Being notified for changes in namespace of a pod - kubernetes

I have an application running on gcp. I want to set up a mechanism to be notified if there's any change in the namespace. There is an option to use kubernetes Watch to monitor any changes in namespace. But I'm looking for something to create an event or get notification to java application for such a change in namespace. I searched but could not find anything relevant, are there any options to be notified on such namespace changes?

If you are looking for forwarding to use third party app you can use plugin : botkube
If you want to create application in java you can check for respetvice client library of it in official document
Java official client library for Kubernetes :
This is some good example or it you can also use default Kubernetes API and write custom code and run that contained in same Kubernetes cluster to monitor any changes in namespace.

In order to do it, what I would do is deploying an application that checks if there are changes. To do it, you can use kubernetes api. You just need to install curl, instead of kubectl and the rest is restful.
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods
Depending on your configuration you may need to use ssl or provide client certificate.
You should do a script with kubernetes api calls in order to check if there are changes.

I would use watches, depends on your specific use case, you can start here:
Let me know if this doesn't solve your use case, I can suggest other solutions.


Fluency with forward plugin: how to add kubernetes metadata to logs

Hey i have a question.
Im using logback-more-appenders(fluency plugin) to send logs to EFK stack (fluent-bit) which is working in kubernetes cluster, but it lacks kubernetes metadata ( like node/pod names).
I know i can use <additionalField></additionalField> in logbck.xml to add Service name (because this is static), but i cannot do it to dynamic parts like node or pod name.
I tried to do it on fluent-bit side using kubernetes filter, but this works only with tail/systemd inputs not a forward one (it parses tag with filename which contains namespce and pod name). Im using forward plugin to send logs from java software to elasticsearch, and in logback.xml i cannot enter dynamic pod name (or i don't know if i can).
Any tips how i can do it? I prefer to send logs using fluency instead of sniffing host container logs.
In my case, the best i could think of was to change from forward to tail plugin with structured logging (in json).
Have you tried to Pass POD ID and NODE NAME as environment variables in logback.xml as additional fields, that you can attribute the metadata to the logevents?

create kubernetes java client controller to watch pods

I want to use the kubernetes java client to create a controller (using shared informer) to watch for create, update, and delete events for pods in a specific namespace. I've found some examples that watch deployments and list nodes...but cannot find examples for pods. are there any examples that are available?
Maybe you can try the following link to understand what all things are necessary to write a custom controller and try to write your own with JAVA.

How to set MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds in Knative?

I have deployed a service using Cloud run on gke which uses Knative as an abstraction over k8s. The default MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds is set to 600s in the knative default config but according to this PR this is customizable.
I couldn't find anything in the official Knative documentation, can anybody help me out here?
After digging a bit more in knative source code and documentation. It looks like that the MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds is defined in resource=ConfigMap/config-defaults. So have to update it with custom value.
From this it looks like we can use something called as operator to modify the ConfigMap resource but it did not work probably because gcp's does not use operator to install Knative components. Anyways I went on to install the operator and then used resource=knativeserving to overwrite the config-defaults. But this also did not work when I tried re-deploying service.
The next solution is to directly edit the config-defaults using kubectl edit. I even tried doing this but encountered weird behavior. After editing the YAML file when I used kubectl describe to check the changed value, it sometimes shows the modified value, sometimes shows the old value, and sometimes doesn't even show that particular key-value pair in the YAML. Also, it doesn't work when trying to re-deploy the service after doing this edit.
If anyone can help me with this, it would be really great.
MaxRevisionTimeoutSeconds is a cluster-global setting which enforces the max value for TimeoutSeconds on each Revision. This value exists so that cluster administrators can set upper bounds on the amount of time a single HTTP request can be in the system. Knowing an upper bound can be useful when configuring graceful shutdown settings on the HTTP routing components to prevent dropped requests during upgrades.
It's possible that Cloud Run on GKE has overridden these configurations so that they can upgrade the underlying Istio and Knative components on a predictable schedule. (If you have a 10% upgrade budget and it takes 10m to drain a component, your minimum upgrade time is probably around 110m, taking into account additional scheduling / image fetch / startup time.)

Is there a way to hook into a Kubernetes Ingress Resource change event?

I'm creating a minimal custom ingress controller in dotnet core. I can access the k8s ingress resources by querying the api server, but polling doesn't seem like a good solution to update ingress rules since in my use case they aren't changed that often but if they change, the changes should be applied right away.
Is there a way to receive notifications on ingress resource changes? Like registering a webhook or something along the lines? Or is polling the only way?
What dotnet core library are you using? There is a Watch on every resource in the golang client (e.g. ingress). You can find our more about this under "Setup a Watch" section in this article
It looks like there is a Watch example in the kubernetes-client/csharp as well.

pod creation through kubernete api

I want to create pod using kubernete API from a code written in java. I went through the documentation available but did not find it any helpful. I need to understand how the values are received to the respective API's and which fields are mandatory and optional while creation of pods.
Java (OSGi)
Java (Fabric8, OSGi)