VSCode Extension: Get outline of function for custom outliner - visual-studio-code

I'm trying to create a custom outliner for VSCode (currently only for python), but I don't find measures to get the information I needed.
I like to get information in this manner this:
label: "foo"
type: "Function"
parameters: [...]
Range: [...]
innerDefinitions: [0]
label: "myclass"
type: "Class"
base_class: ""
Range: [...]
Currently I try to get outline information via vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'vscode.XXX'
What I've tried:
Here is what commands I've tried and what result I received.
half usable: range of functionname. Other information is missing
half usable: string of function head (including def keyword)
half usable: range of complete function. Individual information must be "parsed out"
Never provided any result
Never provided any result
Goes in a good direction. However
(1) Does only work on the whole document (not single function)
(2) Does only return first-level entities (i.e. class methods are not included in result)
Is there any API call I've overseen?
I wonder how the built-in outliner works, as it contains all-level information.

You need to use vscode.commands.executeCommand<vscode.Location[]>("vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider", uri, position)
This will give you the full outline of one file. There is no way to receive a partial outline.
Note: innerDefinitions are called children here.
Regarding the detail of the outline:
How detailed (and correct) an outline is going to be, depends on the implementation of the provider. Also, provider's information is no necessarily consistent among languages. This is very important to keep in mind!
At the moment (2021/03), the standard SymbolProvider for...
... Python will have a child for each parameter and local variable of a function. They will not be distinguishable
... C++ will contain no children for parameters. But it will have the parameter types in its name. (e.g. name of void foo(string p) will be foo(string): void.
As you can see, both act differently with their own quirks.
You could create and register a DocumentSymbolProvider yourself, that would return a level of detail you need (see VSCode Providers)
Also see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66486297/6702598


API for getting language server info from extension (bracket pairs, function begin/end, ...)

I'm currently writing an extension for VSCode which needs to have some good knowledge about the currently shown code in the editor and I'm wondering if there is some API available which can give me the needed information (e.g. from the current language server) or if I have to do the heavy lifting myself by implementing all the needed code parsing etc.
What I need in detail is the following:
Given is a position in code (line + col no)
What I'd like to know about the given position:
Is pos inside a function and if so, where does the function start & end?
Is pos inside a string and if so, where does the string start & end?
The extension is going to provide some kind of "vim selection light".
You can have only half of that via VS Code APIs.
Is pos inside a function and if so, where does the function start & end?
Using the vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider command, you can gather all functions from a file and check if the current position is inside one of the functions.
Something like this to retrieve the functions:
const symbolsToFind = [SymbolKind.Function, SymbolKind.Method, SymbolKind.Constructor];
const docSymbols = await commands.executeCommand(
) as DocumentSymbol[];
const docSymbolsFunctionsMethods = docSymbols
? docSymbols.filter(symbol => symbolsToFind.includes(symbol.kind))
: undefined;
Each Symbol provides you with a Range, which defines the start and end of the function declaration and body.
Be aware that you will probably need a recursive approach (each Symbol can contain other Symbols). A complete sample is available on my Separators extension (https://github.com/alefragnani/vscode-separators/blob/b6d515847bbaccf6395b24f9fdf82c373cb24fd7/src/symbols.ts#L51)
Is pos inside a string and if so, where does the string start & end?
Unfortunately, there is no API for that, as VS Code does not expose language tokens or the AST. So, you will have to deal with it yourself, maybe using regex.
Hope this helps

Apply Command to String-type custom fields with YouTrack Rest API

and thanks for looking!
I have an instance of YouTrack with several custom fields, some of which are String-type. I'm implementing a module to create a new issue via the YouTrack REST API's PUT request, and then updating its fields with user-submitted values by applying commands. This works great---most of the time.
I know that I can apply multiple commands to an issue at the same time by concatenating them into the query string, like so:
Type Bug Priority Critical add Fix versions 5.1 tag regression
will result in
Type: Bug
Priority: Critical
Fix versions: 5.1
in their respective fields (as well as adding the regression tag). But, if I try to do the same thing with multiple String-type custom fields, then:
Foo something Example Something else Bar P0001
results in
Foo: something Example Something else Bar P0001
The command only applies to the first field, and the rest of the query string is treated like its String value. I can apply the command individually for each field, but is there an easier way to combine these requests?
Thanks again!
This is an expected result because all string after foo is considered a value of this field, and spaces are also valid symbols for string custom fields.
If you try to apply this command via command window in the UI, you will actually see the same result.
Such a good question.
I encountered the same issue and have spent an unhealthy amount of time in frustration.
Using the command window from the YouTrack UI I noticed it leaves trailing quotations and I was unable to find anything in the documentation which discussed finalizing or identifying the end of a string value. I was also unable to find any mention of setting string field values in the command reference, grammer documentation or examples.
For my solution I am using Python with the requests and urllib modules. - Though I expect you could turn the solution to any language.
The rest API will accept explicit strings in the POST
import requests
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
URL = 'http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/{issue}/execute?'.format(issue='TEST-1234')
params = OrderedDict({
'State': 'New',
'Priority': 'Critical',
'String Field': '"Message to submit"',
'Other Details': '"Fold the toilet paper to a point when you are finished."'
str_cmd = ' '.join(' '.join([k, v]) for k, v in params.items())
command_url = URL + urllib.urlencode({'command':str_cmd})
result = requests.post(command_url)
# The command result:
# http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/TEST-1234/execute?command=Priority+Critical+State+New+String+Field+%22Message+to+submit%22+Other+Details+%22Fold+the+toilet+paper+to+a+point+when+you+are+finished.%22
I'm sad to see this one go unanswered for so long. - Hope this helps!
After continuing my work, I have concluded that sending all the field
updates as a single POST is marginally better for the YouTrack
server, but requires more effort than it's worth to:
1) know all fields in the Issues which are string values
2) pre-process all the string values into string literals
3) If you were to send all your field updates as a single request and just one of them was missing, failed to set, or was an unexpected value, then the entire request will fail and you potentially lose all the other information.
I wish the YouTrack documentation had some mention or discussion of
these considerations.

How to filter by both text and property in Chrome DevTool's network panel?

I want to filter Chrome DevTool's network panel by the method property and text in the URL. For example, if I am searching for the text chromequestion in the URL and only HTTP GET requests (ignore PUT, POST, DELETE, etc).
I am able to filter by text or by method:
I am not able to combine the filter to search by both text and method:
I read the documentation at https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/network-performance/reference#filters and I am able to filter by multiple properties (.e.g, domain:*.com method:GET). However, I am unable to filter by text and property (e.g., method:GET chromequestion).
Unfortunately, it's not possible to do this currently. I played around in DevTools originally, but couldn't find a way. I later had a look into how the filtering was implemented, and can confirm there's a limitation preventing you from mixing the pre-defined filters and text filters.
Implementation details
This is a bit long but I thought it might be interesting for some to see how it's implemented. I will probably look into improving the implementation, either myself or I'll log it because it's limited.
There's a _parseFilterQuery function that parses the input field and categorises the entries into two arrays. The first is called filters, and it's the pre-defined filtering options, such as method:GET etc. The second is a text array filter, split up by spaces. The parser determines the difference fairly naively, by checking for the occurrence of :, and - at the start (for negation).
Scenario 1
You only input a pre-defined filter, or multiple filters. For each filter, the specific filter function, which looks at the different properties of the request object, is pushed to a network module filters array (this._filters). Later on, for each request, the function is called on it, and a match returns true, otherwise false. This will determine whether the request is shown. There's obviously a requirement for ALL filters to return true for the row to show.
Scenario 2
This is the interesting one, where you input both a pre-defined filter and a bit of text. This covers the Stack Overflow question. The _parseFilterQuery function looks at the text filters first, before the pre-defined ones. In Scenario 1, this was empty, so it was skipped.
We pass each text word to the _createTextFilter, and push each of the resulting filters to the network module filters array. However, the implementation of this is questionable. The only time the actual word passed in is used is to check whether its a negation filter for a bit of text. If the first character is -, it means the user doesn't want to see a request with the following word in the name. For example -icon means don't show any request with that in the name/page. If there is no negation, it simply returns the WHOLE input text as a regular expression, NOT the word passed in. In my case, it returns /method:GET icon/i.
The pre-defined filters are looked at next. In this case, method:GET is pushed.
Finally, it loops over the requests calling each filter on it. However, since the first filter is /method:GET icon/i, it makes ALL other filters redundant because it will NEVER pass. The text filters only apply to name and path, so method:GET in a text filter will be invalid.

What version of GWT-RPC is this request?

I have this kind of request which seems to be GWT-RPC format :
But it is not in line with protocol described here:
What exactly is this protocol ? Is it really GWT-RPC or something else (deRPC?) ?
Looking into gwt-2.5.1 source code, I notice it seems that following packages could be generating this kind of format:
Is this deRPC ?
Based on a quick glance through the deRPC classes in the packages you listed, it does indeed appear to be deRPC. Note that deRPC has always been marked as experimental, and is now deprecated, and that either RPC or RequestFactory should be used instead.
Details that seem to confirm this:
com.google.gwt.rpc.client.impl.SimplePayloadSink#RPC_SEPARATOR_CHAR is a constant equal to the ~ character, which appears to be a separator between different tokens in the sample string you provided.
Both com.google.gwt.rpc.client.impl.SimplePayloadSink andcom.google.gwt.rpc.server.SimplePayloadDecoder` have many comments that appear to depict the same basic format that you are seeing in there:
// "4~abcd in endVisit(StringValueCommand x, Context ctx) closely matches several tokens in the sample string - a quote indicating a string, an int describing the length, a ~ separator, then the string itself (this doesnt match everything, I suspect because you removed details about the service and the name of the method):
Booleans all follow Z1 or Z0, as in your sample string

RESTful URL design for search

I'm looking for a reasonable way to represent searches as a RESTful URLs.
The setup: I have two models, Cars and Garages, where Cars can be in Garages. So my urls look like:
xxx == car id
returns car with given id
yyy = garage id
returns garage with given id
A Car can exist on its own (hence the /car), or it can exist in a garage. What's the right way to represent, say, all the cars in a given garage? Something like:
/garage/yyy/cars ?
How about the union of cars in garage yyy and zzz?
What's the right way to represent a search for cars with certain attributes? Say: show me all blue sedans with 4 doors :
or should it be /cars instead?
The use of "search" seems inappropriate there - what's a better way / term? Should it just be:
Should the search parameters be part of the PATHINFO or QUERYSTRING?
In short, I'm looking for guidance for cross-model REST url design, and for search.
[Update] I like Justin's answer, but he doesn't cover the multi-field search case:
or something like that. How do we go from
to the multiple field case?
For the searching, use querystrings. This is perfectly RESTful:
An advantage to regular querystrings is that they are standard and widely understood and that they can be generated from form-get.
The RESTful pretty URL design is about displaying a resource based on a structure (directory-like structure, date: articles/2005/5/13, object and it's attributes,..), the slash / indicates hierarchical structure, use the -id instead.
Hierarchical structure
I would personaly prefer:
/cars/car-id #for cars not in garages
If a user removes the /car-id part, it brings the cars preview - intuitive. User exactly knows where in the tree he is, what is he looking at. He knows from the first look, that garages and cars are in relation. /car-id also denotes that it belongs together unlike /car/id.
The searchquery is OK as it is, there is only your preference, what should be taken into account. The funny part comes when joining searches (see below).
/cars?color=blue;type=sedan #most prefered by me
/cars;color-blue+doors-4+type-sedan #looks good when using car-id
/cars?color=blue&doors=4&type=sedan #also possible, but & blends in with text
Or basically anything what isn't a slash as explained above.
The formula: /cars[?;]color[=-:]blue[,;+&], though I wouldn't use the & sign as it is unrecognizable from the text at first glance if that's your thing.
** Did you know that passing JSON object in URI is RESTful? **
Lists of options
/cars?color=black,blue,red;doors=3,5;type=sedan #most prefered by me
/cars?color(black,blue,red);doors(3,5);type(sedan) #does not look bad at all
/cars?color:(black,blue,red);doors:(3,5);type:sedan #little difference
possible features?
Negate search strings (!)
To search any cars, but not black and red:
Joined searches
Search red or blue or black cars with 3 doors in garages id 1..20 or 101..103 or 999 but not 5
You can then construct more complex search queries. (Look at CSS3 attribute matching for the idea of matching substrings. E.g. searching users containing "bar" user*=bar.)
Anyway, this might be the most important part for you, because you can do it however you like after all, just keep in mind that RESTful URI represents a structure which is easily understood e.g. directory-like /directory/file, /collection/node/item, dates /articles/{year}/{month}/{day}.. And when you omit any of last segments, you immediately know what you get.
So.., all these characters are allowed unencoded:
unreserved: a-zA-Z0-9_.-~
Typically allowed both encoded and not, both uses are then equivalent.
special characters: $-_.+!*'(),
reserved: ;/?:#=&
May be used unencoded for the purpose they represent, otherwise they must be encoded.
unsafe: <>"#%{}|^~[]`
Why unsafe and why should rather be encoded: RFC 1738 see 2.2
Also see RFC 1738#page-20 for more character classes.
RFC 3986 see 2.2
Despite of what I previously said, here is a common distinction of delimeters, meaning that some "are" more important than others.
generic delimeters: :/?#[]#
sub-delimeters: !$&'()*+,;=
More reading:
Hierarchy: see 2.3, see 1.2.3
url path parameter syntax
CSS3 attribute matching
IBM: RESTful Web services - The basics
Note: RFC 1738 was updated by RFC 3986
Although having the parameters in the path has some advantages, there are, IMO, some outweighing factors.
Not all characters needed for a search query are permitted in a URL. Most punctuation and Unicode characters would need to be URL encoded as a query string parameter. I'm wrestling with the same problem. I would like to use XPath in the URL, but not all XPath syntax is compatible with a URI path. So for simple paths, /cars/doors/driver/lock/combination would be appropriate to locate the 'combination' element in the driver's door XML document. But /car/doors[id='driver' and lock/combination='1234'] is not so friendly.
There is a difference between filtering a resource based on one of its attributes and specifying a resource.
For example, since
/cars/colors returns a list of all colors for all cars (the resource returned is a collection of color objects)
/cars/colors/red,blue,green would return a list of color objects that are red, blue or green, not a collection of cars.
To return cars, the path would be
/cars?color=red,blue,green or /cars/search?color=red,blue,green
Parameters in the path are more difficult to read because name/value pairs are not isolated from the rest of the path, which is not name/value pairs.
One last comment. I prefer /garages/yyy/cars (always plural) to /garage/yyy/cars (perhaps it was a typo in the original answer) because it avoids changing the path between singular and plural. For words with an added 's', the change is not so bad, but changing /person/yyy/friends to /people/yyy seems cumbersome.
To expand on Peter's answer - you could make Search a first-class resource:
POST /searches # create a new search
GET /searches # list all searches (admin)
GET /searches/{id} # show the results of a previously-run search
DELETE /searches/{id} # delete a search (admin)
The Search resource would have fields for color, make model, garaged status, etc and could be specified in XML, JSON, or any other format. Like the Car and Garage resource, you could restrict access to Searches based on authentication. Users who frequently run the same Searches can store them in their profiles so that they don't need to be re-created. The URLs will be short enough that in many cases they can be easily traded via email. These stored Searches can be the basis of custom RSS feeds, and so on.
There are many possibilities for using Searches when you think of them as resources.
The idea is explained in more detail in this Railscast.
Justin's answer is probably the way to go, although in some applications it might make sense to consider a particular search as a resource in its own right, such as if you want to support named saved searches:
I use two approaches to implement searches.
1) Simplest case, to query associated elements, and for navigation.
This means, query cars that have garage ID equal to 1.
It is also possible to create more complex searches:
Cars in all garages in FirstStreet that are not red (3rd page, 100 elements per page).
2) Complex queries are considered as regular resources that are created and can be recovered.
POST /searches => Create
GET /searches/1 => Recover search
GET /searches/1?offset=300&max=100 => pagination in search
The POST body for search creation is as follows:
"$eq" : { "color" : "red" },
"garage" : {
"$ne" : { "street" : "FirstStreet" }
It is based in Grails (criteria DSL): http://grails.org/doc/2.4.3/ref/Domain%20Classes/createCriteria.html
This is not REST. You cannot define URIs for resources inside your API. Resource navigation must be hypertext-driven. It's fine if you want pretty URIs and heavy amounts of coupling, but just do not call it REST, because it directly violates the constraints of RESTful architecture.
See this article by the inventor of REST.
In addition i would also suggest:
Here, Search is considered as a child resource of Cars resource.
There are a lot of good options for your case here. Still you should considering using the POST body.
The query string is perfect for your example, but if you have something more complicated, e.g. an arbitrary long list of items or boolean conditionals, you might want to define the post as a document, that the client sends over POST.
This allows a more flexible description of the search, as well as avoids the Server URL length limit.
RESTful does not recommend using verbs in URL's /cars/search is not restful. The right way to filter/search/paginate your API's is through Query Parameters. However there might be cases when you have to break the norm. For example, if you are searching across multiple resources, then you have to use something like /search?q=query
You can go through http://saipraveenblog.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/rest-api-best-practices/ to understand the best practices for designing RESTful API's
Though I like Justin's response, I feel it more accurately represents a filter rather than a search. What if I want to know about cars with names that start with cam?
The way I see it, you could build it into the way you handle specific resources:
Or, you could simply add it into the filter:
Personally, I prefer the latter, however I am by no means an expert on REST (having first heard of it only 2 or so weeks ago...)
My advice would be this:
Returns list of garages (think JSON array here)
Returns specific garage
Returns list of cars in garage
Returns list of all cars in all garages (may not be practical of course)
Returns list of all cars
Returns specific car
Returns lists of all posible colors for cars
Returns list of cars of the specific colors (yes commas are allowed :) )
Returns list of all red,blue, and green cars with 2 doors.
Same idea as the above but a lil more intuitive.
All cars that are red, blue, green and have either two or four doors.
Hopefully that gives you the idea. Essentially your Rest API should be easily discoverable and should enable you to browse through your data. Another advantage with using URLs and not query strings is that you are able to take advantage of the native caching mechanisms that exist on the web server for HTTP traffic.
Here's a link to a page describing the evils of query strings in REST: http://web.archive.org/web/20070815111413/http://rest.blueoxen.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?QueryStringsConsideredHarmful
I used Google's cache because the normal page wasn't working for me here's that link as well: