In Yang Modelling, I want to implement a leaf which can accept values from range 10 to 1000 in multiples of 10 - ietf-netmod-yang

In Yang Modelling, I want to implement a leaf(as shown below) which can accept values ranging from 10 to 1000. The catch here is the value should be in multiple of 10's. Ex : 10,20,30,40...1000
My current leaf structure is :
leaf range-limit {
type uint16 {
range "10..1000";
default 100;
To implement this requirement, I thought if defining an enum which would hold all these values beginning from 10,20,30 etc....uptil 1000.
But this enum would look too long and though might not be the ideal way of doing it.
Please let me know if there is a way of accomplishing this ?

The solution for this would be using "mod" operator.
leaf range-limit {
type uint16 {
range "10..1000";
must ". mod 10 = 0" {
error-message "Value should be multiple of 10";
default 100;


Clingo flexible but maximum count of literals and how to prevent negation cycles

I'm programming a Sudoku solver and have come across two problems.
I would like to generate a specific number of literals, but keep the total number flexible
How can I prevent a negation cycle, so that I have a clean solution for declaring a digit as not possible?
General code with generator regarding my first question:
row(1..3). %coordinates are declared via position of sub-grid (row, col) and position of
col(1..3). %field in sub-grid (sr, sc)
1 { candidate(R,C,A,B,N) : num(N) } 9 :- row(R), col(C), sr(A), sc(B).
Here I want to create all candidates for a field, which at the beginning are all the numbers from 1 to 9. So I want for all candidate(1,1,1,1,1-9). But it would be nice to keep the number of candidates for each field flexible, so I can declare a solution if through integrity constraints like
:- candidate(R,C,A,B,N), solution(R1,C,A1,B,N), R != R1, A != A1. %excludes candidates if digit is present in solution in same column
I have excluded all 8 other candidates:
solution(R,C,A,B,N) :- candidate(R,C,A,B,N), { N' : candidate(R,C,A,B,N') } = 1.
Regarding my second question, I basically want to declare a solution, if a specific condition is fulfilled. The problem is, if I have a solution, the condition is no longer true and this leads to a negation cycle:
solution(R,C,A,B,N) :- candidate(R,C,A,B,N), { set1(R',C',A',B') } = { posDigit(N') }, { negDigit(N'') } = { set2(R'',C'',A'',B'') } - 1, not taken(R,C,A,B), not takenDigit(N).
taken(R,C,A,B) :- solution(R,C,A,B,N).
I would be glad I somebody offers input on how to solve these problems.

In swift, is there a way to only check part of an array in a for loop (with a set beginning and ending point)

So lets say we have an array a = [20,50,100,200,500,1000]
Generally speaking we could do for number in a { print(a) } if we wanted to check the entirety of a.
How can you limit what indexes are checked? As in have a set beginning and end index (b, and e respectively), and limit the values of number that are checked to between b and e?
For an example, in a, if b is set to 1, and e is set to 4, then only a1 through a[4] are checked.
I tried doing for number in a[b...e] { print(number) }, I also saw here someone do this,
for j in 0..<n { x[i] = x[j]}, which works if we want just a ending.
This makes me think I can do something like for number in b..<=e { print(a[number]) }
Is this correct?
I'm practicing data structures in Swift and this is one of the things I've been struggling with. Would really appreciate an explanation!
Using b..<=e is not the correct syntax. You need to use Closed Range Operator ... instead, i.e.
for number in b...e {
And since you've already tried
for number in a[b...e] {
There is nothing wrong with the above syntax as well. You can use it either way.
An array has a subscript that accepts a Range: array[range] and returns a sub-array.
A range of integers can be defined as either b...e or b..<e (There are other ways as well), but not b..<=e
A range itself is a sequence (something that supports a for-in loop)
So you can either do
for index in b...e {
for number in a[b...e] {
In both cases, it is on you to ensure that b...e are valid indices into the array.

Anylogic referencing columns in a collection

I am using a collection to represent available trucks in a system. I am using a 1 or 0 for a given index number, using a 1 to say that indexed truck is available. I am then trying to assign that index number to a customer ID. I am trying to randomly select an available truck from those listed as available. I am getting an error saying the left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable and highlighting the portion of the code reading Available_Trucks() = 1. This is the code:
agent.ID = randomWhere(Available_Trucks, Available_Trucks() = 1);
The way you are doing it won't work... randomWhere when applied to a collection of integers, will return the element of the collection (in this case 1 or 0).
So doing
randomWhere(Available_Trucks,at->at==1); //this is the right synthax
will return 1 always since that's the value of the number chosen in the collection. So what you need is to get the index of the number of the collection that is equal to 1. But you will have to create a function to do that yourself... something like this (probably not the best way but it works: agent.ID=getRandomAvailbleTruck(Available_Trucks);
And the function getRandomAvailbleTruck will take as an argument a collection (arrayList probably).. it will return -1 if there is no availble truck
int availableTrucks=count(collection,c->c==1);
if(availableTrucks==0) return -1;
int rand=uniform_discr(1,availableTrucks);
int i=0;
int j=0;
return j;
return -1;
Now another idea is to instead of using 0 and 1 for the availability, you can use correlative numbers: 1,2,3,4,5 ... etc and use a 0 if it's not available. For instance if truck 3 is not availble, the array will be 1,2,0,4,5 and if it's available it will be 1,2,3,4,5.
In that case you can use
But you will get an error if there is no available truck, so check that.
Nevertheless, what you are doing is horrible practice... And there is a much easier way to do it if you put the availability in your truck if your truck is an agent...
Then you can just do
Truck truck=randomWhere(trucks,t->t.available==1);

Iterating through all but the last index of an array

I understand that in Swift 3 there have been some changes from typical C Style for-loops. I've been working around it, but it seems like I'm writing more code than before in many cases. Maybe someone can steer me in the right direction because this is what I want:
let names : [String] = ["Jim", "Jenny", "Earl"]
for var i = 0; i < names.count - 1; i+=1 {
NSLog("%# loves %#", names[i], names[i+1])
Pretty simple stuff. I like to be able to get the index I'm on, and I like the for-loop to not run if names.count == 0. All in one go.
But it seems like my options in Swift 3 aren't allowing me this. I would have to do something like:
let names : [String] = ["Jim", "Jenny", "Earl"]
if names.count > 0 {
for i in 0...(names.count - 1) {
NSLog("%# loves %#", names[i], names[i+1])
The if statement at the start is needed because my program will crash in the situation where it reads: for i in 0...0 { }
I also like the idea of being able to just iterate through everything without explicitly setting the index:
// Pseudocode
for name in names.exceptLastOne {
NSLog("%# loves %#", name,
I feel like there is some sort of syntax that mixes all my wants, but I haven't come across it yet. Does anyone know of a way? Or at least a way to make my code more compact?
UPDATE: Someone suggested that this question has already been asked, citing a SO post where the solution was to use something to the degree of:
for (index, name) in names.enumerated {}
The problem with this when compared to Hamish's answer is that I only am given the index of the current name. That doesn't allow me to get the value at index without needing to do something like:
names[index + 1]
That's just one extra variable to keep track of. I prefer Hamish's which is:
for i in names.indices.dropLast() {
print("\(names[i]) loves \(names[i + 1])")
Short, simple, and only have to keep track of names and i, rather than names, index, and name.
One option would be to use dropLast() on the array's indices, allowing you to iterate over a CountableRange of all but the last index of the array.
let names = ["Jim", "Jenny", "Earl"]
for i in names.indices.dropLast() {
print("\(names[i]) loves \(names[i + 1])")
If the array has less than two elements, the loop won't be entered.
Another option would be to zip the array with the array where the first element has been dropped, allowing you to iterate through the pairs of elements with their successor elements:
for (nameA, nameB) in zip(names, names.dropFirst()) {
print("\(nameA) loves \(nameB)")
This takes advantage of the fact that zip truncates the longer of the two sequences if they aren't of equal length. Therefore if the array has less than two elements, again, the loop won't be entered.

Specman coverage: Is there a way to define ranges using variable?

I have comp_value that gets values between 1 .. 100.
In addition I have an input variable period (of the same range). I need to cover 2 ranges of comp_values: [1..period] and [period+1 .. 100]. Something like this:
cover some_event_e is {
item period using no_collect;
item comp_val using no_collect,
ranges = {
range([1..period], "Smaller_than_period");
range([period+1..100], "Bigger_than_period");
(The code causes compilation error since no variable can be written inside range).
Is there a way to collect the coverage?
Thank you for your help.
Ranges must be constant.
But if I understood your intent correctly, you can define new items like
cover some_event_e is {
item smaller_or_equal_than_period: bool = (comp_val in [1..period]) using
ignore = (not smaller_or_equal_than_period);
item greater_than_period: bool = (comp_val in [(min(100,period+1)..100]) using
ignore = (not greater_than_period);
Assuming period is always in [1..100].