How to pass values into URL's from csv - locust

DC = Delegate_Code.pop()
with self.client.get("/api/StatusInfo/Get?DelegateCode=KY001"
I want to pass the var 'DC' into the URL (KY001). How is this done? Things I've tried haven't worked.
DC = Delegate_Code.pop()
with self.client.get("/api/StatusInfo/Get?DelegateCode=(DC)"

You can do this in lots of ways (basically any way that python supports)
For example (python 3.6+)
self.client.get("/api/StatusInfo/Get?DelegateCode=" + DC)
You can also have a look at the csv reader I made specifically for locust (part of locust-plugins). Here's an example of how to use it:


MailKit - How can bodybuilder help create a complex email body with many images interspersed with text?

For example, what if you need to create an email body like this:
Text ...
Image ...
Text ...
Image ...
Here is one of the examples that works for one text and one image:
var builder = new BodyBuilder ();
var pathImage = Path.Combine (Misc.GetPathOfExecutingAssembly (), "Image.png");
var image = builder.LinkedResources.Add (pathLogoFile);
image.ContentId = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId ();
builder.HtmlBody = string.Format (#"<p>Hey!</p><img src=""cid:{0}"">", image.ContentId);
message.Body = builder.ToMessageBody ();
Can we do something like builder.HtmlBody += to just keep adding more and more texts and images?
The BodyBuilder class is designed to constructing typically message structures, not the type of thing you are doing.
You will need to construct your message manually, not using BodyBuilder.
After quite a bit of trial/error/testing, I discovered that you can indeed keep adding text and images to the HtmlBody object, as my question speculated, by using builder.HtmlBody +=
In response to the increasingly widespread use of TLS instead of SSL, and therefore the need to abandon the use of Microsoft's obsolete SmtpClient component, I have developed a comprehensive emailing test component, in Visual Basic, using the wonderful MailKit from JStedfast.
As my question suggested, I wanted to give my users the ability to compose a handsome email body using text interspersed with images as needed. If any VB developers would like to benefit from this work, just let me know.
#jstedfast - I just saw your answer after posting this. For my production version, I need to add images from a blob field in a SQLServer table. I intend to use the manual method, as you stated, to do that. But for images I was loading into my sample program, I was able to make a fairly complex email body using src=file for each image, and adding them with builder.HtmlBody +=

Add non-standard segments with nhapi

My system has to generate an xml in which the node ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL must contain the node ORM_O01.OBRRQDRQ1RXOODSODT_SUPPGRP, because it has to communicate with Mirth.
I am using the nhapi library version 2.5, in which this node does not contain it.
var obr = _ormO01Message.GetORDER().ORDER_DETAIL.OBR;
obr.SetIDOBR.Value = "1";
obr.PlacerOrderNumber.EntityIdentifier.Value = "123456";
obr.PlacerOrderNumber.NamespaceID.Value = "6543";
obr.PlacerOrderNumber.UniversalID.Value = "10009";
obr.UniversalServiceIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "NS";
Is it possible to add a node in ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL that is not standard?
ORM_O01.OBRRQDRQ1RXOODSODT_SUPPGRP looks like it actually is standard for 2.5, but neither nhapi or hapi (which mirth uses) include it. I wouldn't worry about trying to add it in because mirth probably wouldn't be able to parse it if you did.
See similar issue where a mirth user needed to strip that group out.

Passing In Config In Gatling Tests

Noob to Gatling/Scala here.
This might be a bit of a silly question but I haven't been able to find an example of what I am trying to do.
I want to pass in things such as the baseURL, username and passwords for some of my calls. This would change from env to env, so I want to be able to change these values between the envs but still have the same tests in each.
I know we can feed in values but it appears that more for iterating over datasets and not so much for passing in the config values like I have.
Ideally I would like to house this information in a JSON file and not pass it in on the command line, but maybe thats not doable?
Any guidance on this would be awesome.
I have a similar setup and you can use pure scala here .In this scenario you can create an object called Config for eg
object Configuration { var INPUT_PROFILE_FILE_NAME = ""; }
This class can also read a file , I have the below code in the above object
val file = getClass.getResource("data/").getFile()
val prop = new Properties()
prop.load(new FileInputStream(file));
INPUT_PROFILE_FILE_NAME = prop.getProperty("inputProfileFileName")
Now you can import this object in Gattling Simulation File
val profileName= Configuration.INPUT_PROFILE_FILE_NAME ;

Python w/QT Creator form - Possible to grab multiple values?

I'm surprised to not find a previous question about this, but I did give an honest try before posting.
I've created a ui with Qt Creator which contains quite a few QtWidgets of type QLineEdit, QTextEdit, and QCheckbox. I've used pyuic5 to convert to a .py file for use in a small python app. I've successfully got the form connected and working, but this is my first time using python with forms.
I'm searching to see if there is a built-in function or object that would allow me to pull the ObjectNames and Values of all widgets contained within the GUI form and store them in a dictionary with associated keys:values, because I need to send off the information for post-processing.
I guess something like this would work manually:
dict = []
dict['checkboxName1'] = self.checkboxName1.isChecked()
dict['checkboxName2'] = self.checkboxName2.isChecked()
dict['checkboxName3'] = self.checkboxName3.isChecked()
dict['checkboxName4'] = self.checkboxName4.isChecked()
dict['lineEditName1'] = self.lineEditName1.text()
... and on and on
But is there a way to grab all the objects and loop through them, even if each different type (i.e. checkboxes, lineedits, etc) needs to be done separately?
I hope I've explained that clearly.
Thank you.
Finally got it working. Couldn't find a python specific example anywhere, so through trial and error this worked perfectly. I'm including the entire working code of a .py file that can generate a list of all QCheckBox objectNames on a properly referenced form.
I named my form main_form.ui from within Qt Creator. I then converted it into a .py file with pyuic5
pyuic5 main_form.ui -o
This is the contents of a file:
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
import sys
import main_form
# the name of my Qt Creator .ui form converted to with pyuic5
# pyuic5 original_form_name_in_creator.ui -o
class MainApp(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, main_form.Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
# Push button object on main_form named btn_test
def runTest(self):
# I believe this creates a List of all QCheckBox objects on entire UI page
c = self.findChildren(QtWidgets.QCheckBox)
# This is just to show how to access objectName property as an example
for box in c:
def main():
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) # A new instance of QApplication
form = MainApp() # We set the form to be our ExampleApp (design) # Show the form
app.exec_() # and execute the app
if __name__ == '__main__': # if we're running file directly and not importing it
main() # run the main function
See QObject::findChildren()
In C++ the template argument would allow one to specify which type of widget to retrieve, e.g. to just retrieve the QLineEdit objects, but I don't know if or how that is mapped into Python.
Might need to retrieve all types and then switch handling while iterating over the resulting list.

RMagick & Sinatra: send picture to view without storing

Currently I am writing a Sinatra app that gets some pictures from user and returns a new picture.
There's part of haml form:
%input{type:'file', name:'user_image'}
And there's a code from handler: (montage is another picture)
source_userpic = params[:user_image][:tempfile]
blob =
userpic =
resized_img = userpic.scale(montage.columns,
resized_img.opacity = MaxRGB/3
Then two images are "layered" with composite and stored (don't need)
final_picture =
final_picture << montage.composite(resized_img, 0, 0, OverCompositeOp)
final_picture.write("./public/uploads/#{}.jpg" # dirty (for example)
Next, I need to show a final_picture with ajax. There are two obvious problems: first, I don't need to save a final_picture - it's just preview, second, I must write code to avoid filenames conflicts...
How to send a final_picture to view? to_blob method? But what's next?
I solved that by using the data URI scheme.
require 'base64'
final_picture.format = "jpeg" # whatever
# Using a to_blob method to create a direct-to-memory version of the image.
# Then encode it to base64 string
data_uri = Base64.encode64(final_picture.to_blob).gsub(/\n/, "")
#image_tag = '<img alt="preview" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,%s">' % data_uri
Then display a picture by
= #image_tag
Not sure if it's best solution
Take a look at Tempfile, that should take care of file name conflicts for you.
Then you could use the technique from the answers to this question, using send_file to send the tempfile.
You have to remember that the tempfile won't persist, so you have to be careful to manage that persistence if you are using different requests and responses to serve the file.