Input text has password indication icon - forms

In my form input I have a simple
input type="text" but the field is showing password icon why is this happening? input text field


format text in flutter web after pasting text

I have a text field in chat application where I paste a text with line breaks and spaces in between which is properly formatted but after pasting it on the text field and submitting it all the format is gone and all I get is a just paragraph, I am using a text widget to display the message what am I doing wrong.
haan. i will try to help u out.
create a variable of your text and call that in ur textfield
var text= 'hello stackoverflow';
use setstate to save that variable by textfield and print that by calling that variable

AppleScript Error Code -1700

This is the error that pops up when I try my script out:
Script Error ---- Can’t make {button returned:"Enter", text returned:"testing"} into type Unicode text.
I'm trying to have users enter a Username so that they that have their Documents folder be linked to a file server.
I have that part separate but now on this part of having the user input their username so when I have ln -s /Volumes/Drive/Documents Documents the username will automatically pull from the script and input it by itself so the Documents folder and File server could be linked.
Basically trying to make it to where the user doesn't have to go into the terminal and link the two together. I'm not sure why the error code is popping up other than it is probably having to deal with the set Username part of the script so not completely sure.
set Username to (display dialog "Enter your NetID Username" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Enter"} default button 2)
tell application "Terminal"
do script "'ln -s /Volumes/Drive/Documents Documents'" & Username
end tell
return input
The error message
Can’t make {button returned:"Enter", text returned:"testing"} into type Unicode text.
is pretty clear.
display dialog returns a record, not a string so you have to write
set Username to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your NetID Username" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Enter"} default button 2)
Or if you need to handle the button and the returned text write
set {button returned:buttonReturned, text returned:textReturned} to display dialog "Enter your NetID Username" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Enter"} default button 2

Can't enter text to textfield with input type 'email'

I can't seem to enter text into a email type text field. How to enter text to a text field with email type?
Here is the code snippets i got from the page:
<input type="email" name="email-123" ng-model="value123" ng-disabled="(v.disable === true)">
Here is what I have tried so far and it is not working,
type | xpath=/html/body/div[1]/portal/div/div/tenants/div/div/div[2‌​]/form/div[1]/div/di‌​v/md-content/fieldse‌​t[3]/div[1]/div/div/‌​md-input-container/i‌​nput[#name='email-12‌​3'] | ""
The first thing I'd do is try to simplify the xpath, you don't need to start from the very beginning of the page. If the element is unique,
will suffice. It may just be failing to resolve such a long xpath to find the element.

How to use glyphicon in a form input field?

How can we use a glyphicon icon inside a input text field?for example-how to use a calender icon in the input text field

iOS UITextField formatted for time

I have a UITextField which I created programmatically. This text field is used to input a time. The placeholder text is "00:00:00.000". When the text field is tapped, a number pad will appear. Ideally, I want the gray place holder text to remain as the user types. As they enter a number, it replaces the gray zeros in the place holder text and skips over the colons and period (leaving the format intact without the user entering any punctuation). If it is not possible to keep the place holder text and replace it as the user types, I would like the punctuation to automatically be entered.
Thanks in advance!
iOS has a UIDatePicker control for this, if you want to go the way you are going then you will have handle all the user input your self.