Access nested body property from HTTP resolver(AppSync) - aws-appsync

I'm new to AWS AppSync and I am trying to access certain body property(from HTTP response) in my resolver's response mapping template.
For example: I am able to present the response as is via $util.toJson($ctx.result.body), but when I try to get some of the nested body properties it fails.
For example, imagine the body looks like this:
and $util.toJson($ctx.result.body.about) returns null. Any thoughts?

I found a way extract the parsed body in the following way:
#set ($parsed_body = $util.parseJson($ctx.result.body))
And then I am able to access the properties via dot notation:
The part I was missing is $util.parseJson(<json-string>)
It seems that the body is a JSON string.


SugarCRM REST API v11 filtering records

I am using postman application to do a SugarCRM POST request, following is the request
I am getting the error
"error": "invalid_parameter",
"error_message": "Unexpected filter type string."
but when I remove the filter, I get the response
what am I doing wrong
The filter is defined as array via the key and in an assoc array style rather than json. That's weird, but that's how it works in Sugar Query-String params.
Alternatively you can use the POST /filter endpoint instead of GET.
Then you can pass all params in the request body as json.
PS: Also are you sure you mean $is_null and not $empty?
try this:
filter[0][name][$starts]=any text

How to access invoke response object variable in following steps of assembly

the assembly of my API Connect API contains two invokes. The first is calling an internal routing API to get some routing information. The response of this routing API should not be passed to the second invoke.
If I do not configure a 'response object variable' in the invoke of the routing API, the original request body is overwritten and the second API gets the result from the routing API as request body. And if I specify a 'response object variable' in the routing invoke, I can not access the content (json) of this variable in the following steps.
How can I solve this issue?
Thx 4 help.
Rather than relying on reading the request object, you can read from your configured 'response object variable' later on in the flow. For instance, if your first invoke has a response object variable set to 'resp1', you can access the JSON payload using '$(resp1.body)' later on in the flow. Using this technique will allow you to store the response of each invoke in a separate object, avoiding the overwriting issue. These response object variables can be read just like any other context variable in the flow.
For more info, check out these links in the Knowledge Center:
Invoke Policy:
Context Variables:
I don't understand this part:
[...] "And if I specify a 'response object variable' in the routing
invoke, I can not access the content (json) of this variable in the
following steps." [...]
Why can't you access the content of this variable in the following steps?
Save copy of the request...
... that you received. What I'd do is always save a copy of the data received in the invoke to a processed variable instead of the (raw) original request.
In your GatewayScript try something like this:
let objRequest = apim.getvariable("request");
let body = null;
Here I recommend you to change the body (if json) to a standard js object
if(objRequest && objRequest.hasOwnProperty("body")){
body = JSON.parse(objRequest.body);
body = objRequest.body;
Remember to stringify the complete object before saving it as global variable. Is the only way to store it (because you can only store a string value in this kind of variables)
apim.setvariable("objRequest", JSON.stringify(objRequest));
Retrieve copy of the request...
...that you have saved in global variables you can get it from any other GatewayScript that you want this way:
let objRequest = JSON.parse(apim.getvariable("objRequest"));
Be careful not to assign an existent name to the apim.setvariable(name, value) because if you use "request" as name instead of "objRequest" (or other), you'll be replacing the original request element, and we don't want that to happen.
If you need to set or retrieve the status.code... can do it with:
let statusCode = objRequest.body.status.code;

POST to GET Scenario, method body to query string parameter

I think I hit an AWS API Gateway scenario that doesn't appear to have a solution.
I am trying to create a json POST endpoint to validate an address against a USPS service.
The ultimate request looks like this:<AddressValidateRequest USERID="SECRET"><Address><Address1>101 Foo Lane</Address1></Address2><City>Somewhereville</City><State>CA</State><Zip5>90210</Zip5><Zip4></Zip4></Address></AddressValidateRequest>
The issue I'm having is I need to set the XML query string parameter based on my passed in method body, e.g.:
address: "101 Foo Lane",
city: "Somewhereville",
state: "CA",
zip: "90210"
It appears in the Integration Request, I can specify the "Mapped from", but I can't access the method body, only the method.request.{"path", "querystring" | "header"}.{param_name}
Also there doesn't appear for me to construct a param_name value in the Method Request setup from the incoming method body.
The XML to JSON response mapping is working great if I provide a hard coded XML query string, so I'm down to just the request mapping.
You can map the body to request parameter using method.request.body.JSONPath_EXPRESSION but you can't construct the request parameter using a template similar to what can be done for integration request body. All the available mappings are documented here -

What is the proper way to add a map in a REST request

I'm using Google Endpoint and for one of my entities I want to create a POST request that adds a map of properties. What is the right way to do it?
I know Google Endpoint can receive a Collection as a parameter, but I want to add a map (unknown key values).
Should I pass a JSON as a parameter or just add the JSON in the body of the request and extract it from the HttpServletRequest object?
I would avoid passing it as a parameter. You can send it in the body of the request and then use json library to get a python object.
Every JSON object is a map, so it looks like the most obvious choice. GSON makes it easy, but you can use other parsers too.
Type type = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>(){}.getType();
Map<String, String> myMap = gson.fromJson("{'k1':'apple','k2':'orange'}", type);

Web API calls with RestSharp - prepends application/json to body causing null parameter on action

I have a Web API service that I'm trying to access via the console using RestSharp. My RestSharp code looks like this:
RestClient client = new RestClient(baseUrlString);
RestRequest request = new RestRequest("controllername/actionname");
request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
ProcessQuestion model = new ProcessQuestion()
Id = "123456",
InstanceId = "123",
UniqueId = "bfb16a18-d0d6-46ab-a5b3-2f0ebbfe8626",
PostedAnswer = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "question_7907_1", "selected" }, { "question_7907_2", "selected" } }
var response = client.Execute(request)
My Web API action takes a model that has the same parameters as the above model. When the call executes, the binding fails and the parameter is null. I suspect this is due to the RestRequest.AddBody method prepending application/json to the body value as shown below:
If I post using Fiddler the body binds to the model properly. Below is the body value I provided in Fiddler:
Note that the body value in fiddler is the same with the exception of prepending the application/json key.
Also to note: I've tried what seems like everything...I've separated the parameters out in the action, used FromBody and FromUri attributes, tried custom DictionaryModelBinder's, tried custom ValueBinders, tried changing the way I'm using RestSharp (AddParameter with a RequestBody parameter, AddObject, different URL styles, etc.).
Has anyone else encountered this, and if so, did you solve it? I chose Web API for this service with hopes the model binding would work as it does in MVC, but I'm seeing that isn't the case.
EDIT (resolved):
RestSharp automatically uses the JsonSerializer for objects passed in the AddBody method. I figured I was missing something simple, and indeed I was... Adding the Method.Post parameter to the RestRequest instantiation solved the problem.
Specify the method when creating the request:
RestRequest request = new RestRequest("controllername/actionname", Method.POST);
Not sure what the default serializer is for body - you can try making it explicit:
I'm not sure where the 'application/json' is coming from - that's the Content-Type header you should be sending with your request, definitely not part of the body. So do this instead:
request.AddHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
If this doesn't help, try making your code as similar to the example on their site as possible. Try removing complexity (even if it means changing the required functionality) - get it to a point when it works and build additional functionality on that.