Load banner in Joomla article - plugins

Is there any plugin that can load banner "id x" from banner component?
Or is there any other way, but not with {loadmoduleid x}?
Thanks in advance


Hide Google Adsense banner when there's no advertisments on Website

I have some problems when trying to integrate Google Adsense to my Weather Website.
The google banner is running but not well. Sometimes, it doesn't show anything except for a blank banner. Like in this pic: Picture
The first problem leads me to think about hiding the banner when there's no ads loaded. I found a solution which is adding data-ad-format="auto" to the banner tag. But I need to customize the banner dimension for the mobile. If I use data-ad-format="auto", I will not be able to customize the dimensions of the banner.
Does anyone has a solution for this? Hiding the banner when there's no ads?
Thank you very much!
I have had this problem for quite a while, the first ad unit above the fold does not collapse (with collapse set within Adsense), yet the ads below the fold will collapse. I have read that it will work if you integrate it with Google Ad Manager though I haven't had time to test it yet
You can hide the element if no ads using this:
ins.adsbygoogle[data-ad-status="unfilled"] {
display: none !important;
or only show element if there is and ad using this:
ins.adsbygoogle a {
display: none !important;
ins.adsbygoogle[data-ad-status="unfilled"] a {
display: block;
source: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/10762946?hl=en

the parameters in Admob.initAdmob when editing unity code

I am currently editing my code as following:
Admob ad;
ad.initAdmob("admob banner id", "admob interstitial id");
My question is that I don't know the difference between admob banner id and admob interstitial id,(by the way, my English is not very good)
When you click the create add section the first kind of add is banner and the second kind of add is interstellar.
Well this is not English too but you can see the places from these images.
After you create your adds you can look their id from your created adds
You can see add id from here, while you are creating your add give them a name inculude their type so you can find it later on here.
Initialize Admob Unity Plugin
Admob.Instance().initAdmob("admob banner id", "admob interstitial id");
Admob id with format ca-app-pub-279xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx
Required two id one for banner and another for interstitial Ads.
Register your app in the AdMob UI and create your own ad unit IDs for banner and interstitial.

Chartboost Unity plugin Video rewards always pop up 'reward 1 coins' message ,how can I change it?

This message seems no where to modify both in the plugin files or website console. Actually,this should be configurable,because each game won't have the same reward.I wanner just change it to 20 coins reward or not let it appear.
The real rewards will deal with in the complete callback so I don't need such message.
Anyone knows can help?
Here you have an input:
Move to your Chartboost dashboard and select your app. Once selecte, on the left panel (if using the new dashboard) click on Settings -> Rewarded Video.
There you have two inputfields: Currency name and reward per view.
You can also add custom content to ads. Here you can read more about it:
Hope it helps!

i am using jcarousel with the shortcodes ultimate wordpress plugin and i am having trouble posting it on the front page

I took the code from this page http://signsanddesigns2go.com/?page_id=608 and it works but I want it on my home page so I went to the editor and tried to copy and past the code under the banner slider it showed up but the images did not rotate can anyone help me with this issue please and thank you.
Have you added the auto attribute?

How to have a calender popup with in iPhone app?

In my iPhone application, I would like to open a calendar on click of a UIButton, from where user would be able to choose a date.
I could not find much material on google.
Help with code would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Some of the solutions I could find:
Source: cocoacontrols.com