Swift Combine makeConnectable with PassthroughSubject - swift

I'm having a hard time using the Connectable protocol on a PassthroughSubject. What I would like to do is be able to control when the PassthroughSubject begins sending events to its subscribers.
let eventPublisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>().makeConnectable()
let subscriber = MySubscriber()
eventPublisher.send("Hello") // Does not compile, send not found in Publisher.MakeConnectable
let cancelable = eventPublisher.connect()
// expect MySubscriber to recieve "Hello"
I'm new to Combine, but I don't understand how I can send values downstream to subscribers after becoming a connectable publisher and calling connect(). The docs are quite sparse on this topic and I'm hoping someone can show me how to achive this behavior.

You're close, but misunderstanding what the makeConnectable enables. It doesn't "queue up" data and prepare it for sending when it's available, it controls when the subscription is established.
As soon as the subscription is allowed (with .connect()), the publisher "is live" and a subscriber would receive a value that you send. However, anything you send before connect() is invoked is essentially dropped, not queued.
That said, if you invoke eventPublisher.send('after connect') after the last line, that will be received by the subscriber.

It sounds like what you want is a CurrentValueSubject, not a PassthroughSubject.
let countPublisher = CurrentValueSubject<Int,Never>(0)
var storage = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func f() {
self.countPublisher.value = 1
.sink {print($0)} // 1
As you can see, we can prime the pump with a stored value before any subscriber comes along, and when a subscriber does come along, it immediately receives the stored value. And after that, we can say .send and the subscriber(s) will receive whatever we send.


How do I subscribe to multiple Observables individually and know when they are all finished?

I have come across a problem a few times now and I can't really figure out how to word it to get the answer I'm looking for on Google/SA so here goes.
I have multiple http observables. Lets say I want to delete object 1, 2 and 3. I send three http delete requests to myapi/{id} one after the other. I can subscribe to each request as each returns an Observable. This allows me to do something after each has completed or failed with myHttpObservable.subscribe(successFn, failFn).
Heres where the problem comes in. I now want to know when all three delete requests have finished. To do this I can use forkJoin([deleteRequest1, deleteRequest2, deleteRequest3] but forkJoin takes an array of Observables and subscribes to them. I cannot subscribe to them individually now since forkJoin wants an array or Observables.
So how do I subscribe to each Observable with its own success and failure functions but also know when all three are done?
The forkJoin will return the response of each observable in the same order your provided them. So for example, you have three observables
const source1$ = of("Observable 1");
const source2$ = of("Observable 2");
const source3$ = of("Observable 3");
You'll get the subscription of each in forkJoin like this
forkJoin([source1$, source2$, source3$]).subscribe(([res1, res2, res3]) => {
Here is the sample.

Reactive asynchronous feedback system with RxSwift

I am designing a call manager with the help of RXSwift (ReactiveX) that continuously interacts with an API. The call manager comprises several objects that itself comprises an indicator (indicating status information loaded from the API) and control (requests to be sent to the API).
class CallManagerObjectA() {
var control = PublishSubject<String>()
var indicator = BehaviorSubject<String>(value: "string status")
Within the call manager, a scheduler regularly provides new values to the indicator observable:
<... API response ...>
Somewhere else in a view controller, the indicator will be observed for a label:
indicator.subscribe(onNext: { label.stringValue = $0 })
Within the same view controller, the user can control the object status via GUI elements continuously:
Within the call manager, the control will be observed for an API call:
control.subscribe(onNext: { (command) in
// API request call
So far so good, this is working very well with reactive patterns.
Now, I am looking for a good solution to handle errors, if the call manager recognizes errors during the API interaction and show these errors to the user in the view controller. I was immediately thinking of something like this:
// Call manager recognizes the error
// Call manager ignores errors for the subscriber
control.retry().ignoreErrors().subscribe(onNext: { (command) in
// API request call
// View controller shows the errors
indicator.subscribe(onNext: { label.stringValue = $0 })
control.subscribe(onError: { print("error", $0) })
This however ends up in an infinite loop.
I fear that I have a fundamental understanding issue with reactive programming, or I miss something very important, but I am not able to understand how the handle errors in this reactive pattern environment.
Based on the code you have shown, you have a big misunderstanding, not just with how to handle Errors, but with how to program reactively in general. Try watching this video "Reactive Programming: Why It Matters"
To answer your specific question, there are two misunderstandings here:
When you call control.onError(_:) it will be the last call you will be able to make on control. Once it emits an error it will stop working.
The retry() operator asks its source to "try again on Error". If it's source is determinate, then it will just do the exact same thing it did before and emit the exact same output (i.e., the same error it emitted last time.) In the case of a PublishSubject, it doesn't know why onError was called. So the best it can do is just emit the error again.
Honestly, I consider this a bug in the API because subscribing to a publish subject that emitted an error at some point in the past should just do nothing. But then, you wouldn't be asking why you got an infinite loop. Instead you would be asking why your control stopped emitting events.

How to handle commands sent from saga in axon framework

Using a saga, given an event EventA, saga starts, it sends a command (or many).
How can we make sure that the command is sent successfully then actual logic in other micro-service did not throw, etc.
Let's have an example of email saga:
When a user register, we create a User Aggregate which publishes UserRegisteredEvent, a saga will be created and this saga is responsible to make sure that registration email is sent to user (email may contain a verification key, welcome message, etc).
Should we use :
commandGateway.sendAndWait with a try/catch -> does it scale?
commandGateway.send and use a deadline and use some kind of "fail event" like SendEmailFailedEvent -> requires to associate a "token" for commands so can associate the "associationProperty" with the correct saga
that sent SendRegistrationEmailCommand
commandGateway.send(...).handle(...) -> in handle can we reference eventGateway/commandGateway that were in MyEmailSaga?
If error we send an event? Or can we modify/call a method from the saga instance we had. If no error then other service have sent an event like "RegistrationEmailSentEvent" so saga will end.
use deadline because we just use "send" and do not handle the eventual error of the command which may have failed to be sent (other service is down, etc)
something else?
Or a combination of all?
How to handle errors below? (use deadline or .handle(...) or other)
Errors could be:
command has no handlers (no service up, etc)
command was handled but exception is raised in other service and no event is sent (no try/catch in other service)
command was handled, exception raised and caught, other service publish an event to notify it failed to send email (saga will receive event and do appropriate action depending on event type and data provided -> maybe email is wrong or does not exist so no need to retry)
other errors I missed?
public class MyEmailSaga {
transient CommandGateway commandGateway;
transient EventGateway eventGateway;
transient SomeService someService;
String id;
SomeData state;
/** count retry times we send email so can apply logic on it */
int sendRetryCount;
#SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "id")
public void on(UserRegisteredEvent event) {
id = event.getApplicationId();
//state = event........
// what are the possibilities here?
// Can we use sendAndWait but it does not scale very well, right?
commandGateway.send(new SendRegistrationEmailCommand(...));
// Is deadline good since we do not handle the "send" of the command
// Use a #DeadlineHandler to retry ?
#DeadlineHandler(deadlineName = "retry_send_registration_email")
fun on() {
// resend command and re-schedule a deadline, etc
#SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "id")
public void on(RegistrationEmailSentEvent event) {
EDIT (after accepted answer):
Mainly two options (Sorry but kotlin code below):
First option
.handle({ t, result ->
if (t != null) {
// send event (could be caught be the same saga eventually) or send command or both
// send event (could be caught be the same saga eventually) or send command or both
// If not use handle(...) then you can use thenApply as well
.thenApply { eventGateway.publish(SomeSuccessfulEvent(...)) }
.thenApply { commandGateway.send(SomeSuccessfulSendOnSuccessCommand) }
2nd option:
Use a deadline to make sure that saga do something if SendRegistrationEmailCommand failed and you did not receive any events on the failure (when you do not handle the command sent).
Can of course use deadline for other purposes.
When the SendRegistrationEmailCommand was received successfully, the receiver will publish an event so the saga will be notified and act on it.
Could be an RegistrationEmailSentEvent or RegistrationEmailSendFailedEvent.
It seems that it is best to use handle() only if the command failed to be sent or receiver has thrown an unexpected exception, if so then publish an event for the saga to act on it.
In case of success, the receiver should publish the event, saga will listen for it (and eventually register a deadline just in case); Receiver may also send event to notify of error and do not throw, saga will also listen to this event.
ideally, you would use the asynchronous options to deal with errors. This would either be commandGateway.send(command) or commandGateway.send(command).thenApply(). If the failure are businesslogic related, then it may make sense to emit events on these failures. A plain gateway.send(command) then makes sense; the Saga can react on the events returned as a result. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the result of the command.
Whether you need to use sendAndWait or just send().then... depends on the activity you need to do when it fails. Unfortunately, when dealing with results asynchronously, you cannot safely modify the state of the Saga anymore. Axon may have persisted the state of the saga already, causing these changes to go lost. sendAndWait resolves that. Scalability is not often an issue, because different Sagas can be executed in parallel, depending on your processor configuration.
The Axon team is currently looking at possible APIs that would allow for safe asynchronous execution of logic in Sagas, while still keeping guarantees about thread safety and state persistence.

Pipe for repeating network requests in Reactive Cocoa 4

I want to refresh data every 15 seconds from an API using Reactive Cocoa 4. Since more than one subscriber can ask for this data at the same time, I want to have multiple subscribers to share one source of data.
My current approach is to have one Signal and share it to every instance that asks for the data. This Signal should start refreshing as soon as the first Signal is subscribed and end after the last has disposed.
SignalProducer<String, NoError> { observer, disposable in
self.disposable = self.repeatTimer.observeNext { _ in
NSLog("start network request")
}.on(disposed: {
}).startWithSignal { signal, disposable1 in
self.updateSignal = signal
return (updateSignal, disposable!)
So for the first request I create and store the updateSignal and each following request will get that signal.
My first question: How can I know when the last subscriber disposed its signal? So when can I stop the requests?
My second question: I store the disposable from my repeatin network request in self.disposable which I also return to the subscriber. If the subscriber only disposes its Signal (which he got from Signal.observeNext()) the inner loop, where I log "start network request" is running endless. Do I really need to stop that Signal myself even when the outer Signal gets disposed?
Is there any nicer way or pattern for shared repeating requests?
Use the global timer function to perform work at specified intervals.
You could do something like this:
self.disposable =
timer(SomeTimeInterval onScheduler:QueueScheduler.mainQueueScheduler)
.startWithNext { _ in
//start network request here
But it's better if you chain your network request producer and observe the results, like this:
self.disposable =
timer(SomeTimeInterval onScheduler:QueueScheduler.mainQueueScheduler)
.flatMap(.Latest, transform { _ in
return self.networkRequestSignalProducer()
.start({ event in
//monitor the result of the network request
Note that you may not want to use the main queue like I did in this example, depending on how you've implemented your network requests.
If you want to avoid dealing with disposables, you can add a .takeUntil before .flatMap and terminate the timer with a signal

MassTransit Send only

I am implementing a Service Bus and having a look at MassTransit. My pattern is not Publish/Subscribe but Sender/Receiver where the Receiver can be offline and came back online later.
Right now I am starting to write my tests to verify that MassTransit succesfully deliver the message using the following code:
bus = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
cfg =>
Then I grab the bus and publish a message like this:
As I can notice from MSMQ, two queues are created and the message is sent cause Mass Transit does not raise any error but I cannot find any message in the queue container.
What am I doing wrong?
Reading the Mass Transit newsgroup I found out that in a scenario of Sender/Receiver where the receiver can come online at any time later, the message can be Send using this code:
bus.GetEndpoint(new Uri("msmq://localhost/my_queue")).Send<TMessage>(message);
Again in my scenario I am not writing a Publisher/Subscriber but a Sender/Receiver.
First, to send, you can use a simple EndpointCacheFactory instead of a ServiceBusFactory...
var cache = EndpointCacheFactory.New(x => x.UseMsmq());
From the cache, you can retrieve an endpoint by address:
var endpoint = cache.GetEndpoint("msmq://localhost/queue_name");
Then, you can use the endpoint to send a message:
endpoint.Send(new MyMessage());
To receive, you would create a bus instance as you specified above:
var bus = ServiceBusFactory.New(x =>
x.Subscribe(s => s.Handler<MyMessage>(x => {});
Once your receiver process is complete, call Dispose on the IServiceBus instance. Once your publisher is shutting down, call Dispose on the IEndpointCache instance.
Do not dispose of the individual endpoints (IEndpoint) instances, the cache keeps them available for later use until it is disposed.