Does the MongoDB .Net driver version 1.8.2 support $geoWithin Geospatial Query Selector - mongodb

I’m using MongoDB 2.4 and I’m looking for Geospatial Query Selectors support in the MongoDB .Net driver version 1.8.2.
I see support for $geoIntersects (MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.GeoIntersects), $near (MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.Near), $nearSphere (MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.Near).
Does the MongoDB .Net driver version 1.8.2 support $geoWithin??????

The MongoDB C# driver still uses the (deprecated) $within as opposed to $geoWithin. Here is the relevant open JIRA ticket if you'd like to keep an eye on it. :)


Difference between mongodb driver and mongodb for node.js

Mongodb documentation has two separate sections, one is the mongodb manual and the other is documentation for mongodb node driver
However, both have node.js code examples, while my project only uses mongodb driver, and the version for mongodb is different than mongodb driver. Does this mean I can use whatever I see on the mongodb manual page as if it was a part of mongodb driver? What is the difference in versions? If one of them is a subset of the other, how do I know which versions are compatible?

migrating parse-server / mlab deployment to MongoDB Atlas

I originally posted this question on ServerFault, but it didn't get any traction, so I thought that stack might be a better forum for this question. My apologies if this out of line.
We are currently running parse-server (v2.7.2) on Heroku (node.js 7.10.1), connected to an mLab mongodb database. I recently received a notification
from mLab that they have been acquired by MongoDB and will be eventually migrating all customers to MongoDB Atlas.
The migration instructions from mLab to Atlas seem fairly self explanatory. My question concerns parse-server itself:
Does our version of parse-server (2.7.2) and node.js (7.10.1) have drivers that will support Atlas MongoDB?
MongoDB feature compatibility will depend on the underlying driver version which you can find by running npm list mongodb in the directory where you installed parse-server.
You can also check the mongodb driver version requested in parse-server's package.json, but a newer driver version may be installed depending on the semver notation used.
It looks like parse-server 2.7.2 uses the mongodb 3.0.1 driver, which is fully compatible with MongoDB 3.4 and 3.6 features according to the MongoDB Driver Compatibility documentation.
The MongoDB Node 3.0.x driver won't support newer features of MongoDB 4.0 (for example, transactions), but you should otherwise be fine with an Atlas deployment using MongoDB 3.4 or newer.

Does Mongoskin 2.1.0 support operations on MongoDB 3.x or 4.x?

When I updated my app's Node modules, MongoDB updated from 2.x to 3.x and I got a Dependency Error saying Mongoskin requires "mongodb":"^2.0". So I removed MongoDB 3.0 and installed 2.2.36, and all is fine.
Am I correct then to infer that Mongoskin, and its driver, will not cooperate and correctly operate against MongoDB 3.x or 4.x ? Or is it just that I cannot do the newer modern MongoDB 3.x/4.x operations but I can still do what I have been doing with Mongoskin to date?

Is compatible with mongo 3.6?

I'm using for mongodb queries using GOLang.
Earlier, Mongodb version was 3.0 and now I'm planning to upgrade it to 3.6.
Are they compatible with each other?

Does DocumentDB support MongoDB 3.4.2?

I set up MongoDB (DocumentDB) in Azure and could not find an option to change the MongoDB version.
db.version() // return 3.2.0
Is it possible to update it to 3.4.2?
Seems like CosmosDB supports 3.4.
The list of supported MongoDB API for CosmosDB is listed here