sending notification to my flutter app when mysql database is updated - flutter

I was to send a notification to my flutter app when a certain table is updated.
the find that I can connect it to firebase and it will be solved but my tables are already made and the app is about to finish I can't waste more time.
I came up with a solution that I send an HTTP request and check if there is anything new every minute, but it would cost a lot of Bytes so I wont to try something else.
is there a way to get the information when it is added or within a small time frame.

You can try the socket io which will help to detect onUpdate


SWIFT4 - Refreshing Data From Server

I think I must be missing something. I have an app that loads table reservations on an iPad and in order to stay up to date, I refresh the main-page-ist every 15 seconds.
Instead I want to refresh the page only when there is a change. I want it to work like a push notification that tells my app that there has to be a change and that it needs to connect to the server and update, but some users are turning push notification off and i have no control over that. There must be a better solution I'm missing right here.
How are messaging apps doing this. How do viber, whatsApp facebook messengers know that there is a new message and show it immediately. I don't think they connect to the server every seconds... or do they?
I think, Silent Push Notification is the best solution for your case.
You can still catch the information in the background even user does not permit push notifications.
What you are doing is common but not advisable these days. You want to push, not pull. What do I mean? How often someone reserves a new table is random, so it could be 5 seconds or every 5 hours. In your case, if you refresh every 15 seconds it could be killing the battery and gobbling up data unnecessarily.
The better way is for you to set up a push server that, when a table is booked, your push server sends a push notification to your app. This way, whether instead of asking all the time "hey, any reservations?" your server tells you when a booking event happens.
Of course this requires more work on your part, but you will run into the same issue over and over again, so it's worth looking into how to do this.
If you're at a larger company, and only doing front end, you need to have the backend engineers build a push server for you.
This is how What's app and other apps notify you when you have a message.

How can I run server-side realtime database queries

I am using Firebase's Realtime Database.
I am able to use my old device and permanently keep it on for checking if the host has left a party to therefore notify the users. However, this is inconvenient and there must be a simple server side solution.
I know how to code it (using .observe etc.) but I don't know where to run the code. The code will be on a loop to check if a host has left every 10 seconds (this is because the host may run out of battery so the database is not notified). Can I simply run it in functions somehow? Or using hosting?
The server code will send a request to the host, and if there is no response, the party has therefore been closed so it will tell the users.
Any help or pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please ask!
It's not related to the iOS. Put your initial code into the viewDidLoad or init methods (depends on how do you write the code) and forget about it. Those methods are called once per an instance. For now Firebase works fine on your usecase. At least I don't have any wierd updates on the observe method. also you can specify what do you want to observe exactly in the Firebase (something like the new or last 15)
The solution to this was that even if the user left the app, they would still be in the party. I used user defaults so it can remember if the user was in a party so it can return them.
I also used Realtime Database triggers which can remove all information about a user with one action in the app (so all data gets removed, and not left behind, which would create a waste of unusable database memory).

Change value after period of time in Firebase

I have a lobby in which I want the users to be in sync. So when a user turns off his internet while the app is running, he should be removed. I know Firebase does not support server side coding, so the coding needs to be client side. The answers from How to delete firebase data after "n" days and Delete firebase data older than 2 hours do not answer this question since they expect that the user is online and they have an internet connection. So my question is if is possible to delete users when they got no internet? I thought maybe it is an idea to let the users update a value every 5 seconds, and when that update is not done, the other users in that lobby remove the player. This way is not good, since every player needs to retrieve and upload alot of data every 5 seconds. What is the best way to solve this?
Edit: to make it short, lets say each user has an image. The image should be green when the user is connected, and grey when disconnected.
Edit 2: after thinking it over, it is really hard to accurate present the connected users on a client-side server. That is why, if nobody has a different solution, I should add another server which can execute server-side codes. Because of the larges amount of servers, I would like to know which server I should use. The server should run a simple function which only checks if the users are connected or disconnected and can communicate with Firebase. If I am correct it should look like this:
But the server also needs to communicate with the users directly. I have absoluty no idea where to start.
If I'm not completely wrong, you should be able to use onDisconnect.
From the Firebase, documentation:
How onDisconnect:Works:
When an onDisconnect() operation is established, it lives on the Firebase Realtime Database server. The server checks security to make sure the user can perform the write event requested, and informs the client if it is invalid. The server then monitors the connection. If at any point it times out, or is actively closed by the client, the server checks security a second time (to make sure the operation is still valid) and then invokes the event.
In app in production I'm using onDisconnectRemoveValue, and when I close the app, the user removes himself from the lobby. Not sure how it works when you turn the device in airplane mode, but from the documentation it seems there should be no problem.
One thing: when you test it better do it on real device, the simulator have issues with turning it off and on, at least the on I have installed.
Edit: So i checked the onDisconnect when you put the device on airplane mode and it works! The question is, that it removes the user in about a 1:30 min, approximately, so if you read the documentation or ask the support, you may be (and only may be) able to find a way to set the time you want.

Parse-server Not sending Push Notification to large Audience

All push notifications with reciever with less counts sends properly but large audience push notifications get stuck at Sending and count also does not get updated.Since it is live application i am not able to send push notification with such large audience..Any idea how to debug and why is it stucked ??? All other notifications are sending and recieveing normally but large audience isnt. Its just stuck at Sending
After Debugging found out that when i call other query results are returned properly but this specific query does not returns anything...
RestQuery.prototype.runFind in RestQuery.js
does not call function with results..
And it is always stuck there.
Running the same query in mongo shell does not take more than 0.4 seconds but is always stuck in parse-server
Plus Sometimes other queries also show lost connection to mongo.
Shouldnt Parse-server handle indexing itself.
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if this is your issue, but as far as Parse Server 2.2.17 goes, there is a bug with the cloud code. Cloud code is having trouble working properly and they advise to roll back to 2.2.16.

Ideas on sync between iPhone and website

I have an iPhone app syncing with a website using a webservice. The sync procedure I'm using is the following:
Send items that need to sync from iPhone to website
Add items to website MySql database
Send back items that need to sync from website to iPhone
Add items on iPhone Sqlite database
All this is done using one request to the server. Often the user just have a few items (<20) to sync but sometimes a user might have 2000 items to sync. Adding 2000 items to a MySql database can take some time. I'm using transactions and commit on the website when adding the items, something like this:
foreach item sent from iPhone
mysql.CommandText = //Sql query
Sometimes when a user have a lot of items to add, this can take a veeery long time. My idea is therefore to change the sync procedure a little bit and instead of using one large request I divide the request into chunks, maybe sending and recieiving 50 items at a time. This will cause more but faster requests. What are your ideas on this? How would you solve it? Is it the right thing to use transactions and commit on the server?
I would try to make the update from "iphone to server" and "server to iphone" concurrent and asynchronous if possible. That way the sync will be faster and the iphone app won't block waiting for the whole process to be done.
As well dividing the update into frames if the update is bigger than a given size is a good idea.