Springdata elasticsearch support for scaled_float field type - spring-data

Is elasticsearch springdata module supports scaled_float es type?

From version 4.0 on, this is supported


How to use transaction in MongoDB 4.0 using QueryDSL and Morphia?

I'm using QueryDSL 4.2.1, Morphia 1.3.2 and MongoDB Java Driver 3.5.
After upgrading MongoDB server to version 4.0, I updated the mongo-java-driver to a version that supports transactions in MongoDB.
QueryDSL seems to have abandoned integration with Morphia in version 1.3.2. Maybe the solution is to replace Morphia with Spring Data.
How do I use transactions in MongoDB 4.0 using QueryDSL and Morphia?
I don't know about QueryDSL but with Morphia itself, you can start a session via the Datastore:
More information can be found here: https://morphia.dev/2.0.0/guides/transactions/

Unknown bson type DECIMAL128 in vertx mongo client

How can data type be enforced during insertion or update in MongoDB, I am using older mongo java driver which does not support DECIMAL128, So during find query I am getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown bson type DECIMAL128
Looks like version 34 of Vert.x uses the MongoDB Async drivers version 3.6.3 (see pom.xml file). This supports Decimal128 just fine.
So, I guess my answer is: Use the latest Vert.x version.

Does Mongoskin 2.1.0 support operations on MongoDB 3.x or 4.x?

When I updated my app's Node modules, MongoDB updated from 2.x to 3.x and I got a Dependency Error saying Mongoskin requires "mongodb":"^2.0". So I removed MongoDB 3.0 and installed 2.2.36, and all is fine.
Am I correct then to infer that Mongoskin, and its driver, will not cooperate and correctly operate against MongoDB 3.x or 4.x ? Or is it just that I cannot do the newer modern MongoDB 3.x/4.x operations but I can still do what I have been doing with Mongoskin to date?

spring-boot mongodb 4.0 compatibility

Which version of spring-boot is compatible with MongoDB 4.0?
Is there an advisable way to use spring-boot 2.0.5 RELEASE with MongoDB 4.0?
Or better to use spring boot 2.0.5 which has mongo driver version 3.6.x with MongoDB 3.6`?
I think it is not strictly needed to have the latest driver and spring data mongo in order to use a mongodb 4.0; However in the spring data changelog you can see the various changes regarding the driver and DB update, there you can see that in version 2.1.0.RC1 they started adding support for version 4.0 of the database as well as in version 1.10.15.RELEASE. Latest GA version 2.1.0.RELEASE documentation has updated to MongoDB Java Driver 3.8.2.
The java driver and Spring will always be a bit behind with new functionalities introduced by each version of MongoDB. So my suggestion if you are starting now is to use the latest 2.1.0.RELEASE (https://projects.spring.io/spring-data-mongodb/#quick-start)
How Mongo was before version 4.0 how-acid-mongodb
ACID in mongo 4.0 multi document transaction
Spring data mongo support for transactions

Does the MongoDB .Net driver version 1.8.2 support $geoWithin Geospatial Query Selector

I’m using MongoDB 2.4 and I’m looking for Geospatial Query Selectors support in the MongoDB .Net driver version 1.8.2.
I see support for $geoIntersects (MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.GeoIntersects), $near (MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.Near), $nearSphere (MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.Near).
Does the MongoDB .Net driver version 1.8.2 support $geoWithin??????
The MongoDB C# driver still uses the (deprecated) $within as opposed to $geoWithin. Here is the relevant open JIRA ticket if you'd like to keep an eye on it. :)