Seperate log path and dump path in expdp - oracle12c

I have to run multiple exports in one of the Oracle 12c databases for which I am using PAR files. Now I want to put the dump file and the log file in separate paths while using expdp.
Please guide me on how to achieve this

The DIRECTORY parameter
Specifies the default location to which Export can write the dump file set and the log file.
The DUMPFILE parameter and LOGFILE parameter each allow that default to overridden, by supplying an optional directory name:
DUMPFILE=[directory_object:]file_name [, ...]
So your parameter file needs to include those overriding directory names in the relevant parameters. Note that they still have to directory objects, defined in the database and which you have privileges against; you can't supply native operating systems paths directly in any of those parameters.


How Can I configure arguments for install4j generated launcher via properties file?

I have created installer using install4j for our application.
I need to pass one argument which decides to which server profile my application should contact.
We have around 80 different profiles and we don't wish to create separate installer for each and evry server profile and would like to configure it at runtime for an exe file.
I also referred of creating response file as mentioned in install4j documentation below but even that did not help -
Any idea?
There is no way to configure arguments with text files but you can define VM parameters in the .vmoptions file. If your launcher is named launcher.exe, the and the file launcher.vmoptions in the same directory contains the lines
then the system properties key1 and key2 are set to the respective values and can be queried with System.getProperty("<key name>").
Installer variables that are present in the response file are replaced automatically in .vmoptions file. If you add a .vmoptions file with the content
and the installer variable myServer is defined in the installer and registered as a response file variable, you can execute System.getProperty("server") to get this value in the launcher.

Is there any way to SET client_encoding TO 'UTF8' permanent?

I connect to my db from console using command:
psql -U postgres task_db
and did this select query :
select * from common.task;
I received this Error:
ERROR: character with byte sequence 0xe5 0xb0 0x8f in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "WIN1252"
And followed this command from this answer to fix this:
SET client_encoding TO 'UTF8';
It worked.
Problem : Now I have to run above command every time I connect to db from command line. Is there any way I can set this encoding permanent?
You can try to set this command in your .psqlrc file:
Unless it is passed an -X option, psql attempts to read and execute commands from the system-wide startup file (psqlrc) and then
the user's personal startup file (~/.psqlrc), after connecting to the
database but before accepting normal commands. These files can be used
to set up the client and/or the server to taste, typically with \set
and SET commands.
The system-wide startup file is named psqlrc and is sought in the installation's “system configuration” directory, which is most
reliably identified by running pg_config --sysconfdir. By default this
directory will be ../etc/ relative to the directory containing the
PostgreSQL executables. The name of this directory can be set
explicitly via the PGSYSCONFDIR environment variable.
The user's personal startup file is named .psqlrc and is sought in the invoking user's home directory. On Windows, which lacks such a
concept, the personal startup file is named
%APPDATA%\postgresql\psqlrc.conf. The location of the user's startup
file can be set explicitly via the PSQLRC environment variable.
Both the system-wide startup file and the user's personal startup file can be made psql-version-specific by appending a dash and the
PostgreSQL major or minor release number to the file name, for example
~/.psqlrc-9.2 or ~/.psqlrc-9.2.5. The most specific version-matching
file will be read in preference to a non-version-specific file.

.pgpass file for more than one user

If I set PGPASSFILE to an explicit path like /home/user/.pgpass then it works fine and when logged in as the user that owns that file I can use psql for the entries in .pgpass.conf.
The problem I have is that I need to have multiple accounts use psql. If I change PGPASSFILE to user directory like ~/.pgpass.conf then it doesn't work and doesn't read the file so it gives a password error.
Because I can only specify one file it means only the owner of that file can run the commands I need to run.
I am running on Ubuntu 18.04 and I need root & www-data to have a .pgpass.conf file.
How do I do this?
If you have system users corresponding to your db users (root and www-data in your case), each has its own, separate .pgpass file in its respective home directory. Set each accordingly.
And simply do not set PGPASSFILE at all. The manual:
PGPASSFILE behaves the same as the passfile connection parameter.
Specifies the name of the file used to store passwords (see Section 33.15). Defaults to ~/.pgpass, or
%APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf on Microsoft Windows. (No error is
reported if this file does not exist.)
Run batch file with psql command without password

psql: Init files?

In the psql documentation, I read information about variables (section advanced features), e.g. one of these variables is:
The number of commands to store in the command history. The default value is 500.
Is there a file in the home directory or somewhere else where I can configure these variables?
What syntax would I use in that file?
If you look at the Files section, you'll see this:
Unless it is passed an -X or -c option, psql attempts to read and execute commands from the system-wide psqlrc file and the user's ~/.psqlrc file before starting up. (On Windows, the user's startup file is named %APPDATA%\postgresql\psqlrc.conf.) See PREFIX/share/psqlrc.sample for information on setting up the system-wide file. It could be used to set up the client or the server to taste (using the \set and SET commands).
The location of the user's ~/.psqlrc file can also be set explicitly via the PSQLRC environment setting.
So like most Unix commands, there is an RC ("Run Commands") file that you can use for configuration, the name also matches the Unix conventions of ~/.cmdrc so you want ~/.psqlrc.
The format matches the \set commands you'd use within psql itself:
\set HISTSIZE 11
for example.

PostgreSQL's COPY statement

Using COPY statement of PostgreSQL, we can load data from a text file into data base's table as below:
The above statement is run from a machine which has postgresql client where as the server is in another windows machine. Running the above statement is complaining me that ERROR: could not open file "C:\Program Files\ERROR_CODES\errcodes.txt" for reading: No such file or directory.
After some research, i observed that COPY statement is looking for the loader file(errcodes.txt) in the postgresql server's machine at the same path (C:\Program Files\ERROR_CODES). To test this , i have create the same folder structure in the postgresql server's machine and kept the errcodes.txt file in there. Then the COPY statement worked well. It looks very tough constraint for me with COPY statement.
Is there any setting needed to avoid this? or it is the behavior of COPY statement? I didn't find any information on PostgreSQL documents.
here's the standard solution:
COPY foo (i, j, k) FROM stdin;
The data must be properly escaped and tab-separated.
Actually, it is in the docs, even in grammar definition you have STDIN... See:
If you're using some programming language with COPY support, you will have pg_putcopy or similar function. So you don't have to worry about escaping and concatenation.
Hints how to do this manually in Python -> Recreating Postgres COPY directly in Python?
The Perl way ->
Hope this helps.
From the documentation
COPY with a file name instructs the PostgreSQL server to directly read from or write to a file. The file must be accessible to the server and the name must be specified from the viewpoint of the server. When STDIN or STDOUT is specified, data is transmitted via the connection between the client and the server.
If you want to copy from a local machine file to a server use \copy command.