GraphQL | Can we implement search by programming language in GitHub GraphQL API using Directives? - github

I'm experimenting with GraphQL and I want to create a GraphQL script for advanced search. I'm stuck at figuring out how to search for a repository containing a specific language. For example, I only want to search for repos written in Kotlin. This is what my query looks like
query AdvancedSearch($query: String!, $type: SearchType!, $numOfResults: Int!, $nextPageCursor: String) {
search(type: $type, query: $query, first: $numOfResults, after: $nextPageCursor) {
pageInfo {
nodes {
... on Repository {
languages(first: 100) {
nodes {
I'm thinking along the lines of having a #skip directive in languages, something like
languages(first:100) #skip(if:$filterLanguage != "Kotlin")
I don't want to pass "language:kotlin" in the search query, I want to do this using Directives. Is something like this possible?

From the spec:
The #skip directive may be provided for fields, fragment spreads, and inline fragments, and allows for conditional exclusion during execution as described by the if argument.
In other words, the #skip (and its #include counterpart) directive only determines whether a field is included in the request. Skipping a field this way is the same as not including it in the first place. Additionally, the if argument of the directive may only be passed true, false or a Boolean variable -- no sort of expression syntax is supported.
More importantly, including or omitting a particular field will have no impact on how any parent field is executed. If your intent is to modify what results are returned by the search field, then you need to provide the appropriate arguments to that field. The schema could provide some kind of argument to let you filter by languages specifically but that does not appear to be the case -- the only way to do it is through the query argument.


What is the correct way to express "select all when nothing is specified in parameter"?

Let's say we have an HTTP endpoint to get all elements by name?
GET /elements?name={name}
{name} can have a value of CSV or be absent
GET /elements?name=Bill,Mary,Ann
GET /elements?name=Mike
GET /elements
GET /elements?name=
Somehow we find out in controller that name is not passed. We know that the contract implies to return all values for elements. Possible decisions on further actions (I've seen in different projects) are:
using a NULL or a "dummy" substitution like a secret char sequence "!#$#%#$" and juggling them in database while building a query
using if (present) { executeQueryA } else { executeQueryB } logic
I am not sure I like either of these approaches, because when there is more than one optional filter these designs become unmaintainable. Something makes me believe that there is a better way to handle the situation.
What would be a proper design on back-end and in database query to handle the case "select all" when nothing is given? Just a general idea and some pseudo-code will be much appreciated.

VSCode Extension: Get outline of function for custom outliner

I'm trying to create a custom outliner for VSCode (currently only for python), but I don't find measures to get the information I needed.
I like to get information in this manner this:
label: "foo"
type: "Function"
parameters: [...]
Range: [...]
innerDefinitions: [0]
label: "myclass"
type: "Class"
base_class: ""
Range: [...]
Currently I try to get outline information via vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'vscode.XXX'
What I've tried:
Here is what commands I've tried and what result I received.
half usable: range of functionname. Other information is missing
half usable: string of function head (including def keyword)
half usable: range of complete function. Individual information must be "parsed out"
Never provided any result
Never provided any result
Goes in a good direction. However
(1) Does only work on the whole document (not single function)
(2) Does only return first-level entities (i.e. class methods are not included in result)
Is there any API call I've overseen?
I wonder how the built-in outliner works, as it contains all-level information.
You need to use vscode.commands.executeCommand<vscode.Location[]>("vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider", uri, position)
This will give you the full outline of one file. There is no way to receive a partial outline.
Note: innerDefinitions are called children here.
Regarding the detail of the outline:
How detailed (and correct) an outline is going to be, depends on the implementation of the provider. Also, provider's information is no necessarily consistent among languages. This is very important to keep in mind!
At the moment (2021/03), the standard SymbolProvider for...
... Python will have a child for each parameter and local variable of a function. They will not be distinguishable
... C++ will contain no children for parameters. But it will have the parameter types in its name. (e.g. name of void foo(string p) will be foo(string): void.
As you can see, both act differently with their own quirks.
You could create and register a DocumentSymbolProvider yourself, that would return a level of detail you need (see VSCode Providers)
Also see:

Firestore security rules - wildcarding Collection Names?

I have a set of Collections whose names all start with ABC and I want to write a single rule that applies to all of them regardless of what follows ABC. Something like:
match /ABC*/{anyid} {
allow read, write;
Is this possible? In the Rules Console there are no syntax errors highlighted, but the Simulator won't allow me to access the table with:
GET /ABC123/456
Any ideas?
As far as I know it is not currently possible to match on a partial collection (or document) name. It sounds like an interesting feature request though, so I recommend filing a feature request.
In the meantime, the only thing I can think of is matching all collections, and then testing the path through resource['__name__']:
match /53829635/{document} {
match /{col}/{doc} {
allow read: if resource['__name__'][5].matches('ABC.*')
The resource['__name__'] expression returns a Path, which can be indexes as an array to get the path segments. It has a form /databases/(default)/documents/collection/document, so the subcollection is at index 5. Since that is just a string, we can use matches on it. In this case I allow reading from any subcollection whose name starts with ABC.
Update: it turns out that you can also simply access the col wildcard, instead of looking up from the path. So this would work the same:
allow read: if col.matches('ABC.*')

How to use object filter with softlayer rest api?

I read this article and have some problems trying to follow the examples. The following is one of the examples given in that article. The first parameter in the object filter is virtualGuests. This object filter can be used in api
object_filter = {
'virtualGuests': {
'datacenter': {
'name': {'operation': 'dal05'}
I want to use the object filter in other api methods, like SoftLayer_Account/getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups for example. My question is how to get/set the first parameter like virtualGuests? I tried several times but failed.
Try to follow these recomendations: Getting first parameter through Service Datatype or How to define the first parameter as simple way?
Getting first parameter through Service Datatype
You are trying to get
As you see, you are using SoftLayer_Account service, you need to open its datatype from this service:
You can go here: and
click on "datatypes" label/option
Or go directly here:
So, you need to start here, the method that you are using is getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups, if you want to get this information in the datatypes, you should skip the word "get" and looking for "BlockDeviceTemplateGroups" property, so you will have the correct parameter that you need to set at first.
How to define the first parameter as simple way?
If you notice, the only changes were: skip "get" word from the method, in this case is "getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups", so it will be:
The next step should be set the first char in lowercase like:
So, it should be the filter:
object_filter = {
'blockDeviceTemplateGroups': {
'datacenter': {
'name': {'operation': 'dal05'}
Object Filters
Going Further with the SoftLayer API Python Client - Part

Sensenet length filter Not working

I want to query the Field which are empty and which are not empty using Sensenet Odata Rest API. Their documentation mentions a filter function called 'length'. I have tried to query the field with the length operation but it fails with the error.
This is the filter I have used
$filter=length(Name) eq 2
"code": "NotSpecified",
"exceptiontype": "SnNotSupportedException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Unknown method: length"
Wiki Link
The length operation was included in the list of supported methods incorrectly, we apologise for that. SenseNet compiles these filters to Lucene queries and it is not possible to compose such a query in Lucene that performs an operation on a field.
(the remaining methods, like substringof or startswith can be compiled to a wildcard expression easily, so that should work)
Unfortunately 'empty' expressions are also not supported by Lucene, because of their document/term structure. So the following expression does not work either:
Description eq ''
Edit: as a workaround, developers may create a custom field index handler.
For every field you want to check for emptiness (e.g. Description), you may create a technical hidden bool field (IsDescriptionEmpty) in the content type definition. The only thing you have to create and define is a custom field index handler class. In your case it would inherit from the built-in bool field index handler and you could return a boolean index value based on whether the target field (in this case Description) is empty or not.
After this you would be able to define search exressions like the following:
+Type:File +IsDescriptionEmpty:true
Please check the wiki article below and the source code for index handler examples.
How to create a field indexhandler