can on_epoch_end just be defined as a regular function in fastai? - callback

why does it have to use callback, it may as well just do the job if you just define the function on_epoch_end as a regular function and place it at the end of the epoch in the train function in fastai right?

The callback architecture is there to make fastai extendable without the need for modifying the code of the framework itself.
If you add a function call to the end of the train method, you will obviously change the code of fastai. Not only you will have to manage another version of the repository (the fork with your changes), but also this is bad from the architectural point of view. The fastai framework will become dependent on your code (tightly coupled with your code - you can google low coupling).
Of course, it is fine if you just want to try things out quickly. However, you should not do it if you want to build your project on top of fastai.


How to extract an MSL model, modify the code, and use locally?

I am interested to replace my own PID-regulator models with MSL/Blocks/Continuous/LimPID. The problem is that this model restricts limitations of output signals to be parameters and thus do not allow time-varying limits, which I need to have.
Studying the code I understand that the output limitation is created by a block MSL/Blocks/Nonlinear/Limiter and I just want to change this to the block VariableLimiter.
I can imagine that you need to ensure that changes of output-limitations vary in a time-scale slower than the regulator in order to not excite unwanted behaviour of the controller. Still here is a class of problems where it would be very useful to allow this limits to vary slowly.
Thanks for the good input to my question and below a very simple example to refine my question. (The LimPID is more complicated and I come back to that).
Let us instead just modify the block Add to a local block in MyModel.
I copy the code from Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add and call it Addb in MyModel. Since here is a dependence of Interfaces.SI2SO I need to make an import before the extends-clause. This import I take from the ordinary general MSL package, instead of copying also that in to MyModel. Then I introduce a new parameter "bias" and modify the equation. The annotation may need some update as well but we do not bother with that now.
block Addb "Output the sum of the two inputs"
import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces;
extends Interfaces.SI2SO;
parameter Real k1=+1 "Gain of input signal 1";
parameter Real k2=+1 "Gain of input signal 2";
parameter Real bias=0 "Bias term";
y = k1*u1 + k2*u2 + bias;
annotation (...);
end Addb;
This code seems to work.
My added new question is whether it is enough to look up "extends-clauses" and other references to MSL and make the proper imports since the code is now local, or here are more aspects to think of? The LimPID code is rather complex with procedures for initialization etc so I just wonder if here is more to do than just bring in a number of import-clauses?
The models in Modelica Standard Library (MSL) should only be seen as exemplary models, not covering all possible applications. MSL is write protected and it is not possible to replace the limiter block in LimPID (and add max/min input connectors). Also, it wouldn't work out if you shared your simulation model with others, expecting their MSL to work like your modified MSL.
Personally, I have my own libraries of components where MSL models are inadequate. For example, I have PID controllers with variable limits, manual/automatic functions and many more functions which are needed in my applications.
Often, I create a copy of an MSL model, place it in the same package in my own library and make the necessary modifications and additions, e.g. MyLibrary.Blocks.Continuous.PID.

Create new merge layer operation for Keras

I would like to create my own operations to merge networks. So I've taken a look to the code, and I modified engine/ to create my new operation.
I didn't modified layers/ because it's only for RNN and when I modify it I get an error.
Are there other files/classes to modify? Don't I have to do something else somewhere else to specify what to do during the backward pass?
You don't have to change any other files if you have implemented your operation properly with backend operations only. The backend is clever and takes care of the computation of the gradients for the backpropagation by itself.
This means that all parameters that will change over time have to be defined with K.variable, and you only use mathematical operations defined in keras.backend. Otherwise the backend will not be able to perform the backpropagation properly.
Side-note: Instead of modifying the source code of keras, you could implement your own class that extends the Merge class and override the call function for your custom operation.

Possibility of an LLVM LTO Pass plugin?

I was wondering if it's currently possible to have an 'external' (.so/.dylib) LLVM plugin (module) pass scheduled at LTO time? The reason for wanting this is a inter-modular optimization I want to add.
I also found this topic; How to write a custom intermodular pass in LLVM?
But a separate tool is not an option for me.
I think the most helpful thing here might be to understand how passes are run and what the state of the code is during LTO.
First of all, when optimization passes are run by the compiler, they are done as a set that has been added to a PassManager. This means that LLVM/Clang, when passed something like -O3 will create a copy of a PassManager and subsequently provide it the set of passes expected to provide O3 level of optimization. This is very different from what you are doing with an external library which must be provided manually and cannot be fit into the pass pipeline normally.
Then we have the state of things when doing LTO. During Link Time Optimization, all of the individual translation units have been consolidated and are now a single Module. This means that an optimization which runs on each function will run on every function in the code base. Similarly, a per-module optimization will run on the full Module and therefor offer Inter-Procedural Analysis/Optimization.
If you're looking to use an Intra-Modular Pass then there is no reason to do this at LTO time and instead you can simply make a ModulePass and run that on each unit.

Is there something like a "pre-build" callback function?

I have a Simulink model, the purpose of which is automated code generation.
My model uses S-functions (developed by another party), which has hard-coded assumptions about the path. For instance, several external data files are needed, which are referenced in the S-function via a relative path like ..\Bin\data\datafile.bin. This makes it necessary to set MATLAB's current working directory to a specific path before the model can be run.
I can automatically check and set the correct path via model callback functions. However, all model callback functions only seem to be related to the simulation process, not the build process. That means that I can run the model irrespective of what directory I'm in, but when I try to build the model, it always fails unless I manually navigate MATLAB back to the correct directory.
Needless to say, that's quite annoying. So I was wondering if there is something like a "preBuildFcn" callback fnuction, a function that is run before starting the build process? Any other solution (that does not involve modifying the S-function) is also very welcome.
There are plenty of hooks into the build process of Simulink / Embedded Coder ('entry', 'before_tlc', 'after_tlc', 'before_make', 'after_make', 'exit', and 'error'). I assume you want an 'entry' hook.
All you need to do is write an M-function with the name your_system_target_file name_make_rtw_hook, as explained in the documentation Customize Build Process with STF_make_rtw_hook File.
In case you can't open the online documentation (login required), here is the path to the HTML in your MATLAB installation: MATLAB root\help\rtw\ug\customizing-the-target-build-process-with-the-stf-make-rtw-hook-file.html
I am not sure whether building simulink models is sufficiently similar to building regular MATLAB programs, but here is what I used in the past:
Set up the project manually
Build the project programmatically
The program that is used to build the project should be able to set the path or do other custom things.

Matlab function signature changes

Let us say that I have a Matlab function and I change its signature (i.e. add parameter). As Matlab does not 'compile' is there an easy way to determine which other functions do not use the right signature (i.e. submits the additional parameter). I do not want to determine this at runtime (i.e. get an error message) or have to do text searches. Hope this makes sense. Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Many thanks.
If I understand you correctly, you want to change a function's signature and find all functions/scripts/classes that call it in the "old" way, and change it to the "new" way.
You also indicated you don't want to do it at runtime, or do text searches, but there is no way to detect "incorrect" calls at "parse-time", so I'm afraid these demands leave no option at all to detect old function calls...
What I would do in that case is temporarily add a few lines to the new function:
function myFunc(param1, param2, newParam) % <-- the NEW signature
if nargin == 2
clc, error('old call detected.'); end
and then run the main script/function/whatever in which this function resides. You'll get one error for each time something calls the function incorrectly, along with the error stack in the Matlab command window.
It is then a matter of clicking on the link in the bottom of the error stack, correct the function call, and repeat from the top until no more errors occur.
Don't forget to remove these lines when you're done, or better, replace the word error with warning just to capture anything that was missed.
Better yet: if you're on linux, a text search would be a matter of
$ grep -l 'myFunc(.*,.*); *.m'
which will list all the files having the "incorrect" call. That's not too difficult I'd say...You can probably do a similar thing with the standard windows search, but I can't test that right now.
This is more or less what the dependency report was invented for. Using that tool, you can find what functions/scripts call your altered function. Then it is just a question of manually inspecting every occurrence.
However, I'd advise to make your changes to the function signature such that backwards compatibility is maintained. You can do so by specifying default values for new parameters and/or issuing a warning in those scenarios. That way, your code will run, and you will get run-time hints of deprecated code (which is more or less a necessary evil in interpreted/dynamic languages).
For many dynamic languages (and MATLAB specifically) it is generally impossible to fully inspect the code without the interpreter executing the code. Just imagine the following piece of code:
x = magic(10);
In general, you'd say that the magic function is called. However, magic could map to a totally different function. This could be done in ways that are invisible to a static analysis tool (such as the dependency report): e.g. eval('magic = 1:100;');.
The only way is to go through your whole code base, either inspecting every occurrence manually (which can be found easily with a text search) or by running a test that fully covers your code base.
There is however a way to access intermediate outputs of the MATLAB parser. This can be accessed using the undocumented and unsupported mtree function (which can be called like this: t = mtree(file, '-file'); for every file in your code base). Using the resulting structure you might be able to find calls with a certain amount of parameters.