Is there any way to add the intellisense support for java language in monaco editor? - autocomplete

Any one know about the how to install java npm intellisense library? or any one know about the npm plugin command of java intellisense library. I want to use it for intellisense purpose in monaco editor


How can I install emmet plugin for NetBeans 12.2?

i'm working in a web development proyect and put the html tags manually is a nightmare. I wanted to install emmet plugin in netbeans but i could't. When i watched videos about how to intall it, it seems like i have very few available plugins for netbeans and the emmet one is not included. Is there any way to install emmet plugin in my IDE? Why can i see very few plugins?

How can I customize Prettier setting using WebStorm IDE without installing package

How can I export all Prettier linter setting from Visual Studio Code and using that in WebStorm?
I am the only person from team that use WebStorm as programming IDE and not Visual Studio Code. Lots of linter Prettier setting required from Visual Studio Code user setting json file.
How can I use that in WebStorm without installing Prettier package or change package.json from project?
You can't use Prettier in WebStorm without installing it, Prettier doesn't come bundled with the IDE. Once you install it per instructions at, you can create a prettier configuration file in the project root folder to set up Prettier according to your preferences

Is there any eclipse plugin available for React JS

I am planning to use React JS with Rest API But after spending long time on google cant find the best way to start. There are no eclipse plugins available for react js. Please suggest how i can start working on React with eclipse or other open source editors.
i had the same issue and ended up to use the atom editor:
Atom is based on google chrome, but you will not feel using google chrome, but a full featured editor with many cool plugins available.
I know, there is a nodeeclipse project but i was not able to install and run it out-of-the-box and it seems that jsx syntax for ES6 was not supported.
Now i really like atom editor, it is very easy to handle. Of course some shortcuts are different compared to eclipse, but anyway, i was really quickly able to produce code.
atom seems to be pretty lightweight and does not eat so much memory like eclipse. So there is no problem developing your reactjs app in atom and have eclipse as second editor running developing your rest app.
Kind regards
Genuitec has an Eclipse plugin called CodeMix that provides wizards, navigation, content assist, validation, and debugging for ReactJS in Eclipse. You can details for all the features that CodeMix provides for for React development on the Genuitec website.
Angelo Zerr's TypeScript IDE includes a JSX editor and provides some support. Search for it in the Eclipse Marketplace Client or go to
I use vim. Plenty support on syntax highlighting on JSX, ES6. auto formatting, unit test running, etc. There are plenty of vim configurations you can find on github so you can get a quick start. An example of mine:
There is not a proper plugin for eclipse, you can use codemix but the code completion are not proper and it is quite slower but for as if now that is the best for eclipse. Use VS code that is the best .
You can not directly install codemix plugin from marketplace, by drag n drop or by marketplace. To install codemix please follow the below steps:

How do I create a typescript project?

I am trying to learn typescript with Node.js and the TypEcs Eclipse plugin. I installed Node.js and did npm install -g typescript. I also followed instructions on the TypEcs front page to install TypEcs with Eclise Luna.
Now I have a typescript perspective as shown below. But there is no project type for TypeScript when I try to create a test project.
My question is,
How should I start a new TS project with TypEcs?
You should install Nodeclipse Enide Studio 2014 plugins for Node.js. Nodeclipse has simple Typescript option in new Node.js project wizards. (It is also better idea to start from simpler JavaScript first)
I am lead of Nodeclipse, I don't yet use Typescript, but I would like to collaborate on the
"Node.js + TypeScript" topic on GitHub. Be ready to share, discuss and research.
I haven't got Eclipse here to test, but I believe you can start by creating any of the available project types that includes JavaScript.
If you aren't sure what to use, choose a static web project (this doesn't have any server-side code).

Aptana Studio CreateJS Code Assist(Auto Complete)

I've recently installed the Aptana Studio 3 (I believe 3.4.1) and wanted to start to use CreateJS. When I start coding, I don't see any code assist or autocomplete for the CreateJS libraries.
Is this something I have to manually add? If so, how?
Or does Aptana Studio 3 just not support this? (What IDE does?)
It doesn't look like Aptana supports Code Assist for the "Createjs" libraries. If you go to "Commands" > "Bundle Developement" > "Install Bundle" you will see a list of libraries which Aptana does support. As far as I know, Jquery is one of the Javascript based libraries which enjoy support in Aptana.