I would like to select everything upwards from where the cursor is. Kind of like Ctrl + Shift + Up does, but not just a line, everything.
Does anyone know how to do this?
For selectiing updaward from from where the cursor is , you can use ctrl + shift + home
When I select some lines of code and press Tab, it shifts that selected code forward. So, what can I do when I need to shift a selected lines of code backward?
Please don't answer Ctrl + Z.
Selecting your code and pressing shift + tab brings your code on step back.
helps you shifting forward and backward
Ctrl + ] , Ctrl + [
If you're using Vscode then press
Ctrl + Shift + i
this automatically formats entire code
press shift + Tab to backward the code.
you can also select the multiple lines and can press the shift + Tab
I know in pycharm if we want to undo and the last change location is not in current page, the first ctrl + z would bring you to that location with cursor on it and the second ctrl + z would do the job. Do we have the same feature in vscode?
It is annoying that when I hit ctrl + z and it jumps to some part of the code and undos directly. Sometimes I just wanted to know what was there before undo it.
There a few ways to approach this.
Navigate History CTRL + TAB
Go Back ALT + ← / MAC CTRL+-
Go To Last Edit Location CTRL + k + CTRL + q / MAC ⌘ + k + ⌘ + q
Use the command palette to go to recent files
You could remap CTRL + Z, or more specifically, the when expression, to something less forgiving
I suspect the 2nd/3rd option is what you are looking for
In Eclipse, I can go to a function by toggling Ctrl + Mouse Left Click. It doesn't seem to work in Netbeans. Is there an alternative to do so? It would save me a lot of time. Thanks.
In Netbeans Ctrl + Mouse Left Click should work. (For me it's working)
or place the cursor on method(function) call and use Ctrl + Shift + B or Ctrl + B so this will take you to the method definition(method body).
Hope this will be helpful.
In sublime text CTRL + LM adds a cursor and feels much more natural than ALT + LM, because I keep accidentally clicking the space bar and inserting a space.
I also like the VSC CTRL + LM file path peek option, but I just want to reverse the two buttons.
So inserts cursor should be: CTRL + LM
And peek path should be: ALT + LM
I can't find them anywhere in the key bindings shortcuts. Where are these two settings?
There is currently no possibility to customize any of the mouse related functionality in VS Code.
There is an open issue, though, that you can "thumbs up" and follow.
In vim, pressing * in command mode performs an automatic search of the word under the cursor. How can I obtain the same in Eclipse?
A combination of two keystrokes:
First, hit Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow to invoke "Select Enclosing Element". This will select the word under your cursor.
Use Ctrl + K (Cmd + K on OS X) to "find next".
It appears it was not possible in 2004, and it's still not possible, apparently. I'm speechless...
I also need this functionality and created a small plug-in which adds commands for doing this. You can download it and find more details here: http://eclipselabs.org/p/eclipse-tweaks/
Windows 10, tested on Eclipse 2020-03:
Two Steps:
1. Alt + Shift + Up Arrow, to select the word under the cursor
2. Ctrl + K to find the selected word forward
(Ctrl + Shift + K to find the selected word backward)
If you are inside an XML tag, Alt + Shift + Up Arrow will select from the beginning of the tag to the end tag, including all enclosing elements. Try it!
Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up arrows to navigate methods, as sometimes the selected word is a method you want to go to.
Better still,
Ctrl + O - Go to a specific method, by searching (Just enter the first few letters of the method, and Enter)
Press Ctrl + k on a Windows machine. On a Mac, Cmd + k should work (seen here).
Not exactly the same, but maybe helpfull if you work with java. In a .java file you can press
to find occurences in the same source file.
You can also use Shift + Ctrl + K to search next backwards.