Is it possible to direct certain client traffic to the same pod? Not sticky sessions but clients that need to connect to the same pod - kubernetes

I have a situation where a group of clients need to connect to the same pod. The pods are stateful and contains session specific info. Clients need to be given some kind of id the will direct them to the correct pod. Not exactly sticky sessions though. The session is created on a pod by one client, and then other clients given the location id to join that pods session. If I run the app as a single instance, everything work great, because all sessions are on the same pod. But, as soon as the pod is scaled out, sessions can be created anywhere, and participant clients are not able to find the session, and thus don't receive the data.
I'm trying to work around a problem where this app is not only stateful, but also not distributable. Ideally, session data would be in a message queue, and any pod should be able to receive the session info. But, these are the cards I've been dealt.
TIA for any help or advice you can give.
ADDENDUM: The devs will be refactoring the app to utilize some kind of MQ. So, I'm not looking for suggestions to share session info. I'm looking for a fix that will route traffic specific clients to a specific pod. I personally don't believe this will be possible, just trying on the off chance it is. Right now the only option is to run the app as on giant pod that will handle all client session.


How to handle WebSocket-dependent data on server crash?

I'm using a postgres database to maintain a list of rooms and connected users to each room.
Users can enter a room whenever they want, but they should leave the room when they close the browser.
A good flow of events should be
User enters room (user's room var is set) -> ... -> User disconnects
and server notices (user's room var is unset)
But what if this happens?
User enters room (user's room var is set) -> ... -> Server crashes or
shuts down for updates -> User disconnects and server doesn't notice
(user's room var is still set) -> Server is back on
In this last case, the database state is already broken. What's the best way to deal with something like this? Thanks
Let's divide the answer into 2 aspects:
User Aspect:
Regardless of the language at hand, you should be made aware of disconnection events using a Socket event/exception handling.
If the server crashes, your user will experience an abrupt socket disconnection/connection closing/session termination, depending on which framework your are using. TCP Sockets also have keepalive (SO_KEEPALIVE) exactly for that (you can usually control these (or similar) settings from the high-level protocol.
So, all you need to to do in that case is run maintenance code on the user's end (unset a variable in you describe case)
Server Aspect:
It's a bit trickier here. What you are basically looking for is ephemeral state management, meaning, the ability to react to abprut service/server termination (server crashes that result in an corrupted/unclean state), and clean-up after them
For that, Technologies like Zookeeper or Consul exist. I personally recommend Zookeeper, as I have built similar solutions on top of it in the past, several times.
With zookeeper, when your server startup, it can, for instance, creates an EPHEMERAL node. That node will be created once the server goes up, and will remain there for as long as the server is alive and connected to the Zookeeper cluster. If the server crashes unexpectedly, This node is removed.
You can then have a separate application/script that listens to events on that zk node/path. If it's suddenly remove, you can run a cleanup routine on the database.
This approach supports multiple app instances of course - you can listen on an events under a path and have all server instance register using different nodes under it. The removed node can contain instance specific identifiers, and you can use those to clean up specific instance state from the database.
It can also be a wise choice to remove clean-up/maintenance duty to a separate component
(Note that ZooKeeper requires careful attention when dealing connection/state events)
Some additional Zookeeper reading material
Final Thoughts:
Of course the answer can be fine-tuned based on specific needs that were not presented in the question.
When building complex, stateful solution, I personally aim to deal with crashes on all ends of the solutions, playing 'safe' where possible

How to notify POD in statefull set about other PODS in Kubernetes

I was reading the tutorial on deploying a Cassandra ring and zookeeper with statefulsets. What I don't understand is if I decide to add another replica into the statefulset, how do I notify the other PODS that there is another one. What are best practices for it? I want to be able for one POD to redirect request to another POD in my custom application in case the request doesn't belong to it (ie. it doesn't have the data)
Well, seems like you want to run a clustered application inside kubernetes. It is not something that kubernetes is directly responsible for. The cluster coordination for given solution should be handled within it, and a response to a "how to" question can not be generic.
Most of the softwares out there will have some kind of coordination, discovery and registration mechanism. Be it preconfigured members, external dioscovery catalog/db or some networ broadcasting.
StatefulSet helps a lot in it by retaining network identity under service/pod, or helping to keep storage, so you can ie. always point your new replicas to register with first replica (or preferably one of the first two, cause what if your no.1 is the one that restarted), but as a wrote above, this is pretty much depending on capabilities available on the solution you want to deploy.

Application startup and shutdown based on authenticated user activity

There are applications and services in enterprises that do not need to run all the time and that have a limited user base (say a handful of people).
These applications can be shut down and started either based on scheduling or even better user activity. So, we are talking about on-demand service (say wrapped by a container) and node start-up and shut down.
Now, first to mention that the reason why I mention authenticated user activity is because is makes sense to startup and shutdown on that basis (i.e. not based on lower level network traffic). One can imagine corporate SSO (say OAuth 2 based) being involved.
So, my question is whether anyone has attempted to implement what I have described using Consul or Kubernetes?
In the case of Consul, it could be that the key-value store could be used to give "Micro" (i.e. small user base) class applications a TTL, each time an authenticated user requests access to a given "Micro" class application it's TTL is updated. During the TTL window we want to check the health of the node(s), containers and services - outside of the window we don't (since we want to save on op ex).
This question is similar to this autoscaling question, however different in the sense that this use case is about scaling from 0 nodes and then down to 0 based on an authenticated user base (most likely using SSO).
In the case of Kubernetes, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling documentation lists the exact use case described under Next steps (i.e. the feature is on the backlog and may be implemented after v1.1. of Kubernetes). The cited feature description (Unidling proposal) is as follows:
Scale the number of pods starting from 0. All pods can be turned-off, and then turned-on when there is a demand for them. When a request to service with no pods arrives, kube-proxy will generate an event for autoscaler to create a new pod.
So basically, it may be possible to do what I've described in future using Kubernetes, but it is not possible right now. This in itself does not address the requirement to only scale from 0 based on authenticated user activity.
It's worth noting, as a cluster-agnostic aside, on-demand container activation based on systemd. This solution will of course not scale back down to 0 without a controlling process, but it's still worth noting.

Scala + Akka: How to develop a Multi-Machine Highly Available Cluster

We're developing a server system in Scala + Akka for a game that will serve clients in Android, iPhone, and Second Life. There are parts of this server that need to be highly available, running on multiple machines. If one of those servers dies (of, say, hardware failure), the system needs to keep running. I think I want the clients to have a list of machines they will try to connect with, similar to how Cassandra works.
The multi-node examples I've seen so far with Akka seem to me to be centered around the idea of scalability, rather than high availability (at least with regard to hardware). The multi-node examples seem to always have a single point of failure. For example there are load balancers, but if I need to reboot one of the machines that have load balancers, my system will suffer some downtime.
Are there any examples that show this type of hardware fault tolerance for Akka? Or, do you have any thoughts on good ways to make this happen?
So far, the best answer I've been able to come up with is to study the Erlang OTP docs, meditate on them, and try to figure out how to put my system together using the building blocks available in Akka.
But if there are resources, examples, or ideas on how to share state between multiple machines in a way that if one of them goes down things keep running, I'd sure appreciate them, because I'm concerned I might be re-inventing the wheel here. Maybe there is a multi-node STM container that automatically keeps the shared state in sync across multiple nodes? Or maybe this is so easy to make that the documentation doesn't bother showing examples of how to do it, or perhaps I haven't been thorough enough in my research and experimentation yet. Any thoughts or ideas will be appreciated.
HA and load management is a very important aspect of scalability and is available as a part of the AkkaSource commercial offering.
If you're listing multiple potential hosts in your clients already, then those can effectively become load balancers.
You could offer a host suggestion service and recommends to the client which machine they should connect to (based on current load, or whatever), then the client can pin to that until the connection fails.
If the host suggestion service is not there, then the client can simply pick a random host from it internal list, trying them until it connects.
Ideally on first time start up, the client will connect to the host suggestion service and not only get directed to an appropriate host, but a list of other potential hosts as well. This list can routinely be updated every time the client connects.
If the host suggestion service is down on the clients first attempt (unlikely, but...) then you can pre-deploy a list of hosts in the client install so it can start immediately randomly selecting hosts from the very beginning if it has too.
Make sure that your list of hosts is actual host names, and not IPs, that give you more flexibility long term (i.e. you'll "always have", etc. even if you move infrastructure and change IPs).
You could take a look how RedDwarf and it's fork DimDwarf are built. They are both horizontally scalable crash-only game app servers and DimDwarf is partly written in Scala (new messaging functionality). Their approach and architecture should match your needs quite well :)
2 cents..
"how to share state between multiple machines in a way that if one of them goes down things keep running"
Don't share state between machines, instead partition state across machines. I don't know your domain so I don't know if this will work. But essentially if you assign certain aggregates ( in DDD terms ) to certain nodes, you can keep those aggregates in memory ( actor, agent, etc ) when they are being used. In order to do this you will need to use something like zookeeper to coordinate which nodes handle which aggregates. In the event of failure you can bring the aggregate up on a different node.
Further more, if you use an event sourcing model to build your aggregates, it becomes almost trivial to have real-time copies ( slaves ) of your aggregate on other nodes by those nodes listening for events and maintaining their own copies.
By using Akka, we get remoting between nodes almost for free. This means that which ever node handles a request that might need to interact with an Aggregate/Entity on another nodes can do so with RemoteActors.
What I have outlined here is very general but gives an approach to distributed fault-tolerance with Akka and ZooKeeper. It may or may not help. I hope it does.
All the best,

Improve on this pattern for handling how a mobile app knows how to find it's server

I'm considering how to identify server(s) to an app on a mobile device that utilises a wcf/web service.
(1) I anticipate all going well that I will need to migrate the server between hosts from time to time to handle load. I'd like to be able to do this without service disruption.
(2) I also anticipate that all going well I will want to improve scalability by seperating website hosting and wcf/web service hosting requiring an addressing change on the client. Until the app proves to get traction the server deployment will be shared on the same domain.
Rereleasing the client for this purpose at a glance seems complicated as you can't force updates on consumers and it's non trivial to distinguish between no data connection/server down and a server that's moved.
I was thinking this would be a solved problem, so thought to bounce it off the community for better ideas.
What I've come up with so far is as follows.
Client needs a primary and secondary URL to reference the wcf/web service. This caters for host provider changes. The old host can continue to run the service during the handover period. When succesfully deployed to the new host, the secondary/old host can be disabled. The wcf/web service is essentially stateless, so that simplifies matters somewhat.
At periodic intervals the client will initiate a service to request the primary and secondary URLs be supplied and then caches these. This future proofs the client to be able to (for a period of time) be instructed by the service behind the secondary URL to accept a new URL for future use while the primary URL services requests at the new URL. Once the secondary service has pointed to a new primary, the following periodic update requested from the primary will update the cached secondary URL.
What have I missed? Perhaps it can be simpler?
DNS is probably the way to hide your server moving to a new address. When you change your server, you update your DNS record. Put the new server in place, and once it is up and running, update the DNS record. That's all there is to do, unless I am missing something.
Edited to reflect comments :
To be sure that the change is seemless, you can reduce the TTL of your DNS entries to a very low value to be sure that the propagation is fast. For example, if before switching servers you change your TTL to 5 minutes, you ensure that you can swith your first server off 5 minutes after updating your DNS entries.
So you only need one URL, and this URL never needs to change. It answers both your first and second requirements. No need to reinvent the wheel.