. Sort of by definition, those checks are bulit into the execution engine, and every operation gets checked for sanity before being executed.
Either way, if a person calls a language "strongly typed", that person is very likely to be talking about a statically typed language.
This is often misunderstood so let me clear it up.
Static/Dynamic Typing
Static typing is where the type is bound to the variable. Types are checked at compile time.
Dynamic typing is where the type is bound to the value. Types are checked at run time.
So in Java for example:
String s = "abcd";
s will "forever" be a String. During its life it may point to different Strings (since s is a reference in Java). It may have a null value but it will never refer to an Integer or a List. That's static typing.
$s = "abcd"; // $s is a string
$s = 123; // $s is now an integer
$s = array(1, 2, 3); // $s is now an array
$s = new DOMDocument; // $s is an instance of the DOMDocument class
That's dynamic typing.
Strong/Weak Typing
(Edit alert!)
Strong typing is a phrase with no widely agreed upon meaning. Most programmers who use this term to mean something other than static typing use it to imply that there is a type discipline that is enforced by the compiler. For example, CLU has a strong type system that does not allow client code to create a value of abstract type except by using the constructors provided by the type. C has a somewhat strong type system, but it can be "subverted" to a degree because a program can always cast a value of one pointer type to a value of another pointer type. So for example, in C you can take a value returned by malloc() and cheerfully cast it to FILE*, and the compiler won't try to stop you—or even warn you that you are doing anything dodgy.
(The original answer said something about a value "not changing type at run time". I have known many language designers and compiler writers and have not known one that talked about values changing type at run time, except possibly some very advanced research in type systems, where this is known as the "strong update problem".)
Weak typing implies that the compiler does not enforce a typing discpline, or perhaps that enforcement can easily be subverted.
The original of this answer conflated weak typing with implicit conversion (sometimes also called "implicit promotion"). For example, in Java:
String s = "abc" + 123; // "abc123";
This is code is an example of implicit promotion: 123 is implicitly converted to a string before being concatenated with "abc". It can be argued the Java compiler rewrites that code as:
String s = "abc" + new Integer(123).toString();
Consider a classic PHP "starts with" problem:
if (strpos('abcdef', 'abc') == false) {
// not found
The error here is that strpos() returns the index of the match, being 0. 0 is coerced into boolean false and thus the condition is actually true. The solution is to use === instead of == to avoid implicit conversion.
This example illustrates how a combination of implicit conversion and dynamic typing can lead programmers astray.
Compare that to Ruby:
val = "abc" + 123
which is a runtime error because in Ruby the object 123 is not implicitly converted just because it happens to be passed to a + method. In Ruby the programmer must make the conversion explicit:
val = "abc" + 123.to_s
Comparing PHP and Ruby is a good illustration here. Both are dynamically typed languages but PHP has lots of implicit conversions and Ruby (perhaps surprisingly if you're unfamiliar with it) doesn't.
Static/Dynamic vs Strong/Weak
The point here is that the static/dynamic axis is independent of the strong/weak axis. People confuse them probably in part because strong vs weak typing is not only less clearly defined, there is no real consensus on exactly what is meant by strong and weak. For this reason strong/weak typing is far more of a shade of grey rather than black or white.
So to answer your question: another way to look at this that's mostly correct is to say that static typing is compile-time type safety and strong typing is runtime type safety.
The reason for this is that variables in a statically typed language have a type that must be declared and can be checked at compile time. A strongly-typed language has values that have a type at run time, and it's difficult for the programmer to subvert the type system without a dynamic check.
But it's important to understand that a language can be Static/Strong, Static/Weak, Dynamic/Strong or Dynamic/Weak.
Both are poles on two different axis:
strongly typed vs. weakly typed
statically typed vs. dynamically typed
Strongly typed means, a variable will not be automatically converted from one type to another. Weakly typed is the opposite: Perl can use a string like "123" in a numeric context, by automatically converting it into the int 123. A strongly typed language like python will not do this.
Statically typed means, the compiler figures out the type of each variable at compile time. Dynamically typed languages only figure out the types of variables at runtime.
Strongly typed means that there are restrictions between conversions between types.
Statically typed means that the types are not dynamic - you can not change the type of a variable once it has been created.
Answer is already given above. Trying to differentiate between strong vs week and static vs dynamic concept.
What is Strongly typed VS Weakly typed?
Strongly Typed: Will not be automatically converted from one type to another
In Go or Python like strongly typed languages "2" + 8 will raise a type error, because they don't allow for "type coercion".
Weakly (loosely) Typed: Will be automatically converted to one type to another:
Weakly typed languages like JavaScript or Perl won't throw an error and in this case JavaScript will results '28' and perl will result 10.
Perl Example:
my $a = "2" + 8;
print $a,"\n";
Save it to and run perl and you will get output 10.
What is Static VS Dynamic type?
In programming, programmer define static typing and dynamic typing with respect to the point at which the variable types are checked. Static typed languages are those in which type checking is done at compile-time, whereas dynamic typed languages are those in which type checking is done at run-time.
Static: Types checked before run-time
Dynamic: Types checked on the fly, during execution
What is this means?
In Go it checks typed before run-time (static check). This mean it not only translates and type-checks code it’s executing, but it will scan through all the code and type error would be thrown before the code is even run. For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func foo(a int) {
if (a > 0) {
fmt.Println("I am feeling lucky (maybe).")
} else {
fmt.Println("2" + 8)
func main() {
Save this file in main.go and run it, you will get compilation failed message for this.
go run main.go
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:9:25: cannot convert "2" (type untyped string) to type int
./main.go:9:25: invalid operation: "2" + 8 (mismatched types string and int)
But this case is not valid for Python. For example following block of code will execute for first foo(2) call and will fail for second foo(0) call. It's because Python is dynamically typed, it only translates and type-checks code it’s executing on. The else block never executes for foo(2), so "2" + 8 is never even looked at and for foo(0) call it will try to execute that block and failed.
def foo(a):
if a > 0:
print 'I am feeling lucky.'
print "2" + 8
You will see following output
I am feeling lucky.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in <module>
File "", line 5, in foo
print "2" + 8
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
Data Coercion does not necessarily mean weakly typed because sometimes its syntacical sugar:
The example above of Java being weakly typed because of
String s = "abc" + 123;
Is not weakly typed example because its really doing:
String s = "abc" + new Integer(123).toString()
Data coercion is also not weakly typed if you are constructing a new object.
Java is a very bad example of weakly typed (and any language that has good reflection will most likely not be weakly typed). Because the runtime of the language always knows what the type is (the exception might be native types).
This is unlike C. C is the one of the best examples of weakly typed. The runtime has no idea if 4 bytes is an integer, a struct, a pointer or a 4 characters.
The runtime of the language really defines whether or not its weakly typed otherwise its really just opinion.
After further thought this is not necessarily true as the runtime does not have to have all the types reified in the runtime system to be a Strongly Typed system.
Haskell and ML have such complete static analysis that they can potential ommit type information from the runtime.
One does not imply the other. For a language to be statically typed it means that the types of all variables are known or inferred at compile time.
A strongly typed language does not allow you to use one type as another. C is a weakly typed language and is a good example of what strongly typed languages don't allow. In C you can pass a data element of the wrong type and it will not complain. In strongly typed languages you cannot.
Strong typing probably means that variables have a well-defined type and that there are strict rules about combining variables of different types in expressions. For example, if A is an integer and B is a float, then the strict rule about A+B might be that A is cast to a float and the result returned as a float. If A is an integer and B is a string, then the strict rule might be that A+B is not valid.
Static typing probably means that types are assigned at compile time (or its equivalent for non-compiled languages) and cannot change during program execution.
Note that these classifications are not mutually exclusive, indeed I would expect them to occur together frequently. Many strongly-typed languages are also statically-typed.
And note that when I use the word 'probably' it is because there are no universally accepted definitions of these terms. As you will already have seen from the answers so far.
Imho, it is better to avoid these definitions altogether, not only there is no agreed upon definition of the terms, definitions that do exist tend to focus on technical aspects for example, are operation on mixed type allowed and if not is there a loophole that bypasses the restrictions such as work your way using pointers.
Instead, and emphasizing again that it is an opinion, one should focus on the question: Does the type system make my application more reliable? A question which is application specific.
For example: if my application has a variable named acceleration, then clearly if the way the variable is declared and used allows the assignment of the value "Monday" to acceleration it is a problem, as clearly an acceleration cannot be a weekday (and a string).
Another example: In Ada one can define: subtype Month_Day is Integer range 1..31;, The type Month_Day is weak in the sense that it is not a separate type from Integer (because it is a subtype), however it is restricted to the range 1..31. In contrast: type Month_Day is new Integer; will create a distinct type, which is strong in the sense that that it cannot be mixed with integers without explicit casting - but it is not restricted and can receive the value -17 which is senseless. So technically it is stronger, but is less reliable.
Of course, one can declare type Month_Day is new Integer range 1..31; to create a type which is distinct and restricted.