Postgres query plan changes for identical query when using pg_hint_plan - postgresql

(Postgres 11.7)
I'm using the Rows pg_hint_plan hint to dynamically fix a bad row-count estimate.
My query accepts an array of arguments, which get unnested and joined onto the rest of the query as a predicate. By default, the query planner always assumes this array-argument contains 100 records, whereas in reality this number could be very different. This bad estimate was resulting in poor query plans. I set the number of rows definitively from within the calling application, by changing the hint text per query.
This approach seems to work sometimes, but I see some strange behaviour testing the query (in DBeaver).
If I start with a brand new connection, when I explain the query (or indeed just run it), the hint seems to be ignored for the first 6 executions, but thereafter it starts getting interpreted correctly. This is consistently reproducible: I see the offending row count estimates change on the 7th execution on a new connection.
More interestingly, the query also uses some (immutable) functions to do some lookup operations. If I remove these and replace them with an equivalent CTE or sub-select, this strange behaviour seems to disappear, and the hints are evaluated correctly all the time, even on a brand new connection.
What could be causing it to not honour the pg_hint_plan hints until after 6 requests have been made in that session? Why does the presence of the functions have a bearing on the hints?

Since you are using JDBC, try setting the prepareThreshold connection parameter to 1, as detailed in the documentation.
That will make the driver use a server prepared statement as soon as possible, ond it seems like this extension only works in that case.


Time of first occurrence of the query from pg_stat_statements. Possible to get?

I'm debugging a DB performance issue. There's a lead that the issue was introduced after a certain deploy, e.g. when DB started to serve some new queries.
I'm looking to correlate deployment time with the performance issues, and would like to identify the queries that are causing this.
Using pg_stat_statements has been very handy so far. Unfortunately it does not store the time stamp of the first occurrence of each query.
Is there any auxiliary tables I could look into to see the time of first occurrence of queries?
Ideally, if this information would have been available in pg_stat_statements, I'd make a query like this:
select queryid from where date(first_run) = '2020-04-01';
Additionally, it'd be cool to see last_run as well, so to filter out some old queries that no longer execute at all, but remain in pg_stat_statements. That's more of a nice thing that's a necessity though.
This information is not stored anywhere, and indeed it would not be very useful. If the problem statement is a new one, you can easily identify it in your application code. If it is not a new statement, but something made the query slower, the first time the query was executed won't help you.
Is your source code not under version control?

Unit tests producing different results when using PostgreSQL

Been working on a module that is working pretty well when using MySQL, but when I try and run the unit tests I get an error when testing under PostgreSQL (using Travis).
The module itself is here:
An example failed build is here:
I don't have a huge amount of experience using PostgreSQL, but I am not really sure why this might be happening? The only thing I could think that might cause this is that I am trying to manually set the ID's in my fixtures file and maybe PostgreSQL not support this?
If this is not the case, does anyone have an idea what might be causing this issue?
Edit: I have looked again into this and the errors appear to be because of this assertion, which should be finding the Tax Rate vat but instead finds the Tax Rate reduced
I am guessing there is an issue in my logic that is causing the incorrect rate to be returned, though I am unsure why...
In the end it appears that Postgres has different default sorting to MySQL ( The line of interest is:
The actual order in that case will depend on the scan and join plan types and the order on disk, but it must not be relied on
In the end I didn't really need to test a list with multiple items, so instead I just removed the additional items.
If you are working on something that needs to support MySQL and Postgres though, you might need to consider defining a consistent sort order as part of your query.

Perl script fails when selecting data from big PostgreSQL table

I'm trying to run a SELECT statement on PostgreSQL database and save its result into a file.
The code runs on my environment but fails once I run it on a lightweight server.
I monitored it and saw that the reason it fails after several seconds is due to a lack of memory (the machine has only 512MB RAM). I didn't expect this to be a problem, as all I want to do is to save the whole result set as a JSON file on disk.
I was planning to use fetchrow_array or fetchrow_arrayref functions hoping to fetch and process only one row at a time.
Unfortunately I discovered there's no difference when it comes to the true fetch operations between the two above and fetchall_arrayref when you use DBD::Pg. My script fails at the $sth->execute() call, even before it has a chance to do call any fetch... function.
This suggests to me that the implementation of execute in DBD::Pg actually fetches ALL the rows into memory, leaving only the actual format its returned to the fetch... functions.
A quick look at the DBI documentation gives a hint:
If the driver supports a local row cache for SELECT statements, then this attribute holds the number of un-fetched rows in the cache. If the driver doesn't, then it returns undef. Note that some drivers pre-fetch rows on execute, whereas others wait till the first fetch.
So in theory I would just need to set the RowCacheSize parameter. I've tried but this feature doesn't seem to be implemented by DBD::Pg
Not used by DBD::Pg
I find this limitation a huge general problem (execute() call pre-fetches all rows?) and more inclined to believe that I'm missing something here, than that this is actually a true limitation of interacting with PostgreSQL databases using Perl.
Update (2014-03-09): My script works now thanks to using a workaround as described in my comment to Borodin's answer. The maintainer of DBD::Pg library got back to me on the issue actually saying the root cause is deeper and lies within libpq postgresql internal library (used by DBD::Pg). Also, I think very similar issue to the one described here affects pgAdmin. Being postgresql native tool it still doesn't give in the Options chance to define the default limit of the result set row size. This is probably why it makes Query tool sometimes waiting a good while before presenting results from bulky queries, potentially breaking the app in some cases too.
In the section Cursors, the documentation for the database driver says this
Therefore the "execute" method fetches all data at once into data structures located in the front-end application. This fact must to be considered when selecting large amounts of data!
So your supposition is correct. However the same section goes on to describe how you can use cursors in your Perl application to read the data in chunks. I believe this would fix your problem.
Another alternative is to use OFFSET and LIMIT clauses on your SELECT statement to emulate cursor functionality. If you write
my $select = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM table OFFSET ? LIMIT 1');
then you can say something like (all of this is untested)
my $i = 0;
while ($select->execute($i++)) {
my #data = $select->fetchrow_array;
# Process data
to read your tables one row at a time.
You may find that you need to increase the chunk size to get an acceptable level of efficiency.

Vastly different query run time in application

I'm having a scaling issue with an application that uses a PostgreSQL 9 backend. I have one table who's size is about 40 million records and growing and the conditional queries against it have slowed down dramatically.
To help figure out what's going wrong, I've taken a development snapshot of the database and dump the queries with the execution time into the log.
Now for the confusing part, and the gist of the question ....
The run times for my queries in the log are vastly different (an order of magnitude+) that what I get when I run the 'exact' same query in DbVisualizer to get the explain plan.
I say 'exact' but really the difference is, the application is using a prepared statement to which I bind values at runtime while the queries I run in DbVisualizer has those values in place already. The values themselves are exactly as I pulled them from the log.
Could the use of prepared statements make that big of a difference?
The answer is YES. Prepared statements cut both ways.
On the one hand, the query does not have to be re-planned for every execution, saving some overhead. This can make a difference or be hardly noticeable, depending on the complexity of the query.
On the other hand, with uneven data distribution, a one-size-fits-all query plan may be a bad choice. Called with particular values another query plan could be (much) better suited.
Running the query with parameter values in place can lead to a different query plan. More planning overhead, possibly a (much) better query plan.
Also consider unnamed prepared statements like #peufeu provided. Those re-plan the query considering parameters every time - and you still have safe parameter handling.
Similar considerations apply to queries inside PL/pgSQL functions, where queries can be treated as prepared statements internally - unless executed dynamically with EXECUTE. I quote the manual on Executing Dynamic Commands:
The important difference is that EXECUTE will re-plan the command on
each execution, generating a plan that is specific to the current
parameter values; whereas PL/pgSQL may otherwise create a generic plan
and cache it for re-use. In situations where the best plan depends
strongly on the parameter values, it can be helpful to use EXECUTE to
positively ensure that a generic plan is not selected.
Apart from that, general guidelines for performance optimization apply.
Erwin nails it, but let me add that the extended query protocol allows you to use more flavors of prepared statements. Besides avoiding re-parsing and re-planning, one big advantage of prepared statements is to send parameter values separately, which avoids escaping and parsing overhead, not to mention the opportunity for SQL injections and bugs if you don't use an API that handles parameters in a manner you can't forget to escape them.
Query planning for named prepared-statement objects occurs when the
Parse message is processed. If a query will be repeatedly executed
with different parameters, it might be beneficial to send a single
Parse message containing a parameterized query, followed by multiple
Bind and Execute messages. This will avoid replanning the query on
each execution.
The unnamed prepared statement is likewise planned during Parse
processing if the Parse message defines no parameters. But if there
are parameters, query planning occurs every time Bind parameters are
supplied. This allows the planner to make use of the actual values of
the parameters provided by each Bind message, rather than use generic
So, if your DB interface supports it, you can use unnamed prepared statements. It's a bit of a middle ground between a query and a usual prepared statement.
If you use PHP with PDO, please note that PDO's prepared statement implementation is rather useless for postgres, since it uses named prepared statements, but re-prepares every time you call prepare(), no plan caching takes place. So you get the worst of both : many roundtrips and plan without parameters. I've seen it be 1000x slower than pg_query() and pg_query_params() on specific queries where the postgres optimizer really needs to know the parameters to produce the optimal plan. pg_query uses raw queries, pg_query_params uses unnamed prepared statements. Usually one is faster than the other, that depends on the size of parameter data.

How can I use an index on a partitioned table in postgresql 8.3.7

I have situation, where running a query that filters by an indexed column in a partitioned table, performs a full table scan.
Apparently , this is a known issue in postgresql, and it's explained in detail here.
Is there a more elegant way around this other than performing a query on each partition, and then performing a UNION on all of the results?
Indexes work just fine to do a scan only of the relevant partitions in PostgreSQL. But, you have to set everything up properly for it to work, and it's easy to miss a step in the long list of things documented at
The main thing to realize is that in order to avoid a sequential scan, you have to provide enough information to PostgreSQL so it can prove some partitions cannot have the data you're looking for; then they are skipped as potential sources for the query results. The article you link to points this out as a solution to the seq scan problem: "If you add range constraints to the date field of each partition, this query can be optimized into a loop where you query the “latest” partition first and work backwards until you find a single value that is higher than the range of all the remaining partitions."--but doesn't show the improved plan you'd see after that change.
Some common mistakes you might have made:
-The constraint_exclusion parameter in the postgresql.conf file is off by default. With that default, you won't get what you expect.
-Didn't create non-overlapping partitions using CHECK, which keeps the planner from knowing what's inside each of them. It's possible to miss this step but still get your data into the right partitions properly, the planner just won't know that.
-Did not put an index on each partition, only created one on the master table. This will give you a sequential scan just on the relevant partition, so not as bad as the above but not good either.
There's some work to make this all easier in upcoming PostgreSQL releases (setting constraint_partition is fairly automatic in 8.4 and some sort of partition setup automation is being worked in). Right now, if you follow the instructions carefully and avoid all these problems, it should work.