OrientDB - Limit by time or prevent huge queries execution - orientdb

Is there a way to limit a query execution by time?
I'm familiar with the TIMEOUT clause of a SELECT statement, but I can't seem to find an equivalent for the graph queries, such as MATCH or TRAVERSE.
An alternative for a timeout will be to identify somehow the problematic query and avoid it, but I can't find any EXPLAIN statement to perform without actually perform the query...
The situation is quite problematic as performing 2-3 MATCH queries may explore the whole graph, take forever to complete and only hard-reset releases them.
I've also searched for an option to cancel/interrupt/kill a query but couldn't find it (only via HTTP API).
We're using the JAVA API with version 2.2.30.


Postgres query plan changes for identical query when using pg_hint_plan

(Postgres 11.7)
I'm using the Rows pg_hint_plan hint to dynamically fix a bad row-count estimate.
My query accepts an array of arguments, which get unnested and joined onto the rest of the query as a predicate. By default, the query planner always assumes this array-argument contains 100 records, whereas in reality this number could be very different. This bad estimate was resulting in poor query plans. I set the number of rows definitively from within the calling application, by changing the hint text per query.
This approach seems to work sometimes, but I see some strange behaviour testing the query (in DBeaver).
If I start with a brand new connection, when I explain the query (or indeed just run it), the hint seems to be ignored for the first 6 executions, but thereafter it starts getting interpreted correctly. This is consistently reproducible: I see the offending row count estimates change on the 7th execution on a new connection.
More interestingly, the query also uses some (immutable) functions to do some lookup operations. If I remove these and replace them with an equivalent CTE or sub-select, this strange behaviour seems to disappear, and the hints are evaluated correctly all the time, even on a brand new connection.
What could be causing it to not honour the pg_hint_plan hints until after 6 requests have been made in that session? Why does the presence of the functions have a bearing on the hints?
Since you are using JDBC, try setting the prepareThreshold connection parameter to 1, as detailed in the documentation.
That will make the driver use a server prepared statement as soon as possible, ond it seems like this extension only works in that case.

Time of first occurrence of the query from pg_stat_statements. Possible to get?

I'm debugging a DB performance issue. There's a lead that the issue was introduced after a certain deploy, e.g. when DB started to serve some new queries.
I'm looking to correlate deployment time with the performance issues, and would like to identify the queries that are causing this.
Using pg_stat_statements has been very handy so far. Unfortunately it does not store the time stamp of the first occurrence of each query.
Is there any auxiliary tables I could look into to see the time of first occurrence of queries?
Ideally, if this information would have been available in pg_stat_statements, I'd make a query like this:
select queryid from where date(first_run) = '2020-04-01';
Additionally, it'd be cool to see last_run as well, so to filter out some old queries that no longer execute at all, but remain in pg_stat_statements. That's more of a nice thing that's a necessity though.
This information is not stored anywhere, and indeed it would not be very useful. If the problem statement is a new one, you can easily identify it in your application code. If it is not a new statement, but something made the query slower, the first time the query was executed won't help you.
Is your source code not under version control?

Parallel queries on CTE for writing operations in PostgreSQL

From PostgreSQL 9.6 Release Notes:
Only strictly read-only queries where the driving table is accessed via a sequential scan can be parallelized.
My question is: If a CTE (WITH clause) contains only read operations, but its results is used to feed a writing operation, like an insert or update, is it also disallowed to parallelize sequential scans?
I mean, as CTE is much like a temporary table which only exists for currently executing query, can I suppose that its inner query can take advantage of the brand new parallel seq-scan of PostgreSQL 9.6? Or, otherwise, is it treated as a using subquery and cannot perform parallel scan?
For example, consider this query:
WITH foobarbaz AS (
WHERE some_expensive_function(baz)
USING foobarbaz
WHERE bar.foo = foobarbaz.foo
Is that foobarbaz calculation expected to be able to be parallelized or is it disallowed because of the delete sentence?
If it isn't allowed, I thought that can replace the CTE by a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement. But I think I will fall into the same issue as CREATE TABLE is a write operation. Am I wrong?
Lastly, a last chance I could try is to perform it as a pure read operation and use its result as input for insert and / or update operations. Outside of a transaction it should work. But the question is: If the read operation and the insert/update are between a begin and commit sentences, it not will be allowed anyway? I understand they are two completely different operations, but in the same transaction and Postgres.
To be clear, my concern is that I have an awful mass of hard-to-read and hard-to-redesign SQL queries that involves multiple sequential scans with low-performance function calls and which performs complex changes over two tables. The whole process runs in a single transaction because, if not, the mess in case of failure would be totally unrecoverable.
My hope is to able to parallelize some sequential scans to take advantage of the 8 cpu cores of the machine to be able to complete the process sooner.
Please, don't answer that I need to fully redesign that mess: I know and I'm working on it. But it is a great project and we need to continue working meantime.
Anyway, any suggestion will be thankful.
I add a brief report of what I could discover up to now:
As #a_horse_with_no_name says in his comment (thanks), CTE and the rest of the query is a single DML statement and, if it has a write operation, even outside of the CTE, then the CTE cannot be parallelized (I also tested it).
Also I found this wiki page with more concise information about parallel scans than what I found in the release notes link.
An interesting point I could check thanks to that wiki page is that I need to declare the involved functions as parallel safe. I did it and worked (in a test without writings).
Another interesting point is what #a_horse_with_no_name says in his second comment: Using DbLink to perform a pure read-only query. But, investigating a bit about that, I seen that postgres_fdw, which is explicitly mentioned in the wiki as non supporting parallel scans, provides roughly the same functionality using a more modern and standards-compliant infrastructure.
And, on the other hand, even if it would worked, I were end up getting data from outside the transaction which, in some cases would be acceptable for me but, I think, not as good idea as general solution.
Finally, I checked that is possible to perform a parallel-scan in a read-only query inside a transaction, even if it later performs write operations (no exception is triggered and I could commit).
...in summary, I think that my best bet (if not the only one) would be to refactor the script in a way that it reads the data to memory before to later perform the write operations in the same transaction.
It will increase I/O overhead but, attending the latencies I manage it will be even better.

PostgreSQL. Slow queries in log file are fast in psql

I have an application written on Play Framework 1.2.4 with Hibernate(default C3P0 connection pooling) and PostgreSQL database (9.1).
Recently I turned on slow queries logging ( >= 100 ms) in postgresql.conf and found some issues.
But when I tried to analyze and optimize one particular query, I found that it is blazing fast in psql (0.5 - 1 ms) in comparison to 200-250 ms in the log. The same thing happened with the other queries.
The application and database server is running on the same machine and communicating using localhost interface.
JDBC driver - postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4
I wonder what could be wrong, because query duration in the log is calculated considering only database processing time excluding external things like network turnarounds etc.
Possibility 1: If the slow queries occur occasionally or in bursts, it could be checkpoint activity. Enable checkpoint logging (log_checkpoints = on), make sure the log level (log_min_messages) is 'info' or lower, and see what turns up. Checkpoints that're taking a long time or happening too often suggest you probably need some checkpoint/WAL and bgwriter tuning. This isn't likely to be the cause if the same statements are always slow and others always perform well.
Possibility 2: Your query plans are different because you're running them directly in psql while Hibernate, via PgJDBC, will at least sometimes be doing a PREPARE and EXECUTE (at the protocol level so you won't see actual statements). For this, compare query performance with PREPARE test_query(...) AS SELECT ... then EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE test_query(...). The parameters in the PREPARE are type names for the positional parameters ($1,$2,etc); the parameters in the EXECUTE are values.
If the prepared plan is different to the one-off plan, you can set PgJDBC's prepare threshold via connection parameters to tell it never to use server-side prepared statements.
This difference between the plans of prepared and unprepared statements should go away in PostgreSQL 9.2. It's been a long-standing wart, but Tom Lane dealt with it for the up-coming release.
It's very hard to say for sure without knowing all the details of your system, but I can think of a couple of possibilities:
The query results are cached. If you run the same query twice in a short space of time, it will almost always complete much more quickly on the second pass. PostgreSQL maintains a cache of recently retrieved data for just this purpose. If you are pulling the queries from the tail of your log and executing them immediately this could be what's happening.
Other processes are interfering. The execution time for a query varies depending on what else is going on in the system. If the queries are taking 100ms during peak hour on your website when a lot of users are connected but only 1ms when you try them again late at night this could be what's happening.
The point is you are correct that the query duration isn't affected by which library or application is calling it, so the difference must be coming from something else. Keep looking, good luck!
There are several possible reasons. First if the database was very busy when the slow queries excuted, the query may be slower. So you may need to observe the load of the OS at that moment for future analysis.
Second the history plan of the sql may be different from the current session plan. So you may need to install auto_explain to see the actual plan of the slow query.

Performance of repeatedly executing the same javascript on MongoDb?

I'm looking at using some JavaScript in a MongoDb query. I have a couple of choices:
db.system.js.save the function in the db then execute it
db.myCollection.find with a $where clause and send the JS each time
exec_js in MongoEngine (which I imagine uses one of the above)
I plan to use the JavaScript in a regularly used query that's executed as part of a request to a site or API (i.e. not a batch administrative jobs) so it's important that the query executes with reasonable speed.
I'm looking at a 30ish line function.
Is the Javascript interpreted fresh each time? Will the performance be ok? Is it a sensible basis upon which to build queries?
Is the Javascript interpreted fresh each time?
Pretty much. MongoDB only has one "javascript instance" per running instance of MongoDB. You'll notice this if you try to run two different Map/Reduces at the same time.
Will the performance be ok?
Obviously, there are different definitions of "OK" here. The $where clause can not use indexes. You can combine that clause with another indexed query. In either case each object will need to be pushed from BSON over to the Javascript run-time and then acted on inside the run-time.
The process is definitely not what you would call "performant". Of course, by that measure Map/Reduce is also not very performant and people use that on production systems.
Is it a sensible basis upon which to build queries?
The real barrier here isn't the number of lines in the code, it's the number of possible documents this code will interpret. Even though it's "server-side" javascript, it's still a bunch of work that the server has to do. (in one thread, in an interpreted environment)
If you can test it and scope it correctly, it may well work out. Just don't expect miracles.
What is your point here? Write a JS script and call it regularly through cron. What should be the problem with that?