Nonlinear curve fitting of a matrix function in python - nonlinear-optimization

I have the following problem. I have a N x N real matrix called Z(x; t), where x and t might be vectors in general. I have N_s observations (x_k, Z_k), k=1,..., N_s and I'd like to find the vector of parameters t that better approximates the data in the least square sense, which means I want t that minimizes
S(t) = \sum_{k=1}^{N_s} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^N (Z_{k, i j} - Z(x_k; t))^2
This is in general a non-linear fitting of a matrix function. I'm only finding examples in which one has to fit scalar functions which are not immediately generalizable to a matrix function (nor a vector function). I tried using the scipy.optimize.leastsq function, the package symfit and lmfit, but still I don't manage to find a solution. Eventually, I'm ending up writing my own code...any help is appreciated!

You can do curve-fitting with multi-dimensional data. As far as I am aware, none of the low-level algorithms explicitly support multidimensional data, but they do minimize a one-dimensional array in the least-squares sense. And the fitting methods do not really care about the "independent variable(s)" x except in that they help you calculate the array to be minimized - perhaps to calculate a model function to match to y data.
That is to say: if you can write a function that would take the parameter values and calculate the matrix to be minimized, just flatten that 2-d (on n-d) array to one dimension. The fit will not mind.


extrapolating a 2D matrix to predict a future output

I have a 2D 2401*266 matrix K which corresponds to x values (t: stored in a 1*266 array) and y values(z: stored in a 1*2401 array).
I want to extrapolate the matrix K to predict some future values (corresponding to t(1,267:279). So far I have extended t so that it is now a 1*279 matrix using a for loop:
for tq = 267:279
t(1,tq) = t(1,tq-1)+0.0333333333;
However I am stumped on how to extrapolate K without fitting a polynomial to each individual row?
I feel like there must be a more efficient way than this??
There are countless of extrapolation methods in the literature, "fitting a polynomial to each row" would be just one of them, not necessarily invalid, not sure why you mention that you do no wan't to do it. For 2D data perhaps fitting a surface would lead to better results though.
However, if you want an easy, simple way (that might or might not work with your problem), you can always use the function interp2, for interpolation. If you chose spline or makima as interpolation functions, it will also extrapolate for any query point outside the domain of K.

Mixture of 1D Gaussians fit to data in Matlab / Python

I have a discrete curve y=f(x). I know the locations and amplitudes of peaks. I want to approximate the curve by fitting a gaussian at each peak. How should I go about finding the optimized gaussian parameters ? I would like to know if there is any inbuilt function which will make my task simpler.
I have fixed mean of gaussians and tried to optimize on sigma using
lsqcurvefit() in matlab. MSE is less. However, I have an additional hard constraint that the value of approximate curve should be equal to the original function at the peaks. This constraint is not satisfied by my model. I am pasting current working code here. I would like to have a solution which obeys the hard constraint at peaks and approximately fits the curve at other points. The basic idea is that the approximate curve has fewer parameters but still closely resembles the original curve.
fun = #(x,xdata)myFun(x,xdata,pks,locs); %pks,locs are the peak locations and amplitudes already available
x0=w(1:6)*0.25; % my initial guess based on domain knowledge
[sigma resnorm] = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata); %xdata and ydata are the original curve data points
recons = myFun(sigma,xdata,pks,locs);
figure;plot(ydata,'r');hold on;plot(recons);
function f=myFun(sigma,xdata,a,c)
% a is constant , c is mean of individual gaussians
for i = 1:6 %use 6 gaussians to approximate function
f = f + a(i) * exp(-(xdata-c(i)).^2 ./ (2*sigma(i)^2));
If you know your peak locations and amplitudes, then all you have left to do is find the width of each Gaussian. You can think of this as an optimization problem.
Say you have x and y, which are samples from the curve you want to approximate.
First, define a function g() that will construct the approximation for given values of the widths. g() takes a parameter vector sigma containing the width of each Gaussian. The locations and amplitudes of the Gaussians will be constrained to the values you already know. g() outputs the value of the sum-of-gaussians approximation at each point in x.
Now, define a loss function L(), which takes sigma as input. L(sigma) returns a scalar that measures the error--how badly the given approximation (using sigma) differs from the curve you're trying to approximate. The squared error is a common loss function for curve fitting:
L(sigma) = sum((y - g(sigma)) .^ 2)
The task now is to search over possible values of sigma, and find the choice that minimizes the error. This can be done using a variety of optimization routines.
If you have the Mathworks optimization toolbox, you can use the function lsqnonlin() (in this case you won't have to define L() yourself). The curve fitting toolbox is probably an alternative. Otherwise, you can use an open source optimization routine (check out cvxopt).
A couple things to note. You need to impose the constraint that all values in sigma are greater than zero. You can tell the optimization algorithm about this constraint. Also, you'll need to specify an initial guess for the parameters (i.e. sigma). In this case, you could probably choose something reasonable by looking at the curve in the vicinity of each peak. It may be the case (when the loss function is nonconvex) that the final solution is different, depending on the initial guess (i.e. you converge to a local minimum). There are many fancy techniques for dealing with this kind of situation, but a simple thing to do is to just try with multiple different initial guesses, and pick the best result.
Edited to add:
In python, you can use optimization routines in the scipy.optimize module, e.g. curve_fit().
Edit 2 (response to edited question):
If your Gaussians have much overlap with each other, then taking their sum may cause the height of the peaks to differ from your known values. In this case, you could take a weighted sum, and treat the weights as another parameter to optimize.
If you want the peak heights to be exactly equal to some specified values, you can enforce this constraint in the optimization problem. lsqcurvefit() won't be able to do it because it only handles bound constraints on the parameters. Take a look at fmincon().
you can use Expectation–Maximization algorithm for fitting Mixture of Gaussians on your data. it don't care about data dimension.
in documentation of MATLAB you can lookup or fitgmdist.

Find the best linear combination of two vectors resembling a third vector; implementing constraints

I have a vector z that I want to approximate by a linear combination of two other vectors (x,y) such that the residual of a*x+b*y and z is minimized. Also I want to keep one coefficient (a) positive for the fitting.
Any suggestions which command may help?
If you didn't have a bound on one of the coefficients, your problem could have been viewed as multiple regression (solved in matlab by regress). Since one of the coefficients is bounded, you should use lsqlin. This function solves least squares problems with bounds or inequalities on the coefficients. Don't forget to include an all-ones intercept predictor if your signals are not centered.
I think that fminsearch would be an overshoot in this case, since lsqlin does exactly what you want.
You have to define a function, which desribes the cost. The lower the cost is, the better the solution. The output must be a single scalar, e.g. the norm of the difference.
To avoid negative values for x, add something like (x<0)*inf. This rejects every solution with a negative x.
If done so, use fminsearch for a numeric solution.

How to vectorize the intersection kernel function in MATLAB?

I need to pre-compute the histogram intersection kernel matrices for using LIBSVM in MATLAB.
Assume x, y are two vectors. The kernel function is K(x, y) = sum(min(x, y)). In order to be efficient, the best practice in most cases is to vectorize the operations.
What I want to do is like calculate the kernel matrices like calculating the euclidean distance between two matrices, like pdist2(A, B, 'euclidean'). After defining function 'intKernel', I could calculate the intersection kernel by calling pdist2(A, B, intKernel).
I know the function 'pdist2' may be an option. But I have no idea how to write the self-defined distance function. While, I do not know how to code the intersection kernel between vector(1-by-M) and matrix(M-by-N) in one condense expression.
'repmat' may not be feasible, because the matrix is really large, let us say, 20000-by-360000.
Any help would be appreciated.
I think pdist2 is a good option, so I help you to define your distance function.
According to the doc, the self-defined distance function must have 2 inputs: first one is a 1-by-N vector; second one is a M-by-N matrix (be careful of the order!).
To avoid the use of repmat which is indeed memory-consumant, you can use bsxfun to apply some basic operations on data with expansion over singleton dimensions. In your case, you can do the following thing:
distance_kernel = #(x,Y) sum(bsxfun(#min,x,Y),2);
Summation is done over the columns to get a column vector as output.
Then just call pdist2 and you are done.

Minimizing error of a formula in MATLAB (Least squares?)

I'm not too familiar with MATLAB or computational mathematics so I was wondering how I might solve an equation involving the sum of squares, where each term involves two vectors- one known and one unknown. This formula is supposed to represent the error and I need to minimize the error. I think I'm supposed to use least squares but I don't know too much about it and I'm wondering what function is best for doing that and what arguments would represent my equation. My teacher also mentioned something about taking derivatives and he formed a matrix using derivatives which confused me even more- am I required to take derivatives?
The problem that you must be trying to solve is
Min u'u = min \sum_i u_i^2, u=y-Xbeta, where u is the error, y is the vector of dependent variables you are trying to explain, X is a matrix of independent variables and beta is the vector you want to estimate.
Since sum u_i^2 is diferentiable (and convex), you can evaluate the minimal of this expression calculating its derivative and making it equal to zero.
If you do that, you find that beta=inv(X'X)X'y. This maybe calculated using the matlab function regress or writing this formula in Matlab. However, you should be careful how to evaluate the inverse (X'X) see Most efficient matrix inversion in MATLAB