How to shift some lines of code backwards? - flutter

When I select some lines of code and press Tab, it shifts that selected code forward. So, what can I do when I need to shift a selected lines of code backward?
Please don't answer Ctrl + Z.

Selecting your code and pressing shift + tab brings your code on step back.

helps you shifting forward and backward
Ctrl + ] , Ctrl + [
If you're using Vscode then press
Ctrl + Shift + i
this automatically formats entire code

press shift + Tab to backward the code.
you can also select the multiple lines and can press the shift + Tab


Can we set VSCode Undo (ctrl + z) to undo last change with TWO hits (two times ctrl +z) if last change location is not in the current page?

I know in pycharm if we want to undo and the last change location is not in current page, the first ctrl + z would bring you to that location with cursor on it and the second ctrl + z would do the job. Do we have the same feature in vscode?
It is annoying that when I hit ctrl + z and it jumps to some part of the code and undos directly. Sometimes I just wanted to know what was there before undo it.
There a few ways to approach this.
Navigate History CTRL + TAB
Go Back ALT + ← / MAC CTRL+-
Go To Last Edit Location CTRL + k + CTRL + q / MAC ⌘ + k + ⌘ + q
Use the command palette to go to recent files
You could remap CTRL + Z, or more specifically, the when expression, to something less forgiving
I suspect the 2nd/3rd option is what you are looking for

Select all text between quotes in VS Code?

I had to reinstall VS Code recently, I rember using Ctrl+W to kind of smart select everything between quotes but now what that command does is move me to another file/tab instead? Is there a way to do this in VS Code, Ctrl+W was just so easy to me, really helped with deleting or copying strings of text.
As #Mark says in the comment, you can use the "Expand Selection" shortcut, this will first select everything between the quotes.
The shortcut on Windows by default:
Shift + Alt + →
And OS X:
Ctrl + Shift + ⌘ + →
Try using the Quick and Simple Text Selection extension.
On a Mac, the extension's default shortcut is ⌘ k, "
Press ⌘ and k
let go of of ⌘ and k
press "
This will select everything in double quotes.
If you want to select everything in single quotes use ⌘ k, "
It also works for brackets
⌘ k, [
⌘ k, {
⌘ k, (
On Windows, replace ⌘ with Ctrl
Shift + Alt + (Right Arrow) for the word next to cursor
Shift + Alt + (Right Arrow)x2 for entire sentence between quotes
After re-reading your question, I noticed that you want to press Ctrl + W to press multiple times to expand your selection
To see and set the shortcut, you can
Press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P
Go to Keyboard Shortcuts by typing Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts
Search for the command: editor.action.smartSelect.expand
Double click the keybinding to set a new keybinding
Summary of answers
Most use cases: use #colinD's answer (Alt + Shift ← or →) which expands the selection word by word
Press Ctrl + Shift + → multiple times to expand the selection's scope
it might be different on Windows
If you want to select all of the text in quotes and there's a lot of spaces and your cursor is in the middle of the quotes
Use the Quick and Simple Text Selection extension
The best / simplest way to do it I've found on Mac is to click the text anywhere in the quote marks, then hold down Control + Shift and tap the right arrow twice.

Selecting everything upwards from where the cursor is

I would like to select everything upwards from where the cursor is. Kind of like Ctrl + Shift + Up does, but not just a line, everything.
Does anyone know how to do this?
For selectiing updaward from from where the cursor is , you can use ctrl + shift + home

Shortcut to go to a function in Netbeans

In Eclipse, I can go to a function by toggling Ctrl + Mouse Left Click. It doesn't seem to work in Netbeans. Is there an alternative to do so? It would save me a lot of time. Thanks.
In Netbeans Ctrl + Mouse Left Click should work. (For me it's working)
or place the cursor on method(function) call and use Ctrl + Shift + B or Ctrl + B so this will take you to the method definition(method body).
Hope this will be helpful.

How to search string under cursor in Eclipse

In vim, pressing * in command mode performs an automatic search of the word under the cursor. How can I obtain the same in Eclipse?
A combination of two keystrokes:
First, hit Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow to invoke "Select Enclosing Element". This will select the word under your cursor.
Use Ctrl + K (Cmd + K on OS X) to "find next".
It appears it was not possible in 2004, and it's still not possible, apparently. I'm speechless...
I also need this functionality and created a small plug-in which adds commands for doing this. You can download it and find more details here:
Windows 10, tested on Eclipse 2020-03:
Two Steps:
1. Alt + Shift + Up Arrow, to select the word under the cursor
2. Ctrl + K to find the selected word forward
(Ctrl + Shift + K to find the selected word backward)
If you are inside an XML tag, Alt + Shift + Up Arrow will select from the beginning of the tag to the end tag, including all enclosing elements. Try it!
Ctrl + Shift + Down/Up arrows to navigate methods, as sometimes the selected word is a method you want to go to.
Better still,
Ctrl + O - Go to a specific method, by searching (Just enter the first few letters of the method, and Enter)
Press Ctrl + k on a Windows machine. On a Mac, Cmd + k should work (seen here).
Not exactly the same, but maybe helpfull if you work with java. In a .java file you can press
to find occurences in the same source file.
You can also use Shift + Ctrl + K to search next backwards.