MATLAB Initial Objective Function Evaluation Error - matlab

I am trying to create a plot in MATLAB by iterating over values of a constant (A) with respect to a system of equations. My code is pasted below:
function F=Func1(X, A)
%X(1) is c
%X(2) is h
%X(3) is lambda
%A is technology (some constant)
%a is alpha
clear, clc
for countA=1:0.01:10
result(countA,:)=[countA,fsolve(#Func1, init_guess)]
display('The Loop Has Ended')
The first set of code, I am defining the set of equations I am attempting to solve. In the second set of lines, I am trying to write a loop which iterates through the values of A that I want, [1,10] with an increment of 0.01. Right now, I am just trying to get my loop code to work, but I keep on getting this error:
"Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue."
I am not sure why this is the case. From what I understand, this is the result of my initial guess matrix not being the right size, but I believe it should be of size 3, as I am solving for three variables. Additionally, I'm fairly confident there's nothing wrong with how I'm referencing my Func1 code in my Loop code.
Any advice you all could provide would be sincerely appreciated. I've only been working on MATLAB for a few days, so if this is a rather trivial fix, pardon my ignorance. Thanks.

Couple of issues with your code:
1/X(1) in function Func1 is prone to the division by zero miscalculations. I would change it to 1/(X(1)+eps).
If countA is incrementing by 0.01, it cannot be used as an index for result. Perhaps introduce an index ind to increment.
I have included your constant A within the function to clarify what optimization variables are.
Here is the updated code. I don't know if the results are reasonable or not:
ind = 1;
for countA=1:0.01:10
result(ind,:)=[countA, fsolve(#(X) Func1(X,countA), init_guess)];
ind = ind+1;
display('The Loop Has Ended')
function F=Func1(X,A)
%X(1) is c
%X(2) is h
%X(3) is lambda
%A is technology (some constant)
%a is alpha


Write recursive sub-functions and non-recursive sub-functions in Matlab

I'm newbie to Matlab
I have an assignment :
Legendre polynomial Pn(x), n=0,1,2,. . . The recursive formula of is
Write recursive sub-functions and non-recursive sub-functions separately to find the value of the Legendre polynomial function
This is my code :
function P =Legendre(n,x)
syms x;
n = input('n=');
if n==0
elseif n==1
elseif n>=2
But I get an error message:
Unrecognized function or variable 'Legendre'.
Error in ti4 (line 9)
Sorry for the stupid question. Can anyone help me? Thank u so much
A few things are probably going on here.
File name needs to match function name (for the primary function)
In your case, the filename needs to be Legendre.m.
Symbolic toolbox OR do you want an answer
for most uses of this function, I would leave two full inputs, just as you have them. Bur I would remove the first two lines completely.
As it is, the first two lines will break your inputs. The value for n is reset by the input function. I'm actually not sure what happens when you declare an existing variable x, to a sym.
Input consistency
You are setting up a function with two inputs, named n and x. But when you maek your recursive calls you only pass in one variable. The easiest thing to do here is simply keep passing n in as the first input.
(Right now, you are trying to pass in x in the recursive calls, but it will be interpreted as n.)

Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming with linear constraints in Matlab calling Gurobi

I have some troubles to understand how to implement the following MIQP (Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming) with linear constraints in Matlab calling Gurobi.
Let me explain in a schematic way my setting.
(1) x is the unknown and it is a column vector with size 225x1.
(2) The objective function (which should be minimised wrto x) looks like
which can be rewritten as
I have a Matlab script computing alpha, Q,c (Q,c sparse) when some_known_parameters1 are given:
function [alpha, Q,c]=matrix_objective_function(some_known_parameters1)
(3) The constraints are linear in x, include equalities and inequalities, and are written in the form
I have a Matlab script computing Aeq,beq,Aineq,bineq (Aeq,Aineq sparse) when some_known_parameters2 is given:
function [Aeq,beq,Aineq,bineq]=constraints(some_known_parameters2)
(4) Some components of x are restricted to be in {0,1}. I have a Matlab script producing a string of letters B (binary), C (continous) when some_known_parameters3 is given:
function type=binary_continuous(some_known_parameters3)
Now, I need to put together (1)-(4) using Gurobi. I am struggling to understand how. I found this example but it looks very cryptic to me. Below I report some lines I have attempted to write, but they are incomplete and I would like your help to complete them.
rng default
%Define some_known_parameters1,
some_known_parameters2,some_known_parameters3 [...]
%1) generate alpha,Q,c,Aeq,beq,Aineq,bineq,type with Q,c,Aeq, Aineq sparse
[alpha, Q,c]=matrix_objective_function(some_known_parameters1)
%2) Set up Gurobi
clear model;
model.A=[Aineq; Aeq];
model.rhs=full([bineq(:); beq(:)]);
model.sense=[repmat('<', size(Aineq,1),1); repmat('=', size(Aeq,1),1)];
model.Q=Q; %not sure?
model.alpha=alpha; %not sure?
model.c=c; %not sure?
result=gurobi(model); %how do I get just the objective function here without the minimiser?
(1) I'm not sure about
I'm just trying to set the matrices of the objective function using the letters provided here but it gives me error. The example here seems to me doing
But then how do I set alpha? Is it ignoring it because it does not change the set of solutions?
(2) How do I get as output stored in a matrix just the minimum value of the objective function without the corresponding x?
(1) You're right, there's no need to pass the constant alpha since it doesn't affect the optimal solution. Gurobi's MATLAB API only accepts sparse matrices. Furthermore model.obj is always the c vector in the problem statement:
model.Q = sparse(Q);
model.obj = c;
(2) To get the optimal objective value, you first need to pass your model to gurobi and solve it. Then you can access it via the objval attribute:
results = gurobi(model);
val = results.objval + alpha

In Matlab, is there a way to take in a formula as parameter input?

This might seem like a strange thing to do, which it probably is. In my main (or how you call it in matlab) I would like to have all the information needed for the program to run. A change of variables or formulas should only happen in my main.
For example I would like to change the number of iterations and the formula of the hypothese in my main and let other function use these, instead of declaring them within the function themselves and having to edit it all over the place. The problem I face is not knowing how to do this properly for hypothese_formula and wonder if there is a better way of doing this?
function prog1()
iterations = 1;
hypothese_formula = x^2;
doSomethingWithFormulaAndIterations(hypothese_formula, iterations);
Practical: I would to do linear regression with a hypothesis of the formula and specific starting values of theta and don't want them to be hidden within a function. I don't know how to declare global formula's.
You can use anonymous functions.
function prog1()
iterations = 1;
hypothese_formula = #(x) x.^2
doSomethingWithFormulaAndIterations(hypothese_formula, iterations);

Matlab plot won't return correct results

I have written a function that is the beginning of a Poisson Process
function n_t = PoisProc2(t,tao,SIZE)
for n=1:SIZE
if t>tao(1,n)
tao is simply an array of random doubles of length SIZE. For simplicity we'll say [1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,20]
So this functions purpose is to count how many elements of tao that t is greater than for any given t.
This code works fine when I simply write
the answer I get is 19 as expected, but if I write
y shows up as 0 in the workspace (I would expect an array of length 1901) and my plot also reads 0. I'm pretty new to Matlab, but this seems like a pretty simply thing I'm trying to do and I must be missing something obvious. Please help!
Your code does not work as you are giving a vector. So your if condition is not working as you expect.
First initialize n_t with a vector :
instead of
if t>tao(1,n)
Vectorize your expression :
n_t = n_t + (t>tao(1,n))
Because x is a vector in your last example, the "if t>tao(1,n)" statement in your function behave totally different from what you think.
This function below should give you the right result.
function ret = PoisProc2(thresholds, vec)
ret = zeros(size(thresholds));
for k = 1:numel(thresholds)
ret(k) = numel(nonzeros(vec > thresholds(k)));
Side comments:
Your original function is quite C/Java style. You can see in my function, it's replaced by a one-liner "numel(nonzeros(vec > thresholds(k)))", which is more MATLAB style.
I think this can be done with hist() function. But this probably is easier to understand.

How to sort in ascending order the solution vector in each iteration using ODE?

I've got an ODE system working perfectly. But now, I want in each iteration, sort in ascending order the solution vector. I've tried many ways but I could not do it. Does anyone know how to do?
Here is a simplified code:
function dtemp = tanque1(t,temp)
for i=1:N
if i==1
if i>1 && i<N
if i==N
Test Script:
[t temp]=ode45(#tanque1,0:360:18000,inicial);
It looks like you have three different sets of differential equations depending on the index i of the solution vector. I don't think you mean "sort," but rather a more efficient way to implement what you've already done - basically vectorization. Provided I haven't accidentally made any typos (you should check), the following should do what you need:
function dtemp = tanque1(t,temp)
dtemp(1) = (-k(1)*At*(temp(1)-temp(2))/y-U*As(1)*(temp(1)-Tamb))/(ro(1)*vol_nodo*cp(1));
dtemp(2:N-1) = (k(2:N-1).*(diff(temp(1:N-1))-diff(temp(2:N)))*At/y-U*As(2:N-1).*(temp(2:N-1)-Tamb))./(vol_nodo*ro(2:N-1).*cp(2:N-1));
dtemp(N) = (k(N)*At*(temp(N-1)-temp(N))/y-U*As(N)*(temp(N)-Tamb))/(ro(N)*vol_nodo*cp(N));
You'll still need to define N and the other parameters and ensure that temp is returned as a column vector. You could also try replacing N with the end keyword, which might be faster. The two uses of diff make the code shorter, but, depending on the value of N, they may also speed up the calculation. They could be replaced with temp(1:N-2)-temp(2:N-1) and temp(2:N-1)-temp(3:N). It may be possible to collapse these down to a single vectorized equation, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you to attempt if you like.
Note that I also removed a great many unnecessary parentheses for clarity. As you learn Matlab you'll to get used to the order of operations and figure out when parentheses are needed.