How to refresh Dialog when the data has change? Flutter - flutter

I'm a new Flutter developer and I have a problem, which I haven't been able to solve yet, even if I tried a lot.
I'm developing an App, where at some point a Dialog is opened(with showDialog()). In this Dialog there are 2 AutoCompleteTextField:
In the first one, the data will always be the same. So there is a list and the user needs to choose one of the choices. First AutoCompleteTextField code
In the second one, the data to be shown depends on the previous choice. In other words,
whenever an item from the previous list is chosen, the subdata of the item will be requested. Second AutoCompleteTextField code
The required data is fetched properly, however the dialog is not refreshing state so the suggestions of the second AutoCompleteTextField appears empty. When I close and enter again the suggestions of the second appears as they should.
To get notified when the data changes I use ChangeNotifier and Provider, but doesn´t refresh the Dialog (ChangeNotifier class). I also use StatefulBuilder to be able to use setState, but again, doesn´t refresh (Dialog code).
I would like to know if there is any other way to refresh the Dialog. Thank you!
PD: This is my first question in StackOverflow. I tried my best.

I think you need to use Provider.of(context) to be able to listen to the updates and refresh or add/update the data.
I would create a widget class instead of the _widgetTask function and then use Provider.of(context) inside the widget build function like following (I think you can also try to add it inside the _widgetTask function but I dont know if this would work).
class WidgetTask extends StatelessWidget {
//WidgetTask contructor here..
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final odooData = Provider.of<OdooData>(context);
And then use the odooData to access the data/functions you need to update/listen to from the provider.
Also you can wrap the widget with GestureDetector so that you can update the widget upon tapping using the OnTap property.


Widget wont refresh with setstate sfcalendar custom agenda

The Picture shows how it should look like.
But in my App, the agenda is inside a TAB!
Can anyone tell me why my code wont work?
I am trying to display data from DataSource but it wont show up!
(SFCalendar - Custom Agenda)
(Basically - to get it to show my appointments in a separate widget "far up the tree" <onTap: calendarTapped>)
I recreated the code on github since its too much code for stackoverflow - i guess its easier with vcs anyway:
I simply can't manage to get it to work!
What am I missing?
You arent passing the selected item on Tabs widget. You can use constructor the way you did for CustomAgenda.
class Tabs extends StatefulWidget {
Tabs({Key? key, required this.appointmentDetails});
and use
CustomAgenda(appointmentDetails: widget.appointmentDetails),
You can remove the state variable from here.

Overriding builder method of BeamLocation

I am currently trying to build a flutter app using Beamer and Provider. The app should have a BottomNavbar and remember the state of each tab when switching. Currently I am doing that by using nested Beamers with an IndexedStack.
Now I want to have a BeamLocation with multiple pages, that all share a common state. To do that I want to wrap the entire BeamLocation with a ChangeNotifierProvider. However when doing that, the app tries to build a Location of the wrapped BeamLocation after it already is on another BeamLocation. I am pretty sure the issue is with the builder method of BeamLocation:
When overriding it like this:
Widget builder(BuildContext context, Widget navigator) => navigator
It works fine, which is expected since it doesn't really do anything.
But if I change it to this:
Widget builder(BuildContext context, Widget navigator) {
return Container(
child: navigator,
It tries to build a page of that location, even when a different location from another BeamLocation is already active.
For a container this isn't a problem, but since I am trying to wrap the BeamLocation with a Provider as stated in the documentation, it is. When doing that, the extra build happens after the Provider is already gone, causing an error.

updateDisplayName in action without reloading simulator

In my code, I have firebase auth and I get the current user as:
User user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
To display the user name in a Text, just use Text(user.displayName)
To test the update functionality, I created a simple button and on onPressed I have
user.updateDisplayName('Test').then((_) =>user.reload());
How to "notify" the Text that the data has changed and change it without needing to reload the simulator?
--> this code is in a drawer
Since you're using Flutter, you'll need to store the value you want to re-render in the State of a stateful widget, call setState() when the value is updated, and then render it from there in your build method.
I recommend checking the documentation on StatefulWidget for an example of this, and more explanation than I can ever repeat here.

How can I call setState() safely after returning a value from a dialog in Flutter?

Here is the problem: I have a list of items displayed in a list view. I can edit these items with the dialogs displayed by clicking on them. After editing and closing the dialog, I also need to update the items on the list view. I'm currently doing this with the following code snippet in my list view item widget:
context: context,
builder: (context) {
return UpdateItemDialog(item: _item);
).then((updatedItem) {
if (updatedItem != null) {
setState(() => _item = updatedItem);
and by calling Navigator.of(context).pop(_item); from my dialog.
It works perfectly fine when there are no rebuilds occur until the dialog is dismissed. However, for example, if the orientation is changed when the dialog is open, I get Unhandled Exception: setState() called after dispose() error since the list view also rebuilt because of the orientation change and the then clause in my code runs on the destroyed widget.
Is there a way to access the rebuilt widget from a destroyed widget?
Or should I use a different approach to this problem?
By the way, changes should only be accepted after the dialog is dismissed, so I should return the item from the dialog.
I believe your best bet would be to introduce even a simple state management solution (Provider would be good) to handle communication between a dialog and other widgets.
Check out the Gist below (Run it on as an example how you can keep it simple, yet clean and decoupled
in which I show that instead of passing data from a dialog back to another widget, a State Management solution would allow you for a decoupled way of passing data back and forth, notifying each other and triggering rebuilds (which is kind of calling setState() since pretty much that's what you want - trigger a rebuild on the other widget. In this example, I'm sending a value back to the originating widget and triggering a rebuild (thanks to the Consumer widget listening to the changes triggered in the common service. That'd be my honest suggestion.

Problem showing a value contained in an InheritedWidget

I've been developing in Flutter for a few months and I'm not yet very experienced. These days I'm working on an app that I didn't create from the beginning and I'm having a strange problem, unfortunately I can't paste too much pieces of code but I try to explain the wrong behavior.
The state of the app is contained in an InheritedWidget that is called before all the others. For example, in this InheritedWidget there is a value that must always be visible at the top of the app (in the AppBar). The problem is that if at runtime this value is changed in the InheritedWidget, the view shows the previous value (as if it wasn't updated), but if I do Navigator.push() to a new page, the AppBar shows the correct value (i.e. the updated one). If I pop to the previous page, the old value reappears in the AppBar. If I put the app in the background and bring it back to the foreground, the correct value finally appears.
It seems that the view does not update even if the value changes in the InheritedWidget. I specify that before being displayed, this value is extracted directly from the InheritedWidget using context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<InheritedWidgetName>(). I also specify that "updateShouldNotify" is set this way:
bool updateShouldNotify(Session oldWidget) {
return true;
I wanted to ask if anyone knows what might be causing this problem.
Thanks in advance.