Calculate index of dissimilarity in NetLogo - netlogo

I'm want to calculate the index of dissimilarity in NetLogo. I have a world divided into different regions and want to examine how evenly species are distributed around the world.
Consider this example: A world is divided into 16 different regions. The world is populated with two types of ants, red and blue. It looks like this:
The world in the picture is produced with the following code:
globals[indexdissimilarity] ; where I want the index of dissimilarity to be stored.
to setup
;Setting world.
resize-world 0 19 0 19
set-patch-size 15
;Creating regions.
let x 5
let y 5
let col 45
while [y <= max-pycor + 1 ][
while [x <= max-pxcor + 1][
ask patches with [pxcor < x and pxcor >= x - 5 and pycor < y and pycor >= y - 5][
set pcolor col
set x x + 5
set col col + 3
set x 5
set y y + 5
ask n-of (count patches * 0.85) patches[sprout 1[
set shape "bug"
set color red]]
ask n-of (count turtles * 0.50) turtles [set color blue]
; Here is where I want to calculate the index of dissimilarity.
to dissimilarity
let tot_red (count turtles with [color = red])
let tot_blue (count turtles with [color = blue])
; set indexdissimilarity
My main issue is how to iterate parts of the calculations over each neighborhood.

I think I managed to solve it. Please, let me know if it looks correct. Here is the full updated code.
patches-own [reg]
to setup
;Setting world.
resize-world 0 19 0 19
set-patch-size 15
;Creating regions.
let x 5
let y 5
let col 45
while [y <= max-pycor + 1 ][
while [x <= max-pxcor + 1][
ask patches with [pxcor < x and pxcor >= x - 5 and pycor < y and pycor >= y - 5][
set pcolor col
set x x + 5
set col col + 3
set x 5
set y y + 5
ask patches [set reg [pcolor] of self]
ask n-of (count patches * 0.85) patches[sprout 1[
set shape "bug"
set color red]]
ask n-of (count turtles * 0.7) turtles [set color blue]
to update
;Dissimilarity index.
let tot_red (count turtles with [color = red])
let tot_blue (count turtles with [color = blue])
let neighb1 [reg] of turtles
let neighb remove-duplicates neighb1
set dis []
foreach neighb [i -> set dis lput abs((count turtles with [reg = i and color = red] / tot_red) - (count turtles with [reg = i and color = blue] / tot_blue)) dis]
set indexdissimilarity sum(dis) / 2


Am I using n-of function incorrectly in netlogo?

I'm creating a code that is supposed to make a certain number of turtles have a status of 1 and the rest have a status of 0, the number is calculated using slider inputs from the interface. I've been trying to make the program use n-of but it turns more than the desired number of turtles into the 1 variety (the turtles are set to status 0 from before).
code below (switch for single is to change to only one turtle and tumble switch is for modelling tumbling and running):
to spawn
ifelse (single = false )
[create-turtles N [
set color black
set xcor 0
set ycor 0
set heading random-float 360
set status 0
if (tumble = true)
print (N * p1 / (p1 + p2))
ask n-of (N * p1 / (p1 + p2)) turtles [set status 1 set color red]]
[create-turtles 1 [
set color black
set xcor 0
set ycor 0
set heading random-float 360
The problem is in your placement of the ask n-of statement. The code is the brackets after create-turtles N is executed for each turtle that is created, so each of the N created turtles is in turn asking n-of ... turtles to set status to 1. You will get many more turned turtles than you want. Moving the if (tumble ... block out of the create-turtles block should lead to its being executed only once, after all N turtles are created.
to spawn
ifelse (single = false ) [
create-turtles N [
set color black
set xcor 0
set ycor 0
set heading random-float 360
set status 0
if (tumble = true) [
print (N * p1 / (p1 + p2))
ask n-of (N * p1 / (p1 + p2)) turtles [set status 1 set color red]
[create-turtles 1 [
set color black
set xcor 0
set ycor 0
set heading random-float 360

How do I find find out probability of Y occurring depends on both X1 and X2 in Netlogo? Y , X1 and X2 are turtle variables

I have specifically two questions:
How do I find out the probability of leadershipactivation depends on both leaderactivation and othersperception.
How to I find out that the probability of leaderactivation depends on motivation (condition motivation > 3.32), selfschemata (selfschemata >7) and neti (social factors, neti>0) at a particular time.
globals [taskdemand ;; the taskdemand of the turtles
turtles-own [
motivation ;;motivation to lead of each turtle
selfschemata ;; self-schemata of each turtle
status ;;status of each turtle
others;;agentset of agents within same group
;;teammates;; agentset of teammates
othersactivation;; othersactivation computes leaderactivation of each turtle within the group of turtle
allothers;;agentset of all other agents within the collective
neti;;neti computes socialfactors and taskdemand of each turtle
x;;x is prospective leader's perceived characteristics
y;;y is perceivers ILT for various dimensions
othersperception ;; leadershipperception of all other turtles in collective level
leaderactivation;;leader self-schema activation
leadershipperception;; leadershipperception of each turtle in relational level
leadershipactivation;; leadershipactivation in a collective level
mygroup;; group of turtles
to setup
clear-all; clears ticks, patches, plots
ask patches[ set pcolor white];;blank background
crt 100 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "person"
set motivation random-normal 3.32 0.75;;motivation to lead is normally distributed with mean 3.32 and standard deviation 0.75
set selfschemata (random 11) + 1 ;;sets selfschemata 1 to 11
set status random-normal 4 0.49 ;;status is normally distributed with mean 4 and standard deviation 0.49
set leaderactivation random 1 ;;sets leaderactivation values 0 to each turtle (self-schema activation, individual level)
set leadershipperception random 1 ;; sets leadershipperception values 0 to each turtle (relational level)
set neti random 1 ;;sets neti values 0 to each turtle, neti calculates the social factors
set othersactivation random 1 ;;sets each turtles, othersactivation (i.e., leaderactivation) value in a group to 0
set othersperception random 1;;sets othersperception values 0 to each turtle
set leadershipactivation random 1;; sets leadershipactivation values 0 to each turtle (collective level)
set leadershipactivationr random 1;;
set others no-turtles
set allothers no-turtles
if ( status > 4) OR (status = 4)[set color blue]
if ( status < 4)[set color red]
set x n-values 5 [random 1];; setting random values 0 or 1 for 5 dimensions of prospective leader's perceived characteristics
set y n-values 5[random 1];;perceiver's ILT for various dimensions
set mygroup -1
set taskdemand [0.1 0.9]
set err random-normal 0 0.01;;setting error with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.01
to assign-by-size
let unassigned turtles
let current 0
while [any? unassigned]
;; place a randomly chosen set of group-size turtles into the current
;; group. or, if there are less than group-size turtles left, place the
;; rest of the turtles in the current group.
ask n-of (min (list group-size (count unassigned))) unassigned
[ set mygroup current ]
;; consider the next group.
set current current + 1
;; remove grouped turtles from the pool of turtles to assign
set unassigned unassigned with [mygroup = -1]
to go
if ticks >= 300 [ stop ]
ask turtles [
if (mygroup != -1) [leader-activation] ;; individual level
if (mygroup != -1) [ checksocialfactors] ;; individual level
if (leaderactivation > 2) OR (leaderactivation = 2) [ set x n-values 5 [random 2]]
if (mygroup != -1) [ ilt-match];;relational level
ifelse (leaderactivation > 2) OR (leaderactivation = 2)[ set leadershipperception leadershipperception ][set leadershipperception 0]
if (mygroup != -1) [set leadershipactivationr leadershipperception + leaderactivation]
if (mygroup != -1) [collectivelevel];;collective level
if (mygroup != -1)[set leadershipactivation othersperception + leaderactivation]
to leader-activation ;; leader activation at the individual level
ifelse (motivation > 3.32) OR (motivation = 3.32) [set leaderactivation leaderactivation + 1 ][set leaderactivation leaderactivation + 0]
if (selfschemata > 0) AND (selfschemata < 5)[set leaderactivation leaderactivation + 0]
if (selfschemata > 4) AND (selfschemata < 8)[set leaderactivation leaderactivation + 0.5 ]
if (selfschemata > 7) AND (selfschemata < 12)[set leaderactivation leaderactivation + 1 ]
ifelse (status > 4) OR (status = 4) [set leaderactivation leaderactivation + 1][set leaderactivation leaderactivation - 1]
show leaderactivation
to checksocialfactors ;; turtle procedure to check social factors of the turtles
if any? others
[ find-others-activation
let lachange 0
let s (1 - leaderactivation) * neti
let t (leaderactivation + 0.2) * neti
ifelse (neti > 0) [set lachange lachange + (0.4 * s) - (0.1 * leaderactivation)] [set lachange lachange + (0.4 * t) - (0.1 * leaderactivation)]
set leaderactivation leaderactivation + lachange
ifelse (leaderactivation > maxleaderactivation)[ set leaderactivation maxleaderactivation][set leaderactivation leaderactivation]
to find-others ;; turtle procedure to find others in the group
set others other turtles with [mygroup = [mygroup] of myself]
to find-others-activation ;; turtle procedure to find others activation in a group
set othersactivation sum [leaderactivation] of others
to find-othersactivation-and-taskdemand
set neti othersactivation + 0.1 + err
to ilt-match ;; turtle procedure to match prospective leader's perceived characteristics and perceiver's ILT for various dimensions using hamming distance
let d 0
let xn 0
let yn 0
let x1 0
let y1 0
let n 1
while [n < 6];; there are 5 values
[ set x1 item xn x
set y1 item yn y
set n n + 1
if (x1 = y1) [ set d d + 0 ]
if (x1 > y1) [ set d d + (x1 - y1) ]
if (y1 > x1) [ set d d + (y1 - x1) ]
ifelse d <= 2
[ set leadershipperception leadershipperception + (5 - d)]
[ set leadershipperception leadershipperception + 0]
to collectivelevel
if any? others[
set othersperception sum [leadershipperception] of others
to find-yothers
if any? others[
set y n-values 5[random 2]
to update-variables
to update-turtles
ask turtles[
if(leaderactivation > 2) [ set aLA? 1]
if(leadershipperception != 0) [ set aLP? 1]
if(leadershipactivation > 2) [set aLi? 1]
; if(leadershipactivationr > 2) [set aLir? 1]
;if(leaderactivation > 2) AND (leadershipperception = 0) AND (leadershipactivationr > 0)[ set aLAnLp? 1]
;if(leaderactivation < 2) AND (leadershipperception != 0) AND (leadershipactivationr > 0)[ set nLALp? 1]
; if(leaderactivation > 2) AND (leadershipperception != 0) AND (leadershipactivationr > 0)[ set LALP? 1]
;if(leaderactivation < 2) AND (leadershipperception = 0) AND (leadershipactivationr > 0)[ set nLAnLP? 1]
to update-globals
set percent-LA (count turtles with [ aLA? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
set percent-LP (count turtles with [aLP? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
set percent-LI (count turtles with [aLI? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
set percent-LIr (count turtles with [aLIr? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
;set percent-LAmp (count turtles with [ LA? = 1 AND motivation = 1 AND priorexp = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
set probLA (count turtles with [aLA? = 1]) / (count turtles)
set probLP (count turtles with [aLP? = 1]) / (count turtles)
set probLI (count turtles with [aLi? = 1]) / (count turtles)
;set percent-aLAnLp (count turtles with [aLAnLp? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
;set percent-nLALp (count turtles with [nLALp? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
;set percent-LALP (count turtles with [LALP? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100
;set percent-nLAnLP (count turtles with [nLAnLP? = 1]) / (count turtles) * 100

Netlogo ERROR - DISTANCE expected input to be an agent but got the number 0 instead

I am trying to create home ranges for 3 types of hosts for a model that aims to simulate the movement of ticks across a landscape based on the presence of three host-types.
Using some code that was described in a previous post I created the following code. When I run the model I eventually get the following error message:
DISTANCE expected input to be an agent but got the number 0 instead.
Any help with the issue is greatly appreciated.
if ((week-id = 13) or (week-id = 25) or (week-id = 33))
[ask patches
[sprout-mice 2
[set color gray
set shape "mouse side"
set size 0.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
if week-id = 17[
let total-deer count deer
ask n-of (total-deer / 2) patches
[sprout-deer 1
[set color brown
set shape "deer"
set size 1
setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
if week-id = 17[
let total-raccoons count raccoons
ask n-of (total-raccoons) patches
[sprout-raccoons 1
[set color black
set shape "wolf 2"
set size 0.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
;print (count mice)
if (week-id = 40)
;print(count deer)
if (week-id = 45)
print (count raccoons)
ask deer
ask raccoons
ask mice
the submodels:
to deer-move
right random 50
left random 50
forward 1
to raccoons-move
ifelse distance home-patch > 10
[face home-patch]
[right random 90
left random 90]
forward 1
to mice-move
ifelse distance home-patch > 2
[face home-patch]
[right random 90
left random 90]
forward 1

NetLogo: Error in avoiding walls and closed gates

I have this code in which turtles are suppose to change direction when they encounter walls and closed gates.
It is okay at the beginning but then it will give this message.
OF expected input to be a turtle agentset or patch agentset or turtle or patch but got NOBODY instead.
error while turtle 259 running OF
called by procedure GO
called by Button 'Go'
I can send the whole model.
if state = 1 [fd speed
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 = black or [pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 = red
[ lt random-float 90]
[fd 1]
; ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = blue
; [ lt random-float 360 ] ;; We see a blue patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
; [ fd 1 ]
if (pxcor >= 89 and pxcor <= 90) and (pycor > 5 and pycor < 10) [facexy (87 + random 3) 25 fd speed]
;if (pxcor >= -10 and pxcor <= 1) and (pycor >= 6 and pycor <= 23 ) [facexy ( 7 + random 3) (26 + random 3) fd speed]
if (pxcor >= 85 and pxcor <= 90) and (pycor = 26) [
let choice random 2
fd speed
if choice = 1 [leftbench]
if choice = 0 [facexy (87 + random 3) 76]
if (pxcor >= 83 and pxcor <= 92) and (pycor >= 75 and pycor <= 77) [rightbench fd speed]
if pcolor = brown and not any? other turtles-here
[ move-to patch-here
set seated? true
set pcolor orange
Does your model have wrapping at the world edges turned off in one or both directions?
If so, then your code has to handle the possibility that sometimes this patch:
patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1
won't exist, if the turtle is near a world edge. If that happens, then patch-at-heading-at-distance will return nobody, and when you try and do:
[pcolor] of patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1 = black
you get the error, because no pcolor can be retrieved from a nonexistent patch.
The typical way to code around this is to do something like:
let target patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1
if is-patch? target and ...
Finally, I wonder whether you really mean patch-at-heading-and-distance 0 1. It's equivalent to patch-at 0 1, which refers to the patch north of the turtle; not sure why you'd want that. If you want to test the patch ahead of the turtle (the patch the turtle will land in if it uses fd), use patch-ahead.

How can I include the effect of patches age in netlogo?

How can I accomplish the following in the code below:
patches change color reflective of their distance from the row "min-pycor"
For example, colors alternate from yellow to red and then to black (signifying death).
But this should take into account that the production of yellow patches > red > black.
stem? ;; true for stem cells, false for transitory cells
age ;; age of cell. changes color with age
metastatic? ;; false for progeny of stem cell 0, true for progeny of stem cell 1
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "square"
ask patches[
if pycor = min-pycor [
ifelse random 10 <= 2
[set pcolor white]
[sprout 1 [set shape "square" set color blue] ]
to go
ask patches with [pcolor = yellow]
[if count neighbors with [pcolor = black] > 0
[ask one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black][set pcolor yellow]
ask patches with [pcolor = white]
[if count neighbors with [pcolor = black] > 0
[ask one-of neighbors with [pcolor = black][set pcolor yellow]
;;transitional cells move and hatch more. Turtle proc.
to move-transitional-cells
if (not stem?)
set color ( red + 0.25 * age )
fd 1
if (age < 6)
hatch 1
[ ;amplification
rt random-float 360
fd 1
to mitosis ;; turtle proc. - stem cells only
if stem?
hatch 1
fd 1
set color red
set stem? false
ifelse (who = 1)
[ set age 16 ]
[ set age 0 ]
to death ;; turtle proc.
if (not stem?) and (not metastatic?) and (age > 20)
[ die ]
if (not stem?) and metastatic? and (age > 4)
[ die ]
to evaluate-params
set cell-count count turtles ;cell count
if (cell-count <= 0)
[ stop ]
to kill-original-stem-cell
ask turtle 0
[ die ]
to kill-moving-stem-cell
ask turtle 1
[ die ]
to kill-transitory-cells
ask turtles with [ age < 10 and not stem? ]
[ die ]
You seem to have two conflicting requirements, the color change based on proximity in your code, and the color change based on PYCOR that you ask about.
Ignoring the code for a moment, we can set color based on PYCOR in many ways. For example, we can create bands of color, we can create dithered interminglings of color, or we can create a "smooth" transition between colors.
The first is easy. We can use an IFELSE structure. This example creates even bands, but you can change the "divide" variables to create bands of any height.
let color1 red
let color2 yellow
let color3 black
let divide1 (min-pycor + world-height * 0.33)
let divide2 (min-pycor + world-height * 0.66)
ask patches
[ ifelse pycor < divide1 [ set pcolor color1 ][
ifelse pycor < divide2 [ set pcolor color2 ][
set pcolor color3
We can also do it in a mathy way. This example creates even bands.
let colors [ red yellow black ]
let bands length colors
let band-height floor ( world-height / bands + .5 )
;; pycor - min-pycor shifts the range from 0 to world-height
ask patches [ set pcolor item ( floor ( ( pycor - min-pycor ) / band-height ) ) colors ]
We can create dithered bands by introducing a random element to the pycor. we also have to add some tests to keep the random numbers in range.
let colors [ red yellow black ]
let bands length colors
let band-height floor (world-height / bands + .5)
let dither band-height * .5 ;; adjust this to change dithery-ness
ask patches
[ let py pycor - min-pycor + dither - random-float ( dither * 2 )
;; you might want to really study the above line to fully grok what's happening there
if py < 0 [ set py 0 ]
if py > world-height [ set py world-height ]
set pcolor item ( floor ( py / band-height ) ) colors
Graduated (gradiant) bands are tougher, because the NetLogo color space doesn't do gradual shifts in hue, only tint and shade, so there's really no way to get from red to yellow that way. So we would have to use RGB (three value list)colors, instead of NetLogo (single value) colors. And that's beyond what I'm willing to type out at the moment, so there you go--left as an exersize.