Typo3 9.5 Anchor in RTE (CKEditor) - typo3

adding an anchor in my content is working fine.
But i don't see a way to add link with the anchor in the page.
So the workaround for me is to add an external link but the this automaticaly adds the slug of the actual page so instead of
i get
My Typo3 Version is 9.5.11
Hope anyone can help me.
Thanks in advance!


How to fix absolute path to custom TinyMCE skin

I followed this tutorial posted on tiny.cloud and did everything according to the post. I got to the part where you define the content_css and the skin_url.
The skin I created is called Snoopal.
I did:
skin: "Snoopal",
content_css: "/elements/skins/content",
skin_url: '/elements/skins/ui'
But the editor doesn't show up on the website. What am I doing wrong?
I've also had a hard time working with these editors, if anyone has a good tutorial on making a custom rich text editor, please post it, thx in advance.

How do I add an image to the default layout in Typo3?

I want to add the company logo to the default layout page in Typo3 (located in myextension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Page/Default.html).
However, using the relative path as a source in an img-tag does not seem to work (I used ../../../Public/Images/imagename.jpg). The console shows that Typo3 seems to be looking in the following location: http://localhost/Public/Images/addressicon.jpg.
How do I insert the image located at myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg?
How about /typo3conf/ext/myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg
I think EXT:myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg should work too.

how to completely remove more link in typo3 news subhead

Does anyone know how I can completely remove the [more] link that appears next to the subheader in tt_news items in typo3? I've tried the following, but neither removes the anchor tag that is generated:
_LOCAL_LANG.default.more =
_LOCAL_LANG.default.more >
Any help would be appreciated.
In tt_news v3 list view, use
plugin.tt_news.displayList.subheader_stdWrap.append >
With _LOCAL_LANG you can only override or clear language labels. The tags are generated in the code or templates.

CKEditor classes being stripped

I have a custom plugin that adds a link with a class attached. When I view this using the Source button it shows the class and looks as it should. However, when I go back to WYSYWIG view and then view the source again the class has been stripped out.
Any idea how to stop this happening?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Check this blog post.
In CKEditor 4.1 RC we've introduced ACF - Advanced Content Filter. You need to integrate your plugin with it, because otherwise special content created by it is stripped.
For CKEditor4 and for simple config.js modification, disabling the "default filters": see this new question/answer.
At config.js you can add something like,
see "Advanced Content Filter" (ACF) and how to enable/disable it.

facebook comment plugin: remove like button

The FB: comment plugin comes with both a like button and comment box. Does anyone out there know how to remove the like button from the facebook comment plugin?
I got it working:
To remove (hide) the like-button that
comes above the comments-box To hide
the Like botton, you will need to add
2 attributes and create a CSS file.
1. simple="1"
2. css="http://yoursitedomainname.com/fb_comments.css"
<fb:comments expr:title='data:post.title'
expr:xid='data:post.id' simple='1'
in the css file add this style code:
div.like, div.like div {display:none;}
If you want you can just link to my
hide CSS file:
Thanks to Gil Goldshlager, original post # forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=58903
I've also searched for this answer but found nothing. I guess it's not possible for the moment. But if someone knows anything about this, I would also like to hear about it!
The answer from mctaco/Gil Goldshlager did not work for me. i assume, they only work with the old comments plugin. But i tried around with the tags and this one was working for me, to remove the like button:
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}"></div>
This code comes from django. if you are using another server side language, then you have to replace {{ request.build_absolute_uri }} with the absolute uri from the page, where you want to have the comments plugin installed.
If you omit the data-href attribute, the like button is displayed.