i want to use map but not google maps to get my location coordinate and take the data to use it for some purpose, is there any package that are same as google maps ?
for some reason i cannot use google maps bcs it's not my self project
Maybe you can use this package https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_map if you want to show a map. But if you only need to know the device coordinate, I recommend using this library https://pub.dev/packages/geolocator
I am developing a flutter application where I have already integrated google map and I am able to get the current location of the user as well. I want to show the nearby restaurants in the map and want them to be marked on the map. Is there any way I can do that?
You can use google map markers or you can use my our package on the pub.dev which gives you
opportunity to add any widget to any location on the map.
I am building an app that has a map. However, in a different region, there are different map services providers. I want to know is there a way to use the default system map in flutter?
There is a library provide a method that you can use/show native map based on the platform, for ios, apple map is used, for android, google map is used, platform_maps_flutter
Until iOS6, it was possible to use Google Maps API with optimize waypoints parameter for showing an optimized route between many locations. The route on map was shown on UIWebView or in Safari. With iOS6 everything has changed: Apple Map Kit now uses Apple maps, so its illegal to use Google Maps API in it. Currently, MKMapItem allows to call and pass MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey. However, currently it allows to use only two locations. Is there any workaround for that?
Their is a open source class files RegexkitLite that use to find path between two places
follow this documentation for implementation.
please go through this it solve your problem.
I'm making an iPhone location based app and I'm having trouble with the last aspect of it. I was wondering if anyone knows how to integrate a search bar that correlates with the map that we can use from MKMapView.
It's literally a search bar above the map that the user can type in an area and it will take them there.
Is this possible?
I've looked around for tutorials but I have only found how to make an app with a map view, annotations and adding callouts.
What you're looking for is geocoding - the process of turning an address in your search bar into a latitude/longitude coordinate, which you can then set the map's position to.
This question has two main answers. This answer shows how to geocode using a Google API, and this answer shows how to geocode using an Apple API.
If you're using MapKit (which uses Apple maps as of iOS 6.0), then you should probably use the Apple API (you are not supposed to use Google Maps APIs with non-Google maps).
If you're using the new Google Maps SDK for iOS, you might want to use the Google API for geocoding. Although note that the answer I've linked to is using the Google API with MapKit (as it was written back when MapKit was using Google Maps), so you would need to modify it a bit.
In an iPhone application I'm developing I need to get GPS coordinates to perform some actions based on the values received. Users should have two possibilities of giving the location:
automatically from iPhone build-in GPS
by finding a specific point on a map (Google Maps)
I know how to user CLLocationManager to get current position coordinates and I know how to add Google Maps using JS API. What I would like to know if how can I get coordinates for a specific point on a map that user clicks. Is that possible with UIWebView or is there any other way of getting the values I need?
I'd suggest using MapKit framework (introduced in SDK 3.0) that uses google maps services. MKMapView and other classes will provide all functionality you want without the need to mess with java-script:
Displaying google maps
Showing and tracking user location
Easy converting between view coordinates and geo coordinates (see convertPoint:toCoordinateFromView: and convertCoordinate:toPointToView: functions)
Creating and showing custom map markers
Reverse geocoding
etc. :)