How Can I configure arguments for install4j generated launcher via properties file? - install4j

I have created installer using install4j for our application.
I need to pass one argument which decides to which server profile my application should contact.
We have around 80 different profiles and we don't wish to create separate installer for each and evry server profile and would like to configure it at runtime for an exe file.
I also referred of creating response file as mentioned in install4j documentation below but even that did not help -
Any idea?

There is no way to configure arguments with text files but you can define VM parameters in the .vmoptions file. If your launcher is named launcher.exe, the and the file launcher.vmoptions in the same directory contains the lines
then the system properties key1 and key2 are set to the respective values and can be queried with System.getProperty("<key name>").
Installer variables that are present in the response file are replaced automatically in .vmoptions file. If you add a .vmoptions file with the content
and the installer variable myServer is defined in the installer and registered as a response file variable, you can execute System.getProperty("server") to get this value in the launcher.


Seperate log path and dump path in expdp

I have to run multiple exports in one of the Oracle 12c databases for which I am using PAR files. Now I want to put the dump file and the log file in separate paths while using expdp.
Please guide me on how to achieve this
The DIRECTORY parameter
Specifies the default location to which Export can write the dump file set and the log file.
The DUMPFILE parameter and LOGFILE parameter each allow that default to overridden, by supplying an optional directory name:
DUMPFILE=[directory_object:]file_name [, ...]
So your parameter file needs to include those overriding directory names in the relevant parameters. Note that they still have to directory objects, defined in the database and which you have privileges against; you can't supply native operating systems paths directly in any of those parameters.

Netbeans.conf: what is the variable for the user home?

When starting Netbeans, I need to add a system property named mEnvironment and set it as a sub-directory of the user's home. Example: In the netbeans.conf, I would like to add:
netbeans_default_options="-J-XX:+UseStringDeduplication -J-Xss2m -J-DmEnvironment=${USER_HOME}/mySubDirectory ......
USER_HOME is given as example of course.
Does someone know how Netbeans get the user home directory in the netbeans.conf file?
Thank you
Does someone know how Netbeans get the user home directory in the
netbeans.conf file?
The process is convoluted, and varies by operating system, but is described in great detail within netbeans.conf itself. This is the relevant content for my Apache NetBeans 11.1 installation:
# On Windows ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "<AppData>\NetBeans" where <AppData> is user's
# value of "AppData" key in Windows Registry under
# "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
# and ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "<Local AppData>\NetBeans\Cache" where <Local AppData> is user's
# value of "Local AppData" key in Windows Registry under
# "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"
# On Mac ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "~/Library/Application Support/NetBeans" and
# ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} with "~/Library/Caches/NetBeans"
# On other systems ${DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT} will be replaced by the launcher
# with "~/.netbeans" and ${DEFAULT_CACHEDIR_ROOT} with "~/.cache/netbeans"
However, none of that really helps you, because you cannot access the values of netbeans_default_userdir or DEFAULT_USERDIR_ROOT; they are used internally by NetBeans itself, and are not System properties. You can verify this by displaying the values returned by System.getProperties(); none of the entries in netbeans.conf are shown.
Also, you can't meaningfully add new name/value pairs in netbeans.conf; you can only modify the values of the names used by NetBeans. That file is for NetBeans configuration, not user configuration. So if you add a line containing (say) MyConfSetting="ABC" then NetBeans will simply ignore that, and it won't be accessible to you either.
However, you can use an alternative approach to set a System Property for your directory in your application:
The read-only environment variable APPDATA points to your (operating system's) user directory. On my Windows 10 machine it has the value C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming.
The default user directory for NetBeans is the value of APPDATA + a sub-directory named NetBeans + a sub-directory named the NetBeans version. On my machine it is C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\11.1. See the value of User directory in the Help > About screen for confirmation.
I don't know how to dynamically determine the version of NetBeans, but if that isn't important you can programmatically create a system property specifying your directory path:
String dir = System.getenv("APPDATA") + "\\NetBeans\\mySubDirectory";
System.setProperty("myDir", dir);
System.out.println("myDir=" + System.getProperty("myDir"));
On my machine that println() call displays myDir=C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\mySubDirectory. I don't know if that approach meets your requirements, but I don't know of any other simple way to dynamically set your directory name.
I checked this on Windows 10. Details may vary on other operating systems, but the overall approach should still work.
You can also specify parameters at run time using {project} > Properties > Run > Arguments (e.g. arg1=%APPDATA%\NetBeans\MyDir) and {project} > Properties > Run > VM Options (e.g. -Dvmopt1=%APPDATA%\NetBeans\MyDir), but that approach won't work because the %APPDATA% is simply treated as the literal "%APPDATA%" rather than evaluated as an environment variable.

Powershell Pre-Build script failing from msbuild

I have a Powershell script that executes as a pre-build call for a Xamarin mobile app. The script changes the package name to match the build type e.g. Debug, Release.
To enable different "flavours" of the app to be created, I have written a batch file to replace the config file of the app with one matching the requested build type.
When I build from within Visual Studio, the powershell script runs as I expect and changes what I expected. However when the batch file runs I get an error message appearing:
Here is the content of the batch file, this was my first attempt at writing a batch file to build a code project:
set buildVer=%1
set path=XamarinTestApp\XamarinTestApp
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
echo %buildVer%
IF "%buildVer%"=="Release" (
goto :releaseBuild)
IF "%buildVer%"=="Test" (
goto :testBuild)
IF "%buildVer%"=="Dev" (
goto :devBuild)
set buildType=Release
copy /-y %path%\app.Release.config %path%\app.Config
goto :builder
set buildType=Release
copy /-y %path%\app.Test.config %path%\app.Config
goto :builder
set buildType=Debug
copy /-y %path%\app.Debug.config %path%\app.Config
goto :builder
call %msBuildDir%\msbuild.exe
C:\Projects\%path%\XamarinTestApp.Droid\XamarinTestApp.Droid.csproj /property:Configuration=%buildType% /target:SignAndroidPackage /verbosity:diag
I'm looking for any advice on either the error message I am getting, or some advice on how to get configurable information into my app.
Do not use path as user-variable. It is predefined by the system to locate executables.
Change that name to mypath - almost anything other than path.
from the prompt, use the command
to see a partial list of the names of variables that are set by the system

scripting buildroot configuration file

I am trying to switch between external and internal build via some export variable in a script. I am able to do this partially meaning for bool values but for those which take in strings how to tell buildroot to continue with default value and not prompt for values to the user.
For e.g., BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_STRIP=y works fine, as it takes in bool value, but BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_PATH prompts for a value, even though default is set to the correct path.
Thanks for any help
If you want to switch easily between internal and external toolchain builds, then I would suggest creating fragments of defconfig files:
One defining the internal toolchain configuration
One defining the external toolchain configuration
One defining the common options
And then, you just to :
cat internal-toolchain.config common.config > configs/myown_defconfig
make myown_defconfig
and there you are. And similarly with external-toolchain.config.

Environment.CurrentDirectory in C#.NET

The property Environment.CurrentDirectory always returns the path of system directory instead my application directory. In my colleague's PC, it returns application directory.
What is the problem? How can I solve it?
The following code is working for me
ePCRSettings = XMLParser.XmlParser.Deserialize<PCRGeneratorSettings>(string.Format("{0}\\ePCRPDFSettings.xml", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory - Returns the directory E:\MyApplications\.
The following code is not working for me
ePCRSettings = XMLParser.XmlParser.Deserialize<PCRGeneratorSettings>(string.Format("{0}\\ePCRPDFSettings.xml", Environment.CurrentDirectory));
Environment.CurrentDirectory - Returns c:\windows\system32.
This .dll file can be used in VB 6 and ASP.NET applications
set current directory
Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); //or set executing Assembly location path in param
Environment.CurrentDirectory //now returns your app path
You shouldn't be using the Environment.CurrentDirectory value as a base for file lookups because it can change and may not always be under your control. e.g. a File Save As to a different folder may change the 'current folder' value. As you can see it can yield unpredictable results.
Use a value that you can control better. e.g. a ResourcesFolderPath value in a configuration (xml?) file that is updated when you install your app.
I suspect that this could have something to do with the current user id that the app is running under, for example if you are running the app in a user session (e.g. debugging in VS) then this may return your current directory, but if you were running it under IIS then this could be why it is defaulting to the system folder?