Error while connecting MongoDB ATLAS TO MONGO DB COMPASS - mongodb

I am a beginer in mongoDB and learning Mongodb atlas.
In MongoDB Atlas, Under database access created username and password ( password is system generated and has no special character)
Under Network access added a public ip address (allow access from anywhere)
Under database deployment loaded sample database.
Now I wanted to see my cluster data, so wanted to connect it to vs code or MongoDB Compass. I clicked connect, selected connect using mongo db compass, copied the string.
now i opened Mongodb compass, and under New connection i.e connect to a MongoDB deployment, i entered my URL
clicked Connect
But i got error as : Unable to connect: connect ECONNREFUSED
How I can fix it, Looking for kind help. Thanks in advance


Mongo db is not connecting

I have drupal8 application where I use various dbs. When i try to connect with mongo db by giving username and password, connection is not happening. I could connect with mongo db by mentioning server address alone.
note: mongodb is configured with username and password in my server
I tried below methods.
$this->connect_string = 'mongodb://user:password#serveraddress'; (not connecting)
$this->connect_string = 'mongodb://serveraddress'; (connecting)
#$this->connect_string = 'mongodb://user:password#serveraddress:27017/?authSource=dbname';(not connecting)
Php v-7.4, Drupal 8
developed custom module to connect with mongo db, to display news feed (news feed related information stored in mongo db).
how to pass user name & password to connect with mongo db?
Could not find any error logs in mongodb server.

Not able to connect replica set of mongo DB in mongo-kafka source connect

Am using mongo kafka source connector v1.6.. Am trying to connect it replica set of mongo db
I have connection uri like this
the error am getting is
unable to connect server
... username and password is crct and also connectivity to DB also open
can u please tell what am doing wrong

Connecting to MongoDB from AWS Glue

I am trying to create a connection from AWS Glue to MongoDB, but when I test the connection it fails with error: "Check that your connection definition references your Mongo database with correct URL syntax, username, and password. Exiting with error code 30". I know that my connection parameters are correct because I can connect with the same host, port, database, user name, and password from another client application (DataGrip). And I know that my VPC configuration should be correct too because I have another connection in the Glue, to connect to the PostgreSQL database on-premise with public IP, that works just fine.
My MongoDB version is 4.4.1. I am out of ideas what else can cause the problem. Is anyone successfully connects to MongoDB form Glue and run the Crawler?

Can't connect mongoDB Atlas

I cant connect to mongoDB atlas using my app or even compass, I receive that error
connection 11 to closed
That is the first time I try to connect from this local, maybe a LAN problem? at house everthing connects fine
Please add IP in you Mongo Security list to allow your IP to access Mongo.
Help :)

Mongodb connecting to a database with old data when connecting through mongo --host

I have a instance running mongodb. I have used a config file while starting the database using mongod -f mongod.conf. I can connect to this mongodb instance from my application server instance. Recently, due to a software upgrade I had to restart the system. After that, I have been facing the following issue:
When I connect to the mongodb instance using mongo from the database instance(locally), it connects me to the proper database with the latest data. But, when I try to connect it from application server instance using mongo --host "ip_address", it is connecting to the same database but it showing the data which is some days old. I needed to know what the issue is and how will I be able to fetch the latest data which is residing in the database from the application server instance.