While in the VS Code Terminal, the 'exit' command or 'ctrl + d' combination closes the terminal directly, whereas I just want to deactive pipenv, is there a way to do this?
The following command helped me quit pipenv shell in vscode:
I tried both deactivate and exit, but none of them works for me.
Environment and interpreters are easily changed with shift+cmd+P. Please, refer to VS code documentation.
If you use pipenv shell to enter virtualenv, use exit command to quit the virtualenv.
Please do not use deactivate, because it will behaved differently [explained by ButtaKnife]
I'm new to programming and using python. I am unable to use the terminal to use command-line work. I can run script, but nothing from the command line
I cannot even do print('hello'), though I can do that on idle
I have reviewed some tutorials, but they are of no help
If you're talking about VS Code built-in terminal (Ctrl+`), before execute print('hello') or some similar code, you should first start Python interective session by typing in python and hitting Enter.
Check this link for more details.
I just lost my terminal history in VS Code. I noticed it when trying to do a reverse search in the Integrated Terminal (CTRL+R).
To debug, I ran this command:
This gives me:
I would expect the normal path of my ZSH history is shown instead, like I get in iTerm2 when running the same command.
I believe this is a bug with VSCode's ZSH shell integration, that has already been resolved on the Insiders version.
Here is the offending line (note the HISTFILE without $):
I've seen it merged into the release/1.74 branch so hopefully, a v1.74.1 is not too far away. In the meanwhile, you can switch to Insiders (side-by-side installation) or turn off shell integration as suggested in the other answer.
Try turning off the shell integration that's enabled by default ("terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.enabled") and then restart the terminal.
I fixed the problem by just adding this two lines at the bottom of my ~/.zshrc file.
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
Trying to choose Command Prompt in the Terminal however I can only see Zsh, bash, and Javascript bug terminal.... I've gone in to Select Default profile as suggested in similar threads I've found and still can't find it?
How do i get Command Prompt in there?
Note: I don't have Powershell either, and I'm on a Mac
If you are referring to cmd.exe, that is a windows only program and you won't be able to use it on MacOS.
Terminal is the MacOS Equivalent and can run shells such as bash and zsh as you noted.
If I'm in my terminal and open a file with the code command, vscode will launch and the terminal inside code will show my full zsh setup that I have configured in hyper terminal. But if I open up code through windows, and select wsl as my default shell, it's pretty much useless. Anything I try, like sudo, git, apt, etc will return a command not found message.
So if I want to commit any changes in the terminal inside code then I have to use the git bash shell. Is it possible to get my zsh working without first launching from my terminal emulator so I'm using wsl instead of git bash?
running wslconfig.exe /list in powershell showed me that WSL was set to docker as the default shell, so then running wslconfig.exe /setdefault "Ubuntu" in powershell fixed my problem.
On window 10 with vscode -v 1.51.1 terminal with cmd.
After writing the command and hitting the enter key... a new window is open and close...
so, if I'm trying to check --version the window is already close and i can't see results..
or if i having an error - i cant see it if the window is close... so for now: i use print screen..
how can i get the process output run on the same window... on the VSCode terminal?
If am understanding your question you can try
code -v
Turn off ConPTY integration in the
File->Preferences->Settings->conPTY->Uncheck it
Integrated terminal in visual studio code is opening externally and not internally