Enabling NodeLocalDNS fails - kubernetes

We have 2 clusters on GKE: dev and production. I tried to run this command on dev cluster:
gcloud beta container clusters update "dev" --update-addons=NodeLocalDNS=ENABLED
And everything went great, node-local-dns pods are running and all works, next morning I decided to run same command on production cluster and node-local-dns fails to run, and I noticed that both PILLAR__LOCAL__DNS and PILLAR__DNS__SERVER in yaml aren't changed to proper IPs, I tried to change those variables in config yaml, but GKE keeps overwriting them back to yaml with PILLAR__DNS__SERVER variables...
The only difference between clusters is that dev runs on 1.15.9-gke.24 and production 1.15.11-gke.1.

Apparently 1.15.11-gke.1 version has a bug.
I recreated it first on 1.15.11-gke.1 and can confirm that node-local-dns Pods fall into CrashLoopBackOff state:
node-local-dns-28xxt 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 5 5m9s
node-local-dns-msn9s 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 6 8m17s
node-local-dns-z2jlz 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 6 10m
When I checked the logs:
$ kubectl logs -n kube-system node-local-dns-msn9s
2020/04/07 21:01:52 [FATAL] Error parsing flags - Invalid localip specified - "__PILLAR__LOCAL__DNS__", Exiting
Upgrade to 1.15.11-gke.3 helped. First you need to upgrade your master-node and then your node pool. It looks like on this version everything runs nice and smoothly:
$ kubectl get daemonsets -n kube-system node-local-dns
node-local-dns 3 3 3 3 3 addon.gke.io/node-local-dns-ds-ready=true 44m
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=node-local-dns
node-local-dns-8pjr5 1/1 Running 0 11m
node-local-dns-tmx75 1/1 Running 0 19m
node-local-dns-zcjzt 1/1 Running 0 19m
As it comes to manually fixing this particular daemonset yaml file, I wouldn't recommend it as you can be sure that GKE's auto-repair and auto-upgrade features will overwrite it sooner or later anyway.
I hope it was helpful.


Kubernetes replicate pod modification to other pods

I have a k8s cluster with 3 nodes.
With kubectl command i enter in a pod shell and make some file editing:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty <pod-name> -- /bin/bash
at this point i have one pod wit correct editing and other 2 replicas with old file.
My question is:
There is a kubectl commend for, starting from a specific pod, overwrite current replicas in cluster for create n equals pods?
Hope to be clear
So many thanks in advance
You can use a kubectl plugin called: kubectl-tmux-exec.
All information on how to install and use this plugin can be found on GitHub: predatorray/kubectl-tmux-exec.
As described in the How to Install Dependencies documentation.
The plugin needs the following programs:
I've created a simple example to illustrate you how it works.
Suppose I have a web Deployment and want to create a sample-file file inside all (3) replicas.
$ kubectl get deployment,pods --show-labels
deployment.apps/web 3/3 3 3 19m app=web
pod/web-96d5df5c8-5gn8x 1/1 Running 0 19m app=web,pod-template-hash=96d5df5c8
pod/web-96d5df5c8-95r4c 1/1 Running 0 19m app=web,pod-template-hash=96d5df5c8
pod/web-96d5df5c8-wc9k5 1/1 Running 0 19m app=web,pod-template-hash=96d5df5c8
I have the kubectl-tmux_exec plugin installed, so I can use it:
$ kubectl plugin list
The following compatible plugins are available:
$ kubectl tmux-exec -l app=web bash
After running the above command, Tmux will be opened and we can modify multiple Pods simultaneously:

status ErrImageNeverPull unable to set up kubernetes dashboard on Mac

I am using DOCKER desktop to setup kubernetes. I have used below command to install kubernetes dashboard on mac
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/aio/test-resources/kubernetes-dashboard-local.yaml
when i use kubectl get pod --namespace=kube-system
coredns-6dcc67dcbc-2qdls 1/1 Running 0 4h50m
coredns-6dcc67dcbc-nqm76 1/1 Running 0 4h50m
etcd-docker-desktop 1/1 Running 0 4h49m
kube-apiserver-docker-desktop 1/1 Running 0 4h50m
kube-controller-manager-docker-desktop 1/1 Running 0 4h49m
kube-proxy-pq9pv 1/1 Running 0 4h50m
kube-scheduler-docker-desktop 1/1 Running 0 4h49m
kubernetes-dashboard-local-599bb4877f-6nnkz 0/1 ErrImageNeverPull 0 138m
kubernetes-metrics-scraper-head-787ff8f87-rrq67 1/1 Running 0 138m
i wanted to know what is that "ErrImageNeverPull" of that POD. it is not even allowing me to describe/delete by that name.
kubectl describe pod kubernetes-dashboard-local-599bb4877f-6nnkz
Error from server (NotFound): pods "kubernetes-dashboard-local-599bb4877f-6nnkz" not found
How to fix or get rid of that so that i can successfully proceed further.
That YAML file specifies:
image: kubernetes/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:head
imagePullPolicy: Never
So ErrImageNeverPull means that (a) that exact image name doesn't exist on the node where the pod is scheduled, and (b) imagePullPolicy: Never tells it to not try to fetch it.
Since the pod is not in the default namespace, you need to provide the kubectl --namespace kube-system option option to every command that tries to interact with it (not just get pod but also describe pod, delete deployment, etc.).
It looks like you've pulled a deployment spec from inside the dashboard's test tree which is intended to be used by a developer actively working on the dashboard code. The installation instructions have a different YAML file to use. (This link to the GitHub repo is probably more stable than the link to the version-specific YAML file that's there.)

Dont delete pods in rolling back a deployment

I would like to perform rolling back a deployment in my environment.
kubectl rollout undo deployment/foo
Steps which are perform:
create pods with old configurations
delete old pods
Is there a way to not perform last step - for example - developer would like to check why init command fail and debug.
I didn't find information about that in documentation.
Yes it is possible, before doing rollout, first you need to remove labels (corresponding to replica-set controlling that pod) from unhealthy pod. This way pod won't belong anymore to the deployment and even if you do rollout, it will still be there. Example:
$kubectl get deployment
sleeper 1/1 1 1 47h
$kubectl get pod --show-labels
sleeper-d75b55fc9-87k5k 1/1 Running 0 5m46s pod-template-hash=d75b55fc9,run=sleeper
$kubectl label pod sleeper-d75b55fc9-87k5k pod-template-hash- run-
pod/sleeper-d75b55fc9-87k5k labeled
$kubectl get pod --show-labels
sleeper-d75b55fc9-87k5k 1/1 Running 0 6m34s <none>
sleeper-d75b55fc9-swkj9 1/1 Running 0 3s pod-template-hash=d75b55fc9,run=sleeper
So what happens here, we have a pod sleeper-d75b55fc9-87k5k which belongs to sleeper deployment, we remove all labels from it, deployment detects that pod "has gone" so it creates a new one sleeper-d75b55fc9-swkj9, but the old one is still there and ready for debugging. Only pod sleeper-d75b55fc9-swkj9 will be affected by rollout.

Kubernetes coredns pods stuck in Pending status. Cannot start the dashboard

I am building a Kubernetes cluster following this tutorial, and I have troubles to access the Kubernetes dashboard. I already created another question about it that you can see here, but while digging up into my cluster, I think that the problem might be somewhere else and that's why I create a new question.
I start my master, by running the following commands:
> kubeadm reset
> kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=[MASTER_IP] > file.txt
> tail -2 file.txt > join.sh # I keep this file for later
> kubectl apply -f https://git.io/weave-kube/
> kubectl -n kube-system get pod
coredns-fb8b8dccf-kb2zq 0/1 Pending 0 2m46s
coredns-fb8b8dccf-nnc5n 0/1 Pending 0 2m46s
etcd-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 93s
kube-apiserver-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 93s
kube-controller-manager-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 113s
kube-proxy-lxhvs 1/1 Running 0 2m46s
kube-scheduler-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 93s
Here we can see that I have two coredns pods stuck in Pending state forever, and when I run the command :
> kubectl -n kube-system describe pod coredns-fb8b8dccf-kb2zq
I can see in the Events part the following Warning :
Failed Scheduling : 0/1 nodes are available 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate.
Since it is a Warning and not and Error, and that as a Kubernetes newbie, taints does not mean much to me, I tried to connect a node to the master (using the previously saved command) :
> cat join.sh
kubeadm join [MASTER_IP]:6443 --token [TOKEN] \
--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:[ANOTHER_TOKEN]
> ssh [USER]#[WORKER_IP] 'bash' < join.sh
This node has joined the cluster.
On the master, I check that the node is connected:
> kubectl get nodes
kubemaster NotReady master 13m v1.14.1
kubeslave1 NotReady <none> 31s v1.14.1
And I check my pods :
> kubectl -n kube-system get pod
coredns-fb8b8dccf-kb2zq 0/1 Pending 0 14m
coredns-fb8b8dccf-nnc5n 0/1 Pending 0 14m
etcd-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-apiserver-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-controller-manager-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-proxy-lxhvs 1/1 Running 0 14m
kube-proxy-xllx4 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 2m16s
kube-scheduler-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 13m
We can see that another kube-proxy pod have been created and is stuck in ContainerCreating status.
And when I am doing a describe again :
kubectl -n kube-system describe pod kube-proxy-xllx4
I can see in the Events part multiple identical Warnings :
Failed create pod sandbox : rpx error: code = Unknown desc = failed pulling image "k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1": Get https://k8s.gcr.io/v1/_ping: dial tcp: lookup k8s.gcr.io on [::1]:53 read up [::1]43133->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
Here are my repositories :
docker image ls
k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy v1.14.1
k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver v1.14.1
k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager v1.14.1
k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler v1.14.1
k8s.gcr.io/coredns 1.3.1
k8s.gcr.io/etcd 3.3.10
k8s.gcr.io/pause 3.1
And so, for the dashboard part, I tried to start it with the command
> kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/aio/deploy/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
But the dashboard pod is stuck in Pending state.
kubectl -n kube-system get pod
coredns-fb8b8dccf-kb2zq 0/1 Pending 0 40m
coredns-fb8b8dccf-nnc5n 0/1 Pending 0 40m
etcd-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 38m
kube-apiserver-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 38m
kube-controller-manager-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 39m
kube-proxy-lxhvs 1/1 Running 0 40m
kube-proxy-xllx4 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 27m
kube-scheduler-kubemaster 1/1 Running 0 38m
kubernetes-dashboard-5f7b999d65-qn8qn 1/1 Pending 0 8s
So, event though my problem originaly was that I cannot access to my dashboard, I guess that the real problem is deeper thant that.
I know that I just put a lot of information here, but I am a k8s beginner and I am completely lost on this.
There is an issue I experienced with coredns pods stuck in a pending mode when setting up your own cluster; which I resolve by adding pod network.
Looks like because there is no Network Addon installed, the nodes are taint as not-ready. Installing the Addon would remove the taints and the Pods will be able to schedule. In my case adding flannel fixed the issue.
EDIT: There is a note about this in the official k8s documentation - Create cluster with kubeadm:
The network must be deployed before any applications. Also, CoreDNS
will not start up before a network is installed. kubeadm only
supports Container Network Interface (CNI) based networks (and does
not support kubenet).
Actually it is the opposite of a deep or serious issue. This is a trivial issue. Always you see a pod stuck on Pending state, it means the scheduler is having a hard time to schedule the pod; mostly because there are no enough resources on the node.
In your case it is a taint that has the node, and your pod doesn't have the toleration. What you have to do is to describe the node and get the taint:
kubectl describe node | grep -i taints
Note: you might have more then one taint. So you might want to do kubectl describe no NODE since with grep you will only see one taint.
Once you get the taint, that will be something like hello=world:NoSchedule; which means key=value:effect, you will have to add a toleration section in your Deployment. This is an example Deployment so you can see how it should look like:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
app: nginx
replicas: 10
type: Recreate
app: nginx
- image: nginx
name: nginx
- containerPort: 80
name: http
- effect: NoExecute #NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule
key: node
operator: Equal
value: not-ready
tolerationSeconds: 3600
As you can see there is the toleration section in the yaml. So, if I would have a node with node=not-ready:NoExecute taint, no pod would be able to be scheduled on that node, unless would have this toleration.
Also you can remove the taint, if you don need it. To remove a taint you would describe the node, get the key of the taint and do:
kubectl taint node NODE key-
Hope it makes sense. Just add this section to your deployment, and it will work.
Set up the flannel network tool.
Running commands:
$ sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1
$ kubectl apply -f

Kubernetes - does not start the role of master

I'm starting a Kubernetes cluster of 3 nodes (1 master, 2 worker)
Trying to go by steps described in Ansible playbook - https://gitlab.com/LinarNadyrov/gcp/tree/master
Applying playbook steps 1,2,3 consequentially
After than, I connect to master to check status:
master NotReady master 17m v1.13.0
enter link description here
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
coredns-86c58d9df4-7jc4b 0/1 Pending 0 3h45m
coredns-86c58d9df4-929xf 0/1 Pending 0 3h45m
etcd-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
kube-apiserver-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
kube-controller-manager-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
kube-flannel-ds-5jhbx 0/1 Pending 0 7h20m
kube-flannel-ds-wqfvs 0/1 Pending 0 7h20m
kube-proxy-gmngj 1/1 Running 2 7h27m
kube-proxy-ppbqp 1/1 Running 1 7h20m
kube-proxy-r2rn6 1/1 Running 1 7h20m
kube-scheduler-officemasterkub 1/1 Running 2 7h26m
Status is NotReady
Could anyone help me with it?
What's the problem? What should be done to fix it? Maybe I missed something?
Thanx in advance!
Линар Надыров the problem here is with your flannel yaml file. You did not specify any resources in the DaemonSet so there are no flannel pods spawning.
I did not check any further as it was enough reason why is this issue occurring. You can use this yaml if this is for testing purposes. Or edit your accordingly to the provided example.
In your file change the line 43 to:
shell: kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml >> pod_network_setup.txt
You can find more about DaemonSets here.