SugarCRM REST API v11 filtering records - rest

I am using postman application to do a SugarCRM POST request, following is the request
I am getting the error
"error": "invalid_parameter",
"error_message": "Unexpected filter type string."
but when I remove the filter, I get the response
what am I doing wrong

The filter is defined as array via the key and in an assoc array style rather than json. That's weird, but that's how it works in Sugar Query-String params.
Alternatively you can use the POST /filter endpoint instead of GET.
Then you can pass all params in the request body as json.
PS: Also are you sure you mean $is_null and not $empty?

try this:
filter[0][name][$starts]=any text


Access nested body property from HTTP resolver(AppSync)

I'm new to AWS AppSync and I am trying to access certain body property(from HTTP response) in my resolver's response mapping template.
For example: I am able to present the response as is via $util.toJson($ctx.result.body), but when I try to get some of the nested body properties it fails.
For example, imagine the body looks like this:
and $util.toJson($ctx.result.body.about) returns null. Any thoughts?
I found a way extract the parsed body in the following way:
#set ($parsed_body = $util.parseJson($ctx.result.body))
And then I am able to access the properties via dot notation:
The part I was missing is $util.parseJson(<json-string>)
It seems that the body is a JSON string.

Is it possible to use JSONPath or XPath to get a query string?

I'm currently using Insomnia App to create some requests and one of my API responses I get a JSON with "redirect_uri" field and the value is actually a URL.
I need to get only the code parameter, so the JSONPath or XPath needs to return 8748d39f-1d4f-311f-92c6-4b279db1b317 in the following example:
"redirect_uri": ""
Value to return: 8748d39f-1d4f-311f-92c6-4b279db1b317
Is it possible with JSONPath or XPath?
You can do it with this somewhat convoluted xpath expression:
"redirect_uri": ""

POST to GET Scenario, method body to query string parameter

I think I hit an AWS API Gateway scenario that doesn't appear to have a solution.
I am trying to create a json POST endpoint to validate an address against a USPS service.
The ultimate request looks like this:<AddressValidateRequest USERID="SECRET"><Address><Address1>101 Foo Lane</Address1></Address2><City>Somewhereville</City><State>CA</State><Zip5>90210</Zip5><Zip4></Zip4></Address></AddressValidateRequest>
The issue I'm having is I need to set the XML query string parameter based on my passed in method body, e.g.:
address: "101 Foo Lane",
city: "Somewhereville",
state: "CA",
zip: "90210"
It appears in the Integration Request, I can specify the "Mapped from", but I can't access the method body, only the method.request.{"path", "querystring" | "header"}.{param_name}
Also there doesn't appear for me to construct a param_name value in the Method Request setup from the incoming method body.
The XML to JSON response mapping is working great if I provide a hard coded XML query string, so I'm down to just the request mapping.
You can map the body to request parameter using method.request.body.JSONPath_EXPRESSION but you can't construct the request parameter using a template similar to what can be done for integration request body. All the available mappings are documented here -

Invalid_request_parameter (create and sending envelopes)

I'm trying to use a service of DocuSign API in an abap project. I want to send a document to a specific email so it can be signed. But im getting the following error:
"errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER",## "message": "The request contained at least one invalid parameter. Query parameter 'from_date' must be set to a valid DateTime, or 'envelope_ids' or 'transaction_ids' must be specified.
I tried the following:
CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url
url = l_url (')
proxy_host = co_proxy_host
proxy_service = co_proxy_service
client = lo_http_client
lo_http_client->request->set_method( method = 'POST').
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'Accept'
value = 'application/json'.
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'X-DocuSign-Authentication'
value = get_auth_header( ). (json auth header)
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_cdata
data = create_body( ).
This is my body:
`"emailSubject": "DocuSign REST API Quickstart Sample",`
`"emailBlurb": "Shows how to create and send an envelope from a document.",`
`"recipients": {`
`"signers": [{`
`"email": "test#email",`
`"name": "test",`
`"recipientId": "1",`
`"routingOrder": "1"`
`"documents": [{`
`"documentId": "1",`
`"name": "test.pdf",`
`"documentBase64":` `"` l_encoded_doc `"`
`"status": "sent"`
`}` INTO re_data.
The api request to get the Baseurl is working fine. (I know the error is quite specific what the problem is, but i cant find any sources on the docusign api documentation that one of the mentioned parameters should be added to the request)
Thank you in regards
The error message seems to indicate that you're Posting to an endpoint that requires certain query string parameters -- but you're not specifying them as expected in the query string. I'd suggest you check the DocuSign API documentation for the operation you are using, to determine what query string parameters it requires, and then ensure that you're including those parameters in your request URL.
If you can't figure this out using the documentation, then I'd suggest that you update your post to clarify exactly what URL (endpoint) you are using for the request, including any querystring parameters you're specifying in the URL. You can put fake values for things like Account ID, of course -- we just need to see the endpoint you are calling, and what qs params you're sending.
To create an envelope, use
instead of
Thank you for all the answers, i found the mistake. Creating the request wasn´t the problem. I was using the wrong "sending"-method -_-.
now its working :)
lo_rest_client->post( EXPORTING io_entity = lo_request_entity ).

Graph API - get JSON data without "paging" key

I'm getting facebook data using graph api, adding fields in string and get JSON result.
But JSON returned contains a "paging" key and I do not I want this key.
{ "music":{
I'm using Java API ( to get JSON.
The command in java is:
FacebookClient client = new DefaultFacebookClient("ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE");
JsonObject rMusic = client.fetchObject("ID_HERE", JsonObject.class, Parameter.with("fields", "id,name,religion,birthday,music"));
How do I avoid it or remove it?
When you have your Javascript object built from the JSON, just pay attention to the array of data:
And forget about the paging property:
Remember, there's no law in coding that you have to look at every property in your scripts.
Based upon the edit to the question above, here's a new answer.
The Rest API is deprecated. You should upgrade your app to use the Graph API as this is the one being supported.
Also, if you see a property you don't like, you don't have to access it. Remember, there's no law in coding that you have to look at every property in your scripts.