how can I do conditional insert in postgres when there can be concurrent inserts that can create conflict? - postgresql

I am trying to write an experimentation framework where user can schedule some experiments based on location-ids and time.
my table schema looks like :
TABLE experiment (
name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
locationIds varchar[] NOT NULL,
timeStart timestamp NOT NULL,
timeEnd timestamp NOT NULL,
there are insert operations to be done with condition that the location(s) and time should not overlap.
I wanted to know what can be done to avoid in-consistency of data state when there are 2 concurrent inserts taken up where location OR time overlaps,
Ideally I want one of the insert to succeed, but I am fine If both fails and application is supposed to retry again.
Few Approached I tried to think:
Have an enable column that tells whether certain entry is valid
OR not.
I insert the experiment schedule entry with enable=FALSE
Then I check if there is any other entry which is enabled and is
overlapping with the current Insert.
IF there is such entry then I do nothing and that experiment is not
scheduled. Else I update the entry to enable=TRUE.
Problem : If there is a concurrent conflicting insert, then both will get enable=TRUE when both cleared the step-3.
I gave a thought if I let the transaction-isolation level to be read-uncommitted then also, I can't differentiate the ones in process and the ones already enable=TRUE
Then I thought, If I mark enable as a enum [IN_PROGRESS, ENABLED, DISABLED] then approach will look like this.
Have an enable column that tells whether certain entry is [IN_PROGRESS, ENABLED, DISABLED]
I insert the experiment schedule entry with enable=IN_PROGRESS
Then I check if there is any other entry which is enable=ENABLED OR enable=IN_PROGRESS and is overlapping with the current Insert.
IF there is such entry then I update enable=DISABLED and that experiment is not
scheduled. Else I update the entry to enable=ENABLED.
Problem : If there is a concurrent conflicting insert, then both will get enable=DISABLED when both cleared the step-3 and get such overlapping entry.
If the transaction-isolation level is READ-COMMITTED then this will only work IF each step is a transaction, rather whole process as one transaction.
If the transaction-isolation level is READ-UNCOMMITTED then this can be taken up as one transaction, with DISABLED state can be taken as a ROLLBACK step too.
Using Trigger Based solution as I am using POSTGRES, I can add a trigger for each insert operation, post insert where I check for such overlapping entry, if there is none, then I update the row to have enable=TRUE
UPDATE experiment
SET NEW.enable=true
WHERE (SELECT count(1)
FROM experiment
WHERE enable= true AND location_Ids && OLD.location_ids AND (OLD.timeStart, OLD.timeEnd) OVERLAPS (timeStart, timeEnd)
) = 0;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
CREATE TRIGGER enable_if_unique_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON experiment FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE enable_if_unique();
I am not sure about Approach 3 because I feel it require trigger to act in a serial manner for each insert operation so that one of the Experiment is actually enabled while rest of overlapping ones are disabled.
From online search for other possible solution, I See Inserts taken up using Select Statement and the WHERE clause helping to add the required condition.
INSERT INTO experiment(id, name, locationIds, timeStart, timeEnd)
SELECT 1, 'exp-1', ARRAY[123,234,345], '2020-03-13 12:00:00'
SELECT count(1)
WHERE enable= true
location_Ids && OLD.location_ids
(OLD.timeStart, OLD.timeEnd) OVERLAPS (timeStart, timeEnd)
) = 0;
I feel there is still possibility of consistency issue as both concurrent operations will not be able to read each in the SELECT statement checking the constraint.
I like to know following things :
Which is the best approach in terms of scalability and high-throughput ?
Which approach is actually making the sure the data consistency is maintained?
Any Other Approach that I could have used and missed here!!!
Newbie To POSTGRES, Will APPRECIATE example OR links

as mentioned by #a_horse_with_no_name
we can use exclusion constraint :
-- this prevents overlaps in the locationids AND the time range
alter table experiment
add constraint no_overlap
exclude using gist (locationids with &&, tsrange(timestart, timeend) with &&);


Is INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger the best option

I have to check when a table is inserted to/updated to see if a column value exists for the same HotelID and different RoomNo in the same table. I'm thinking that an INSTEAD OF trigger on the table would be a good option, but I read that it's a bad idea to update/insert the table the trigger executes on inside the trigger and you should create the trigger on a view instead (which raises more questions for me)
Is it ok to create a trigger like this? Is there a better option?
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.tgr_tblInterfaceRoomMappingUpsert
ON dbo.tblInterfaceRoomMapping
DECLARE #txtRoomNo nvarchar(20)
SELECT #txtRoomNo = Sonifi_RoomNo
FROM dbo.tblInterfaceRoomMapping r
ON r.iHotelID = i.iHotelID
AND r.Sonifi_RoomNo = i.Sonifi_RoomNo
AND r.txtRoomNo <> i.txtRoomNo
IF #txtRoomNo IS NULL
-- Insert/update the record
-- Raise error
So it sounds like you only want 1 row per combo of HotelID and Sonifi_RoomNo.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UQ_dbo_tblInterfaceRoomMapping
ON dbo.tblInterfaceRoomMapping(HotelID,Sonifi_RoomNo)
Now if you try and put a second row with the same values, it will bark at you.
It's (usually) not okay to create a trigger like that.
Your trigger assumes a single row update or insert will only ever occur - is that guaranteed?
What will be the value of #txtRoomNo if multiple rows are inserted or updated in the same batch?
Eg, if an update is performed against the table resulting in 1 row with correct data and 1 row with incorrect data, how do you think your trigger would cope in that situation? Remember triggers fire once per insert/update, not per row.
Depending on your requirments you could keep the instead of trigger concept, however I would suggest a separate trigger for inserts and for updates.
In each you can then insert / update and include a where not exists clause to only allow valid inserts / updates, ignoring inserting or updating anything invalid.
I would avoid raising an error in the trigger, if you need to handle bad data you could also insert into some logging table with the reverse where exists logic and then handle separately.
Ultimately though, it would be best for the application to check if the roomNo is already used.

Does CLOCK_TIMESTAMP from a BEFORE trigger match log/commit order *exactly* in PG 12.3?

I've got a Postgres 12.3 question: Can I rely on CLOCK_TIMESTAMP() in a trigger to stamp an updated_dts timestamp in exactly the same order as changes are committed to the permanent data?
On the face of it, this might sound like kind of an silly question, but I just spent two tracking down a super rare race condition in a non-Postgres system that hinged on exactly this behavior. (Lagging commits made their 'last value seen' tracking data unreliable.) Now I'm trying to figure out if it's possible for CLOCK_TIMESTAMP() to not match the order of changes recorded in the WAL perfectly.
It's simple to see how this could occur with NOW/TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP/CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as they're returning the transaction start time, not the completion time. It's pretty easy, in that case, to record a timestamp sequence where the stamps and log order don't agree. But I can't figure out if there's any chance for commits to be saved in a different order to the BEFORE trigger CLOCK_TIMESTAMP() values.
For background, we need a 100% reliable timeline for an external search to use. As I understand it, I can create one using logical replication, and a replication-target side trigger to stamp changes as they're replayed from the log. What I'm unclear on, is if it's possible to get the same fidelity from CLOCK_TIMESTAMP() on a single server.
I haven't got the chops to get deep into the Postgres internals, and see how requests are interleaved, nor how granular execution is, and am hoping that someone here knows definitively. If this is more of a question for one of the PG mailing lists, please let me know.
-- Thanks
Below is a bit of sample code for how I'm looking at building the timestamps. It works fine, but doesn't prove anything about behavior with lots of concurrent processes.
-- Create the trigger function
NEW.updated_dts = CLOCK_TIMESTAMP();
language plpgsql;
COMMENT ON FUNCTION api.set_updated() IS 'Sets updated_dts field to CLOCK_TIMESTAMP(), if the record has changed..';
-- Create the table
CREATE TABLE api.numbers (
id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT extensions.gen_random_uuid (),
number integer NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
updated_dts timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT 'epoch'::timestamptz
-- Define the triggers (binding)
-- NOTE: I'm guessing that in production that I can use DEFAULT CLOCK_TIMESTAMP() instead of a BEFORE INSERT trigger,
-- I'm using a distinct DEFAULT value, as I want it to pop out if I'm not getting the trigger to fire.
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_api_number_before_insert
BEFORE INSERT ON api.numbers
EXECUTE PROCEDURE set_updated();
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_api_number_before_update
BEFORE UPDATE ON api.numbers
EXECUTE PROCEDURE set_updated();
-- INSERT some data
INSERT INTO numbers (number) values (1),(2),(3);
-- Take a look
SELECT * from numbers ORDER BY updated_dts ASC; -- The values should be listed as 1, 2, 3 as oldest to newest.
-- UPDATE a row
UPDATE numbers SET number = 11 where number = 1;
-- Take a look
SELECT * from numbers ORDER BY updated_dts ASC; -- The values should be listed as 2, 3, 11 as oldest to newest.
No, you cannot depend on clock_timestamp() order during trigger execution (or while evaluating a DEFAULT clause) being the same as commit order.
Commit will always happen later than the function call, and you cannot control how long it takes between them.
But I am surprised that that is a problem for you. Typically, the commit time is not visible or relevant. Why don't you simply accept the clock_timestamp() as the measure of things?

How to check a sequence efficiently for used and unused values in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL (9.3) I have a table defined as:
( recid serial NOT NULL,
groupid text NOT NULL,
chart_number integer NOT NULL,
"timestamp" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
modified timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
donotsee boolean,
CONSTRAINT pk_charts PRIMARY KEY (recid),
CONSTRAINT chart_groupid UNIQUE (groupid),
CONSTRAINT charts_ichart_key UNIQUE (chart_number)
CREATE TRIGGER update_modified
I would like to replace the chart_number with a sequence like:
CREATE SEQUENCE charts_chartnumber_seq START 16047;
So that by trigger or function, adding a new chart record automatically generates a new chart number in ascending order. However, no existing chart record can have its chart number changed and over the years there have been skips in the assigned chart numbers. Hence, before assigning a new chart number to a new chart record, I need to be sure that the "new" chart number has not yet been used and any chart record with a chart number is not assigned a different number.
How can this be done?
Consider not doing it. Read these related answers first:
Gap-less sequence where multiple transactions with multiple tables are involved
Compacting a sequence in PostgreSQL
If you still insist on filling in gaps, here is a rather efficient solution:
1. To avoid searching large parts of the table for the next missing chart_number, create a helper table with all current gaps once:
SELECT chart_number
FROM generate_series(1, (SELECT max(chart_number) - 1 -- max is no gap
FROM charts)) chart_number
LEFT JOIN charts c USING (chart_number)
WHERE c.chart_number IS NULL;
2. Set charts_chartnumber_seq to the current maximum and convert chart_number to an actual serial column:
SELECT setval('charts_chartnumber_seq', max(chart_number)) FROM charts;
, ALTER COLUMN chart_number SET DEFAULT nextval('charts_chartnumber_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE charts_chartnumber_seq OWNED BY charts.chart_number;
How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?
Safely and cleanly rename tables that use serial primary key columns in Postgres?
3. While chart_gap is not empty fetch the next chart_number from there.
To resolve possible race conditions with concurrent transactions, without making transactions wait, use advisory locks:
WITH sel AS (
SELECT chart_number, ... -- other input values
FROM chart_gap
WHERE pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(chart_number)
, ins AS (
INSERT INTO charts (chart_number, ...) -- other target columns
RETURNING chart_number
DELETE FROM chart_gap c
USING ins i
WHERE i.chart_number = c.chart_number;
Alternatively, Postgres 9.5 or later has the handy FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED to make this simpler and faster:
SELECT chart_number, ... -- other input values
FROM chart_gap
Detailed explanation:
Postgres UPDATE ... LIMIT 1
Check the result. Once all rows are filled in, this returns 0 rows affected. (you could check in plpgsql with IF NOT FOUND THEN ...). Then switch to a simple INSERT:
INSERT INTO charts (...) -- don't list chart_number
VALUES (...); -- don't provide chart_number
In PostgreSQL, a SEQUENCE ensures the two requirements you mention, that is:
No repeats
No changes once assigned
But because of how a SEQUENCE works (see manual), it can not ensure no-skips. Among others, the first two reasons that come to mind are:
How a SEQUENCE handles concurrent blocks with INSERTS (you could also add that the concept of Cache also makes this impossible)
Also, user triggered DELETEs are an uncontrollable aspect that a SEQUENCE can not handle by itself.
In both cases, if you still do not want skips, (and if you really know what you're doing) you should have a separate structure that assign IDs (instead of using SEQUENCE). Basically a system that has a list of 'assignable' IDs stored in a TABLE that has a function to pop out IDs in a FIFO way. That should allow you to control DELETEs etc.
But again, this should be attempted, only if you really know what you're doing! There's a reason why people don't do SEQUENCEs themselves. There are hard corner-cases (for e.g. concurrent INSERTs) and most probably you're over-engineering your problem case, that probably can be solved in a much better / cleaner way.
Sequence numbers usually have no meaning, so why worry? But if you really want this, then follow the below, cumbersome procedure. Note that it is not efficient; the only efficient option is to forget about the holes and use the sequence.
In order to avoid having to scan the charts table on every insert, you should scan the table once and store the unused chart_number values in a separate table:
CREATE TABLE charts_unused_chart_number AS
SELECT seq.unused
FROM (SELECT max(chart_number) FROM charts) mx,
generate_series(1, mx(max)) seq(unused)
LEFT JOIN charts ON charts.chart_number = seq.unused
WHERE charts.recid IS NULL;
The above query generates a contiguous series of numbers from 1 to the current maximum chart_number value, then LEFT JOINs the charts table to it and find the records where there is no corresponding charts data, meaning that value of the series is unused as a chart_number.
Next you create a trigger that fires on an INSERT on the charts table. In the trigger function, pick a value from the table created in the step above:
CREATE FUNCTION pick_unused_chart_number() RETURNS trigger AS $$
-- Get an unused chart number
SELECT unused INTO NEW.chart_number FROM charts_unused_chart_number LIMIT 1;
-- If the table is empty, get one from the sequence
NEW.chart_number := next_val(charts_chartnumber_seq);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER tr_charts_cn
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pick_unused_chart_number();
Easy. But the INSERT may fail because of some other trigger aborting the procedure or any other reason. So you need a check to ascertain that the chart_number was indeed inserted:
CREATE FUNCTION verify_chart_number() RETURNS trigger AS $$
-- If you get here, the INSERT was successful, so delete the chart_number
-- from the temporary table.
DELETE FROM charts_unused_chart_number WHERE unused = NEW.chart_number;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER tr_charts_verify
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE verify_chart_number();
At a certain point the table with unused chart numbers will be empty whereupon you can (1) ALTER TABLE charts to use the sequence instead of an integer for chart_number; (2) delete the two triggers; and (3) the table with unused chart numbers; all in a single transaction.
While what you want is possible, it can't be done using only a SEQUENCE and it requires an exclusive lock on the table, or a retry loop, to work.
You'll need to:
Find the first free ID by querying for the max id then doing a left join over generate_series to find the first free entry. If there is one.
If there is a free entry, insert it.
If there is no free entry, call nextval and return the result.
Performance will be absolutely horrible, and transactions will be serialized. There'll be no concurrency. Also, unless the LOCK is the first thing you run that affects that table, you'll face deadlocks that cause transaction aborts.
You can make this less bad by using an AFTER DELETE .. FOR EACH ROW trigger that keeps track of entries you delete by INSERTing them into a one-column table that keeps track of spare IDs. You can then SELECT the lowest ID from the table in your ID assignment function on the default for the column, avoiding the need for the explicit table lock, the left join on generate_series and the max call. Transactions will still be serialized on a lock on the free IDs table. In PostgreSQL you can even solve that using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED. So if you're on 9.5 you can actually make this non-awful, though it'll still be slow.
I strongly advise you to just use a SEQUENCE directly, and not bother with re-using values.

PostgreSQL, triggers, and concurrency to enforce a temporal key

I want to define a trigger in PostgreSQL to check that the inserted row, on a generic table, has the the property: "no other row exists with the same key in the same valid time" (the keys are sequenced keys). In fact, I has already implemented it. But since the trigger has to scan the entire table, now i'm wondering: is there a need for a table-level lock? Or this is managed someway by the PostgreSQL itself?
Here is an example.
In the upcoming PostgreSQL 9.0 I would have defined the table in this way:
CREATE TABLE medicinal_products
aic_code CHAR(9), -- sequenced key
full_name VARCHAR(255),
market_time PERIOD,
(aic_code CHECK WITH =,
market_time CHECK WITH &&)
but in fact I have been defined it like this:
CREATE TABLE medicinal_products
PRIMARY KEY (aic_code, vs),
aic_code CHAR(9), -- sequenced key
full_name VARCHAR(255),
ve DATE,
CONSTRAINT valid_time_range
CHECK (ve > vs OR ve IS NULL)
Then, I have written a trigger that check the costraint: "two distinct medicinal products can have the same code in two different periods, but not in same time".
So the code:
INSERT INTO medicinal_products VALUES ('1','A','2010-01-01','2010-04-01');
INSERT INTO medicinal_products VALUES ('1','A','2010-03-01','2010-06-01');
return an error.
One solution is to have a second table to use for detecting clashes, and populate that with a trigger. Using the schema you added into the question:
CREATE TABLE medicinal_product_date_map(
aic_code char(9) NOT NULL,
applicable_date date NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(aic_code, applicable_date));
(note: this is the second attempt due to misreading your requirement the first time round. hope it's right this time).
Some functions to maintain this table:
CREATE FUNCTION add_medicinal_product_date_range(aic_code_in char(9), start_date date, end_date date)
INSERT INTO medicinal_product_date_map
SELECT $1, $2 + offset
FROM generate_series(0, $3 - $2)
CREATE FUNCTION clr_medicinal_product_date_range(aic_code_in char(9), start_date date, end_date date)
DELETE FROM medicinal_product_date_map
WHERE aic_code = $1 AND applicable_date BETWEEN $2 AND $3
And populate the table first time with:
SELECT count(add_medicinal_product_date_range(aic_code, vs, ve))
FROM medicinal_products;
Now create triggers to populate the date map after changes to medicinal_products: after insert calls add_, after update calls clr_ (old values) and add_ (new values), after delete calls clr_.
CREATE FUNCTION sync_medicinal_product_date_map()
RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
PERFORM clr_medicinal_product_date_range(OLD.aic_code, OLD.vs,;
PERFORM add_medicinal_product_date_range(NEW.aic_code, NEW.vs,;
CREATE TRIGGER sync_date_map
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE sync_medicinal_product_date_map();
The uniqueness constraint on medicinal_product_date_map will trap any products being added with the same code on the same day:
steve#steve#[local] =# INSERT INTO medicinal_products VALUES ('1','A','2010-01-01','2010-04-01');
steve#steve#[local] =# INSERT INTO medicinal_products VALUES ('1','A','2010-03-01','2010-06-01');
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "medicinal_product_date_map_aic_code_applicable_date_key"
DETAIL: Key (aic_code, applicable_date)=(1 , 2010-03-01) already exists.
CONTEXT: SQL function "add_medicinal_product_date_range" statement 1
SQL statement "SELECT add_medicinal_product_date_range(NEW.aic_code, NEW.vs,"
PL/pgSQL function "sync_medicinal_product_date_map" line 6 at PERFORM
This depends on the values being checked for having a discrete space- which is why I asked about dates vs timestamps. Although timestamps are, technically, discrete since Postgresql only stores microsecond-resolution, adding an entry to the map table for every microsecond the product is applicable for is not practical.
Having said that, you could probably also get away with something better than a full-table scan to check for overlapping timestamp intervals, with some trickery on looking for only the first interval not after or not before... however, for easy discrete spaces I prefer this approach which IME can also be handy for other things too (e.g. reports that need to quickly find which products are applicable on a certain day).
I also like this approach because it feels right to leverage the database's uniqueness-constraint mechanism this way. Also, I feel it will be more reliable in the context of concurrent updates to the master table: without locking the table against concurrent updates, it would be possible for a validation trigger to see no conflict and allow inserts in two concurrent sessions, that are then seen to conflict when both transaction's effects are visible.
Just a thought, in case the valid time blocks could be coded with a number or something, creating a UNIQUE index on Id+TimeBlock would be blazingly fast and resolve all table lock problems.
It is managed by PostgreSQL itself. On a select it acquires an ACCESS_SHARE lock which means that you can query the table but do not perform updates.
A radical solution which might help you is to use a cache like ehcache or memcached to store the id/timeblock info and not use the postgresql at all. Many can be persisted so they would survive a server restart and they do not exhibit this locking behavior.
Why can't you use a UNIQUE constraint? Will be much faster (it's an index) and easier.

How do I do large non-blocking updates in PostgreSQL?

I want to do a large update on a table in PostgreSQL, but I don't need the transactional integrity to be maintained across the entire operation, because I know that the column I'm changing is not going to be written to or read during the update. I want to know if there is an easy way in the psql console to make these types of operations faster.
For example, let's say I have a table called "orders" with 35 million rows, and I want to do this:
UPDATE orders SET status = null;
To avoid being diverted to an offtopic discussion, let's assume that all the values of status for the 35 million columns are currently set to the same (non-null) value, thus rendering an index useless.
The problem with this statement is that it takes a very long time to go into effect (solely because of the locking), and all changed rows are locked until the entire update is complete. This update might take 5 hours, whereas something like
UPDATE orders SET status = null WHERE (order_id > 0 and order_id < 1000000);
might take 1 minute. Over 35 million rows, doing the above and breaking it into chunks of 35 would only take 35 minutes and save me 4 hours and 25 minutes.
I could break it down even further with a script (using pseudocode here):
for (i = 0 to 3500) {
db_operation ("UPDATE orders SET status = null
WHERE (order_id >" + (i*1000)"
+ " AND order_id <" + ((i+1)*1000) " + ")");
This operation might complete in only a few minutes, rather than 35.
So that comes down to what I'm really asking. I don't want to write a freaking script to break down operations every single time I want to do a big one-time update like this. Is there a way to accomplish what I want entirely within SQL?
Column / Row
... I don't need the transactional integrity to be maintained across
the entire operation, because I know that the column I'm changing is
not going to be written to or read during the update.
Any UPDATE in PostgreSQL's MVCC model writes a new version of the whole row. If concurrent transactions change any column of the same row, time-consuming concurrency issues arise. Details in the manual. Knowing the same column won't be touched by concurrent transactions avoids some possible complications, but not others.
To avoid being diverted to an offtopic discussion, let's assume that
all the values of status for the 35 million columns are currently set
to the same (non-null) value, thus rendering an index useless.
When updating the whole table (or major parts of it) Postgres never uses an index. A sequential scan is faster when all or most rows have to be read. On the contrary: Index maintenance means additional cost for the UPDATE.
For example, let's say I have a table called "orders" with 35 million
rows, and I want to do this:
UPDATE orders SET status = null;
I understand you are aiming for a more general solution (see below). But to address the actual question asked: This can be dealt with in a matter milliseconds, regardless of table size:
ALTER TABLE orders DROP column status
, ADD column status text;
The manual (up to Postgres 10):
When a column is added with ADD COLUMN, all existing rows in the table
are initialized with the column's default value (NULL if no DEFAULT
clause is specified). If there is no DEFAULT clause, this is merely a metadata change [...]
The manual (since Postgres 11):
When a column is added with ADD COLUMN and a non-volatile DEFAULT
is specified, the default is evaluated at the time of the statement
and the result stored in the table's metadata. That value will be used
for the column for all existing rows. If no DEFAULT is specified,
NULL is used. In neither case is a rewrite of the table required.
Adding a column with a volatile DEFAULT or changing the type of an
existing column will require the entire table and its indexes to be
rewritten. [...]
The DROP COLUMN form does not physically remove the column, but
simply makes it invisible to SQL operations. Subsequent insert and
update operations in the table will store a null value for the column.
Thus, dropping a column is quick but it will not immediately reduce
the on-disk size of your table, as the space occupied by the dropped
column is not reclaimed. The space will be reclaimed over time as
existing rows are updated.
Make sure you don't have objects depending on the column (foreign key constraints, indices, views, ...). You would need to drop / recreate those. Barring that, tiny operations on the system catalog table pg_attribute do the job. Requires an exclusive lock on the table which may be a problem for heavy concurrent load. (Like Buurman emphasizes in his comment.) Baring that, the operation is a matter of milliseconds.
If you have a column default you want to keep, add it back in a separate command. Doing it in the same command applies it to all rows immediately. See:
Add new column without table lock?
To actually apply the default, consider doing it in batches:
Does PostgreSQL optimize adding columns with non-NULL DEFAULTs?
General solution
dblink has been mentioned in another answer. It allows access to "remote" Postgres databases in implicit separate connections. The "remote" database can be the current one, thereby achieving "autonomous transactions": what the function writes in the "remote" db is committed and can't be rolled back.
This allows to run a single function that updates a big table in smaller parts and each part is committed separately. Avoids building up transaction overhead for very big numbers of rows and, more importantly, releases locks after each part. This allows concurrent operations to proceed without much delay and makes deadlocks less likely.
If you don't have concurrent access, this is hardly useful - except to avoid ROLLBACK after an exception. Also consider SAVEPOINT for that case.
First of all, lots of small transactions are actually more expensive. This only makes sense for big tables. The sweet spot depends on many factors.
If you are not sure what you are doing: a single transaction is the safe method. For this to work properly, concurrent operations on the table have to play along. For instance: concurrent writes can move a row to a partition that's supposedly already processed. Or concurrent reads can see inconsistent intermediary states. You have been warned.
Step-by-step instructions
The additional module dblink needs to be installed first:
How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?
Setting up the connection with dblink very much depends on the setup of your DB cluster and security policies in place. It can be tricky. Related later answer with more how to connect with dblink:
Persistent inserts in a UDF even if the function aborts
Create a FOREIGN SERVER and a USER MAPPING as instructed there to simplify and streamline the connection (unless you have one already).
Assuming a serial PRIMARY KEY with or without some gaps.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_update_in_steps()
_step int; -- size of step
_cur int; -- current ID (starting with minimum)
_max int; -- maximum ID
SELECT INTO _cur, _max min(order_id), max(order_id) FROM orders;
-- 100 slices (steps) hard coded
_step := ((_max - _cur) / 100) + 1; -- rounded, possibly a bit too small
-- +1 to avoid endless loop for 0
PERFORM dblink_connect('myserver'); -- your foreign server as instructed above
FOR i IN 0..200 LOOP -- 200 >> 100 to make sure we exceed _max
PERFORM dblink_exec(
$$UPDATE public.orders
SET status = 'foo'
WHERE order_id >= $$ || _cur || $$
AND order_id < $$ || _cur + _step || $$
AND status IS DISTINCT FROM 'foo'$$); -- avoid empty update
_cur := _cur + _step;
EXIT WHEN _cur > _max; -- stop when done (never loop till 200)
PERFORM dblink_disconnect();
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT f_update_in_steps();
You can parameterize any part according to your needs: the table name, column name, value, ... just be sure to sanitize identifiers to avoid SQL injection:
Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter
Avoid empty UPDATEs:
How do I (or can I) SELECT DISTINCT on multiple columns?
Postgres uses MVCC (multi-version concurrency control), thus avoiding any locking if you are the only writer; any number of concurrent readers can work on the table, and there won't be any locking.
So if it really takes 5h, it must be for a different reason (e.g. that you do have concurrent writes, contrary to your claim that you don't).
You should delegate this column to another table like this:
create table order_status (
order_id int not null references orders(order_id) primary key,
status int not null
Then your operation of setting status=NULL will be instant:
truncate order_status;
First of all - are you sure that you need to update all rows?
Perhaps some of the rows already have status NULL?
If so, then:
UPDATE orders SET status = null WHERE status is not null;
As for partitioning the change - that's not possible in pure sql. All updates are in single transaction.
One possible way to do it in "pure sql" would be to install dblink, connect to the same database using dblink, and then issue a lot of updates over dblink, but it seems like overkill for such a simple task.
Usually just adding proper where solves the problem. If it doesn't - just partition it manually. Writing a script is too much - you can usually make it in a simple one-liner:
perl -e '
for (my $i = 0; $i <= 3500000; $i += 1000) {
printf "UPDATE orders SET status = null WHERE status is not null
and order_id between %u and %u;\n",
$i, $i+999
I wrapped lines here for readability, generally it's a single line. Output of above command can be fed to psql directly:
perl -e '...' | psql -U ... -d ...
Or first to file and then to psql (in case you'd need the file later on):
perl -e '...' > updates.partitioned.sql
psql -U ... -d ... -f updates.partitioned.sql
I am by no means a DBA, but a database design where you'd frequently have to update 35 million rows might have… issues.
A simple WHERE status IS NOT NULL might speed up things quite a bit (provided you have an index on status) – not knowing the actual use case, I'm assuming if this is run frequently, a great part of the 35 million rows might already have a null status.
However, you can make loops within the query via the LOOP statement. I'll just cook up a small example:
i INTEGER := 0;
FOR i IN 0..(count/1000 + 1) LOOP
UPDATE orders SET status = null WHERE (order_id > (i*1000) and order_id <((i+1)*1000));
RAISE NOTICE 'Count: % and i: %', count,i;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
It can then be run by doing something akin to:
SELECT nullstatus(35000000);
You might want to select the row count, but beware that the exact row count can take a lot of time. The PostgreSQL wiki has an article about slow counting and how to avoid it.
Also, the RAISE NOTICE part is just there to keep track on how far along the script is. If you're not monitoring the notices, or do not care, it would be better to leave it out.
Are you sure this is because of locking? I don't think so and there's many other possible reasons. To find out you can always try to do just the locking. Try this:
To understand what's really happening you should run an EXPLAIN first (EXPLAIN UPDATE orders SET status...) and/or EXPLAIN ANALYZE. Maybe you'll find out that you don't have enough memory to do the UPDATE efficiently. If so, SET work_mem TO 'xxxMB'; might be a simple solution.
Also, tail the PostgreSQL log to see if some performance related problems occurs.
I would use CTAS:
create table T as select col1, col2, ..., <new value>, colN from orders;
drop table orders;
alter table T rename to orders;
Some options that haven't been mentioned:
Use the new table trick. Probably what you'd have to do in your case is write some triggers to handle it so that changes to the original table also go propagated to your table copy, something like that... (percona is an example of something that does it the trigger way). Another option might be the "create a new column then replace the old one with it" trick, to avoid locks (unclear if helps with speed).
Possibly calculate the max ID, then generate "all the queries you need" and pass them in as a single query like update X set Y = NULL where ID < 10000 and ID >= 0; update X set Y = NULL where ID < 20000 and ID > 10000; ... then it might not do as much locking, and still be all SQL, though you do have extra logic up front to do it :(
PostgreSQL version 11 handles this for you automatically with the Fast ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN with a non-NULL default feature. Please do upgrade to version 11 if possible.
An explanation is provided in this blog post.