I have installed MongoDB Compass, it is installed in here:
And I'm trying to connect to Atlas Cluster, using the string which is:
I typed this in cmd and I get the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.
I tried to the directory into path but I don't think it worked, I'm still getting an error.
What could be the issue?
Thank you in advance!
That happened to me once and it m8ght be because off the whitelist of mongo atlas.
You Can Follow This Code
**When MongoDB Compass Open...Past Your Url And press Connect Button.**
Try connecting it with the standard connection string instead of the srv connection string.
You can find the standard connection string in the Atlas UI itself. while selecting for the connection string in the drop down menu of the mongoshell version select 3.4 or earlier then it will give you a connection string which is the standard one like below:
mongo "mongodb://cluster2-shard-00-00.dmku2.mongodb.net:27017,cluster2-shard-00-01.dmku2.mongodb.net:27017,cluster2-shard-00-02.dmku2.mongodb.net:27017/test?replicaSet=atlas-1ehx3j-shard-0" --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin --username <username> --password <password>
I am a beginer in mongoDB and learning Mongodb atlas.
In MongoDB Atlas, Under database access created username and password ( password is system generated and has no special character)
Under Network access added a public ip address (allow access from anywhere)
Under database deployment loaded sample database.
Now I wanted to see my cluster data, so wanted to connect it to vs code or MongoDB Compass. I clicked connect, selected connect using mongo db compass, copied the string.
now i opened Mongodb compass, and under New connection i.e connect to a MongoDB deployment, i entered my URL
clicked Connect
But i got error as : Unable to connect: connect ECONNREFUSED
How I can fix it, Looking for kind help. Thanks in advance
I'm trying to manage my MongoDB databases through the GUI interface, but I don't how to set up it correctly. At the moment I'm using docker to set up all the necessary and I'm connecting through the command
mongo --host "localhost:27017,localhost:27016".
Now, when I open MongoDB Compass, it ask me for a string of this format:
How can I format my IP correctly?
As #super said, the answer was just mongodb://localhost:27017
i installed MongoDB compass and when i try to connect with hostname localhost ,Port: 27017
i receive this error: connect ECONNREFUSED
I also looked in Task manager and MongoDB was not running. Thank you for your help
MongoDB compass is only a client. you should install the mongo community edition (for development setup) and then use compass client to access it.
MongoDB compass is graphical user interface (GUI) for the actual mongoDB. That is to say, you need an actual mongoDB running in order to be able to interact with the data through the GUI.
Once you have the database install, you can start it by typing the command mongo in the shell. There after you should be able to return to mongoDB compass and view the data in you database (I should mention, I'm assuming that you're running on the default port and on your local machine).
My error goes :
mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0-ts5b5.mongodb.net/test" --username admin-David
MongoDB shell version v4.0.6
Enter password: Cannot get console mode 6
I meant to write password there but I can't proceed to password so I can't connect to Atlas at all. Please sort this problem!!
I ran into this same problem today, I was able to log in by including the password in the same statement where the url and username are.
So in your case try doing this:
mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0-ts5b5.mongodb.net/test" --username admin-David --password <yourPasswordHere>
That worked for me, hopefully it helps!
MongoDB docs reference: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongo/#cmdoption-mongo-username
I would like to drop into the mongo shell in the terminal on my MacBook. However, I'm interested in connecting to a Mongo instance that is running in the cloud (compose.io instance via Heroku addon). I have the name, password, host, port, and database name from the MongoDB URI:
I have installed mongodb on my MacBook using Homebrew not because I want Mongo running on my Mac, but just to get access to the mongo shell program in order to connect to this remote database.
However, I can't find the right command to get me the full shell access I would like. Using instructions found here http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongo/ (search for "remote") I am able to get what looks like a connection, but without giving my username or password I am not fully connected. Running db.auth(username, password) returns 1 (as opposed to "auth fails" when I provide incorrect username and password), but I continue to get an "unauthorized" error message when issuing the show dbs command.
You are probably connecting fine but don't have sufficient privileges to run show dbs.
You don't need to run the db.auth if you pass the auth in the command line:
mongo somewhere.mongolayer.com:10011/my_database -u username -p password
Once you connect are you able to see collections?
> show collections
If so all is well and you just don't have admin privileges to the database and can't run the show dbs
With Mongo 3.2 and higher just use your connection string as is:
mongo mongodb://username:password#somewhere.mongolayer.com:10011/my_database
Another way to do this is:
mongo mongodb://mongoDbIPorDomain:port