Can I prevent a dependency change from rebuilding a Flutter widget - flutter

I know that any dependency change will rebuild a widget after firing didChangeDependencies.
Is there a way of preventing the Widget from rebuilding?
I can see that didChangeDependencies returns void when maybe if should return a boolean in order to cancel a rebuild?
But is there another way of stopping the widget rebuilding?
(yes I know, the smart answer will be - "if it's a dependency then it should build, otherwise it's not a dependency", but just humour/humor me ok )

Maybe the updateShouldNotifyDependent method is what you want


What is init state in flutter?

I have seen in various files about init method under some classes, why we use this method and please also describe other useful methods if you know, Thanks
I have initialized this method but it didn't work properly.
To understand the methods and structure of flutter widgets, you need to understand the lifecycle of flutter screen or flutter application.
So, basically flutter's stateful widgets have really good methods which are
You can learn more about this on medium
The #initState method is called by Flutter when a widget is inserted into the tree. It's important to note that the initState method is only called once, when the widget is inserted into the tree, and not every time the widget is updated. If you need to perform an operation every time the widget is updated, you can use the didUpdateWidget method instead.
dispose, build, setState, build and much more method are interesting in Flutter, you can try to understand what each method do in this amazing "cookbook" in flutter documentation.

Overriding builder method of BeamLocation

I am currently trying to build a flutter app using Beamer and Provider. The app should have a BottomNavbar and remember the state of each tab when switching. Currently I am doing that by using nested Beamers with an IndexedStack.
Now I want to have a BeamLocation with multiple pages, that all share a common state. To do that I want to wrap the entire BeamLocation with a ChangeNotifierProvider. However when doing that, the app tries to build a Location of the wrapped BeamLocation after it already is on another BeamLocation. I am pretty sure the issue is with the builder method of BeamLocation:
When overriding it like this:
Widget builder(BuildContext context, Widget navigator) => navigator
It works fine, which is expected since it doesn't really do anything.
But if I change it to this:
Widget builder(BuildContext context, Widget navigator) {
return Container(
child: navigator,
It tries to build a page of that location, even when a different location from another BeamLocation is already active.
For a container this isn't a problem, but since I am trying to wrap the BeamLocation with a Provider as stated in the documentation, it is. When doing that, the extra build happens after the Provider is already gone, causing an error.

How to refresh Dialog when the data has change? Flutter

I'm a new Flutter developer and I have a problem, which I haven't been able to solve yet, even if I tried a lot.
I'm developing an App, where at some point a Dialog is opened(with showDialog()). In this Dialog there are 2 AutoCompleteTextField:
In the first one, the data will always be the same. So there is a list and the user needs to choose one of the choices. First AutoCompleteTextField code
In the second one, the data to be shown depends on the previous choice. In other words,
whenever an item from the previous list is chosen, the subdata of the item will be requested. Second AutoCompleteTextField code
The required data is fetched properly, however the dialog is not refreshing state so the suggestions of the second AutoCompleteTextField appears empty. When I close and enter again the suggestions of the second appears as they should.
To get notified when the data changes I use ChangeNotifier and Provider, but doesn´t refresh the Dialog (ChangeNotifier class). I also use StatefulBuilder to be able to use setState, but again, doesn´t refresh (Dialog code).
I would like to know if there is any other way to refresh the Dialog. Thank you!
PD: This is my first question in StackOverflow. I tried my best.
I think you need to use Provider.of(context) to be able to listen to the updates and refresh or add/update the data.
I would create a widget class instead of the _widgetTask function and then use Provider.of(context) inside the widget build function like following (I think you can also try to add it inside the _widgetTask function but I dont know if this would work).
class WidgetTask extends StatelessWidget {
//WidgetTask contructor here..
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final odooData = Provider.of<OdooData>(context);
And then use the odooData to access the data/functions you need to update/listen to from the provider.
Also you can wrap the widget with GestureDetector so that you can update the widget upon tapping using the OnTap property.

Flutter Inherited Widget updateShouldNotify oldWidget same as the new one?

I am trying to deep dive into inherited widget and got stuck somewhere. When i debug on updateShouldNotify method, its parameter(old widget) has same data with the new one. Also the instances are same. Due to that contition always false and my dependent widgets dont rebuild.
I put my simple code on dartpad. Can you spot the problem that i am doing?
just push the increase from profile

Provider - Selector rebuild when scrolling

I am using the Selector widget as shown below
Nothing wrong with it's build method, only call it when the value changes.
But when I use Devtools or android studio to track widget rebuild it's showing that the Selector it self rebuild when I am scrolling whether in a list or any other widget that support scrolling.
Yes the Selector didn't call the build method until the value changes but is this normal ?
Using Devtools:
As you can see the others (2) Selectors doesn't have to be triggers but yet they are.
sorry for my bad English, I can explain in another way in the comment section if you didn't understand me and thanks in advance.
I guess I know why the selector is rebuilding it's self, because I am using the provider class as listener to scroll controller direction with changenotifier.
here the code
in provider class:
bool isHideHomeScreenTabBar = false;
void hideShowTabBar(ScrollDirection scrollDirection) {
isHideHomeScreenTabBar = scrollDirection == ScrollDirection.reverse;
in my Home screen:
_scrollController.addListener(() {
Provider.of<AppProvider>(context, listen: false).hideShowTabBar(
So basically the provider trigger changenotifier with every scroll I do and the selector get notified and rebuild it's self but if the value didn't change the selector won't trigger the build method (so it works fine for the child and the widget in the build method of the selector).
But even so is this normal ? and why, The other selectors aren't even listening to the scroll direction.
Anyway I found an alternative way to do this (with an animation controller) but it would be nice if someone could explain what is happening here, it's important for me at least because I might use another state management.
I know what was happing.
I am using 1 class for the provider that contains all the values I need with many methods using notifyListeners, however I thought it's ok to use 1 provider class if I use Selector for every value I had so anything that need rebuild will only rebuild when it's need it.
The problem with this approach is that with every notifyListeners call every selector got notified and rebuild it self (in my case when any scrolling detected) but the selector doesn't call the builder if the value not changed.
The fix is to make some condition that check the old value and the new value before calling notifyListeners, that works prefect in my case, this decrease the rebuilding happing when I scroll to only 1 as it's intended to be, however the other selectors in the same class also rebuild (I guess because they are all in the same class so every notifyListeners call effect them).
At the end if you end up with similar issue it is better to use ProxyProvider or any way that let you use multiple providres, beside the benefit of a better project architecture and disposing it is way better to have more control over the state.
Thanks to Rémi Rousselet Riverpod it's way better than ProxyProvider and I am using it and it's awesome so consider Riverpod if you want to use ProxyProvider.