How do I recreate this user behavior through Locust? - locust

The users on my site follow these actions:
Send requests of Type A arbitrarily (meaning, I am satisfied with using something like between(1.0,5.0)
Send requests of Type B exactly every second (but must follow Type A)
Send requests of Type C exactly every second (but must follow Type B)
Send requests of Type D arbitrarily (but must follow Type C).
My idea was:
Create a TaskSet for each request type (so that types B and C will have wait_time = between(1.0,1.0))
Use self.interrupt() in each request type once the request sets are exhausted.
However, how do I establish order (for example, B must happen only after A has finished)?
class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):
task_set = [TypeA, TypeB, TypeC] #current idea, but this doesn't guarantee order between A,B,C.
wait_time = between(1.0, 1.0)


Unexpected Drools Ruleflow Behaviour

Drools version: 6.5.0
A rule flow sequence which takes (Start -> A -> B -> End) route, the expectation is all the rules in A (RuleflowGroup: A) will be executed first before all the rules in B (RuleflowGroup: B). But the result it produces from the implementation of the AgendaEventListener methods (i.e., beforeMatchFired, afterMatchFired) follows the reverse order. Rules associated with B are executed first before rules associated with A.
Any explanation would be very helpful.
Please find the rule flow diagram below.
If it is the same with version 7.x that i am currently using, it is because is a bit more complicated than you think. It is not just a flow. (A->B->C), is a stack.
So it is A then B/A then C/B/A. And when C finishes executing is returning back to B/A and then A.
If you want to get rid of that you can add a rule at last level, with lowest priority and
eval (true) in the when part and halt() in the then part to end the session before it returns to previous ruleflow group.

Is it legal to repeat the same value in a MULTIPLECHARVALUE or MULTIPLESTRINGVALUE field?

Let's assume a FIX field is of type MULTIPLECHARVALUE or MULTIPLESTRINGVALUE, and the enumerated values defined for the field are A, B, C and D. I know that "A C D" is a legal value for this field, but is it legal for a value to be repeated in the field? For example, is "A C C D" legal? If so, what are its semantics?
I can think of three possibilities:
"A C C D" is an invalid value because C is repeated.
"A C C D" is valid and semantically the same as "A C D". In other words, set semantics are intended.
"A C C D" is valid and has multiset/bag semantics.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any clear definition of the intended semantics of MULTIPLECHARVALUE and MULTIPLESTRINGVALUE in FIX specification documents.
The FIX50SP2 spec does not answer your question, so I can only conclude that any of the three interpretations could be considered valid.
Like so may questions with FIX, the true answer is dependent upon the counterparty you are communicating with.
So my answer is:
if you are client app, ask your counterparty what they want (or check their docs).
if you are the server app, you get to decide. Your docs should tell your clients how to act.
If it helps, the QuickFIX/n engine treats MultipleCharValue/MultipleStringValue fields as strings, and leaves it to the application code to parse out the individual values. Thus, it's easy for a developer to support any of the interpretations, or even different interpretations for different fields. (I suspect the other QuickFIX language implementations are the same.)
The definition of MultipleValueString field is a string field containing one or more space delimited values. I haven't got the official spec, but there are few locations where this definition can be found: (I know to be very faithful to the standard specification)
String field (see definition of "String" above) containing one or more space delimited values.
12. What is MultipleValueString data type? [...]
String field containing one or more space delimited values.
This leaves it up to a specific field of this type whether multiples are allowed or not, though I suspect only a few if any would need to have multiples allowed. As far as I can tell, the FIX specification deliberately leaves this open.
E.g. for ExecInst<18> it would be silly to specify the same instruction multiple times. I would also suspect each and every implementation to behave differently (for instance one ignoring duplicates, another balking with an error/rejection).

Replacing class keyword with actor causes an error

Here's my code:
class Eapproximator
var step : F64
new create(step' :F64) =>
step = step'
fun evaluate() :F64 =>
var total = F64(0)
var value = F64(1)
while total < 1 do
total = total + step
value = value + (value * step)
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
var e_approx = Eapproximator(0.00001)
var e_val = e_approx.evaluate()
It works well and prints (as expected) 2.7183. However, if I replace class with actor in Eapproximator definition I get a bunch of errors:
/src/main/main.pony:18:34: receiver type is not a subtype of target type
var e_val = e_approx.evaluate()
/src/main/main.pony:18:17: receiver type: Eapproximator tag
var e_val = e_approx.evaluate()
/src/main/main.pony:6:3: target type: Eapproximator box
fun evaluate() :F64 =>
/src/main/main.pony:3:3: Eapproximator tag is not a subtype of Eapproxim
ator box: tag is not a subcap of box
new create(step' :F64) =>
/src/main/main.pony:19:19: cannot infer type of e_val
What can I do to fix this?
The actor is the unit of concurrency in Pony. This means that many different actors in the same program can run at the same time, including your Main and Eapproximator actors. Now what would happen if the fields of an actor were modified by multiple actors at the same time? You'd most likely get some garbage value in the end because of the way concurrent programs work on modern hardware. This is called a data race and it is the source of many, many bugs in concurrent programming. One of the goals of Pony is to detect data races at compile time, and this error message is the compiler telling you that what you're trying to do is potentially unsafe.
Let's walk through that error message.
receiver type is not a subtype of target type
The receiver type is the type of the called object, e_approx here. The target type is the type of this inside of the method, Eapproximator.evaluate here. Subtyping means that an object of the subtype can be used as if it was an object of the supertype. So that part is telling you that evaluate cannot be called on e_approx because of a type mismatch.
receiver type: Eapproximator tag
e_approx is an Eapproximator tag. A tag object can neither be read nor written. I'll detail why e_approx is tag in a minute.
target type: Eapproximator box
this inside of evaluate is an Eapproximator box. A box object can be read, but not written. this is box because evaluate is declared as fun evaluate, which implicitly means fun box evaluate (which means that by default, methods cannot modify their receiver.)
Eapproximator tag is not a subtype of Eapproxim
ator box: tag is not a subcap of box
According to this error message, a tag object isn't a subtype of a box object, which means that a tag cannot be used as if it was a box. This is logical if we look at what tag and box allow. box allows more things than tag: it can be read while tag cannot. A type can only be a subtype of another type if it allows less (or as much) things than the supertype.
So why does replacing class with actor make the object tag? This has to do with the data race problems I talked about earlier. An actor has free reign over its own fields. It can read from them and write to them. Since actors can run concurrently, they must be denied access to each other's fields in order to avoid data races with the fields' owner. And there is something in the type system that does exactly that: tag. An actor can only see other actors as tag, because it would be unsafe to read from or write to them. The main useful thing it can do with those tag references is send asynchronous messages (by calling the be methods, or behaviours), because that's neither reading nor writing.
Of course, since you're not doing any mutation of Eapproximatorin your program, your specific case would be safe. But it is much easier to try to forbid every unsafe program than to try to allow every safe program in addition to that.
To sum it up, there isn't really a fix for your program, except keeping Eapproximator as a class. Not anything needs to be an actor in a Pony program. The actor is the unit of concurrency, but that means it is also the unit of sequentiality. Computations that need to be sequential and synchronous must live in a single actor. You can then break down those computations into various classes for good code hygiene.

Drools LHS check against optional fact

I need to write a rule in Drools 6.5 that checks for the existence of an event of type A. There is a second class named B which has a field date.
While checking for existence of an event A, if at least one event of type B exists, A must happen after the latest in order for the rule to fire; otherwise the rule should fire regardless of any B events.
Both event types of A and B have their own explicit timestamp field.
// TODO if at least one event of type B exists, A must happen after max( Otherwise, the rule must fire regardless of any B
$a : A( ... )
How do I perform this check?
EDIT: If no B is present in the working memory, and A meets the requirements, the rule must fire regardless.
This will fire for each A meeting the temporal constraint that it should happen after all Bs.
$b: B()
not B(this after $b)
$a : A( this after $b )
If you want to fire this only once, for any number of As, use exists in front of A and omit the binding.

What's the difference between a lens and a partial lens?

A "lens" and a "partial lens" seem rather similar in name and in concept. How do they differ? In what circumstances do I need to use one or the other?
Tagging Scala and Haskell, but I'd welcome explanations related to any functional language that has a lens library.
To describe partial lenses—which I will henceforth call, according to the Haskell lens nomenclature, prisms (excepting that they're not! See the comment by Ørjan)—I'd like to begin by taking a different look at lenses themselves.
A lens Lens s a indicates that given an s we can "focus" on a subcomponent of s at type a, viewing it, replacing it, and (if we use the lens family variation Lens s t a b) even changing its type.
One way to look at this is that Lens s a witnesses an isomorphism, an equivalence, between s and the tuple type (r, a) for some unknown type r.
Lens s a ====== exists r . s ~ (r, a)
This gives us what we need since we can pull the a out, replace it, and then run things back through the equivalence backward to get a new s with out updated a.
Now let's take a minute to refresh our high school algebra via algebraic data types. Two key operations in ADTs are multiplication and summation. We write the type a * b when we have a type consisting of items which have both an a and a b and we write a + b when we have a type consisting of items which are either a or b.
In Haskell we write a * b as (a, b), the tuple type. We write a + b as Either a b, the either type.
Products represent bundling data together, sums represent bundling options together. Products can represent the idea of having many things only one of which you'd like to choose (at a time) whereas sums represent the idea of failure because you were hoping to take one option (on the left side, say) but instead had to settle for the other one (along the right).
Finally, sums and products are categorical duals. They fit together and having one without the other, as most PLs do, puts you in an awkward place.
So let's take a look at what happens when we dualize (part of) our lens formulation above.
exists r . s ~ (r + a)
This is a declaration that s is either a type a or some other thing r. We've got a lens-like thing that embodies the notion of option (and of failure) deep at it's core.
This is exactly a prism (or partial lens)
Prism s a ====== exists r . s ~ (r + a)
exists r . s ~ Either r a
So how does this work concerning some simple examples?
Well, consider the prism which "unconses" a list:
uncons :: Prism [a] (a, [a])
it's equivalent to this
head :: exists r . [a] ~ (r + (a, [a]))
and it's relatively obvious what r entails here: total failure since we have an empty list!
To substantiate the type a ~ b we need to write a way to transform an a into a b and a b into an a such that they invert one another. Let's write that in order to describe our prism via the mythological function
prism :: (s ~ exists r . Either r a) -> Prism s a
uncons = prism (iso fwd bck) where
fwd [] = Left () -- failure!
fwd (a:as) = Right (a, as)
bck (Left ()) = []
bck (Right (a, as)) = a:as
This demonstrates how to use this equivalence (at least in principle) to create prisms and also suggests that they ought to feel really natural whenever we're working with sum-like types such as lists.
A lens is a "functional reference" that allows you to extract and/or update a generalized "field" in a larger value. For an ordinary, non-partial lens that field is always required to be there, for any value of the containing type. This presents a problem if you want to look at something like a "field" which might not always be there. For example, in the case of "the nth element of a list" (as listed in the Scalaz documentation #ChrisMartin pasted), the list might be too short.
Thus, a "partial lens" generalizes a lens to the case where a field may or may not always be present in a larger value.
There are at least three things in the Haskell lens library that you could think of as "partial lenses", none of which corresponds exactly to the Scala version:
An ordinary Lens whose "field" is a Maybe type.
A Prism, as described by #J.Abrahamson.
A Traversal.
They all have their uses, but the first two are too restricted to include all cases, while Traversals are "too general". Of the three, only Traversals support the "nth element of list" example.
For the "Lens giving a Maybe-wrapped value" version, what breaks is the lens laws: to have a proper lens, you should be able to set it to Nothing to remove the optional field, then set it back to what it was, and then get back the same value. This works fine for a Map say (and gives such a lens for Map-like containers), but not for a list, where deleting e.g. the 0th element cannot avoid disturbing the later ones.
A Prism is in a sense a generalization of a constructor (approximately case class in Scala) rather than a field. As such the "field" it gives when present should contain all the information to regenerate the whole structure (which you can do with the review function.)
A Traversal can do "nth element of a list" just fine, in fact there are at least two different functions ix and element that both work for this (but generalize slightly differently to other containers).
Thanks to the typeclass magic of lens, any Prism or Lens automatically works as a Traversal, while a Lens giving a Maybe-wrapped optional field can be turned into a Traversal of a plain optional field by composing with traverse.
However, a Traversal is in some sense too general, because it is not restricted to a single field: A Traversal can have any number of "target" fields. E.g.
elements odd
is a Traversal that will happily go through all the odd-indexed elements of a list, updating and/or extracting information from them all.
In theory, you could define a fourth variant (the "affine traversals" #J.Abrahamson mentions) that I think might correspond more closely to Scala's version, but due to a technical reason outside the lens library itself they would not fit well with the rest of the library - you would have to explicitly convert such a "partial lens" to use some of the Traversal operations with it.
Also, it would not buy you much over ordinary Traversals, since there's e.g. a simple operator (^?) to extract just the first element traversed.
(As far as I can see, the technical reason is that the Pointed typeclass which would be needed to define an "affine traversal" is not a superclass of Applicative, which ordinary Traversals use.)
Scalaz documentation
Below are the scaladocs for Scalaz's LensFamily and PLensFamily, with emphasis added on the diffs.
A Lens Family, offering a purely functional means to access and retrieve a field transitioning from type B1 to type B2 in a record simultaneously transitioning from type A1 to type A2. scalaz.Lens is a convenient alias for when A1 =:= A2, and B1 =:= B2.
The term "field" should not be interpreted restrictively to mean a member of a class. For example, a lens family can address membership of a Set.
Partial lens:
Partial Lens Families, offering a purely functional means to access and retrieve an optional field transitioning from type B1 to type B2 in a record that is simultaneously transitioning from type A1 to type A2. scalaz.PLens is a convenient alias for when A1 =:= A2, and B1 =:= B2.
The term "field" should not be interpreted restrictively to mean a member of a class. For example, a partial lens family can address the nth element of a List.
For those unfamiliar with scalaz, we should point out the symbolic type aliases:
type #>[A, B] = Lens[A, B]
type #?>[A, B] = PLens[A, B]
In infix notation, this means the type of a lens that retrieves a field of type B from a record of type A is expressed as A #> B, and a partial lens as A #?> B.
Argonaut (a JSON library) provides a lot of examples of partial lenses, because the schemaless nature of JSON means that attempting to retrieve something from an arbitrary JSON value always has the possibility of failure. Here are a few examples of lens-constructing functions from Argonaut:
def jArrayPL: Json #?> JsonArray — Retrieves a value only if the JSON value is an array
def jStringPL: Json #?> JsonString — Retrieves a value only if the JSON value is a string
def jsonObjectPL(f: JsonField): JsonObject #?> Json — Retrieves a value only if the JSON object has the field f
def jsonArrayPL(n: Int): JsonArray #?> Json — Retrieves a value only if the JSON array has an element at index n