Open all files with a certain extension in Powershell - powershell

On Linux if I am in a directory and I want to open all .py files with an application (such as atom), I would simply type atom *.py and then all .py files will open with atom. If I type the same thing in Powershell, I receive an error, so I assume the syntax is different on Powershell. How would I accomplish this with Powershell?
Sorry if this is a very beginner question, its my first time using Powershell.

Collect the files you want to open first, then pipe them to the call of your external program:
Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include *.py | ForEach-Object {Start-Process -FilePath atom.exe -ArgumentList "`"$($_.FullName)`""}
Adjust the path to your external program if needed and also the the argument list (named arguments instead positional for example). Through the special quoting, this statement is prepared to even handle filenames with spaces.
If this line is to long for your *nix background, you can shrink it to:
gci *.py|%{start atom "`"$($_.FullName)`""}

Try this:
& "Full path of atom.exe" #("*.py")

If atom is set as the default for items with the .py extension you could run gi *.py. Assuming this is not the case i'd right some function as part of a profile script to do this:
$AtomPath = "Path\To\Atom.exe"
function openWithAtom{
Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include $args[0] | ForEach-Object {Start-Process -FilePath $AtomPath -ArgumentList "`"$($_.FullName)`""}
new-item alias:atom -value openWithAtom
then you would run it with this: atom *.py, or atom
This tutorial should help with seting up a profile
Also if you haven't already id style your window so it looks more like a terminal.


Powershell Script: Search for BATs with specific name and run them

back with another request to try and make my life a little easier. The problem: one of the programs I use deposits BMPs (yes, bitmaps, this is an ancient app, and no, I can't configure it not to make BMPs) where I don't need them. I've got a BAT file that can sweep a folder and remove them, but what I'd really like to do is put a copy of said BAT file in each folder where it leaves them, and then every time I run a backup cycle, have it search for those BAT files, and wherever it finds one, run it. (I'd also need to know how to tell it "look in the same folder you're in"--I think I can do that by something like $searchfolder = "." but please correct me if I'm wrong)
I'm guessing this is a Get-Childitem and ForEach, but I've taken a few stabs at it and it won't work. Does anyone have an idea how to go about it?
This is what I've got so far for the parent script to find all instances of "Clear_BMPs.bat":
Get-ChildItem $sourceDir -Include Clear_BMPs.bat -Recurse | ForEach-Object { call "Clear_BMPs.bat" }
And this is what I've got in the child script, to get rid of the BMPs themselves (the filename for it is "Clear_BMPs.bat":
$searchfile = "*.bmp"
$targetdir = ".\"
Get-ChildItem $targetdir -Include $searchfile | foreach{ "Removing file $($_.FullName)"; Remove-Item -force $_}
I'm still trying to get the Clear_BMPs.bat files to work properly but in my vision it will only search the root of the folder it's in, and not recurse through subdirectories.
Since you're calling from PowerShell, there's no reason to involve batch files, given that the code is under your control.
Indeed, what you show as the content of a Clear_BMPs.bat batch file is PowerShell code, which means you need to store it in a .ps1 file, not a .bat file.
Therefore, your recursive invocation that executes all .ps1 files should look like this:
# Find all 'Clear_BMPs.ps1' scripts in the subdir. tree of $sourceDir
# and invoke them.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -LiteralPath $sourceDir -Filter Clear_BMPs.ps1 |
ForEach-Object { & $_.FullName }
And the Clear_BMPs.ps1 files in the various directories should contain:
# Remove all *.bmp files from the same dir. in which this .ps1 script is located.
Remove-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/*.bmp"
Note the use of the automatic $PSScriptRoot variable, which refers to the directory in which the enclosing .ps1 file is located.

Using PowerShell to pass all files of a folder as arguments to a command line program

I'm trying to create a file listing of a folder for a secure file transfer tool. This is what I do:
Get-ChildItem c:\files | % {$_.FullName} > c:\temp\list1.csv
$csv = Import-Csv C:\TEMP\list1.csv -Header Path
The output holds every file in a new line, but I need it in one line.
Required output
"C:\files\Alpha" "C:\files\Beta" "C:\files\Gamma" "C:\files\Delta"
Actual output
The csv file is just what came to my mind first. A variable containing the files formatted like mentioned above would be sufficient. Do you have an idea?
Edit: Thank you #Matthias R. Jessen and #WaitingForGuacamole, you gave me exactly what I wanted.
(Get-ChildItem C:\scripts -File).ForEach({'"{0}"' -f $_.FullName.Replace('"','\"')}) -join " "
However, somehow my tool (written in java) is interpreting the output as one file instead of multiple files in a line.
Below the error message:
Java : Error: The file 'C:\files\Alpha C:\files\Beta C:\files\Delta C:\files\Gamma' was not found and is excluded from the transfer.
I know, that I have to handover the paths differently when using a properties file instead of entering the command manually in PowerShell.
Is there a way on letting the output look like:
"C:\\files\Alpha" "C:\\files\Beta" "C:\\files\Gamma" "C:\\files\Delta"
To pass the file paths of all children of a specific folder to a command line program as separate arguments, just pass the results of
(Get-ChildItem -File).FullName
to the program. Example:
$files = (Get-ChildItem C:\MyFolder -File).FullName
# Expected: myprogram.exe -arg1 -arg2 C:\MyFolder\file1.txt C:\MyFolder\file2.txt ...
myprogram.exe -arg1 -arg2 $files

Change directory in PowerShell

My PowerShell prompt's currently pointed to my C drive (PS C:\>). How do I change directory to a folder on my Q (PS Q:\>) drive?
The folder name on my Q drive is "My Test Folder".
Unlike the CMD.EXE CHDIR or CD command, the PowerShell Set-Location cmdlet will change drive and directory, both. Get-Help Set-Location -Full will get you more detailed information on Set-Location, but the basic usage would be
PS C:\> Set-Location -Path Q:\MyDir
PS Q:\MyDir>
By default in PowerShell, CD and CHDIR are alias for Set-Location.
(Asad reminded me in the comments that if the path contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes.)
To go directly to that folder, you can use the Set-Location cmdlet or cd alias:
Set-Location "Q:\My Test Folder"
Multiple posted answer here, but probably this can help who is newly using PowerShell
SO if any space is there in your directory path do not forgot to add double inverted commas "".
You can simply type Q: and that should solve your problem.
Set-Location -Path 'Q:\MyDir'
In PowerShell cd = Set-Location
You can also use the sl command to be able to change directories. It is Set-Location but it is much shorter.
# Too verbose
Set-Location -Path C:\
# Just the right amount of characters to type
sl C:\
If your Folder inside a Drive contains spaces In Power Shell you can Simply Type the command then drive name and folder name within Single Quotes(''):
Set-Location -Path 'E:\FOLDER NAME'
The Screenshot is attached here
On Powershell use Set-Location instead of cd.
Put path in quotes. Single quotes works for me.
Set-Location 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\6.0'

Right Click context - Search folder .txt & .log files

Still new to PowerShell and have been creating automation scripts, checks and balances and anything I can think of to make our jobs easier day to day. The contract we are working on are extremely tight when it comes to applications and forbids opensource\freeware applications. So I have been working on using powershell to do the job.
Here is what I have so far:
1. Created HKCR\Directory\Shell\powershell (default) Reg_sz Search Folder Text & Log files
2. Created HKCR\Directory\Shell\powershell\command (default) Reg_sz
C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -file c:\temp\RightClickSearch.ps1 -NoExit -Command Set-Location -LiteralPath '%L'
I was able to get the right click to launch and the script opens up and prompts me for my keyword to search. Problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to pass the location to the script properly.
RightClickSearch.ps1 (I know the $path isn't set, before it was hardcoded and I know I have to pass a variable to it from the menu)
$promt = (Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Search Keyword")
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include *.txt, *.log -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern $promt | Format-table -AutoSize -Property LineNumber,Filename,Path
There are two problems with your call to powershell.exe:
You can't specify both the -File and -Command parameters. You can only specify one of them.
Whichever one you do specify, it has to be the last parameter in the command. In your example, the -NoExit and -Command parameters would be ignored. (Type powershell.exe -? for an explanation.)
The good news is that PowerShell scripts themselves can accept arguments by using the param keyword. Simply declare the parameter at the top of your script:
param ($Path)
$promt = (Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Search Keyword")
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include *.txt, *.log -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern $promt | Format-table -AutoSize -Property LineNumber,Filename,Path
You call it from the command line like this:
C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -File c:\temp\RightClickSearch.ps1 -Path '%L'
Since $Path is the one and only parameter, you don't even have to specify its name:
C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -File c:\temp\RightClickSearch.ps1 '%L'
Ironically, you could use the -Command parameter in exactly the same way. The only difference is that your script file will not be dot-sourced, but that won't matter in the example you gave.

Execute Powershell command from script path

First I will give a brief overview of what im trying to achieve. I want to go through a series of HTML files, replace code and then re-save these HTML files. This all works however the PS command will only execute this on HTML files which are on the default Powershell path (for me this is the H drive).
I want to be able to have a seperate folder which contains my powershell script and HTML files and convert them in that folder NOT from the H drive.
The code I have is follows:
Powershell script
$HTMLfiles=get-childitem . *.html -rec
foreach ($files in $HTMLfiles)
(Get-Content $files.PSPath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "this text", "TEST" } | Set-Content $files.PSPath
This successfully changes all HTML files on the H drive that contain the words 'this text' with 'TEST'. I want to be able to change these HTML files from where the Powershell script is located, NOT from the H drive?
I appreciate any help.
Use the built-in variable called $PSScriptRoot to retrieve the files from the same folder where the PowerShell script resides.
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Include *.HTML;
In your script, you ask to the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to look for items in the current directory, to make the script look for files in another directory, you just have to specify it to Get-ChildItem :
$HTMLfiles=get-childitem $HTMLpath *.html -rec
foreach ($files in $HTMLfiles)
(Get-Content $files.PSPath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "this text", "TEST" } | Set-Content $files.PSPath
Edit :
if you want the path to be passed as an argument to your script, just do the following :
$HTMLfiles=get-childitem $HTMLpath *.html -rec
foreach ($files in $HTMLfiles)
(Get-Content $files.PSPath) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "this text", "TEST" } | Set-Content $files.PSPath
then you can call your script in the console (assuming you are in the directory where your script is) : ./myscript "C:\path\to\your\files"
Calling Get-ChildItem . *.html -Rec will get all files under the current working directory. If you happen to be in the same folder as your script when you call it, I'd expect it to work as you want. If you call the script from another path, e.g. by setting up a scheduled task to run powershell.exe <path_to_script> then it may not pick up the files you want. Maybe H: is the root of your Windows user profile?
As per other answers, using $PSScriptRoot or passing the path under which the .html files reside in a parameter would be good. To combine both, you can add a parameter to your script AND set the default value for that parameter to be $PSScriptRoot:
param($HTMLpath = $PSScriptRoot)
This will (1) allow you to specify a remote path if necessary and (2) otherwise default to the path where the script is saved.