How to integrate SAP Cloud Platform TMS to CI/CD pipeline? - sap-cloud-platform

We are trying to implement SAP Cloud Platform Transport Management service in our current CI/CD pipeline (Piper Project).
We are referring to documentation in for the configuration details.
Appreciate if someone can answer the below questions.
Which parameter should we configure in tmsUpload step for the Transport Management service end-point? (The only parameters we can see in the above documentation are credentialsId, nodeName and mtaPath)
As we understand, credentialsId needs to be configured in Jenkins. But what credentials should we configure for tmsUpload? We tried with the service clientid, verificationkey and clientsecret but neither worked.

I know I am quite late but for future users who dont figure it out.
The parameters required are listed at this site :
For tmsUpload credentials you have to create a service key on your SAP TMS account. It would be a JSON file. After creating the file, create jenkins credentials of type secret text and paste the entire content of the JSON file in the secret text. Assign a CredentialID to this secret text and provide it in the credentialsid parameter of the tmsUpload step in your pipeline config file.
Hope this helps your problem.


How to trigger my "Incoming Webhook" Service Connection in Azure DevOps (OnPremise)? The Endpoint URL is unknown

Overview: I try to trigger an Azure DevOps 2020 Pipeline (YAML) in the event that a WorkItem of a specific type is created. So my idea I had was to create a connection between "WorkItem" -> Service Hook of Type "Web Hook" -> Service Connection of Type "Incoming Webhook" -> resource:webhook triggers the Pipeline in YAML.
My problem now is, that I could create the serviceendpoint by GUI or by API, but the documentation and the created endpoint does not make sense for me. I am running my server on-premise and the endpoint I got looks like this:
{"count":1,"value":[{"data":{},"id":"1babbef7-1edb-4b01-bf18-b6e3c309caae","name":"TestIncomingWebhook","type":"incomingwebhook","url":"", ...
The url does not make sense to me.
I can alter the url if I use the REST API to create the endpoint by using this format
POST https://{instance}/{collection}/{project}/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints
as described in Microsoft Azure API Documentation.
Why is the url that the service connection gets pointed to while I am running on-premise from a server on a totally different url? Would that be the url I have to POST to trigger the ServiceConnection?
What must be the correct URL-Format for my local Server? Where should I point that URL to?
How can I trigger the Service Connection from curl? Do I have to use GET with a lot of parameters or POST with a JSON payload?
I would appreciate if someone could help me out on this. Perhaps someone even got a full solution on how to trigger pipelines on workitem events. I searched a lot but could not find a solution, yet.
Thanks, Peter.
I created the WebHook and ServiceConnection from the GUI like this:
WebHook Configuration Screenshot
ServiceHook Configuration Screenshot
My real problem is, that I got no feedback what the correct ServiceHook URL is. I have no idea where to point my WebHook.
The correct URL for accessing the Incoming Webhook Service Endpoint in Azure DevOps is https://{instance}/{Collection name}/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/{Service Connection name}?api-version=6.0-preview
This should be related to your machine settings, you could share the detail steps here
Since you are using Azure DevOps Server 2020, the url format for your local Server should be https://{instance}. You could open Azure DevOps Server Administration Console to check it.
It will trigger the webhook via the event you selected.
You could refer to this ticket for more details.
In addition, you could try this Logic Apps then create flow to trigger build when specific type is created
Create Service connection Incoming WebHook, eg. Web Hooks name is HookTests and Service connection name is TestHook
Create Web Hooks and enter the URL https://{instance}/{Collection name}/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/{Web Hook name eg. HookTests}?api-version=6.0-preview
Create YAML build and add service connection resources in the yaml pipeline see below:
- webhook: MyWebhookTrigger
connection: {Service connection name, eg.TestHook}
Above steps actually do below things:
New workitem is created-->automatically Trigger Azure pipeline.
In addition, we could also add task power shell and call REST API to trigger another pipeline.

Azure Logic App custom connector SOAP endpoint using WSDL

I am using a Logic App for which I need to create a custom connector. This connector depends on a web service, for which I am trying to add using wsdl definition.
Now If I provide the url, it needs authentication, which I am not able to provide via this UI. I can see the parameters can be provided while using it in the logic app. However it fails to pull the services and hence not creating the definition for the connector
I tried downloading the wsdl and adding here as a file, but the schema have xs import tags, because of which its failing again. And as per this answer, I can not replace it with actual schema.
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="./path/to/it.xsd"/>
Is there a way that I do not need to provide the custom connector definition manually and make it work using wsdl, as it contains a lot of endpoints and it would be too much to add all actions and triggers manually. Plus it would be also reference for me if needed in future for such scenario
You may try this if the services are accessible over the internet, then you call service endpoint over HTTP or HTTPS from azure logic apps. This article will help you with details steps to be followed:
If it is not accessible over the internet then this article will help with step by step process:
Before you can access data sources on premises from your logic apps, you need to create an Azure resource after you install the on-premises data gateway on a local computer. Your logic apps then use this Azure gateway resource in the triggers and actions provided by the on-premises connectors that are available for Azure Logic Apps.
Also check this

Azure devops web extension - access service connection in javascript

I'm creating new azure devops web extension, I've created new service connection of generic type (provided username and password).
Need to access username and password and make rest api call inside java script file of azure devops web extension. How to form authorization header without user interaction?
This is not available for any customized extension so far. Same as a customized task or script.
Because a Service Connection involves data shaped specifically to the
connected service (the Generic Service Connection being the exception
that proves the rule...), you won't be able to make use of strongly
typed properties in your Bash task. Instead, you may want to examine
environment variables and process the service connection data
More detail info you could kindly take a look at Josh E's reply in this question: How can a script access Service Connections? (Azure Devops Pipelines)

Serverless Framework - Get API Gateway URL for use in tests

I'm using the Serverless framework, and I want to be able to reference my API Gateway URL in my acceptance tests.
My test environment is regularly destroyed and then recreated, so hardcoding a URL into the tests is not possible.
I can see there are ways to reference API Gateway as an AWS environment variable, but this doesnt help me to locally get the URL for my tests.
I was hoping that the cloudformation output would be referenced in the .serverless package, and accessible via json, but this doesnt seem to be the case.
Any idea how I can reference the API Gateway URL in my acceptance test files?
NOTE: These tests need to be run on AWS, not using a local server to mimic API Gateway
The serverless-plugin-test-helper plugin can help here. It will generate a YAML file containing all of the outputs of your stack. This includes a couple of standard ones - the S3 bucket that was used (ServerlessDeploymentBucketName) and the base service endpoint (ServiceEndpoint).
If you are using Node and have your tests in the same directory as the stack being tested then there's also a module to read this file. Otherwise, it's just standard YAML and you can use whatever tools are convenient.
Consider adding an APIGateway custom domain for your API. You can then use a known DNS name for your acceptance tests.
You will need to add an ApiGateway base path mapping, apigateway domain name, and a route53 recordset to the resources section of your serverless.yml.

How can I look up a valid label name for use as declared service in IBM Bluemix manifest.yml

Is there a valid list of label names for the "declared services" ( that can be used in a bluemix deployment documented somewhere?
This blog post describes how to get the label name for a specific service with the UI: -- But I was hoping there was a single source of truth documented somewhere, or I could find the information programmatically with the cf or bx CLIs.
What you are looking for is the documentation on how the declared-services section work. It is an IBM extension to regular Cloud Foundry manifest files. The extension is described in the IBM Cloud documentation for Continuous Delivery. That section also has details on how to look up the service names, labels:
Declared services, a manifest extension which creates or looks for the
required or optional services that are expected to be set up before
the app is deployed, such as a data cache service. You can find a list
of the eligible Bluemix services, labels, and plans by using the CF
Command Line Interface command cf marketplace or by browsing the Bluemix catalog.
So you would look up how a service is named and what plans are offered.