Understanding call by name with currying in Scala - scala

I am trying to understand database connections in Scala using the default Anorm library in play framework. Play has a sample example "Computer Database" where one of the functions tries to retrieve a computer from the DB:
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
SQL("select * from computer where id = {id}").on('id -> id).as(Computer.simple.singleOpt)
If I look at the function signature of withConnection it is this:
def withConnection [A] (block: (Connection) ⇒ A)(implicit app: Application): A
Execute a block of code, providing a JDBC connection. The connection and all created statements are automatically released.
**block** Code block to execute.
My question is how to map each value of function call to function definition? For example what is A (is it the whole SQL query, but what does the return type mean then?). What the implicit app in this case? Where is it defined?

admittedly this example is confusing, since it combines several language features
type parameters (generics)
currying (=two argument lists)
anonymous inline function (function block)
implicit arguments (which are picked up from the context)
As always, when matters start to become complicated, lets' sort it out one by one
(1) A is a type parameter. This is replaced by a suitable type on each invocation of the function. Since A is mentioned at two locations in the argument list and in the return type, this means that whatever type you use, the result type of the passed-in function block will be the same than the overall return type. You could explicitly define A when using the function, but typically you can leave it out, since the compiler can infer the actual type used.
(2) currying is easy to understand. This function here just has two parameter lists. Which means you can apply this function in several steps. First apply the left parameter list:
def myBlock(connection:Connection):SQL =
SQL("select ......" .....
val pf = DB.withConnection(myBlock)
Question: what kind of Object is pf ? what is ists type?
Answer: it is a function, taking one argument, an Application object
Thus the type of pf would be Application => SQL since in the first, partial application of the function, we just passed in another function with return type SQL, thus type parameter A is inferred to be SQL
(3) but in the code above, we've defined the function myBlock in a conventional fashion, and we gave it explicitly the name "myBlock". This isn't necessary. We can define the same function just inline, using the block syntax.
(4) and now the confusing, "magic" part, the implicits. This is a very special feature of Scala, where the compiler allows you to omit some values, or arguments (in our case). You may not omit arbitrary arguments, but only arguments marked as implicit. When you do so, the compiler doesn't immediately generate an error; rather it looks in the current scope, if he can find some suitable other object with the same name.
Effectively this means, that in your example, there must somehow be an value "connection" of type Connection, and there must be a value "application" of type Application. Both values must be visible somehow in the current scope -- that is, either as parameter, as value in an enclosing scope, or as value in the companion object, or you might have brought them into scope explicitly with an import statement. The purpose of this language feature is just to save you typing those obvious arguments (application and connection9 again and again


scala method with 2 generics where one can be inferred

I'm new to Scala. I am writing a method which sends a request of type RQ to a server, and receives a response of type Response[RSP]. The simplified version: I define a method to make a call:
def invoke[RQ, RSP](request: RQ): Response[RSP] = {....}
When I invoke the method, all parameters can be inferred if I specify the type of the receiving variable, like this:
val result: Response[Double] = invoke("Hello")
But if I just say invoke("Hello") without assigning it to anything, it won't compile. I have to supply the 2 generic types (e.g invoke[String, Double]("Hello") ). My question is: The String can be inferred from the parameter. Is there a way to write the call specifying only the RSP generic? Something in the lines of : invoke[ , Double]("Hello") ?
This is a feature that has been asked about a number of times. Future versions of Scala may support a syntax similar to named arguments for methods:
invoke[RSP = Double]("Hello")
At the moment, there is nothing much you can do except restructure your code so that the method has only one type parameter, and the second comes from the surrounding context.
The more interesting question is: why do you even care about the return type if you just throw away the result anyway? It looks like your method violates the Command-Query Separation Principle. If your method simply returned Unit, you wouldn't need the second type parameter, and all would work fine. If you actually used the return value, the type inferencer would at least have a chance to infer the second type parameter from the context. But the fact that you have a type parameter for the return value but ignore the return value means that there is no context for the type inferencer to look at.

On Expanded Scala Method signatures

I am nearly completely new to Scala, a few months on. I noticed some wild signatures. I have worked through generics with contrapositive/copositive/extensions/invariance, and most of the basics. However, I continue to find some of the method signatures a bit confusing. While I find examples and know what the signatures produce, I am still a bit at a loss as to some of the functionality. Googling my questions has left me with no answers. I do have the general idea that people like to beat the basic CS 1 stuff to death. I have even tried to find answers on the scala website. Perhaps I am phrasing things like "expanded method signature" and "defining function use in scala signature" wrong. Can anyone explain this signature?
futureUsing[I <: Closeable, R](resource: I)(f: I => Future[R])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext):Future[R]
My guess is that after the initial generics and parameter declaration with a parameter of type I, the body is defined and the final portion is any objects specific to the function or that must be looked up in an implicit scope (are they destroyed afterwards?). Can anyone layout an expanded method signature so I know what code I am using? Is there a particular order the last two parts must be in?
After a bunch more searching, I found a few valid responses I can throw together:
-Scala - Currying and default arguments
-why in Scala a function type needs to be passed in separate group of arguments into a function
There is no set ordering just that implicits must be last. Placement is about dependency which flows left to right as someone down the list in one of the above answers pointed out. Why I cannot have implicits first and everything depending on them afterwards is odd since having nothing available causes an error and things will likely depend on a given implicit.
However, I am still a bit confused. When specifying f: I => Future[R], and needing to supply the last argument, lets pretend it would be any implicit, would I need to do something more like:
futureUsing(resourceOfI)({stuff => doStuff(stuff)})(myImplicit)
Is this even correct?
Could I do:
futureUsing(resourceOfI)(myImplicit)({stuff => doStuff(stuff)})
Why? I am really trying to get at the underlying reasons rather than just a binary yes or no.
Final Note
I just found this answer. It appears the order cannot be changed. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Scala: Preference among overloaded methods with implicits, currying and defaults
Can anyone explain this signature?
futureUsing[I <: Closeable, R]
futureUsing works with two separate types (two type parameters). We don't know exactly what types they are, but we'll call one I (input), which is a (or derived from) Closable, and the other R (result).
(resourse: I)
The 1st curried argument to futureUsing is of type I. We'll call it resourse.
(f: I => Future[R])
The 2nd curried argument, f, is a function that takes an argument of type I and returns a Future that will (eventually) contain something of type R.
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
The 3rd curried argument, ec, is of type ExecutionContext. This argument is implicit, meaning if it isn't supplied when futureUsing is invoked, the compiler will look for an ExecutionContext in scope that has been declared implicit and it will pull that in as the 3rd argument.
futureUsing returns a Future that contains the result of type R.
Is there a specific ordering to this?
Implicit parameters are required to be the last (right most) parameters. Other than that, no, resourse and f could have been declared in either order. When invoked, of course, the order of arguments must match the order as declared in the definition.
Do I need ... implicits to drag in?
In the case of ExecutionContext let the compiler use what's available from import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext. Only on rare occasions would you need something different.
...how would Scala use the 2nd curried argument...
In the body of futureUsing I would expect to see f(resourse). f takes an argument of type I. resourse is of type I. f returns Future[R] and so does futureUsing so the line f(resourse) might be the last statement in the body of futureUsing.

How do scala implicit values work?

This is not a question about implicit in general - I know how it works. It's about one specific construct. Here comes a quite common patten in myBatis for Scala:
manager.readOnly { implicit session => {
//Code block: Do some DB operations in session
Definition of readOnly can be found here: https://github.com/mybatis/scala/blob/master/mybatis-scala-core/src/main/scala/org/mybatis/scala/session/SessionManager.scala
How I read it: Call a readOnly method on manager with its argument being a function that takes session as an argument.
My question is: Where implicit session value is taken from? Which context? I do not have to define any session object by myself.
Implicit parameters provide a way to allow parameters of a method to be "found". This means that if a parameter value is not supplied then the compiler will search for an "implicit" value defined within scope according to resolution rules:
Variable has to be marked implicit to be considered as a candidate
Explicit definitions override implicits
Local scope is looked first
Classes companion object is searched if it exists
Scala documentation puts it this way:
First, eligible are all identifiers x that can be accessed at the
point of the method call without a prefix and that denote an implicit
definition or an implicit parameter. Second, eligible are also all
members of companion modules of the implicit parameter’s type that are
labeled implicit.
It seems there's also a bunch of edge cases and not a whole lot of good documentation so I don't encourage to go crazy with implicits or you might be in for a surprise.
My question is: Where implicit session value is taken from? Which
context? I do not have to define any session object by myself.
In this example, implicit session is a formal parameter declaration for the function literal it begins. Thus the actual value is supplied by the code in readOnly that will invoke that function in carrying out its operation.
Making it implicit here means the code in the function body (which I presume to be a Slick query) wants / needs / prefers an implicit parameter for the sake of notational convenience. (Implicit formal parameters may always have their actual parameter passed explicitly).
Incidentally, the inner braces are unnecessary and should be omitted.

Scala: why doesn't List[=>Int] work?

I've been working on learning the ins and outs of scala, and recently I've come across something I'm curious about.
As I understand, if I want to pass a block of code that is effectively lazily evaluated to a function, (without evaluating it on the spot) I could type:
def run(a: =>Int):Int = {...}
In this sense, the function run receives a block of code, that is yet to be evaluated, which it evaluates and returns the computed Int of. I then tried to extend this idea to the List data structure. Typing:
def run(a: List[=>Int]) = {...}
This however, returns an error. I was wondering why this is disallowed. How, other than by this syntax can I pass a list of unevaluated blocks of code?
=>Int is the syntax for by name parameters. =>Int is not a type, so it can't be used as a parameter to List. However, ()=>Int is a type. It's the type of nullary functions that return Int. So this works:
def run(a: List[()=>Int]) = {...}
by-name parameter is not a first-class type in Scala.
List[()=>Int] is one of the solution. otherwise, You can use following Lazy data structure.

Closures in Scala vs Closures in Java

Some time ago Oracle decided that adding Closures to Java 8 would be an good idea. I wonder how design problems are solved there in comparison to Scala, which had closures since day one.
Citing the Open Issues from javac.info:
Can Method Handles be used for Function Types?
It isn't obvious how to make that work. One problem is that Method Handles reify type parameters, but in a way that interferes with function subtyping.
Can we get rid of the explicit declaration of "throws" type parameters?
The idea would be to use disjuntive type inference whenever the declared bound is a checked exception type. This is not strictly backward compatible, but it's unlikely to break real existing code. We probably can't get rid of "throws" in the type argument, however, due to syntactic ambiguity.
Disallow #Shared on old-style loop index variables
Handle interfaces like Comparator that define more than one method, all but one of which will be implemented by a method inherited from Object.
The definition of "interface with a single method" should count only methods that would not be implemented by a method in Object and should count multiple methods as one if implementing one of them would implement them all. Mainly, this requires a more precise specification of what it means for an interface to have only a single abstract method.
Specify mapping from function types to interfaces: names, parameters, etc.
We should fully specify the mapping from function types to system-generated interfaces precisely.
Type inference. The rules for type inference need to be augmented to accomodate the inference of exception type parameters. Similarly, the subtype relationships used by the closure conversion should be reflected as well.
Elided exception type parameters to help retrofit exception transparency.
Perhaps make elided exception type parameters mean the bound. This enables retrofitting existing generic interfaces that don't have a type parameter for the exception, such as java.util.concurrent.Callable, by adding a new generic exception parameter.
How are class literals for function types formed?
Is it #void().class ? If so, how does it work if object types are erased? Is it #?(?).class ?
The system class loader should dynamically generate function type interfaces.
The interfaces corresponding to function types should be generated on demand by the bootstrap class loader, so they can be shared among all user code. For the prototype, we may have javac generate these interfaces so prototype-generated code can run on stock (JDK5-6) VMs.
Must the evaluation of a lambda expression produce a fresh object each time?
Hopefully not. If a lambda captures no variables from an enclosing scope, for example, it can be allocated statically. Similarly, in other situations a lambda could be moved out of an inner loop if it doesn't capture any variables declared inside the loop. It would therefore be best if the specification promises nothing about the reference identity of the result of a lambda expression, so such optimizations can be done by the compiler.
As far as I understand 2., 6. and 7. aren't a problem in Scala, because Scala doesn't use Checked Exceptions as some sort of "Shadow type-system" like Java.
What about the rest?
1) Can Method Handles be used for Function Types?
Scala targets JDK 5 and 6 which don't have method handles, so it hasn't tried to deal with that issue yet.
2) Can we get rid of the explicit declaration of "throws" type parameters?
Scala doesn't have checked exceptions.
3) Disallow #Shared on old-style loop index variables.
Scala doesn't have loop index variables. Still, the same idea can be expressed with a certain kind of while loop . Scala's semantics are pretty standard here. Symbols bindings are captured and if the symbol happens to map to a mutable reference cell then on your own head be it.
4) Handle interfaces like Comparator that define more than one method all but one of which come from Object
Scala users tend to use functions (or implicit functions) to coerce functions of the right type to an interface. e.g.
[implicit] def toComparator[A](f : (A, A) => Int) = new Comparator[A] {
def compare(x : A, y : A) = f(x, y)
5) Specify mapping from function types to interfaces:
Scala's standard library includes FuncitonN traits for 0 <= N <= 22 and the spec says that function literals create instances of those traits
6) Type inference. The rules for type inference need to be augmented to accomodate the inference of exception type parameters.
Since Scala doesn't have checked exceptions it can punt on this whole issue
7) Elided exception type parameters to help retrofit exception transparency.
Same deal, no checked exceptions.
8) How are class literals for function types formed? Is it #void().class ? If so, how does it work if object types are erased? Is it #?(?).class ?
classOf[A => B] //or, equivalently,
Type erasure is type erasure. The above literals produce scala.lang.Function1 regardless of the choice for A and B. If you prefer, you can write
classOf[ _ => _ ] // or
classOf[Function1[ _,_ ]]
9) The system class loader should dynamically generate function type interfaces.
Scala arbitrarily limits the number of arguments to be at most 22 so that it doesn't have to generate the FunctionN classes dynamically.
10) Must the evaluation of a lambda expression produce a fresh object each time?
The Scala specification does not say that it must. But as of 2.8.1 the the compiler does not optimizes the case where a lambda does not capture anything from its environment. I haven't tested with 2.9.0 yet.
I'll address only number 4 here.
One of the things that distinguishes Java "closures" from closures found in other languages is that they can be used in place of interface that does not describe a function -- for example, Runnable. This is what is meant by SAM, Single Abstract Method.
Java does this because these interfaces abound in Java library, and they abound in Java library because Java was created without function types or closures. In their absence, every code that needed inversion of control had to resort to using a SAM interface.
For example, Arrays.sort takes a Comparator object that will perform comparison between members of the array to be sorted. By contrast, Scala can sort a List[A] by receiving a function (A, A) => Int, which is easily passed through a closure. See note 1 at the end, however.
So, because Scala's library was created for a language with function types and closures, there isn't need to support such a thing as SAM closures in Scala.
Of course, there's a question of Scala/Java interoperability -- while Scala's library might not need something like SAM, Java library does. There are two ways that can be solved. First, because Scala supports closures and function types, it is very easy to create helper methods. For example:
def runnable(f: () => Unit) = new Runnable {
def run() = f()
runnable { () => println("Hello") } // creates a Runnable
Actually, this particular example can be made even shorter by use of Scala's by-name parameters, but that's beside the point. Anyway, this is something that, arguably, Java could have done instead of what it is going to do. Given the prevalence of SAM interfaces, it is not all that surprising.
The other way Scala handles this is through implicit conversions. By just prepending implicit to the runnable method above, one creates a method that gets automatically (note 2) applied whenever a Runnable is required but a function () => Unit is provided.
Implicits are very unique, however, and still controversial to some extent.
Note 1: Actually, this particular example was choose with some malice... Comparator has two abstract methods instead of one, which is the whole problem with it. Since one of its methods can be implemented in terms of the other, I think they'll just "subtract" defender methods from the abstract list.
And, on the Scala side, even though there's a sort method that uses (A, A) => Boolean, not (A, A) => Int, the standard sorting method calls for a Ordering object, which is quite similar to Java's Comparator! In Scala's case, though, Ordering performs the role of a type class.
Note 2: Implicits are automatically applied, once they have been imported into scope.