How to have more than one tty console in yocto? - yocto

After building the yocto genericx86-64 target.
It can boot, login with root.
However, it only has 1 tty, I can't press ALT + F2 / F3 .... to open a new tty console.
How to setup yocto to have more than one tty console?

Your machine configuration sets the variable SERIAL_CONSOLES, currently probably to value "115200;ttyS0". You should be able to modify that or override it in your local.conf with
SERIAL_CONSOLES = "115200;ttyS0 115200;ttyS1"
to add another tty.


Command line, CMD

Is it possible to operate. Exe application from command promt.?
I have a problem where i have tologin to my window application from command promt.
I can open the application but ubable to click file menu(login, save, etc).
You should be able to alt + f when the exe application window is selected

Run a program in debug mode in eclipse in command line

For several reasons I must test my program with multiple computer restart.
So I need at the computer startup, eclipse open and the tested program runs in eclipse (in debug mode if possible).
Can you give me a command line or another way to do that. I just need when I open eclipse or when I use the given command line, the program automatically start
Thank you
For Linux OS (not sure on Win, Mac), Eclipse (or other apps) can be automated with xdotool utility. Assuming your app has run at least once in debug mode within Eclipse so it exists an entry on Debug history, a Bash script could do the following actions
-Edit the script below to set the correct position value for the app.
-Launch Eclipse.
-Wait some time until is fully up.
-Execute the following command sequence:
#find Eclipse app window IDs, keep the last one
e_wid=$(xdotool search --class Eclipse | gawk 'END{print $0}')
# Create basic command string
cmd="xdotool windowactivate --sync $e_wid"
# Send key strokes with some delay in between
# Open Run menu
$cmd key Alt+r
sleep 1
# select Debug option
$cmd key h
sleep 0.5
# pick the sixth option in that menu
$cmd key $position
It's recommended to mark the app as a favorite so it gets a constant order in the menu.
To see another example, check this mluis7 gist at Github.

On Raspberry Pi - Auto start terminal after login?

I'm working on a small project right now. I want the python script to automatically run after loggin into the GUI.
I followed the steps here: ... 91&t=65607
But it didn't work for me. What it did was whenever I open up the terminal, the script will run automatically, but not after loggin into the GUI.
So I figured a easy solution is to configure the system so terminal runs after loggin into GUI.
Any suggestions?
To auto-start the terminal on boot, open this file with nano:
nano ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Add this line to the end of the file:
Close, save and reboot
Reference and some other goodies to run a script on startup as well which may have been what you are actually looking for:
When you edit or create autostart file in your user space like
then, this file will override global lxsession autostart file in
so you should copy everything from global file to your newly created file.
By this way , after reboot you won't get a blank screen running openbox.
So, your file should contain
#lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
#pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
#xscreensaver -no-splash
And then add your necessary startup items at the bottom like
In case you want to launch a terminal and automatically run a script inside it, you can do so by passing the --command parameter to the lxterminal command.
Open the autostart file
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Edit the autostart file
Right above the #xscreensaver line, add #lxterminal --command=/path/to/script"
My autostart file looks something like this.
#lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
#pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
#lxterminal --command="/path/to/script"
#xscreensaver -no-splash
Note: In some places, it is suggested to use the -e flag instead of --command parameter in lxterminal, however that did not work for me. This did.

ssh agent started but can't connect to authentication agent

I'm trying to add a new ssh key. I've started the service using "ssh-agent -s", and I get this response:
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-tUlzwbxYNLaZ/agent.9516; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 8992;
But when I do "ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa" I get the error "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." Is the start command not working? I'm not sure what the output of the start command means.
The output that you show above needs to be evaluated. Very often this is done automatically by starting ssh-agent like eval `ssh-agent`. This causes
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-tUlzwbxYNLaZ/agent.9516; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;: the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable to be set to the given value.
SSH_AGENT_PID=8992; export SSH_AGENT_PID;: the SSH_AGENT_PID environment variable to be set to the given value.
These two variables need to be set for ssh-add to be able to find the agent. If you want to evaluate them manually you can just copy those commands, paste them into your terminal or console, and hit Enter. Then try using ssh-add again.
The last line, echo Agent pid 8992;, simply prints out the ssh-agent process ID for your information.
These variables cannot be hard-coded because the socket and PID aren't predictable. Each time you start ssh-agent you need to use whatever values it prints out.
Note that these variables only get set for the current shell. So if you do it in a terminal window and then work in that window you should be fine, but if you close the window and open a new terminal it won't work anymore. Similarly if you are logged into a console, then log out and back in again.
Most modern desktop environments start ssh-agent and set the appropriate environment variables for you, so if you're using Gnome or KDE or Unity or something you shouldn't have to do this. If you are manually starting your environment or using something more bare-bones that doesn't handle this for you you should probably add eval `ssh-agent` to your X startup file, e.g. .xinitrc so that it runs before starting X.

Running a MATLAB script from Notepad++

Is there a way of running a MATLAB script from Notepad++?
Obviously I have MATLAB installed on my computer. I know you can set a path for Notepad++to run when you hit F5, but when I set this path to my MATLAB.exe file, it simply opens another instance of MATLAB.
This is not what I want, I want the actual script in Notepad++ to be executed in the already open and running instance of MATLAB.
I'm afraid I'm not on my home computer at the moment to test this out, so the following is just a suggestion for you to try.
If you take a look at the NppExec plugin for Notepad++, you'll see that with it you can specify a command to be run when you hit F6 (like an enhanced version of hitting F5 in the regular Notepad++). You can also give it variables such as the path to the current file, and the name of the current file.
MATLAB (on Windows at least - I assume you're on Windows) makes available an API over ActiveX/COM. If you search in the MATLAB documentation for details, it's under External Interfaces -> MATLAB COM Automation Server. By running (in MATLAB) the command enableservice('AutomationServer') you will set up your running instance of MATLAB to receive instructions over this API.
You should be able to write a small script (perhaps in VBScript or something similar) that will take as input arguments the path and filename of the current file in Notepad++, and will then connect to a running instance of MATLAB over the COM API and execute the file's contents.
Set this script to be executed in NppExec when you hit F6, and it should then run the current file in the open instance of MATLAB.
As I say, the above is just speculation as I can't test it out right now, but I think it should work. Good luck!
Use NppExec add-on and press F6, copy paste the following and save the script:
set local MATPATH=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a\bin\matlab.exe
"$(MATPATH)" -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "try, run('$(FILE_NAME)'),
catch me, fprintf('%s / %s\n',me.identifier,me.message), end"
then run (press F6; enter). Matlab Console and Plot windows still open and stay open. Error messages will be displayed in opening Matlab command window. Adding
, exit"
to the last command will make it quit and close again. If you want to run an automated application with crontabs or the like, check Matlab external interface reference for automation.
matlab.exe -automation ...
Also works in cmd terminal, but you have to fill in the paths yourself.
This is a usable implementation upon Sam's idea. First, execute MATLAB in automation mode like this.
matlab.exe -automation
Next, compile and execute this following VB in NppExec plugin. (which is to use MATLAB automation API)
Imports System
Module open_matlab
' connect to a opened matlab session
Sub Main()
Dim h As Object
Dim res As String
Dim matcmd As String
h = GetObject(, "Matlab.Application")
Console.WriteLine("MATLAB & Notepad++")
Console.WriteLine(" ")
while True
Console.Write(">> ")
matcmd = Console.ReadLine()
' How you exit this app
if matcmd.Equals("!!") then
Exit while
End if
End while
End Sub
End Module
Then you'll get a matlab-like terminal below your editor. You can then code above and execute below. type !! to exit the terminal.
What it looks like
Tips: don't use ctrl+c to interrupt the MATLAB command, because it will kill the whole process instead.